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The Darkslayer: Series 2 Special Edition (Bish and Bone Bundle Books 1-5): Sword and Sorcery Adventures

Page 40

by Craig Halloran


  Fogle headed for the door, unhitched the lock, and opened it up.

  He stepped back, blinking, and heard an audible gasp from Kam.

  Filling the doorway, Venir leered down at him. Hard lines and scabs marred his face. His brow buckled over his penetrating eyes. “Fogle,” Venir said, slapping his hand down on Fogle’s shoulder. “I wasn’t expecting you.” He shook him. “How goes it?”

  “Eh … good, Venir. And you are well?”

  Venir pushed his way inside. “I breathe. I live. You can’t have one without the other.” He eyed the apartment and rested his eyes on Kam. “Ah, there she is.” He made his way over to Kam and kneeled down. “I see my little girl’s hungry.” He patted his stomach and eyed Kam. “I could use a meal myself.” He gently stroked the golden locks on the back of Erin’s head. “I feared I might never see this magnificent little creature again.”

  Fogle noted the stained bandages and stiffness in Venir’s gate. There was strain in his deep voice. The man was in pain. He’d suffered wounds most men would have died from. Joline had spent hours stitching him up.

  He’ll never die. “How about some coffee, Venir?” Fogle said.

  “Ah,” Venir stretched his mighty frame up, faced him, and nodded. “I’d like that.” He focused his attention on Kam. “Brak seems fine now. Are you still not speaking to me?”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Hello would be nice,” Venir said, “but if you’d rather hold your tongue, I’ll respect it.” He stepped over the sofa and took a seat. “Ah, such a comforting spot. I’ve missed it.” He patted the cushion. “I’ve spent quite a few nights right here. How about you, Fogle?”

  “Me?” Fogle answered. His hand shook as he poured. Stop that! “Why, no. I just became recently acquainted with it, myself.” He set the mug down on the table. “I’ve gotten accustomed to the sandy pillows in the Outland.”

  “I see,” Venir said. His hand almost covered the hot mug as he picked it up and gulped the coffee down. “I’ve missed that too. The underlings are very good hosts down in those tunnels.” He took another gulp. “But at least you know what to expect from them.” He set the mug down. “So, Brak tells me there has been some trouble of late. More trouble than me, that is. Care to fill me in?”

  Fogle searched for Kam’s eyes.

  She shrugged her eyebrows.

  He eyed the door.

  She shook her head no.

  He nodded.

  “Have a seat, Fogle,” Venir said. He swung his booted heels up on the table. “I’d like to hear more about the venture Billip and Boon took to the Outland.”

  Fogle didn’t want to sit. He wanted to be ready. There was an indescribable tension in the air. And when no one spoke, there was dead silence. His chest tightened. I shouldn’t feel this way.

  “I feel guilty,” Venir said.

  “Excuse me?” Fogle swallowed.

  “Guilty,” Venir said. He slid his long hunting knife out of its sheath. “Not being with them. I should be there…” He shaved the hair off his wrist. “…skinning underlings.” He pointed the knife at Fogle. “I hear there was a strider here, too.”


  “That’s interesting. Did he get a tour of Kam’s apartment too?”

  “That’s enough, Venir,” she said. “And put that knife away.”

  “My grandfather gave me this knife,” Venir said, eyeing it. “Did you know that its edge never dulls? And the blade never stains. I’ve scalped my fair share of underlings with it.”

  “You’ve told me,” Fogle said. “But I didn’t know about the edge.”

  “It’s a fine edge,” Venir said, thumbing the blade in a dreamy state, “A fine edge we walk, isn’t it?”

  Fogle recalled some spells, watching for any sudden moves. He’d fought giants, underlings, and dragons, but he’d never fought against this new enemy that tore him up inside: guilt. He glanced at Kam and then at the barrier between them, Venir. He wanted her more than ever.

  “They aren’t gone more than two days,” Fogle said. “I’m sure you could catch up to them.”

  “I’m sure I could, but I’ve had my fill of underlings and the Outland for a moment. I wouldn’t mind spending time with my daughter and my son before I saunter back down the dusty trail of death. Care to join me, wizard?”

  “I’m in no rush to get back there either,” Fogle said, politely. “And there is a current disaster here that we need to contend with.”

  “Huh,” Venir said, tapping his long knife on his shoulder, “things are getting messy.” He glanced at Kam. “Unexpected. You’d think I’d know better by now.” He finished off his coffee and tossed the mug to Fogle. “I think I’ve had my fill.” He lifted his colossal frame off the couch with a grunt, stepped toward Kam, and kissed the head of his daughter. He made his way for the door, stopping just short of the threshold.

  Fogle had a spell ready on his lips.

  Kam’s eyes shone like emerald moons.

  “Kam, next time I see you,” Venir said, sheathing his knife, “Fogle had better be gone.”


  Palzor slumped backward in his chair. Blood dripped from the table and onto the floor. Three fingers were missing on one hand and two on the other. Melegal and the mintaurs had done fine work, but it was mostly the mintaurs.

  “Keep talking,” Melegal said, “or I’ll have them poke holes in your chest.”

  “There is little more to know,” Palzor said, “Royal Melegal.”

  “I really like how that sounds,” Melegal said. “Thief King will also do.”

  Palzor licked his lips. The handsome man still had his poise about him. An air.

  “Thief King, set me free and I’ll show you all I know.”

  “Ha,” Melegal said, walking away. “I know enough already, I think.”

  Over the past few hours, Palzor had spilled some very detailed information about his operations and contacts, including several Royals. Melegal was most concerned about the Thieves’ Guild’s dealings with underlings, but things were going hand in hand. Trade was the Royals’ way of making peace rather than war. Compromise and cooperate. Lives will be saved. They’d convinced themselves they had it under control.

  “What are you going to do with me?” Palzor said. “Now that you have mutilated me?”

  Melegal touched his fingers to his chest. “Am I supposed to feel guilty? You kidnapped me and turned me over to underlings!”

  Palzor started to speak, but Melegal cut him off.

  “Don’t give me that innocent look, Palzor. I know that you know underlings mar and disfigure living men, women, and children. You know damn well they bury people headfirst in the ground after strangling them with their own entrails, and you think you have been treated poorly?” He slid his knife back out. “Really?”

  “There is a code among thieves, is there not?”

  “You’ve betrayed every pickpocket, cutpurse, and cutthroat. To the enemy of all enemies.”

  Palzor averted his eyes.

  “And I understand The Nest has a price on your head.”

  “Some agree with me, and others don’t.”

  “Yes, the ones whose pockets you have filled with underling gold agree. The rest are fully convinced of your ultimate betrayal.” Melegal stabbed the dagger into the table. “They offer a price for you that I can live with.”

  “They won’t pay you,” Palzor said. “You aren’t one of the guild. You’re a stranger.”

  The half-orc guard returned from outside the warehouse, carrying a small glass jar in his hand. He set it on the edge of the table.

  Palzor’s pale eyes became wide.

  “Ah … you know them,” Melegal said. “And perhaps you don’t know me as well as you think. I haven’t been here very long, but I am quite resourceful.” He removed the lid of the jar.

  Black and yellow caterpillars started to crawl out, each as thick as a thumb.

��Flesh Eaters. I can even see their tiny little teeth. I suppose you are familiar with their work. The more they eat, the bigger they get. In Bone, I saw some as big as a man. It’s a horrible way to go.”

  “Why are you doing this? Will you not negotiate? Please, Royal Melegal.” Palzor tried to scoot his chair away, but the mintaurs held him fast. “I’m no good to you dead.”

  “I don’t want you dead; I just don’t want you alive.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  The caterpillars moved slowly over the table toward one of Palzor’s severed fingers.

  Melegal watched Palzor’s eyes drift from the flesh eaters to himself. “In my experience, a figure such as yourself can only cause trouble for me.”

  Palzor started to speak.

  Melegal cut him off again. “I don’t think of myself as a killer. Murder is a dirty business.” He cleared his throat. “But I think there is some key information that you are withholding from me.” He scooted the amputated finger toward the flesh-eating caterpillars.

  Their tiny teeth dug into it, little chunks at a time. Their black antennae sprang up. They started to enlarge.

  “The bigger the bug, the bigger the bite.”

  A lump went up and down Palzor’s throat. “I’ve no idea what you want,” he whined. “You ask questions. I answer. You ask more questions.” Sweat dripped off his nose. “I’ve answered them all.”

  “You haven’t answered the questions I haven’t asked, though, have you?”

  “How would I do that? I cannot read your mind!”

  “Tut-tut, don’t be coarse with me.” Melegal dragged a chair over and sat down. “Let’s try this, Palzor. If you were interrogating me, what would you ask me? That’s what I want to know.” Using his dagger, he scooped up one insect on the blade and brought it toward Palzor’s enlarging eye. “Now ask me, before I drop him in your trousers.”

  Palzor’s lip trembled.

  “So there is something,” Melegal said. “Don’t hold back, Palzor. Not when you are so very close to dying.”

  “All right,” Palzor said. “There is a depot beneath the city. It’s the heart of everything.”

  “Tell me how to get there,” Melegal said. The caterpillar on his blade reared up in Palzor’s face.

  The City of Three’s dethroned King of the Thieves blathered every last detail. Where the underlings were clustered. Key Royals who were in on it.

  The hive of the fiends was even deeper than Melegal had imagined. He dropped the caterpillars into the jar and placed the lid back on.

  Palzor shook his head. “All of this because you want the underlings? Why?”

  “You’re too blinded by greed to understand.”

  “All thieves are greedy.”

  “But this greedy thief wants to live.”

  “Boss,” Zurth said to Melegal. “You might want to take a look.”

  Melegal made his way over to the small window. Cloaked and stealthy, several figures were closing in. A creaking came from the roof above. Footsteps. Slat.

  A shadow crossed over a moonlit window above the rafters. There was stillness in the air.

  Palzor started to chuckle. “Your time has run out, Melegal.” He twisted his head around. “My forces have figured it out.”

  “Everyone for himself,” Melegal said. “You’ve already been paid. Now go.”

  “Any moment,” Palzor continued to laugh. He stopped and glared at Melegal. “You will be repaid!”

  Glass shattered above. The warehouse door buckled. A swarm of stealthy raiders poured inside.

  “Ha ha ha!” Palzor continued, “I’m going to make you swallow those flesh eaters and watch them eat you from the inside out. Ha ha ha ha—urk!”

  Melegal jammed his dagger through Palzor’s chest. “I don’t leave loose ends. I leave dead ones.” He stared into Palzor’s dying eyes. “Royal Game over.” He scanned the warehouse and doused the lamp. Catch me if you can, amateurs! He sprinted through the darkness.

  Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip!

  A bolt ripped through his leg, and down he went.



  Fogle sat on the sofa, twiddling his thumbs and watching the tears run down Kam’s cheeks as she stared out the window. Venir had been gone an hour, but he still felt the man’s threat.

  “Who does he think he is, telling me who can and cannot be in my room?”

  Fogle could have made a case on Venir’s behalf. After all, Venir was Erin’s father, and he did seem sincere in his care for her. For both of them. But Fogle held back. Let it be her decision.

  “He shows up. He leaves. He shows up. He leaves.”

  She laid Erin down and muttered a spell. A gentle sway rocked the bassinette, and soft music could be heard. Kam walked over to the couch and sat down beside him. “I’m sorry,” she said, “I shouldn’t have brought you into this.”

  “Into what?” Fogle said. “You can be angry and upset if you want. Not that I understand how you feel, but there has been a lifetime’s worth of surprises of late.” He wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her robe. “You’re entitled.”

  She nodded. “You are a reasonable man, Fogle. You don’t try to be too clever with your words.” She sniffled. “I like it.”

  Neither of them said a word for a while, leaving only the soft music of Erin’s crib in the background. A pot of coffee brewed on the stove, and all the tension that was in the room began to fade into something else.

  “He comes back here in pieces,” Kam started. “He’s two steps from death, then comes in here to cuddle as if nothing happened. I can’t take that. I don’t like caring for these men who are so ready to die. I hate it.”

  Fogle remained still. This is a twist.

  “Am I supposed to sew him up and rescue him? Who’s going to rescue me from him? He’s a disaster.”

  I’ll rescue you.

  “Fogle, I don’t want to come between you and him. I don’t want him to hurt you.”

  “Hurt me?” Fogle said. It stirred him. Venir, strapping and rugged as may be, wasn’t a match for a well-placed spell that would rock him on his heels or turn his mind into pillow feathers. Fogle was ready for Venir. It surprised him, but he was. A flick of the tongue, and Venir could be blasted through the door. Or his thoughts turned to mud. “I don’t think he’d do that.”

  “He did before.”

  “True, but that was a time ago. I’m, well …” He caught a flicker of disappointment in Kam’s eyes. “…wiser now.”

  Her eyes softened, and she patted his leg. “Yes, yes you are wise. And I’m thankful.” She pressed her warm body into his and hugged him tight. His lips found her neck, and she straddled him.

  So am I.


  Brak’s eyes were wide.

  “You can do it, Son,” Venir said.

  Grasping the rail, Brak dragged one foot across the floor and down onto the next step.

  Venir remained by his side, hands steadying his waist. “There’s no hurry.”

  Sweat dripped down Brak’s face. One leg was numb, the other weak, but at least he was moving. Jaw clamped, he slipped down another step. Swayed. The railing groaned.

  Venir steadied his waist.

  “I can do it,” Brak said. He swallowed, took a breath, and took another step.

  “Good,” Venir said. “You can smell Joline’s stew, can’t you? It’s motivating.”

  “Yes,” Brak said, straining to take another step. That wasn’t all he smelled, either. There was blood in the air. Blood on the floor. Busted-up tables and broken chairs burning inside the mantels. There were eyes on him: Joline, Jubilee, and Jasper’s eyes. He took another step, and another. Excitement filled him. He went faster, slipped, and sprawled out on the stairs. He slid until his head almost hit the bottom. He glared up at Venir.

  “You said you had it,” Venir said, smiling. He stretched out his hand. “And you almost did until you caught the ladies’ eyes. You have to be careful, S
on. Nothing can trip a man up faster than a woman.”

  Brak took his hands, and Venir heaved him up to his feet. “Or a hungry belly,” Brak offered with a smile.

  Venir laughed and got him over to a table and sat him down.

  Jubilee was the first one over there. She reached up and rubbed his shoulder. “You’ve had another growth spurt,” she said, laughing. “If you get any bigger, we’re going to have to plant you outside.” She glanced at Venir. “And you aren’t dead. Amazing.”

  Joline set two large, steaming bowls of stew in front of them.

  Brak could see large chunks of meat, potatoes, and black rice in it.

  “It’s good to see the both of you on the mend,” Joline said. “Enjoy that. Good things are getting harder to come by.” She kissed them both on the cheek. “I don’t know what to make of the world these days, but its good having the both of you with us. I miss Billip and the others already.” Frowning, she made her way back into the kitchen.

  Brak dug in and so did Venir.

  “That’s more stew for us, the way I see it,” Brak said.

  “Brak!” Jubilee said, slapping him on the shoulder.

  He shrugged and eyed his father.

  Venir chewed slowly. His eyes were elsewhere. They had been infernos when he came into the room earlier.

  “I’m looking forward to swinging some steel again, if you have the time,” Brak said.

  Venir blinked. “Huh … ah, certainly. Get your gut filled, and we’ll take a stroll into the courtyard. We’ll see what you have in you.”

  Brak nodded. After years of wondering who his father was and then months venturing with him, he finally felt comfortable speaking with him. But Venir still intimidated him. The man was a brawny piece of scarred iron. A furnace always burned behind his eyes. He’d seen his father’s glare shake a man more than once. He didn’t like being on the wrong end of that, either.

  “I want to learn too,” Jubilee said.

  “Do you have a sword?” Venir said.

  “No, but I’m sure I can get one.” Jubilee sat down.

  Jasper’s lither form crossed its arms over dark robes and sat next to Jubilee. Her black hair was short and her make-up dark and intriguing.


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