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Purple Rain (The Rain Series Book 2)

Page 11


  With a frown Joey replied, “Aw. Okay.” He turned away and went back to the house.

  “I’m sorry, Quinn. I just need a night.”

  I couldn’t respond back but nod my head.

  “I’m gonna go get Joey. I’ll talk with you tomorrow.”

  As she turned around I was afraid I had lost her, so I grabbed her arm and yanked her into my chest, brought my lips down onto hers and kissed her like it was our last night together. I cupped her face ever so lightly and devoured her tongue. She moaned into my mouth and hung onto my biceps, squeezing them. I never wanted to separate our mouths, ever. Every nibble, every squeeze, every feeling that was swimmin’ through our bodies was electrifying. She was the dead center of my heart. I couldn’t let her go. When our lips unsucked one another I looked deep into her eyes and told her, “I have fallen hard and fallen fast for the green-eyed beauty who deserves so much better. But I’m fuckin’ selfish and can’t imagine livin’ my life without you. I’d never dreamed of havin’ a family until that first time we kissed. You made my cold, lifeless heart start beatin’ again and baby, I wouldn’t trade that for anything.” I slowly lowered my mouth, gave her one more kiss, and walked away. I hated leavin’ her after I saw the tears form in her eyes, but she needed time and I was gonna give it to her.

  Chapter 17


  I took the rest of the week off to spend time with Joey and took him on a little road trip. I hadn’t intended to dismiss Quinn, and leave him hanging, but I had to get out of town. I did message him and informed our location. I wasn’t going to be cruel and punish him by not letting him know my whereabouts. I still loved him, but this trip was something I needed to do - I needed to think and sort things out. I took Joey to Cambria for a couple nights. We stayed at a nice motel that was located across the street from the beach. It was windy and cold, but we managed to put that aside and make the best of it. On Friday, we walked up and down the small town, window shopped, ate at a pizza parlor for lunch, then drove to moonstone beach. I was exhausted by the end of the day, but managed to get us dinner to eat in our room.

  After dinner and dessert we settled down and watched a movie. Joey fell asleep within the hour, but me, I couldn’t shut my eyes for anything even if I was dead tired; my mind was reeling of images of Quinn. Finding out about his ex-wife and what she was capable of really scared me. I trusted Quinn could protect me and Joey but the thought of him even having to protect us from Carla was not how I envisioned my relationship with him. I’m sure Quinn didn’t see this bump in the road either. I know he agonized over telling me about Carla and helping her addiction, but it still didn’t sit well with me. I can’t surround my son with this kind of lifestyle. I know I sound like the over protective mother again, but how do I know Carla won’t find her way out to San Diego and stalk Quinn for more money? It may be far fetched, considering she doesn’t have money to travel, but just knowing how far someone would go to get something they wanted, desperately, was a chance I couldn’t take.

  No matter what decision I was making, I missed Quinn terribly. I missed everything about him; His magnetic touch that did my body wonders, the way he calls me ‘shorty’, the roughness of his masculine lovemaking, his strong hold of me when we are entwined together, the smell of his manly skin; like fresh pine. I couldn’t get these thoughts out of my mind. I wanted him more than any other man I have ever been with. Even though I was having a hard time I needed to hear his voice. I know I was being selfish, and I hated myself for it, but I needed that one phone call. I turned over on my side and looked at my phone. I grabbed it and dialed.

  Quinn answered on the first ring. “Shorty.” He sounded gruff and surprised.

  His voice sent shivers through my body. I ached for him. “Hi.” I replied quietly.

  “Is everything okay?” He asked.

  “Uh huh, yeah. I just…..just wanted to hear your voice.”

  I heard him take a deep breath and blow out. “I’m glad. Missed your voice too. Miss you, babe.”

  “I….I miss you too, Wolf.” I whispered.

  “How’s Joey? He havin’ a good time?”

  “Yeah. He’s asleep. He’s loving it here. We did a lot of walking around, playing on the beach. He’s worn out, poor guy.” I lightly chuckle.

  “That’s good.”

  There was a silence between us that was almost awkward. If only things were not so complicated we wouldn’t be feeling this way.

  “Wish I was there.” Quinn confessed.

  I sighed. “I know, but -”

  “I get it. You don’t have to explain.”

  I felt so guilty for being the way I was. Quinn was a good man, but made some terrible choices in his past. And here I was punishing him for those choices. I thought I made up my mind on breaking things off with him and now I was re-thinking just because he sounded so sad. So lost. Damn. What was I going to do?

  I cleared my throat. “We’ll be back on Sunday.”

  “Yeah. Tell Joey hi for me.”

  “Okay.” Another pause. “Quinn?”

  “What, Shorty?”

  “Um…. I’m so sorry about everything.”

  “What for? You didn’t do anything.”

  “I’ve been so mean. So selfish.” My eyes started to burn - I wanted to burst into tears.

  “You have every right to feel the way you do. You’re a mother. You don’t have a selfish bone in your body. You’re the most beautiful person I know.”

  Oh, my God. Where do I go from here after him saying that to me? The tears that burned were now peaking and dripping from my eyes.

  I sniffed. “God, Quinn.”

  “You cryin’?” He asked, concerned.

  “I just…..I just don’t know what to do.” I had my hand over my eyes, trying to subside my sobbing. I felt like such a baby.

  “We’ll figure this out together, Shorty. Please, don’t cry. “

  “Okay, okay.” I whispered. I grabbed a Kleenex and dabbed my face. “I’m tired.”

  “Sleep, baby. Talk tomorrow.”

  “Okay. G’night.” And we hung up. Just speaking to him changed my mind in an instant. How could I leave him? I love him! He’s become such an important person in my life - in Joey’s life. My world has not been the same since the day he walked into Reds. I was lost without him.


  The next morning, after breakfast, Joey and I drove up to San Simeon to see the Elephant Seals. I think this was Joey’s favorite part of our trip. He couldn’t stop talking about how big the seals were. While I was taking pictures of the seals Joey was taking pictures with his 3DS. He carried that thing around everywhere, snapping whatever he could get, until the battery died.

  A nice older couple insisted on taking a picture of us, in front of the seals location. They were very sweet. I was about ready to post the picture on Facebook when Peta texted, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” I wrote back, thanking her. Yep it was my birthday today. I never was one to celebrate my birthday or make a big deal out of it, but today I had wished Quinn was with us right now.

  Joey and I had a nice picnic along the shore after watching the seals. It was a nice way to spend our early afternoon until it started to drizzle. We packed up and went back to the motel. Pulling into the parking lot I gasped when I saw Quinn. He was parked in front of our room; arms and legs crossed, resting against his bike. Holy crap he looked HOT. He had on a tight, black leather jacket, his black jeans, black boots, ray bans, and a to die for grin. Oh man, his face was gorgeous. I love when he doesn’t shave for a few days. I’m reminded of the slight burns he marks on my skin whenever he kisses me. I feel my face flush from just thinking about it. Shit! What is he doing here?

  “What’s wrong mom?” Joey asks with curiosity.

  “Oh! Uh….Quinn is here.” I said, pointing ahead of us.

  Joey gasped with excitement. He couldn’t wait to get out of the car. Once I parked, he raced out of his seat and ran over to Quinn. They gave each other a hug, which mel
ted my heart. How could I have thought of ever taking Quinn away from my son? He was the best thing that has ever happened to him. They adored each other. No, I couldn’t separate these two.

  I slowly got out of the car and walked up to Quinn. I gave Joey the key to our room so he could get out of the cold. I wrapped my arms around myself and looked up into his dark, chocolate eyes. He was mesmerizing. “Oh, my God. What…..what are you doing here?”

  “I couldn’t stand to be without you anymore. Happy Birthday, Shorty.” He lowered his arms, wrapped them around my waist, and lifted me up to his lips. Oh Lordy, his lips were luscious.

  After he put me down I asked, “How did you know it was my birthday?”

  “I have my ways, babe.” He responded, teasingly.

  “Right. Of course you do.” I smiled.

  With our hands linked he brought me closer to his bike. “I have somethin’ for ya.” He let go of my fingers and fiddled with a bag he had hooked on the back of his bike. He unzipped the bag and got out a small wrapped package. “Hope you like it.”

  Underneath the wrapping was a white box. I opened it and found a black and white diamond shaped wolf, clasped to a sterling silver chain. I let out a small gasp. “Quinn. Oh, my goodness, a wolf.” I stared at the glorious, shiny wolf. It was breathtaking. “God, it’s so beautiful. Thank you.”

  “You really like it?”

  “Do I….do I like it? I love it! Help me put it on.” I took it out of the box and handed it to Quinn. I lifted my hair while he placed it around my neck. He kissed the side of my throat once it was securely clasped. He sent pleasurable chills up and down my body.

  “Happy Birthday.” Quinn whispered.

  I turned around, got up on my tippy toes, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, hot and deep. His big, strong arms took hold of my raised body and lifted me up. I just love how massive this man was; so extremely strong and tender, all in one body.

  Even though Quinn had his body heat close to mine I started to shiver. It was freezing outside.

  “You’re cold. Let’s get you inside.” He stated.

  “Yes. Good idea.”

  Joey was watching tv when we stepped inside the room. Quinn took a seat next to Joey, on the bed, laying out his long legs, back against the wall and hands behind his head. Sexy. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to his sexiness. My God, I felt flushed again. I decided to dismiss myself and use the bathroom. I couldn’t let Joey see how much Quinn affected me. He turns me on like a lightswitch.

  I cleaned my hands and admired my new necklace through the mirror. I loved it so much. I don’t think I’ll ever take it off. This was turning out to be the best birthday I’ve ever had.

  Well, it was almost the best birthday - I was interrupted by a phone call from my mother.

  “Shit.” I declared under my breath. I hesitated answering, but decided against that. I may have a difficult relationship with my parents, but ignoring them wouldn’t make things better.

  “Hi, mom.” I answered, glancing at my necklace.

  “Hi, Sandy. Happy Birthday.” She replied rather stiffly.

  This is how it always was with my mother; she sounded like such a robot. Never any real emotion, just…….stiff.

  Studying my necklace with my fingers I say, “Thanks.” There was a slight pause between us. An awkward pause.

  “Are things going well for you? For my grandson?”

  “Uh, yeah. Things are good. I’m manager now at Reds, and Joey is doing great. Growing like a weed.” Another pause. I spied around the corner to get a peek at my boys. Quinn gave me a wink, which made me blush. I mouthed, “My mother” and rolled my eyes in the process. I turned back around into the bathroom area, and leaned against the counter.

  “A manager. I guess that’s better than what you were doing before.” My mom commented. I didn’t respond to her snobbiness because it wasn’t worth arguing over. We would never be on the same page so I let her comment slide. “And I’m happy to know Joey is well.” She ended.

  My neck was tense. I tilted my head back and forth to loosen up the muscles. Talking with my parents always make me tense. “So, how are you and dad?”

  “We’re very well, thank you.”

  Another pause.

  I let out a gust of air and responded, “Good. So glad you guys are well. Mom, look I have to get going, Quinn and Joey ar -”

  My mother interrupted, “Quinn? Who’s Quinn?”

  Shit! Me and my big mouth! If I could kick myself in the ass I would!

  “Uh. Yeah, uh, Quinn is someone I’m seeing.”

  “Oh, I see, well did you not even think I would like to know about this Quinn gentleman?”

  Obviously she was upset from the clipped tone in her voice.

  “Mother, of course! It’s just…….you can’t expect me to call and have heart warming conversations with you about my life. That all went away when you wouldn’t support my having Joey.” I retorted, trying to keep my voice down.

  “So, you’re going to bring that up again are you?”

  I wanted to throw my phone across the room I was so pissed. “Ugh, mom, I can’t do this. I need to get off before I say something I’ll regret. Okay?” More awkward silence on both ends. “Tell dad hi for me.” I calmly said.

  I heard her sigh. “Yes. That I will do. Goodbye.”

  “Bye.” We hang up. I placed the phone on the counter wishing the whole conversation with my mother never happened. What a way to ruin the evening. I just stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself. My mother was unbelievable. I couldn’t understand how she turned out the way she did. She was so frustrating and uptight. I can’t believe I actually grew up in that environment. Thank God I’m nothing like her. I closed my eyes to take a breath before I went back to Quinn and Joey.


  I shrieked from the touch of Quinn’s hands on my shoulders. “God, you scared me.” Clutching my chest.

  He chuckled. “Sorry. Just wanted to see if you were okay.”

  I turned toward his chest and wrapped myself, firmly, around his body. He felt so good. Smelled like the ocean, and was as warm as the sun. “Mmmm, I’m okay. As long as I have you, I’m okay.”

  He kissed the top of my head and held me tight. “I’m here if you need to talk.”

  “Thanks, but it wasn’t anything important. Just my mom being…….well, mom. Nothing has changed. She’ll never change and there is nothing I can do about it. I just like to forget about it and enjoy the rest of the night with my two favorite men.” I looked up into his eyes. He caressed my face, bent down, and kissed me softly.

  Chapter 18


  She was underneath me, panting, whimpering; diggin’ the heels of her feet and makin’ marks, from the force of her fingernails, onto my back.. She was exploding from every thrust I made. I couldn’t get enough of her. I wanted to be inside her all the time and never part.

  I admired her glossy look; sexy ass body. Curves in all the right places. Tits that had my red suck marks, imprinted on them. Sweat glazed from head to toe. And most of all, her green-eyed heat. I was one lucky sonofabitch.

  Since we’ve gotten back from Cambria, Sandy and I have spent every night together, all week. We go to work together, and come home together. We’ve had this rhythm that has become familiar and surreal, all at the same time. Every minute we have alone together is spent as our last.

  Not in all my years have I thought I would be havin’ dinner every night with a woman I’d die for and a boy who has brought nothin’ but joy into my life. Sittin’ together, like a real family, has awed me. I want nothin’ more than to take care of these two. I want to take them out of this damn ass apartment and bring them into a house. A boy needs a backyard with a tree house, or a pool. That’s what I want for them. For us.

  Pop wanted to spend time with Joey, so he asked to take him to the zoo while Sandy and I spend some quality time together. Thank fuck because I needed to be inside my woman. I
t’s been killin’ me not being able to do anything except hold her at night. I desperately needed her body.

  “Water, babe?” I asked as I walked back into her room.

  I unscrewed the water bottle and handed it over. “Oh, gosh, thank you.” She breathlessly responded after taking a big gulp. Once finished she put it aside on her nightstand, cradled underneath my arm and laid her head on my chest. “Love hearing the beat of your heart. So strong.” She murmured.

  I stroke her bare back; feeling the silkiness and warmth. “Love ya, Shorty.” I blurted out, not realizin’ that I haven’t said that to her before. I wasn’t sure how she was gonna respond to it. She became stiff. Fuck! Maybe she wasn’t ready to hear those words. Ever since I laid eyes on this woman, I haven’t been able to think straight. Her veins have woven around my heart; tightening it’s grasp more and more each day. I live and breathe her and want to love her till I can’t breathe anymore. “Sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t h -”

  She propped herself onto her elbows, looked into my eyes and whispered, “I love you too.” She wasn’t kiddin’ around. Her eyes said it all. She brought her lips closer to mine and kissed the hell outta me. She wiggled her way on top of my chest and slowly tickled my cock. I groaned in her mouth and tightened my grip on her lower back. She was driving me crazy. She unhooked her suckable lips, eased her way down to my hardened cock and took hold of it.

  I seethed through my teeth it felt so fuckin’ good. Her mouth opened ever so slightly and licked my aching balls. Holy Fuck! “You’re gonna kill me with that tongue, Shorty.” She didn’t say a word to me; just played a game with her eyes. She knew she had me; I was a goner. I couldn’t contain my breathin’ anymore and huffed once she put my cock into her mouth; it was wide and watering for her to suck. She started pumpin’ me like i’ve never been pumped before. Her green eyes seized into my very own dark pupils that took me over the edge. My body exploded inside her mouth. The rush that I had just felt was…...epic.


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