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by Shameek Speight


  - A Short Story Written by -

  Shameek A. Speight

  Copyright © 2013 by True Glory Publications

  Published by True Glory Publications LLC

  First Edition



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  This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organization, establishments, locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.

  Cover design/Graphics:

  Editors: Kelly Klem, Dextanie Henry

  Illustrator: Christopher Errol O’niel Williams

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by information storage and retrieval system without the written permission from the publisher and writer.

  Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


  It has only been the power of God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that I have been able to persevere through many of the trials I’ve been dealt in my life. I thank him for giving me the strength to move on.

  To my family; my beloved sisters, thank you for believing in me. To my mother, I love you very much. To my aunt, I love you. To my daughter Niomi, I do all this for you Princess. To all the men and women who are locked up, hold your head up and keep your faith; there will be a brighter day. To everyone that ever doubted me, I told you I could sell books. To Antoine Inch Thomas, thank you for teaching me all about the book game. To all the fans, thank you for all your support. To my Facebook Group, Team True Glory, you all are the best and I love every one of you. We’re more than just a team, we’re family.

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 1

  The sound of growling could be heard echoing through the night as well as rapid footsteps.

  “Keep running!” Oscar shouted while holding his wife Alicia’s hand.

  Alicia squeezed tightly to Oscar's hand as her ten year old daughter was pulling her down more like dragging her down. The growling sound seemed to quickly be approaching closer and closer behind them.

  “They’re going to get us, Oscar,” Alicia panicked.

  “All we have to do is make it to the front gate,” he replied. They began to breathe heavier, run faster, and their hearts pounding with every inch they made. Oscar could see the front gate one block away.

  “Help! Help!” Alicia screamed praying that one of her neighbors would open the door to assist them or call the police.

  Each house they passed, they saw people peeping through their blinds and curtains, then disappear. Oscar stopped for a second to catch his breath. “Baby, we can’t stop! We’re almost there. I can see the front gate,” Alicia said.

  “Just give me a second. I need to catch my breath. I couldn’t breathe, Alicia,” Oscar replied. His eyes opened wide as a broad pair of hands with pointy claws wrapped around his ankles. He looked at his wife as his body trembled in fear, “I love you,” he mumbled as his legs were pulled from beneath him causing him to hit the pavement face first. “Run…!” he yelled diminishing while being pulled into the darkness, “Ahhhh,” he let out an agonizing screams as something began ripping his body apart. He screamed one last time as large teeth sunk into his face eating it.

  “No, no, Oscar!” Alicia screamed staring into the darkness down the street.

  “Let’s go, mom. We have to keep running. Dad wouldn’t want us to stop,” Sara said while tugging on her mother’s arm. Alicia was stuck in shock staring into the darkness for any sign of Oscar. The growling echoed through the night’s air. Sara could see red eyes around her so she held tighter to Alicia’s arm, “Let’s go, mommy, please.”

  Alicia looked down at her child, “We will be home soon enough and be with God,” Alicia replied.

  “Huh?” Sara said.

  As soon as the words left her mouth, something leaped onto Alicia and snapped her backwards. Before she could scream or do anything to react, her body was torn up in to shreds. Sara looked down to see her mother’s detached arm was still in her hand. She dropped the arm to the ground and began to cry uncontrollably.

  “Run,” Sara heard a voice whisper to her, but looked around to see no one. She took off running as fast as her little feet could take her. She smiled once as noticed that she was getting closer to the gate knowing that she was almost free. She reached the front gate, “Oh shit,” Sara screamed and began to cry again when she noticed the black digital box. The only way that one could get out of the community was the use of a gate card. “The card was in daddy’s pocket,” she mumbled while holding on the bars of the gate with both hands looking at the road to freedom. She heard sounds of huge footsteps approaching from behind her and made a whimpering sound. She could feel hot urine run down her legs and looked down to see a wet spot on her pants. Sara whimpered once more and her facial expression twisted up in despair once she felt hot heavy breathing on her neck and the back of her head. She hollered at the top of her lungs as she was grabbed by the legs and dragged backwards into the darkness, “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” The last thing she saw before entering the darkness was the sign on the front gate that read, ‘Welcome to West Wood Lakes’.

  Chapter 2

  I thought to myself as I looked around, “I finally earned something that I can be proud of and a better place to raise my daughter instead of the streets of New York. They said Tennessee was more than a bit of country, but I haven’t noticed. Standing outside staring at my two story home, I couldn’t help but to feel blessed and moving to this house was like a dream come true. This house has the most massive room space with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a two car garage.

  Wow, I have really come a long way from growing up in the streets of New York with a crack head as a mother and let's not even reminisce all to do with my father. Everything that I’ve seen and been through has finally paid off. I have my dream career as an author and now raising my beautiful, eleven year old daughter. Being a single father has taken a toll on me over the years. I had no idea raising a young girl was going to be this hard to deal with. They are so involved with their feelings and completely emotional at least my daughter Niomi is. Well, that’s what makes me love her all the more because she’s truly one of a kind and the apple of my eye.

  I soon met a woman named Anais. I was so blessed once she entered my life and became my wife. She helped a lot and she was the mother figure Niomi needed in her life. The subdivision we moved in was called, West Wood Lakes. It was an upper scale, gated community that you could not enter or leave without a gate key card. This place was surrounded by mountains, trees, and woods which amazed me. I had never seen such scenery like this in New York. I stopped being in awe at my neighborhood and fi
nally walked into my house. I walked in to see Anais straightening up the house. She was a beautiful sight to see. I guess because my mind is nasty and I was watching her bend over while vacuuming. Anais had one of those big, juicy ghetto booties. That’s what initially had me hooked to her at first, but once I learned about the woman she was I instantly fell in love. She never cared about my income and the fancy things never impressed her. With Anais, the small things made her happy. It didn’t matter to her if I made a dollar or thirty thousand dollars. She would love the silly, yet crazy, person I am. That is why I made her my wife, all that, and the great sex.


  We have been in West Wood Lakes for about two weeks now and we were just getting settled in. I walked upstairs and made a left into my office. My composition book rested on my desk, waiting for me to open it, “Time to get to work,” I said out loud as I sat in my chair, picked up a pen, and began to write. Most people asked me, 'Why don’t you just type your books?' My answer is, 'Well, fourteen great novels all have started from a composition book. Why would I stop now? Besides the pen seems to flow and things are brought to life as I write.

  Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

  “Damn, who could that be?” I said out loud as my mind became curious. No one knows where I live. My family has yet to make any friends just friendly waves to the neighbors, which is something that I am still not used to because there is no hospitality in Brooklyn, New York. I ran downstairs to answer the door. I’m sure my wife and daughter were too busy to get it and I cannot write with the noise. Once I opened the front door, I saw a dark skinned, African American, cute little girl with two puff ponytails in her hair holding a brown Teddy Bear. She was maybe five years old and looked as precious as she wanted to be. She reminded me of my princess, Niomi, but smaller.

  The little girl stood there in a purple dress smiling at me and looking as if she wasn’t looking at me, but staring through me, “Uhm hi, I’m Ariel. Do you have any dog food?” she asked showing off a pair of all white teeth that made me wonder if she ever ate candy in her life.

  I looked at her strangely and stretched my neck out of the door and looked up and down the block wondering where she came from. “Yes, I sure do,” I replied thinking of my daughter’s bad ass, Yorkie, named Comet. I always buy the huge bags of dog food from Sam's Club so we have more than enough. I removed a Ziploc baggie from the pantry, filled it with dog food, and walked back to the front door and handed it to her.

  “Thank you, mister, bye,” she said in a cute voice just as innocent as can be.

  'That’s weird,' I thought to myself and went back to writing.


  Two days have passed and I’m deep into writing a story, but still can’t get that little girl out my mind. Something about the whole thing just didn’t feel or sit right in my stomach. I heard a knock at the door. So, I stepped out my office to see Anais step out of our bedroom with her kindle in her hand. “Who do you think that is?” she asked then smiled reminding me why I love her so.

  “I don’t know,” I replied and shrugged my shoulders. I walked downstairs and heard the living room T.V. I turned my head only to see Niomi on the couch with Comet in her lap as she watched the Disney Channel. Niomi stopped to look at me and gave me a fake smile as if she were letting me know not to come into the living room and take over the T.V. I laughed out loud from being able to read her mind. I finally walked over to the front door to see the same little, cute girl. This time she had on a black dress. I looked at Ariel with a puzzled look thinking in my mind, 'Where the hell is this child's parents? What kind of dog does she have that was able to eat that big Ziploc baggie of food in two days?'

  “Hi, do you have any extra dog food?" she asked.

  “Yeah, wait a second,” I replied and went to my pantry closet and filled up another Ziploc baggie full of dog food. Before I handed it to her, my mind started to race, “Uhmm, Ariel, do your parents know you are knocking on my door? Knocking on a stranger’s door could be dangerous for a young, little girl like yourself. Where do you live if I may ask?”

  “Hahaha,” she let out a small laugh before she spoke, “Yes, they know. I live blocks from here by the first lake,” she said in a cute tone.

  “Okay sweetheart,” I replied while handing her the Ziploc baggie filled with dog food. I watched her skip off and stop at another house that was to the left of my house. I watched her as she asked my neighbor for another bag of dog food and retrieved it.

  Niomi saw me stepping out of the front door and decided to get up and come stand beside me. “Daddy, what are you doing?” she asked.

  I turned around and smiled looking at my daughter. She had to be the most beautiful child to me. I guess all parents feel that way about their own children, but for me it is true. Her hair had just been neatly box braided and it came down her back. Niomi is eleven years old, but very short for her age. If you didn’t know her, she could easily pass for an eight year old. At times, she could portray that way as well. I guess that comes from me always spoiling her and treating her like a baby. But, she is exceedingly intelligent. Sometimes I would swear she had an old soul just been reborn.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing yet, Mimi,” I replied calling her by the nickname that I came up with when she was a baby. She couldn’t pronounce Niomi so she would call herself Mimi, “Daddy is just curious about this little girl. Something is not right,” I stated.

  “Daddy, didn’t you say one time that curiosity kills the cat?” Niomi asked with a smile while raising her left eyebrow.

  “Well, I hate cats and I sure am smarter than one,” I replied, sarcastically.

  Niomi and I stood outside in the front of the house watching the little girl go door to door until she gathered an armful of baggies of dog food. Truthfully, I didn’t think she would be able to carry it all, but she did. 'Damn, I should mind my own business. I feel like one of those nosey asses that get killed in movies for not staying to themselves.'

  Niomi heard me thinking out loud and couldn’t resist saying something, “That is because you are daddy,” she stated.

  “What does that make you? Because you’re following my lead,” I replied.

  “The fool that’s following you as if you’re Yogi the bear and I’m Boo-Boo, knowing we're about to get caught for stealing the picnic basket yet still going with your plan,” Niomi said with a smirk.

  “Hahaha,” I had to laugh at her metaphor shaking my head, “There goes that old soul talking again,” I said out loud.

  I walked to my neighbor's door on the left side of my house. A heavy set brown skin complexion man with a bald head, maybe in his mid-thirties, answered the door. “Hey, how are you? I’m Andrew your new neighbor. I know this is strange, but I want to know about Ariel. She knocks on my door every other day asking for dog food. And today I noticed she knocked on your door and a few others on the block,” I inquired.

  The bald headed man stared at me for a second then looked behind at Niomi, who was looking at me as if I had just embarrassed her. “Listen Mister, I can really tell you’re new to West Wood Lakes. Just give the little girl what she asks for and don’t ask questions if you care about your family,” the bald headed man said in a low tone and shut the door in my face.

  “That was fucking rude,” I said out loud. I decided to follow the little girl down the block with Niomi by my side. We came to the lake area, where the homes around the lake were huge that made mine look like a Section eight house. “One day, I’ll get a house like his, but I’m happy for the blessings I have now,” I mumbled under my breath as I watched the little girl enter a house up on a large hill. The house was grand and massive in size. It was a four story house and painted in a shade of charcoal black color. Mostly, it gave off a creepy vibe. The house looks as if no one lived in it for years, but the grass that surrounded the property was very well-maintained.

  “Daddy, we shouldn’t go up that hill. I have a bad feeling about this. And you taught me to always listen to my instincts
about things and right now my stomach is bubbling,” Niomi said.

  'Damn, there goes that old school speaking again. The sad thing is I know she’s right because my instincts say--run, go home, stay away from this house, and mind my business,’ I continued to stare at the house. Everything in my body kept screaming run, but shit, life makes great books. I have to know what’s going on with that little girl and this quest for dog food. I walked up the hill to the house and knocked on the door………no answer. I knocked once more and the door cracked open. I looked back at Niomi, she shook her head no giving me a look saying your foolish ass can go in there, but not me. Smart girl, I guess, I did something right raising her with common sense. And I guess I had none at the moment. I paid attention to the situation at hand as I pushed open the door some more and stepped inside. The house was impossible to see into. I tried to wait until my eyes adjusted, but it was completely dark and too dark for it to be daylight outside. I heard weird growling noises and could see pairs of red glowing eyes, but I couldn’t make out the shape of the animals. I knew whatever they were they were big and big enough to take a 200 pound man down. I felt a strong hand on my shoulder pulling me backwards out of the house and to the ground. My head hit the concrete step in the front of the house and my world went black.

  Chapter 3

  “UGHHHHHH,” I groaned in pain and focused my eyes. My vision was blurry at first. So, I blinked my eyes a few times and could see Niomi kneeling down beside me with her head in my lap. I eased up off the ground with my head pounding and ready to fight. Standing next to the front door of the house was my bald headed neighbor that stayed to the left of me, “If you mind your own business, you will live just a little longer,” he said.


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