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Storm Moon

Page 14

by KB Anne

  “Not another one,” a male voice groans.

  “There’s Breas,” I say aloud. I swallow the sour taste in my mouth that has nothing to do with the rotten mouse I ate earlier.

  “Is this you speaking, or Sphinx?” Alaric whispers.

  “Both, I think. It’s like our minds have merged into one.”

  “I always thought you were the cat’s meow,” Scott says.

  Breas rolls his eyes toward Witch Kensey. “How many cats do you need?”

  “My true form scares them,” she says. “I’m taking advantage of them for now.”

  “Your true form scares me too. I wish you hadn’t soiled this one. She and I shared many pleasures.”

  Witch Kensey drags her fingernail down his arm. Blood seeps from the wound. “This form no longer excites you? You’ve always given in to your carnal desires before.”

  His lip curls. “Not with you. I hope she’s not ruined beyond repair once you leave her.”

  Sphinx takes in the room. Worn sofas occupy two walls. White candles are lit everywhere, casting an eerie glow. His eyes settle on a large silver cauldron. The Vessel of Life.

  “Good kitty. Maybe you’ll remain dedicated to me when I arrive in my true form.”

  Sphinx purrs, rubbing his head into her chest.

  A demanding knock echoes through the room. Breas and Witch Kensey share a long look. I don’t know if the guest is expected, but it at least appears that they’re not surprised.

  Breas sighs and walks to the door. The brightness of his godly form is in stark contrast to the darkness of the room. He peeks through the window.

  “Well, guess what the cat dragged in,” he says as he opens the door.

  Maria stands before him with her hip cocked out. She’s in a very revealing outfit. Her breasts bulge out of her scoop-neck shirt, and her black leather skirt is about two sizes too small. Her hair is done up and her makeup creates a very convincing display of smoky eyes.

  “Breas, darling, we need to talk,” she says, strolling in.

  His gaze falls on her exposed mounded flesh. He is such a horny beast.

  “What do you have in mind?” he asks, slamming the door behind him as he licks his lips. Evidently a Fomorian witch inhabiting his girlfriend is a bit of a turn-off, but an ancient witch in a young, hot model gets him going.

  “Gigi, is it necessary to give the play-by-play inner monologue as you tell us what you see via Sphinx?” Scott says.

  “Yes, you’re going to get everything.”

  Maria struts into the room. Her bare legs are a mile long, especially with her black stilettos. I am so jealous of those lengthy legs.

  “I find yours very sexy,” Alaric whispers to me.

  “I can hear you,” Scott groans. “No flirting.”

  The beast Breas can’t keep his eyes off Maria. “What do you want? I thought our partnership ended.”

  “Oh, Breas,” she says, adjusting her chest to return his attention there as she sits down and crosses her bare legs, “I’ve come to make amends.” She pats the sofa next to her.

  He quickly accepts her invite. “Your wolf not satisfying you?”

  Her eyes flash to his. “That’s beside the point. I have reason to believe that we may have underestimated Gigi and her merry band of misfits.”

  He leans into her, his gaze lasered on her chest. “How so?”

  Witch Kensey hisses. “Must I witness you coming on to a human?”

  Maria’s lips turn down at the sight of the Witch and Sphinx in her lap. “Nice cat,” she purrs and flips her hair to the side. She leans into Breas. “Now, as I was saying . . .”

  In a jealous rage, Witch Kensey storms into another room and throws Sphinx. Thankfully he lands on his feet.

  “When Balor gets here, things will be different,” she mutters. “I won’t need to lower myself to that witch. But until the Storm Moon, I need to work with what I’ve got.” She flicks her fingers. Her hair rearranges itself in a loose wave, and her outfit changes into a short skirt and skimpy tank top. She adjusts her own chest so that it perfectly mounds the way Breas likes it.

  Her eyes land on Sphinx. “Meet your new friends,” she whispers before stepping back out into the other room.

  Sphinx shifts his attention to the room. Dozens of feline eyes stare at him from every corner, chair, shelf, and cushion. So, this is what a crazy cat lady looks like?

  He puffs his chest to look braver and larger than he is. There are monster cats all over the room who have clearly been very well fed—or magicked to be larger than life. He peers around the room until his eyes land on . . .

  “He found the spell book!”

  “He’s a cat. How is he going to carry it, and why didn’t we think of that before he left?” Ryan says, nervously pacing in front of us. “I should go help him.”

  “No,” the three of us order him.

  “Give him time,” I say.

  Sphinx strolls over to the bookshelf and without glancing at the other cats, he presses his paw to the spell book. The book shrinks into a crystal. He puts it in his mouth and turns around.

  The herd of cats are all crouched down, ready to pounce.

  “Get out of there, Sphinx!” I shout.

  He tears off and sprints into the other room. In a blur, I see three naked bodies as he passes them. The trio is oblivious to him until the screeching and hissing herd of cats barrel through the room as they chase after him. The trio curse and stand up. Maria and Witch Kensey shout dark spells at Sphinx. He cuts and swerves, the spells just missing him. Witch Kensey shouts a curse as Sphinx leaps onto the windowsill. The curse rebounds off the wood and hits Maria. She screams, but Sphinx doesn’t stop to find out what happened to her. He leaps out the window and sprints away, the herd of cats behind him in hot pursuit.


  Blinded by Three Moons

  “My eyes! My eyes are burning,” I hiss as I try to rub the image out of my memory bank.

  Alaric rushes over and wraps his arm around me. “What’s wrong, Gi? Did you get something in them?” He fishes a bandana from his pocket and hands it to me.

  I shake my head. “Yes, and no. Sphinx got away. He should be here any second. But I saw Breas, Maria, and Kensey naked and tangled up together.”

  Alaric stills, not expecting that answer.

  Scott and Ryan snap their eyes to me. “What?”

  “You heard me. They were having a threesome. Do I need to provide explicit descriptions? Because I would really rather not.”

  “How?” Ryan asks, scrubbing his face with his hand “That’s kinda every guy’s fantasy. Well, it was mine until I met Lizzie.”

  “And mine until Caer,” Scott admits.

  “You were always my fantasy,” Alaric whispers low in my ear.

  With Scott’s superhuman gifts, he hears him. “Do not go there, man. Do not.”

  I hand Alaric back his bandana, and he shoves it into his pocket. “Well, one thing we can gather is that apparently the three of them have kissed and made up. Now, what does that mean for us?”

  Sphinx leaps into the circle. A little help please.

  I throw up a wall of fire, and the herd of cats scatter.

  “They really don’t like you,” I tell him.

  Sphinx drops the crystal then licks his paws. I really don’t like them either. The heathens.

  I add the crystal to my necklace. It hums against my chest. “The spell book is extremely powerful with both good and dark magic.”

  “It’s connected to Lizzie,” Scott says. “We need to destroy it along with the eyeball necklace.”

  I shake my head. “We need to talk to the Kilkenny witches first. I don’t want to risk anything happening to Lizzie. But first, let’s cast a circle and check on Caer.”

  “Here?” Scott says, glancing at Alaric. “Aren’t there some bad vibes here?” With Clayone a few stories below us, Scott’s worried something bad might happen to us.

  “Yes, there are, but there is also more po
werful magic here than any place I’ve been to in Ireland, except for maybe Newgrange.”

  “Do not remind me of Newgrange. That is one mistake I’d like to forget.”

  Ryan swings his head between us. “How much did I miss?”

  “A lot, apparently,” Alaric murmurs. “Why did you go to Newgrange?”

  “We were searching for you. We thought maybe Breas had imprisoned you.”

  Alaric sidles up next to me. Strength radiates off of him. “You thought Breas was powerful enough to catch me?”

  “He’s a god, and he does have a Fomorian witch working for him.”

  “Who was naked,” Ryan adds. “And I have seen her naked.”

  “So have I,” Scott says, “but let’s get to the point. Why couldn’t Breas have kidnapped you?”

  “Because I was taken in the tunnels beneath the Cathedral,” Alaric says as if that answers everything. It doesn’t.

  “And . . . ?”

  He reaches for my hands. “Brigit banned Breas from ever setting foot on any of her sacred lands.”

  “But not the fairy mound,” I say, suddenly remember something. “Breas drugged me when we went on a picnic. He took blood from my palm—that’s how he was able to bring the Fomorian witch back using Kensey as a vessel. And speaking of vessels, he must have had the Vessel of Life with him. My Vessel of Life.”

  Alaric growls. “He drugged you? I can’t wait to kill that bastard.”

  “For once we agree,” Scott says, gripping Moralltach.

  “And he compelled me into being one of his minions. I’d like in on that action,” Ryan adds. “I say the three of us give him a battering he doesn’t wake up from.”

  Testosterone whirls around the ruins. Even Sphinx hisses.

  I remove candles from my backpack and place them around in a circle. Fireballs erupt from my fingers as I prepare to light the four cardinal points. “Y’all are going to have to stand in line, because I plan on doing some ass kicking myself. But first, I need to see if any of our enemies’ purpose has changed. We’re also going to check on Caer, because I’ve got a feeling we’re going to be busy for a while. Everyone, sit down please.”

  The four of us cross our legs and arrange ourselves around the circle. Sphinx curls up on my lap and goes to sleep. He’s decided he’s done enough work today—and I have to agree with him.

  “Ryan, you’ve never participated in one of these. Just relax, and if you feel anything strange or weird, it’s perfectly normal.”

  He arranges his arms over his legs. “Nothing about this new life is normal. Are you going to ask about Lizzie too?”

  I purse my lips. He’s so hopeful that she can return to us. I want to be too, but her current state needs thoughtful evaluation.

  “Not yet. But we’re going to find out soon what we can do.” I squeeze his hand then release it and take the Chalice of Healing from my pack.

  “To cast this circle from Earth to Fire, from Water to Air, join together with Spirit to guide me to the answers I seek. I give you my love, my light, as I cast this circle to show me the path to truth. The circle is cast.”

  “To the East, element of Air, I give to you my love, my light, to show me the path to truth to guard us from sudden storms and protect us with gentle breezes.”

  The wind, gentle as a butterfly wing, caresses each of our cheeks. Ryan’s eyes widen. I smile at him to assure him it’s okay.

  “To the South, element of Fire, I give to you my love, my light, to show me the path to truth to guard us from raging fires and warm us with controlled flames.”

  The candles’ flames shoot into the air all around us. (I added a little extra dramatic effect for Ryan.)

  “To the West, element of Earth, I give to you my love, my light, to show me the path to truth to guard us from disturbance by providing firm footing.”

  The scent of fresh soil fills the air.

  To the North, element of Water, I give to you my love, my light, to show me the path to truth to guard us from tidal waves and cradle us in calm waters as gentle as a mother’s arms.”

  A sensation of warm water cocoons us.

  “I call to the Elements for guidance in my search. I offer the Chalice of Healing, not as a permanent token, but as an inspiration to spur ideas. My blood, however,” I raise Clarissa’s athame to my palm, “is my token of gratitude for your presence tonight. Take the blood of a goddess as payment for the help I will be calling upon you for this evening.”

  Scott doesn’t approve of my blood contribution, but I want to ensure that we get the answers we need. I don’t have time to constantly ask for his approval on everything. And really, like I’d ask for his consent anyway?

  “Of Breas, of Carman, of Witch Kensey, are they joined back together? Flicker once for yes, and twice for no.”

  The flames flicker off and then back on.

  “I understand. Are any of them capable of returning to the light? Flicker once for yes, and twice for no.”

  The flames flicker off and on, off and on.

  Alaric fills will sadness. “Can you ask about each one specifically?”

  And I do, and each time the answer is the same. No. Always no.

  “We thank you for your consideration. Is Caer safe? Flicker once for yes, twice for no.”

  The flames flicker off and on.

  “She’s safe,” I whisper, meeting Scott’s eyes.

  He sighs in relief. “Can you ask if she and I will be together again . . . in this lifetime?”

  He understands the importance of being specific with the questions.

  “Will Caer and Scott be together again in this lifetime? Flicker once for yes, and twice for no.”

  The flames flicker off and on. A smile crosses his face. An invisible weight lifts from his shoulders.

  “Can you ask if my father will side with us?” Alaric whispers.

  I swallow my concern. I am also aware of the irony that his father is locked in my shrine several stories below us.

  “Will Clayone, Original Werewolf, father of Alaric, side with us? Flicker once for yes, flicker twice for no.”

  The flames go out and do not light back up.

  “What does that mean?” Ryan whispers.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Ask again,” Alaric says.

  “Candles, relight please.”

  At my request, the flames reappear.

  “Will Clayone, Original Werewolf, father of Alaric, side with us? Flicker once for yes, flicker twice for no.”

  The candles extinguish and do not relight.

  We all exchange glances.

  “Should I rephrase and ask a third time?”

  “Third time is always the charm. At least that’s what Kensey, Breas, and Maria think,” Ryan says in a respectful undertone. He doesn’t want to anger the Elements, but he couldn’t keep his comment to himself. I have to admit, it was pretty funny.

  “Is there a chance that Clayone, father of Alaric will side with us? Flicker once for yes, flicker twice for no.”

  The candles go out and do not relight a third time.

  “I’m not going to ask again. Thank you, Elements, for visiting us this evening.” I reverse the casting circle for each Element, then say, “The circle is now broken.”

  “That was cool,” Ryan says in awe. “I felt like a real witch.”

  Scott scratches the top of his head as he stands. “Well, you are a real werewolf.”

  Ryan stretches. “I might try acting when this is all over. I can be cast as the sexy lone wolf searching for love. I’ll do all my own stunts too.”

  Scott laughs as they start walking ahead of us. “Oh gods. Clayone literally created a monster.”

  Alaric’s jaw tightens at the mention of his father. “What do you think the Elements were trying to tell us?”

  “Maybe since he’s immured, the question was moot.”

  “Is he locked away forever?”

  I lick my lips. I don’t want to lie anymore. Especially n
ot to Alaric. “Only I can release him. If I die, he’ll be imprisoned forever.”

  He juts his chin out. “Huh.”

  But he doesn’t ask me to release his dad. He doesn’t even think it.

  “I can’t believe that Nan is lost to evil forever.” He can’t correlate the woman he called Nan his whole life with the evil Maleficium sorceress I claim her to be. The woman behind a fifteen-hundred-year-old, carefully orchestrated vendetta against me.

  I wrap my arms around him. “Alaric, you have to believe me. I’m not making this up.”

  He drags his fingers through his hair. It falls in soft waves around his face. Even when he’s obviously distraught, he’s beautiful, and I’m having a hard time keeping myself focused on persuading him to believe me. I wish there were some way for him to see the woman I know.

  I stop and study him. Maybe there is.

  “May I?” I ask as I place my hands on either side of his head. He startles at my touch but doesn’t stop me. I’m as much a distraction to him as he is to me. Mindful that I don’t want to overload him with too many visions too fast, I take a deep breath to focus. When I’m in complete control of myself, I push my knowledge of Carman into his head.

  Her stealing away a baby Alaric from Naisha.

  Scott locked in a cage in the back of the barn while Alaric walks around freely outside.

  Her opening a portal for Clayone to return to Ireland.

  Her attacking me at the bonfire.

  Her sending killing curses at Dad and Calliope.

  Her taking over Maria’s body.

  I take some liberties with some of the visions since I’m not exactly sure how the events happened. I just know they did.

  He gasps, pulling away from me. His chest heaves as he tries to come to grips with the images.

  When he finally catches his breath, he says, “Maybe I can persuade her? Maybe I can make her see that she doesn’t need to fight you. That you aren’t evil.”

  I don’t want to squash his hope, but there’s no way Carman can return to the light. “I fear she’s too far lost.”

  His eyes narrow on mine. “You’re taking extreme measures to try and bring Lizzie back. Why shouldn’t I cling to the chance that we can bring back Nan?”


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