Claiming his Love: (His Love)

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Claiming his Love: (His Love) Page 2

by M. J. Perry

  “Yay, I think a night out is just what I need.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  “If you meet me at my house I can grab an outfit and get a lift to yours, unless you want to lend me something?”

  I laughed at her not-so-subtle hint. She has wanted to borrow my red dress ever since she’d seen it. I hadn’t even worn it myself yet, but what the heck, Lea needed to see herself how everyone else did, beautiful. That dress would do the trick no doubt about it.

  “You can borrow my red dress.” I grinned.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She screeched then hugged me so tightly I couldn’t breathe.

  David opened the door of his office, probably wondering what the racket was. He smiled at Lea before his eyes touched mine. “What’s going on?”

  I couldn’t answer him; the hot look he was giving me had me in a daze. My breath quickened.

  “We are going out tonight.” Lea answered him, oblivious to the atmosphere.

  “Oh, really, where are you going?” his voice sounded casual but his eyes told a different story.

  “To the new bar down the street, we’re going to dress up and get drunk.”

  He took in her enthusiasm before looking at me. “It’s a good job Caleb and I are going tonight too, else who knows what kind of trouble you two could get yourselves into.” His smile didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Caleb’s going?” Lea asked in a subdued voice, her excitement deflating right before my eyes.

  “Yeah,” he answered her. Over her head, he raised his eyebrows at her change of attitude, but I quickly shook my head.

  I turned to Lea and gave her a quick smile. “Caleb doesn’t dance so we can dance all night.”

  She smiled. “You’re right, he doesn’t. Best make sure we’re wearing comfy shoes because we’re not leaving the dance floor.” She warned. “See you at five.”

  I watched her almost skip away from us.

  “What did I say?” David asked me.

  “Caleb’s been snapping at her and she wants a break from him.”

  “We both know why he snaps at her.”

  “Yes, I’m beginning to see why, but she doesn’t, and she’s definitely not ready to be told yet. She needs time.”

  “Caleb knows that. That’s why he is so frustrated. He’s going against his instincts to make her his.”

  “He told you that?” I asked.

  “He doesn’t have too; I’ve practically known him my whole life.”

  “Why would you tell me you think he’s interested in me if you know he isn’t?” I asked confused.

  “Caleb isn’t the only one frustrated you know.” He took a step towards me but seemed to check himself. “Perhaps it’s best I stay here, we don’t want a repeat of what happened earlier. There isn’t a door to lock.”

  My face heated, and I felt my pulse take off. The way he was looking at me told me he was aware of it. His smile was lazy when his eyes met mine, but it held promise. I took a quick breath, and he muttered something I couldn’t make out before he strode towards me fast. Anticipation of what was coming held me in place until he grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him and into his office. He flicked the lock, but he didn’t stop walking until he pushed me gently down onto the sofa by the wall. He sat next to me, his eyes so intense I closed mine in defence. I felt cornered by him, like a being he was about to conquer. I felt him shift and then his fingers gripped my chin.

  “Open your eyes.” He ordered.

  I hesitated and squeezed my chin hard, but not painfully. I got the message. When I opened them, I gasped at how close he was. I could feel his breath on my mouth and it was so arousing. His blue eyes weren’t as blue as I had thought, this close I could see tiny flecks of brown. My eyes dropped to his firm lips remembering how they’d felt on mine. I heard him groan and my eyes flicked back to his.

  “The way you look at me…” he trailed off. “I was going to give you more time but fuck it, you are mine. Everyone knows it but you.”


  “You heard me Chloe, I’m through dancing around. I’ve tried to ease you into a relationship with me, I was willing to go slow and let you get used to me, but I’m not waiting any longer.”

  “You’re not waiting any longer?” I parroted.

  He studied my face and my confusion must have registered.

  “I’ve shocked you.”

  “Of course you’ve shocked me! You only kissed me an hour ago.”

  “I’ve wanted you since you started working here nearly a year ago.”

  Wow. I could not be more surprised. “I’ve liked you since then too.” I admitted. I didn’t like games, and I wasn’t experienced enough to play them, anyway.

  “I know.”

  I blushed. “It was obvious?”

  “To me, yes.”

  “I never in my wildest dreams expected this.”

  “Here is what’s going to happen. We are going to date, we’ll go for dinner, to the cinema, all the normal things couples do. Then you’re moving in with me.”

  “What?” I almost screeched.

  He ignored my outburst. “Once you’re comfortable with me, we’ll get married and start a family. How do you feel about two kids?”

  I pinched him. My fingers gripped his arm hard. He flinched but didn’t make a sound. “What did you do that for?”

  “I was checking to see if I’m stuck in a dream.”

  He grinned. “You’re supposed to pinch yourself baby.”

  “I know, but pinching hurts.” I grinned back.

  “Do you still think you’re dreaming? I could kiss you if you like, prove it that way?”

  “It wouldn’t prove anything. I dream about kissing you.” I said shyly.

  My words pleased him; the smile he gave me showed me that. He leaned over me so I was nearly lying down and he kissed me. I felt like I was drowning, his tongue thrust into my mouth and I whimpered at the feel of his passion. When he let us up, we were both gasping for air, I pushed my face into the crook of his neck.

  “I meant every word, Chloe. I’ve known for a long time what I want from you and now I need you on the same page.”

  “And what if I don’t want to be on the same page?”

  “You want to be. Do I need to prove it?”

  “No, David you don’t. I want what you do too, but not as fast as you’ve planned.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because, I’m scared,”

  “Of me?” he looked hurt.

  “No of course not,” I quickly reassured him. “It’s just, I’ve never…” I trailed off embarrassed.

  “You’ve never been with a man before.” David finished for me and I nodded. “I know that Chloe, I worked that out a while ago. Want to know something?”

  I nodded again, unable to find my voice.

  “I can’t fucking wait to be your one and only.”

  “I thought men liked experienced women?” I asked in confusion. Didn't they like women who could please them?

  “Fuck, baby, knowing you’re untouched.” He shook his head. “There are no words, I’m a lucky man.”

  Well, that told me didn’t it. It all felt like a dream. The rush he had to move in together was a little scary. Honestly though, I’ve never felt so wanted in my life. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Was I trying to see the truth in his? I wasn’t sure, but David was. He picked up my hand and brought it to his mouth, turning it so he could kiss my palm.

  “What if I can’t please you?” I didn’t have the first clue what men liked, what he liked. I was sure I would disappoint him.

  “Baby, you please me just by kissing me, you’re a natural and we are going to be dynamite together.”

  “How can you be so sure? I don’t know anything.”

  “I’ll have fun finding out what pleases you, and teaching you what pleases us both. Don’t be anxious Chloe, just trust me.”

  Could I trust him? I was sure I could, but I couldn’t trust th
at I wouldn’t let my insecurities take over. “I do trust you.”

  “I know you do, otherwise you wouldn’t have let me get close to you. Something is bothering me though.”

  “What is?”

  “Why have you been so grumpy today?”

  I instantly flushed to the roots of my hair. I couldn’t tell him the reason because it was mortifying. I’d seen a photo of him and a brunette in one of the magazines and I had felt so jealous. “It’s that time of the month.” I shrugged.

  “Try again Chloe.” He said sternly. “You had that last week.”

  “How do you know that?” I asked in shock. It wasn’t like I advertised it.

  “You always have chocolate in your drawer and you wear baggier clothes for comfort.” His fingers pinched my chin and forced my eyes to meet his. “Now, tell me what was wrong?”

  I sighed. “I saw a photo of you in a magazine with a beautiful brunette on your arm. I was jealous, ok.” My eyes closed in embarrassment.

  “Open your eyes.”

  I waited a second before I followed his command.

  “I haven’t been with a woman since I first laid eyes on you.”

  I stared at him in shock. He had to be lying to me. “What about all the dates you’ve had? What about the brunette woman?”

  “I dropped them at their own homes at the end of the night without touching them. The brunette is the wife of a close friend. The tabloids make stuff up Chloe, you should know that.”

  “Ok.” I nodded.

  “You believe me?”

  “I have no reason to think you would lie to me.”

  “Good girl.”

  His phone started to ring, and he looked at me with a grin. “Where is my personal assistant when I need her?” he reached over still grinning to pick it up. “Callie.” He greeted with so much warmth in his voice I felt a pang of something. I moved to slip away, but he grabbed my hand holding me still. I watched as he spoke. “Yes, that sounds great, it will be plus one.”

  He laughed at her response. His eyes met mine. “I’ve finally done something about her.”

  I blushed at his words.

  “You’ll love her just like she’ll love you.” He was silent as he listened. “Yes, see you next week. Bye.”

  When he hung up the phone, he pulled me into his arms. “That was Callie, the brunette from the photo. She is married to an old friend of mine called Alex.


  “She’s invited us to dinner next week.”


  “She’s known about you for a while and she’s pleased she is finally going to meet you.”

  “Really?” I smiled.

  “Every week she invites me for dinner hoping I’ll have you with me.”

  “That’s sweet.”

  “She’s sweet, you’ll see that.” He looked at his watch. “We need to catch up on work; I have reports that need to be done and that appointment at three.”

  “I know.” I said reluctant to leave him.

  “Tonight you’re all mine.”

  “Not quite, I’m going out with Lea.”

  “Oh, I know but I’m the one who is going to be taking you home.”

  Butterflies filled my tummy at the promise his voice held. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Me too, baby, me too.” He brushed his lips against my brow and let me go.

  I turned towards the door and his hand caressed my bottom making me jump. “Don’t dress too sexy, I don’t want to have to fight men off.”

  “As if,” I scoffed. I wasn’t exactly the type of girl men fought over.

  “One day I’ll make you see yourself as I see you.”

  With my hand on the door handle, I twisted to look at him. “How do you see me?”

  “I see you as the sexiest, warmest, sweetest woman I’ve ever met.”

  “Oh.” I choked.

  “And now you’re struggling not to cry because you think I’m sweet.”

  I nodded.

  “I’m not sweet Chloe; I’m so far from sweet you wouldn’t believe it. I’m telling you the truth. You are fucking gorgeous. Now leave before I show you just how I feel.”

  I opened the door hearing the warning loud and clear and I didn’t look back. I was scared I would run back to him and rip his clothes off if I did. Who would have thought that as shy as I was, I would want to do that? The thought didn’t even make me blush. The phone on my desk started to ring, glad of the distraction, I snatched it up still slightly breathless. It was going to be a long afternoon.

  Chapter Three


  “How do I look?” Lea asked me, while she twirled around in excitement.

  “You look beautiful.” I wasn’t lying. She was a knock out.

  “Do you really think so?”

  “I sure do. All you need now are sexy heels.”

  “I can’t, we need to stay on the dance floor avoiding Caleb. I need comfortable shoes.”

  “You can’t wear that dress and wear flats Lea. It deserves to be worn with heels.”

  She sighed. “You’re right.”

  “I know I am, now here.” I pushed my red peep toe heels at her and smiled when she slipped her feet into them. “Now, you look amazingly beautiful.”

  “So do you.” She gave me a once over. “Trying to impress someone?”

  “Maybe,” I grinned. I had on my black dress with a low cut front and it hung to just above my knees. My yellow heels added colour and I’d left my hair down and swinging down my back. I felt good, I felt sexy, and I hoped I would blow David’s mind. “Are you ready?” I asked her.

  “Oh yeah, I’m ready.” She danced a little jig, making me giggle. She’d already had a couple of glasses of wine and I could see they were taking effect.

  “Well, let’s go dance then.”

  “If I see Caleb I’m going to ignore him.”

  “That’s fine with me.” I agreed. I didn’t think he would let her get away with it, but I didn’t want to burst her bubble.


  We made it to the club in ten minutes, it would have been quicker but Lea was a bit wobbly on her heels. We joined the queue at the door expecting a long wait, but the bouncer came to us and told us to come straight through. David must have had something to do with that.

  Now, we’ve been dancing for the last two hours and I was gasping for a drink. Every time I mentioned it to Lea, she shook her head at me. I hadn’t seen either David or Caleb and I couldn’t wait any longer, I was so hot I might just pass out. I grabbed Lea’s hand and forcibly pulled her towards the bar.

  “You promised.” She said pouting.

  I grimaced. “I’m sorry, I need a drink. We haven’t seen them, maybe they aren’t here.”

  “That’s because we’ve been dancing and Caleb doesn’t dance.” Her glare was almost comical.

  Someone barged into me from behind, and when I turned, a hand wrapped around my bicep. “Can I buy you a drink, sugar?”

  “No, I’m good thanks.” I looked pointedly at the hand still gripping me.

  “You’re such a pretty little thing, are you sure I can’t change your mind?”

  I shook my head. Why wouldn’t he take the hint? “I’m sure.”

  “What about a dance? I saw you out there and you looked really good. It got me thinking about how good you’d look bouncing naked on top of me.”

  Ok, that is just gross. “No thank you.” I pulled on my arm but he wouldn’t let go. His expression turned pissed. He opened his mouth, probably to have a go at me but something caught his eye over my shoulder and he abruptly released me.

  “Hey, asshole, the lady said no.” I heard a familiar voice.

  “And who the hell are you?”

  “David Poole. And you are?”

  “Fuck, I’m out of here. She isn’t worth it.”

  I watched in shock as the asshole bolted. He’d been persistent until David had showed up. I turned to face my saviour. “Just who are you to make a gr
own man?” My hands were shaking from the adrenalin and I fisted them. “I’m not complaining, I didn’t want to go with him but he almost knocked me over in his haste to get away from you when he heard your name.”

  David shook his head. “I’m no one baby, just a man protecting his woman.”

  I raised my brows at his blatant lie but I let it go for now. It was one in the morning and we were inside a club, it wasn’t the time to argue. A hand nudged my shoulder, and I realised I’d completely forgotten about Lea. What a shit friend I was. She looked angry when I met her eyes and I opened my mouth to apologise only to close it when I saw Caleb standing right next to her.

  “Oops.” I mouthed, and she grinned still looking mad though. Her eyes went to Caleb, and he was either oblivious or ignoring her because he grinned at me. Rolling my eyes, I turned to tell David he could leave us alone now but his expression stopped my words. He looked furious. He nodded at Caleb and as one; they turned to face the main entrance of the club. They had some kind of silent conversation and then David grabbed my hand.

  “I want you to do as I say.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked him confused.

  He sighed, gave Caleb a chin lift then pulled me along the bar. It was slow going because of how busy it was, but eventually we made it to a door marked private. He opened it without hesitation and dragged me through it. The door closed behind me and he pushed me against it taking my wrists in one hand and holding them above my head. “To answer your question, I want you to do as I say.”

  “I’m not agreeing to anything until you tell me what’s going on.”

  “Nothing is going on.”

  Another lie, “Who was that guy?”

  “He’s a nobody.”

  “Right, why was he so afraid of you?”

  “I don’t know why.”

  “I don’t believe that for a second, that guy looked terrified.”

  David didn’t answer, and I sighed loudly. “Ok.” He wasn’t going to tell me anything, he’d closed up just as he usually did when he didn’t want to talk about something.

  “Ok, what?”

  Great, he was going to make me say it. “I will do what you say.”


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