Claiming his Love: (His Love)

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Claiming his Love: (His Love) Page 4

by M. J. Perry

  “I am the boss, you should remember that.” He patted my bottom, and I let my legs fall from around him, and to the floor. I felt wetness, and I looked down to see his cum sliding down my leg.

  “We didn’t use a condom.”

  “I know, but I’m clean, you’re clean and you’re on the pill.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “You were a virgin.” He said as if I needed the reminder.

  “I meant, how do you know I’m on the pill?”

  “I checked in your purse earlier because last night we didn’t use a condom either.”

  “How did I not notice this?” I blushed.

  “I cleaned you up after you’d passed out.”


  He grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the bathroom. “Time for a shower,”

  “Yeah,” I agreed, still worrying. I couldn’t believe how stupid I’d been. If I wasn’t on the pill, I could be pregnant right now. My free hand went to my stomach. I liked that idea, and that shocked me. Don’t get me wrong, I love kids, but I’d promised my Nan I would be married before I had babies, so for me to feel sad it wasn’t possible for me to be pregnant, made me feel guilty.

  “Chloe, are you ok?”

  “Yeah, sure I was just thinking.”

  “I hope you aren’t worrying. You’re on the pill but even if you weren’t I wouldn’t regret making love to you without a condom. I’ve never gone bareback with anyone but with you, it’s all I want to do. The feel of your tight, wet heat is the best thing in the world.”

  What could I say to that? “Thanks, I think.”

  He laughed. “You’re welcome baby, now let’s clean you up.”

  I watched him as he leaned in to turn the shower on; his hand went under the water to check the temperature. “You wash my back, I’ll wash yours.”

  “I think I can manage that.” My pulse sped up at the look in his eyes. I should be sore shouldn’t I? All I felt was an overwhelming urge to have him inside me again. I’d gone from virgin to nympho in the short space of a day. I tied my hair up into a messy bun so it wouldn’t get wet then I stepped into the shower, the warm water hit me gently. I felt David climb in behind me and I moved to let the water hit him as well. He placed his hands on my shoulders and kissed my neck before letting me go. I heard a bottle click open and then his hands were back rubbing soap onto my shoulders, down my arms back up to my neck then he cupped my breasts. His thumbs rubbed my nipples, and they hardened. Before I could push myself back against him, he stopped touching me and turned me to face him. His hands skimmed down my stomach soaping me up, when his hand touched my mound I sucked in a quick breath but he only gently cleaned me and when he finished, he carried on to my thighs and then my calves.

  “Your turn,”

  “My turn?” I asked in a state of arousal and confusion.

  He kissed me lightly on the lips. “You need to rest baby else you’ll be sore for tonight and I have big plans.”

  “Oh, ok.” I hadn’t thought of that. I took the shower gel off him and poured a generous amount into my hands. “Turn around.” I ordered and watched his lips tip up in a grin. God, I loved this man. He turned, and I took a minute to appreciate his beautiful back and bum. I started at his neck running my hands down it then along his shoulders, down his back and to his bum. Kneeling down, I caressed his legs. As I got to my feet, he turned, and I squeezed more gel onto my hands and again started at his neck, running my hands along it, down to his shoulders then his chest. His hair tickled my hands as I rubbed it, letting my fingernails gently scrape over his nipples. My eyes dropped to his cock, and I watched it grow, feeling reckless I reached and caressed him. I licked my lips. Butterflies fluttered in my tummy as I knelt until my face was level with his groin.

  “I’ve never done this before; I might not be very good.” I said feeling shy.

  “You don’t have to do it.” He growled. Looking up I saw the desire in his eyes his body was taut.

  “I know but I want to.”

  I leaned forward and licked him from root to tip, just like I would a lollypop. I’d read about oral sex, I had some idea what to do but suddenly I felt embarrassed. He’d probably had hundreds of them from experienced women, surely I wouldn’t be able to do it right.

  His hand gripped my chin and tipped it up so I had no choice but to look at him. “Whatever you do to me I will love it.”

  “Ok.” I nodded feeling more sure of myself because of his sweet words.

  I leaned forward again but this time I took him into my mouth a bit at a time. His scent and the taste of him had me groaning in pleasure. Slowly I started to suck, softly at first, a little at a time until I found my rhythm. His hands cupped the back of my head but he didn’t try to make me move faster and I loved that I was the one in control that I was the one giving him pleasure. My confidence came back, and I found myself moving faster, sucking harder until my cheeks hollowed out. When it felt like my jaw was going to shatter his hands tightened in my hair and he stiffened. He tried to pull me off him, but I gripped his bum and held him to me. His release hit my tongue, and I swallowed it quickly, he moved away and this time I let him fall out of my mouth with a pop. I raised my head, and we locked eyes. By his expression, I could tell he’d enjoyed it. I felt so proud that on my first try I’d made him cum.

  “Fuck, baby that was amazing.”

  “Really?” I asked pleased.

  “You need more proof?”

  “I don’t think I could do it again, my jaw really aches.” I grinned.

  He opened his mouth to reply but his phone started ringing. It was the office ringtone. We looked at each other worried. The office didn’t open at weekends so it wasn’t going to be good news.

  David stepped out and grabbed a towel wrapping it around his waist. He dried his hands and quickly picked his phone up off the counter.

  “Hello.” He answered.

  Whoever it was, he didn’t look pleased, he walked out of the bathroom without looking back. I turned the shower off and hurried to dry myself so I could follow him, curiosity and worry warred inside me. I heard him speak; his voice angry then he spoke my name. I would have tried to give him a little privacy but hearing my name changed that. As I walked into the kitchen, he turned to face me and his expression softened slightly. I smiled and headed for the coffee, I may as well do something while I waited for him to finish. I tried to come up with reasons why someone would be ringing him from the office but I couldn’t think of any that didn’t scare me. I sat at the table drinking my coffee in silence while I waited for him to finish talking. When he finally hung up, he came to stand behind me; one hand went to my hair brushing it gently down my back with his fingers while the other pressed my shoulder. “We’ve got to go to the office.”


  “Yes, we, I’m not letting you out of my sight right now.”

  That alarmed me. “What’s happened?”

  “I’ll tell you when we get to the office. Ryder and Caleb will be there too.”

  “I haven’t seen Ryder in weeks.”

  “He’s been undercover but something went wrong and now it’s gone to shit.”

  He put his hand out and I placed mine in it. “We need to go. I’ll make you coffee when we’re there.”

  I shook my head. “I’ll make the coffee, but thanks.” David’s coffee was like tar, you could stand a spoon up in it.

  Chapter Six


  We made it to the office in thirty minutes. The drive had been quiet, David had been lost in his thoughts, whatever he’d been told had him worried. Now we were sitting in his office waiting for everyone. I heard the outer door beep and looked up to see Caleb stroll in with Lea tucked under his arm. I raised my brows in disbelief and she blushed crimson. Caleb grinned and kissed her hair. Wow, that was quite a difference from last night.


  “Who made it?” Caleb asked.


Well in that case, I’ll have one. Thanks.”

  “My coffee isn’t that bad.” David growled.

  “It would keep me awake for a week.” I said.

  “I’m sure I could keep you entertained.” He grinned making me giggle.

  The office door opened and Ryder walked in, he must be the one who had called David. His was gorgeous; even though I was completely in love with David, I could appreciate Ryder and his sexiness. Whoever he chose to settle down with would be one lucky woman. His looks, his personality and his slight aloof badass persona definitely made him a good package. No one would mess with him unless they were dense.

  The guys all half hugged and slapped each other on the back in greeting and I tore my eyes from Ryder, I looked at Lea and she winked. She’d been checking him out too.

  “Now everyone is here can you explain what’s going on please?” I asked.

  David sighed, “Ryder has been undercover on an operation for us. He infiltrated a group who kidnap children as young as five and ransom them to their families.”

  I gasped. “That’s awful. What happens if the family don’t have the money?”

  “That’s not happened yet. All the children they target have wealthy families, most are worth over eighteen million.” Ryder explained.


  “Yeah, wow.”

  “So they are watching the family’s movements making sure they can and will pay, and then they abduct the children?”

  “Yes, and up until now no one had got hurt but last night a ten-year-old boy tried to escape and one of the thugs beat him badly. I stepped in and kicked the shit out of the guy before taking the child to the hospital.

  “Will he be ok?”

  “He will be once his bruises have healed. He’s safe with his parents; they have protection until we find out who is behind all this. It goes without saying that I blew my cover and I still didn’t manage to find out who the top dog is.”

  “What’s the plan now?” I asked. “I assume the police are involved.”

  David cleared his throat. “Yes but we have resources that they don’t. We need to find the boss. Someone is making millions doing this and we need to stop them. No more children should go through what the others have.”

  “How will you do that?” I asked curiously.

  “We have our ways.” Ryder said not giving anything away.

  “But your plan didn’t work. Are you in danger now?”

  “Ah Sweetie, are you worried about me?”

  I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. “Yes I’m worried about you. If your cover is blown, then surely they know who you are now.”

  “I’ll be fine.” His face changed, he looked almost worried. “I just can’t go home until we sort this mess out.”

  “Well, what can I do?”

  “Make coffee?”

  “Is that a nice way of telling me to get lost?”

  “Lea can help you.” Caleb piped up.

  “Fine, we’ll go but we want to know what you decide to do.”

  “Yes, ok, we’ll tell you later.”

  I huffed. Translation- I won’t be telling you anything.

  Lea linked her arm through mine and dragged me through the door. One of the men closed it behind us. “Come on, you can tell me how you came to be at the office with David on a Saturday morning.”

  “As long as you tell me all about Caleb, like how he’s all of a sudden kissing your hair when yesterday you wanted to punch him.” I grinned.

  “It’s a long story.”

  I looked back at the closed office door. “We have time.”

  Chapter Seven


  I waited until Ryder closed the door behind the girls before addressing him. “How bad is it?”

  “Pretty bad, I’ve left them without a number two boss so the big boss is gunning for me in a literal sense.”

  “I thought you beat up one of his crew?”

  “I did but when I finished doing that I was carrying the boy to safety when boss number two walked in the door whistling.”

  “Oh boy,” I groaned.

  “I stopped him by knocking his teeth out then because he stupidly got back up, I might have broken a couple of his bones.”

  I rolled my eyes. “A couple?”

  He sighed. “Ok, I broke both his legs. He could also have a broken arm; I wasn’t picky where I hit him.”

  “I would have done the same.” Caleb admitted.

  “I would have too but we could have used him for Intel.”

  “He wouldn’t have told us anything.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “He’s a mean son of a bitch with no family, no fear. We would have got nothing.”

  “I’ll take your word for it. We need a plan of attack because I can guarantee they are going to try to attack us.”

  “We need to keep the girls out of it.” Caleb said.

  “That should go without saying.” I agreed.

  Ryder laughed. “Chloe is probably listening at the door right now.”

  Caleb shook his head. “I bet they’ve forgotten all about making coffee because they’re too busy grilling each other about us.”

  “Well, what’s there to know?” Ryder grinned.

  “Nothing except I’ve told Chloe she’s mine.”

  “That’s nothing new.”

  “It is for her. She didn’t take it too well.”

  “She seems ok with it now.”

  I grinned. “She took some convincing.”

  “How about you Caleb?” I grinned.

  “We’re in the early stages. I don’t want to rush her after what that piece of shit did to her.”

  “Lea knows you won’t do the same.”

  “Of course but she’s still wary.”

  “Now we’ve got that off our chests I’m going out. I’ll check out my contacts, see if anyone has surfaced since number two got hurt.”

  “Does number two have a name?” I asked Ryder.

  “I figured number two works well, after all he is a piece of shit.”

  “No arguments there. “I agreed. “Caleb can you search for any wealthy families in the area that have had a child go missing. Make a list and we can try to find a pattern, we can warn the schools as well as the parents.”

  “The police should do that.” Ryder said.

  “Yeah but the search area has got bigger. Your ten-year-old lived five miles further out than the rest.” I explained.

  “You’re right. I’ll get right on it once I’ve grabbed a coffee. Chloe makes the best. I’ve missed it.”

  “Yeah she does.” Caleb agreed, “What are you going to do David?”

  “I’ll lean on my contact at the police; he has a way to find any information I need. Someone must know who the boss is or where he is. We just need a little hint before blowing the operation wide open.”

  “Let’s hope it comes soon, before they take any more kids.”

  “Between the three of us we should be able to pull something out of the bag.”

  “What do we tell the girls?” Ryder asked.

  “Not a lot.” I ordered.

  “We can all agree on that.”

  Chapter Eight


  The door opened and out walked three grim faces.

  “I need coffee Chloe then I have to shoot off.” Ryder smiled, but he looked troubled. I knew he was worried, he wasn’t usually an open book, but the tension was pouring off him. I got up and walked over to the kitchen, Caleb went to Lea and I saw her frown before he kissed her head and disappeared out the door.

  “So much for the fun day he promised.” she muttered.

  “I’ll treat you to breakfast. I didn’t get to eat a lot this morning and I’m starving.” I blushed when I remembered why.

  David chuckled like he’d read my thoughts. I glared at him. Pouring coffee into a take-out cup, I passed it to Ryder, seeing his grin did not help my embarrassment; neither did the clap on the back he gave Da

  “I’ll let you know what I find out.” Ryder told David.

  “Don’t forget to check in.” David ordered him.

  Ryder saluted him and nodded. “Bye girls.”

  We both chorused bye, both of us staring at his behind before looking at each other with a grin. He was just too gorgeous. David caught my eye and my grin dropped. He didn’t look amused, in fact, he looked furious.

  “I’m only human.” I blurted out.

  “Oh, boy,” This came from Lea. “I’ll take a rain check on breakfast Chloe.”

  “Tell Caleb you’re going home and he’ll give you a lift.” David ordered her without taking his eyes from mine.

  “I’ll be fine, I can walk.”

  David shook his head. “Go tell him or I will.”

  “Am I in danger?” She exclaimed.

  “No, but I don’t want to risk you leaving here alone right now.”

  She sighed. “Ok. Chloe, call me.” She headed to the door, but turned back. “Good luck.” She grinned and closed the door.

  Why would I need luck? One look at David and I remembered. “I’m sorry.” I tried to look innocent.

  “For what?” he asked as he stalked towards me.

  I felt trapped, I couldn’t move. “For staring at Ryder’s behind?” I said uncertain because he was shaking his head before I’d even finished speaking.

  “Try again?”

  I looked behind me and realised the light on the intercom was still green. Shit, busted. I bit my lip, not sure, if I should try to deny it. The look on his face, the anger in his eyes made my decision for me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realise it was on at first and when you started to speak I was curious.”

  “The whole point of you leaving the room was so you didn’t know anything. Did Lea hear?”

  I looked down at my shoes. “She was in the toilet.”

  “How much did you hear?”

  “Not a lot.”

  “Which means you heard most of it, I’m guessing?”


  He sighed loudly. “Chloe, I’m so mad right now I could spank you. Nothing that was said in that room leaves this office. Do you understand?”

  I nodded quickly not wanting to upset him more.


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