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Allister, J. Rose - Immortal Menage [Immortal Paradise 4] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)

Page 16

by J. Rose Allister

  He stopped when he saw pain and betrayal fill her eyes like tears.

  There was a telltale quiver in her voice. “So you did the marriage ritual with her, thinking she was me.”

  “No.” He wanted to gather her in his arms. But he was dangerous to her right now. “She tried to fool me into taking her. But the Fates came and intervened.”

  Lust snorted. “Oh, the Fates came. Right, because they just happened to be in the neighborhood and stopped by for tea?”

  “Your tongue could be of better use served in a fine stew in the Joontang realm,” Grayel spat back. “They came to stop Lucreda from succeeding in overturning a prophecy that foretold my destined mate centuries ago.”

  “Your destined mate?” Her voice had fallen to a whisper. “Who is she?”

  “You are.” He sighed. “The prophecy was brought forth by the Fates when I was yet a boy. They said the holy Grayel would render eternal life to a human, that my essence would fill the cup and make the one who consumed it immortal.”

  She shook her head. “That isn’t a prophecy. It’s a story we have on earth about a cup called…”

  “I know,” Grayel said. “The holy grail. But the human version is wrong. My father took the prophecy that was meant for me and cast it away to earth. He didn’t want me joining with a mortal.”

  Love folded his arms. “That doesn’t prove Lexie is the human destined for you.”

  “There’s more.” Grayel sought her eyes. “They said that she would have elven skin and crimson hair, and run with me through dreams.”

  Her blue eyes grew wide. “That’s why you sought me out. You were looking for her.”

  “No, Lex Ann. I never sought the woman in that description, because I wasn’t told of the prophecy until yesterday. I found you by accident. Or by fate, it would seem.”

  “But your family has rejected me,” she said, her tone pleading, “and this is creating upheaval among your people. How can I wed you? I don’t want to be hated, and you can’t rule a realm with a mate who causes such strife.”

  “The Fates stepped in tonight and put an end to it,” he said. “As highly as they spoke of you and your destiny as goddess by my side, no one will oppose the marriage now.” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “You are my destiny, Alexandra Ann Porter. You always have been.”

  He watched as she literally sank to the floor, her beautiful gown pooling around her like a cloud. “The Fates spoke of me highly. They foretold our union. And they say I have a destiny.”


  She sat there, staring at the floor. The three men glanced at each other.

  “Lexie?” Love asked. “Are you all right?”

  She gave a little hiccup-laugh. “Well, it’s been one big surprise after another since I left my little apartment and landed on this island. I’m just a bit bowled over.”

  She fell silent, sitting on the floor plucking at her garment. Long moments ticked past with her expression unreadable. Perhaps she didn’t believe his explanation, or could not accept it.

  “I am sorry that I failed you,” he said at last. “I swore to come to you at the appointed hour, and despite every intention I did not do so. I hope you can forgive me, and let me spend all of eternity making it up to you.”

  Something burned in her gaze when she looked up at him. “How will you make it up to me?”

  He flinched at the flat tone in her voice. To miss his own wedding day and show up after having been willingly ravaged—sort of—by a scheming wench was perhaps something he could not atone for. He tried for a reassuring smile. “By loving you more fiercely than a god has ever loved his mate.”

  After a moment, she rose, so fluidly that she appeared to have already transcended the mortal realm. She eyed him boldly, this time with a gaze that shot straight to his cock. He felt it twitch behind the hand holding his garment closed. His heart jolted when she took one, then two steps toward him. When Love made a move to intervene, Lex Ann held out a hand to stop him.

  On the third step she wavered, her eyes fluttering and face flushing a deep pink. There she paused, but extended a hand slowly toward him. Before he could warn her, she stopped herself and threw her head back. She struggled to keep her hand inside his radiating aura of power, gritting her teeth. After a few moments she jerked her hand away, swaggering back a few steps before sinking to her knees.

  “Lexie!” Lust pulled her to her feet and half dragged her backward away from Grayel. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Her eyes opened straight to Grayel’s, a molten simmer firing her sapphire gaze. “I wanted to feel him while I was yet mortal. I had to know what it’s like for a human to bask in the power of a god.”

  His cock surged to life at the potency of her stare. For all the awe evident in her expression, she was truly the one who held power in the room—over every male present.

  So it was there, in front of the powers of Love, Lust, and a destined goddess, that the heir to the twelfth realm dropped to one knee. “You have won my heart and my eternal love, Lex Ann. Will you accept this destiny and consent to be my mate?”

  Her look seared him. The symbols on her chest began to undulate faster. “Grayel, god of the twelfth realm…” she shot the other two a quick look, “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  This was it.

  Lexie gaped at the man she’d dreamed of all year, barely unable to believe her eyes. Love and Lust had proven they were worthy of their names, by challenging her ability to resist their seductive power and masculine beauty. But Grayel shone like a supernova by comparison, and not just because of the bright luminance pulsing around him. As inhumanly gorgeous as he’d been in her dreams, the real Grayel made those memories fall into shadow. His hair fell in thick waves to his shoulders in an almost coppery chestnut that his supernatural illumination highlighted to near blond. He stood much taller than the other two men, every inch packed with muscle. Even through the robe and remaining shreds of fabric beneath, she could clearly picture him as part of a distant Celtic past. She saw him as a highlander with a kilt and broadsword, ready to battle on fair hills the same emerald shade as his eyes. Her pulse sped when she caught those eyes staring at her with the same hunger she felt for him.

  Already the scratches on his arm were nearly healed, just visible enough to show that red blood flowed through the immortal veins that stood out over his powerful, bulky arms. She had thought a lot about whether her body would work the same internally after the change. Grayel seemed as human as Love and Lust, with an important visible difference. The rippling mirage that shimmered frequently, yet erratically, around the demigods burned bright around Grayel. He emanated a white-hot sunburst that would consume any mortal who drew too close. She’d only managed to get within a foot and a half from him before she nearly swooned. No wonder he couldn’t have simply come to her home, or even met her by the fountain in person. Humans would have reacted in shock at his ethereal appearance, plus any who got too close would hit the ground flat. Grayel sharing an elevator or walking on a crowded beach? Not likely.

  Despite this, it was still all she could do to stop herself from rushing to his gleaming form. Her body hummed with his proximity, and the sacred symbols on her naked flesh were now whispering to her of destiny. They danced in celebration of him claiming her as his mate. She burned to feel his essence shoot inside her and render her a goddess. While part of her could stare at his deified beauty forever, the rest swayed and pulsed with a need so great her legs weakened and her sex tingled to have his cock thrusting inside her. It would not be Grayel’s cock that brought her to orgasm this time, but it would happen soon with or without any of their help regardless.

  She shifted her stare and was struck by Lust’s own palpable hunger. Flames burned high in his eyes, and his own aura was pulsing strong and bright. He seemed to be feeding off the desire spiking between Lexie and Grayel, and she’d never seen his trousers so thick with the evidence of that enjoyment. Love also
seemed deeply affected by the heated sexual air around him. His eyes appeared unfocused and bright blue, and his lips were parted. His hands were clasped in front of his trousers, but from where she stood she could clearly see the outline of a large, pulsing erection.

  “It’s time,” Grayel said in a thick whisper. He looked at Lust. “All is readied?”

  Lust nodded. “Follow me. Lexie, you first.”

  He gestured her into the hallway where she’d eavesdropped on his argument with Love. The demigods followed behind her, and though Grayel brought up the rear, she could keenly feel his potent presence. It occurred to her that the processional order was no accident, but done so two demigods could shield her from the god’s power in the narrow hall.

  Lust’s bedroom stood at the end of the hallway. Double doors were flung wide open to a sight that stopped her short. When Lust cleared his throat, however, she walked in and moved well aside so the rest could enter.

  She’d had no reason to doubt that Lust’s room was best suited for an erotic ritual, but hadn’t fully considered the extent to which this was true. Unbelievable as it seemed, his bed was even more massive than her own, and the headboard was not merely crafted from two horns of unknown animal origin. His headboard stretched to the ceiling and appeared to be made from the magnificent antlers of a gargantuan stag. Smaller antlers rose from each corner to serve as foot posts, and horned protrusions stretched over the bed to serve as arms for a canopy of lush black and crimson velvet. The bed was not scalloped, but extra wide and sat higher than hers because it sat on a platform rising from the floor.

  Still, it was not the overly-testosteroned bed that made for the most interesting focal point in this room. Nor were the many phallic and fertility objets d’art on display, many of them inset into wall alcoves with spotlights trained on them in artistic fashion. Her attention focused on a large mural of what could only be called the immortal orgy of all time. The design spanned the entire wall opposite her. She let her gaze wander in heated appreciation of the brilliant colors and wildly erotic art. Many beautiful beings were depicted locked together—some reclining on floor cushions, others on chaises, still more standing or draped over tables as their lovers thrust, licked, and rejoiced in mid-ecstasy. Her eyes landed on a figure she recognized. Lust was on the floor, with several others gathered around him watching and masturbating. His eyes were depicted fully ablaze, while he gripped the thighs of a willowy blonde nymph he was fucking. She was lying on her back on a black rug like the one in the sitting room. Maybe the exact one Lexie had been lying on herself.

  Her eyes widened when she spotted Love in the painting as well. His hips were pressed to the ass of a well-rounded brunette on all fours. A man was beneath her, clutching her breasts. Another sculpted blond man ran his tongue along Love’s smooth jaw.

  Love and Lust, out for a night on the town. There had been encounters, all right. Good fucking heavens.

  Yet despite the sexual grandeur evident in all corners of the room, it was the wall behind her that drew her most curious stare. White satin had been draped over the wall, and smoldering pink and red lighting had been trained on it to give it dappled splotches of color. Considering the rest of the room this hardly seemed exciting, except for the two items dangling from the ceiling and two others jutting up from the floorboards. The chains and manacles were all padded, but nevertheless a tingle of nerves passed through her.

  Lust stood with his arms crossed and wearing a very smug expression. “Like the décor?”

  “That depends,” she said. “Do I get to chain you up? Preferably with a gag?”

  He raised an amused brow, but she saw him flick a gaze at Grayel and bite down on what was probably the naughty reply he was ready to give.

  “Love and Lust have explained to you how this works?” Grayel asked.

  “Yes.” She eyed the bed. “I figured we’d be doing this over there, but this rather interesting setup looks thrown together on the spur. Who exactly will be getting chained up?”

  “Please understand, this is only for your protection,” Grayel said. “Since we will be in close proximity during the joining, securing your limbs will help ensure you do not accidentally touch me and suffer harm.”

  She glanced at the chains, then down at her dress. “You do realize I’m going to look like Fay Wray waiting for King Kong.”

  When he grinned, her heart tried to pound its way out of her chest. He was so gorgeous, so powerful, and made her feel like no man ever had—not even the other gods she’d had the unbelievable experience of meeting. And it was her destiny to be with him forever. Suddenly, she couldn’t wait for the ritual to be over.

  Grayel seemed to mirror her feelings. “Ready to begin?” He turned to Love, who was standing behind him, not far from the giant orgy wall. “If you could stand beside her now?”

  Her eyes flew open and she met Love’s guilt-ridden glance. With the dramatic circumstances of Grayel’s late arrival, she’d totally forgotten the drama that had occurred on this side of the portal.

  Before Love could reply, she stepped forward. “There’s been a change in plans.”

  Grayel raised a brow at her. “What kind of change?”

  “Love will be acting as the witness,” she said. “Not the…” she thought for a minute, “Shah-Hai ‘Na.”

  Her mate’s eyes darkened, and she swallowed. “Who decided on this change without consulting me?”

  “It wasn’t her fault,” Love piped up from behind. He walked up to Grayel and looked him square in the eye. “I’m afraid my role has been compromised, and I felt it necessary to step back in order to preserve the success of the ritual.”

  The god folded his arms, seeming not to care that his robe fell open to expose glimpses of his impressive girth through the shredded fabric of his pants. “Compromised. How?”

  “Look who you selected,” Lust said. “By his very nature he is inclined to develop feelings, especially for a woman as exceptional as the one you decreed worthy of goddesshood.”

  Grayel’s head turned to Lexie, and her heart pounded in fear. “Is this true?” he said. “Has something grown between you?”

  She nodded. “For me, a treasured friendship.”

  “I treasure that friendship as well,” Love said, “and am honored Grayel considered me worthy for this task. Out of respect for your union and wishes for a successful ritual, I must be honest in admitting that my nature has gotten the better of my feelings for Lex Ann.”

  Grayel’s expression seemed mixed. “You love her.”

  “No, but I care more for her more than is prudent for a proxy. Given time under other circumstances, such feelings could quite easily grow into love.”

  Lexie swallowed, watching Grayel closely. He stared at Love, a muscle quirking in his jaw. When he uncrossed his arms, she tensed. Then he extended a hand to the demigod. “I am grateful for your honesty. Not all males with feelings for a woman as beautiful as Lex Ann would refuse the chance to bed her, let alone make such an admission to her mate.” He threw a smoldering look her way. “I certainly cannot blame you for seeing her the way that I do.”

  Love accepted the handshake. “Thank you.”

  Grayel turned to Lust, who was still standing near Lexie. He eyed the man up and down. “I suppose you nobly volunteered to take his place?”

  Lexie shook her head. “Actually, he didn’t. It was all my idea. I had a bit of a time convincing him, really.”

  A skeptical brow lifted as Grayel addressed Lust. “I admit I had suspected you would be the one I’d have to watch out for.”

  “You are not the first one to think so,” Lust said. He shot Lexie a quick glance. “But I assure you, my interests in this role will in no way hamper the success of the ritual.” He strolled forward to the god, his voice turning to roughened silk. “In fact, you might even find you enjoy it enough to bring me back when you to want to renew your vows. Humans are quite big on that, I hear.”

  Grayel’s grunt sounded doubtful, but Le
xie saw his cock begin to twitch and pulse with interest. Her clit did a similar throbbing in response, and she couldn’t bear it any longer. “So, who’s going to chain me up?”

  Lust turned to her with a smile and a wink.

  “First,” Grayel said, “there are matters of tradition.” Her disappointment obviously showed, and he laughed. “Come now, surely you wouldn’t expect a human bride to toss the bouquet before she comes down the aisle?”

  She smiled. “I’m sorry. I’m just eager, and I wasn’t given a step-by-step manual for this.”

  “Love?” Grayel fished inside his robes, his growing erection heating her cheeks. He pulled something from a pocket. “If you will ask for consent?”

  He nodded and stepped forward. “I am immortal, and yet of mortal. I am called as witness to this marriage bond. May the Fates smile on your success.” He turned to Lexie. “Do you come to this joining with the intent of shedding your mortal cloak and bonding to your mate, Grayel, for all eternity as a full immortal?”

  “I do.”

  “You take this path without undue persuasion, nor fear of reprisal if you do not comply?”

  She felt her body begin to quiver. “Without either.”

  “Just say ‘I do’,” Lust whispered from beside her.

  “Oh, sorry. I do.”

  Grayel smiled at her when Love turned to him. “You fully understand the responsibility of taking the human woman Lex Ann as your mate, pulling her from her mortal home forever and binding her to your side as a goddess?”

  His eyes burned into Lexie. “I do.”

  Her stomach began somersaulting.

  “You take this path without undue persuasion nor fear of reprisal if you do not comply?”

  “Only the persuasion of my heart.” He grinned. “Oh, sorry. I do.”

  Love stepped over to Lust. “You willingly serve this couple as their Shah-Hai ‘Na, seeking in this sexual union only the enablement of the bond and transformation?”


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