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Hunter - Big Girls & Bad Boys

Page 4

by Cameron, D. H.

  “I feel like I’m on a mission behind enemy lines,” Hunter said to break the silence.

  “You are. You might be the first Marine a girl has brought back to her room...for sex anyway,” I observed. I don’t know if that was true but Berkeley wasn’t the friendliest place to the military.

  “Ooh-rah. Marines, first to to speak,” Hunter said. I laughed as the elevator doors opened. I led Hunter to my room and unlocked the door. We entered and I locked it behind us. As I turned, I faced Hunter. He pushed me up against the door and kissed me, his hands cupping my face. I felt my knees go weak.

  “I missed you,” he told me as he broke the kiss.

  “I can see that,” I said, reaching down and squeezing the big lump in his pants. Hunter winked at me, turned and walked away. He took a seat on my bed, laying back reclining on his elbow.

  “I never did really see you naked,” he observed.

  “That’s true. I never saw that tattoo either,” I replied.

  “I’m glad for that,” he said as I began unbuttoning my blouse. Hunter watched as I finished and slipped the blouse off my shoulders. Even here in the bright light coming from the dorm room windows, I didn’t feel self-conscious. I couldn’t the way Hunter stared at me, like a hungry dog looked at a raw steak.

  “So am I. I might have done something stupid like tell you to get lost,” I said as I peeled my leggings off. I stood once I’d stepped out of them after kicking off my flats. I was in pink panties and a lacy bra that roughly matched them. “So?” I asked.

  “You’re sexy as fuck. Come here,” Hunter told me. I walked over as his eyes swept up and down my body.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I think you owe me,” Hunter told me.

  “For what?” I asked incredulously. Hunter undid his pants and pushed them along with his briefs down his hips. His cock sprang free, erect and bouncing enticingly.

  “Dinner?” he replied sheepishly.

  “The dinner where you left me alone to take the bus home?” I asked. Hunter was playing with me and I was doing the same with him. I liked this playful banter much more than arguing with him. He grabbed his shaft and squeezed it. He looked bigger than I remember. I never really saw him in the Eucalyptus Grove.

  “You’re lucky I like you,” I said and unhooked my bra. I slid it down my arms as my full and heavy breasts poured from it. Then I shimmied out of my panties before working on Hunter’s shoes. It wasn’t but a moment before I had his pants off and then I knelt next to my bed and began to stroke Hunter as he pulled off his shirt.

  “I’ve longed for your touch, Mel,” he told me.

  “Kiss ass. I’m stroking your dick. You don’t need to convince me anymore,” I said.

  “Maybe I mean it,” he replied.

  “Then, by all means, tell me more,” I said playfully as I lowered my head and took Hunter between my lips. He brushed my golden hair to the side so he could watch. I was glad to put on a show for this man. Hell, who was I kidding? I may not have liked what Hunter did but damn it, Marines were sexy as hell. Those fucking dress blues turned me to jelly.

  I put on a show for Hunter, my skills, such as they were, on full display. I assumed Hunter liked my attention by his sighs and groans, his throbbing erection and the juices he leaked into my mouth. I fondled his heavy balls and stroked his glistening shaft. I was lost in the act, enjoying pleasuring Hunter as much as I looked forward to him pleasuring me.

  “You look pretty with my cock in your mouth,” he told me. I pulled him from my mouth and looked at Hunter.

  “Maybe you’d look pretty if I was sitting on your face,” I replied.

  “Let’s find out,” he replied. Hunter scooted up onto the bed and laid down. I didn’t need to be asked twice and climbed aboard. I straddled his face, only Hunter’s eyes visible below and settled onto his face. Hunter’s arms reached around my thighs and he spread me wide before he dove in. Oh wow!

  “I was right. You look good between my legs,” I teased. Hunter responded by sucking on my hot nub. I arched as the sensations ripped through me. Soon I was undulating, rubbing myself on Hunter’s tongue and lips. I tensed and a moment later I cried out as a wild orgasm wracked my soft body. Hunter didn’t relent, however.

  He released one thigh and his hand disappeared behind me. A moment later, two fingers slipped into my slippery tunnel as his thumb massaged my back door. Fuck! I came again, the climax searing and deep. I gasped as my breath caught in my throat. Then it was released as I screamed and giggled.

  “Oh, you’re good,” I told Hunter as I lifted myself from his face and slid my hips lower. I took Hunter’s face in my hands and kissed him, my taste on his lips. Dirty, right? As we kissed, I reached back and guided Hunter’s hard shaft towards my wet pussy.

  “Condom?” he asked as we kissed.

  “Whatever, I’m on the pill,” I told him. That was good enough for Hunter. He thrust his hips and hammered into me.

  “Hard. Hard and fucking fast,” I urged him. Hunter obliged. His hips pounded into me from below as I bounced on his rigid member. He felt so fucking good. We rocked together as one, frantically and furiously enjoying the carnal pleasure. I climaxed, arching as the pleasure washed over me. The act felt...I don’t know. Taboo maybe.

  Hunter was a Marine and I was an anti-war activist. I don’t know how his fellow Marines viewed girls like me, but most of my friends and acquaintances saw guys like Hunter as the enemy. I was sleeping with the enemy and it felt so deliciously wrong. Daisy would freak but part of me wanted to shock her and everyone else. Hunter had that effect on me.

  “Your ass is magnificent,” Hunter told me as he squeezed my lush backside.

  “Then enjoy,” I said as I lifted myself off of Hunter and lay on my stomach next to him on my narrow bed. I lifted my ass in the air and wiggled it.

  “You mean...?” Hunter asked tentatively. I looked back at him as he straddled my thighs.

  “I’m a college girl. I like to experiment. Your choice,” I assured him. Hunter thought it over.

  “Some other time. Too much work,” he told me, leaned forward and slid into me again. I exhaled as his length filled me to the brim.

  “Good choice. Now fuck me,” I urged Hunter. He lowered his body onto mine and, kissed my neck as he thrust into me. He hit an entirely different spot and what a spot it was. I whimpered and sobbed as another fulfilling orgasm took me. Hunter was desperately pounding into me and I knew it wouldn’t take very long for him to succumb.

  “Please, don’t pull out,” I told him. Hunter kissed my shoulder and then whispered.

  “Not a chance,” he said and began sucking on my earlobe. I lost it. Writhing beneath Hunter as a torrid climax wracked my body. I bit my comforter and screamed into it as the sensations sizzled within. Then Hunter gasped and I felt him swell.

  “I’m coming,” he growled and I felt his cock erupt within me. It was glorious and I had another orgasm as Hunter enjoyed his own. He filled me, his orgasm curiously cool within me. Hunter’s thrusts were slowed but each was firm and quick. Then he went limp and lay still on top of me. “I missed that. I really did,” he told me.

  “Me too,” I replied. We lay there like that, Hunter laying on me as I lay on my stomach, each of us gasping for breath. But soon, Hunter moved and we ended up face to face, legs and arms entwined, kissing and staring into one another’s eyes. “Why are you here?” I asked.

  “What?” Hunter replied.

  “In Berkeley? You aren’t stationed here, I know that,” I told him.

  “Oh, I live here...or rather my folks do. I’m on liberty for the Holidays,” he explained.

  “You grew up here? Wow!” I replied, surprised at that.

  “The whole city isn’t crazy. There’s a few normal families here and there,” he said, half joking.

  “So, I’m crazy?” I asked him playfully. I didn’t take what he said the wrong way and I knew he wouldn’t take my words the wrong way either.

  “Crazy beautiful,” he told me and smiled smugly.

  “You’re very clever for a jarhead,” I replied. Hunter laughed.

  “I wonder sometimes,” he said and then paused, clearly thinking about saying something. I wondered what it might be and for a moment, I was worried. But what Hunter said completely surprised me. “Want to spend Christmas with my family?” he asked and then added, “Assuming you’re not spending the day with your own family.”

  “I’m not. Are you serious?” I replied.

  “Totally. I hate to think of you all alone on Christmas,” he told me. I’m not sure the invitation implied anything about our relationship but it felt as if it did. I couldn’t deny that I really liked Hunter. I couldn’t help but wonder if the invitation meant he liked me too.

  “They won’t be upset?” I asked.

  “Upset?” he wondered.

  “You bringing home some strange girl. A girl like me,” I replied.

  “No, my mom’s full bodied too,” he said and winked. I giggled.

  “I mean...being a crazy, Berkeley, anti-war girl?” I asked.

  “No! Not at all. My sister’s a vegan. You’ll fit right in,” Hunter said.

  “Yeah, I’ll go. Thank you,” I told Hunter.

  “Purely selfish on my part. I don’t want to let you out of my sight,” Hunter told me.

  “Are all Marines full of shit?” I asked playfully.

  “Pretty much,” he replied and we both laughed. We spent the afternoon and evening together. Other than going out for Thai food at one of the few places open on Christmas Eve, Hunter and I spent our time together nude and when we felt the desire, making love.

  That Christmas Eve was magical. We got to know one another well. I no longer saw Hunter as a caricature of a war fighter. I discovered his human side and I liked what I saw. He got to know me too. We avoided political discussions for the most part. Suddenly, none of that mattered.

  “You’re not what I expected when I found out you were a Marine,” I told Hunter at one point.

  “What did you expect?” he wondered.

  “I don’t know. That you’d be a jerk. That you were nothing but a...a killer,” I said, almost ashamed.

  “That’s my job, not who I am. You refer to yourself as an anti-war activist. Is that all you are?” he asked me.

  “No!” I said immediately. That was something I was passionate about but there was more. I was a woman. I liked movies and good food. I enjoyed hiking in the woods and going to the ocean. Sure, I sounded like a bad singles ad but that’s who I was. I guess Hunter was no different.

  “Look, I love what I do...most of it anyway. Probably for the same reasons you protest. I feel like I’m doing some good. I feel like I’m helping make the world a better place,” Hunter told me. I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. What he did made the world worse off, right? That’s what I believed. That’s what the people I knew thought and with even more conviction than I did.

  “I guess I never thought about it that way. I’ve never really met a soldier or Marine, well, not on active duty. I’ve met a few veterans that protest the wars. They don’t give me the impression they see things the way you do,” I said. Hunter considered that before replying.

  “Let me be frank. I don’t blow up villages. I don’t kill babies. I don’t rape women. I kill bad guys. Bad guys that do those things and more. It’s not pretty and I’ve seen things I’d rather forget. War isn’t good but as bad as it is, you have to wonder what the alternative is. How many innocents would have suffered and died at the hands of the bad guys otherwise?” Hunter explained.

  Suddenly, I saw things in a way that I hadn’t considered before. I didn’t abandon my principles but I did see the other side of things. Hunter wasn’t advocating war as a solution to the problems the world faced. He was simply saying that sometimes it was better than the alternative. I wasn’t sure that was always the case but I could understand how sometimes war might be the lesser of two evils.

  “But isn’t war sometimes worse?” I asked.

  “Of course. Nothing, especially war, is perfect. I don’t think you and I are all that far apart on this. I’m not an advocate of war either. I’m just willing to go fight one if my country asks me to. I’m not the enemy but sometimes I feel like protesters lose sight of the real enemy in favor of demonizing men and women like me. They forget that I might kill for a living but those I kill would happily kill all of us if they could,” Hunter told me.

  “I can’t argue with that. I never saw members of the military as the enemy,” I told him.

  “I know. But you do see us as victims. Generally, we volunteered for this. I knew what was going on when I joined. So do most of the guys I serve with. I’m not a victim, Mel,” he told me.

  “I know...enough of this, okay?”

  “Too much?” Hunter asked me.

  “I just need to grind on it a while. I think you’re right. We’re not that far apart,” I told him.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to monologue,” Hunter told me.

  “No, I probably deserved it after my speech at dinner back in the fall. On the other hand, I didn’t walk out when you droned on,” I said playfully.

  “Well, it is your dorm room so...,” Hunter replied. I smiled at him.

  “You want to fuck again?” I asked him. I was eager to indulge myself in this man. Though we talked about our differences, I really could care less laying here with Hunter. He was a good man and though we didn’t agree on our philosophy, I found it didn’t matter. Some things are more important.

  “You’re insatiable, Mel. You’re going to wear me out,” Hunter joked.

  “Suck it up, grunt!” I told Hunter as I rolled him onto his back and straddled him. He sat up on his elbows and kissed me.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied. Corny military references? For sure. But I enjoyed our free and easy banter. It seemed there was little we could say to one another that would upset the other...our first date notwithstanding. I wished we could just stay like this, naked and alone or at least alone without the troubles and tragedy of the real world to intrude.

  We made love again that night and slept in each other’s arms after. In the morning, Hunter and I rose early. We’d had plenty of sleep. I guess that’s what happens when you lock yourself in a room in the middle of the day. You end up going to sleep rather early.

  I was nervous but not overly so. I enjoyed Christmas even if the holiday at home with my parents wasn’t all that peaceful. In fact, I kind of missed the whole process. I hadn’t decorated my dorm room since I was a freshman. I usually went home but even when I didn’t, like this year, it just wasn’t a priority.

  The dorms were mostly empty and it was easy to sneak Hunter into the girls’ showers with me. We showered together but resisted the temptation to do more. After our shower, we dressed and left to go to Hunter’s home. I was in fresh clothes and Hunter assured me he would change once we got there.

  “Your family is going to know what we did,” I observed as we drove across the city.

  “So?” he wondered.

  “So, you don’t mind?” I asked.

  “My family is pretty open minded. I’m an adult and my folks don’t have any illusions that I’m some kind of a choir boy,” Hunter explained.

  “I see,” I replied.

  “Does it bother you?” he asked. It did for some reason. I considered why I worried about what his parents would think knowing we’d had sex.

  “I don’t want them to think poorly of me,” I told him.

  “You don’t want them to think you’re easy,” he remarked.

  “Yeah, I guess,” I told him. I wanted to make a good impression and that surprised me.

  “You are easy,” Hunter said and smiled at me. I slugged him in the arm. “Don’t worry, they aren’t like that. You’ll see,” he assured me.

  “Okay. I’ll try to relax,” I said and took a deep breath. I so wanted to make a good impression on Hunter’s family.
I barely knew the man but I couldn’t deny that I liked him. I wanted his family to like me in return. We arrived and Hunter kissed me before we went inside. He took my hand, opened the front door and walked in.

  The house, a modest home in a modest neighborhood, was warm and cheerful. Decorations covered the walls and lined the mantle. The tree wasn’t large but it was twinkling with lights and heavy with ornaments. An older man looked up from his tablet.


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