Every Man Will Do His Duty
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On the 25th of February, I sent a flag of truce on board the Phoebe, with the following note:
U. S. Frigate Essex, Valparaiso,
25th Feb. 1814.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday, and agreeably to your request and assurances, immediately liberated on parole the British prisoners who were on board the vessels under my command. Their obligation, as well as a certificate of their liberation, are herewith enclosed.
My feelings have been greatly roused by the scandalous reports which have been circulated respecting my conduct. Yet I hope I shall always have sufficient control over myself to prevent any change in my conduct towards those whom the fortune of war may place in my power; for, though such a change might be just, it would not be generous. I fear I have done injury to my country, and my fellow-citizens, by the practice of liberating British subjects who have fallen into my hands before they were exchanged. But the purity of my intentions was evident to Admiral Duckworth, and so long as my country does not disapprove of this mode, I hope I may be the means of averting some of those evils incident to captivity.
(Signed) D. PORTER.
Captain James Hillyar, &c. &c.
H. B. M. ship Phoebe, off Valparaiso, 26th Feb. 1814.
I received your letter announcing the liberation of my countrymen, as well as the accompanying obligation and certificate, and shall immediately transmit copies of the letter to the British government. I beg you will do me the honour to accept my sincere thanks for your attention to my request, and remain, with sentiments of respect and consideration, Sir,
David Porter, Esq. &c. &c.
About this time, I thought it adviseable to know the sailing of my ship, and that of the enemy. I therefore chose a favourable opportunity, when the British vessels were to leeward, and unable to cut me off, to get under way, and let them chase me. I soon ascertained that the Essex had greatly the advantage, and consequently believed I could, at almost any time, make my escape from them. I did not like, however, to abandon the hope of bringing the Phoebe to action; and notwithstanding my own impatience to depart, I determined to keep it under control while I endeavoured to provoke my adversary to combat.
On the afternoon of the day on which the last letter was written, it being calm and the two British ships far in the offing, I towed one of my prizes, the Hector, to sea; and, when within the reach of their guns, set fire to her, and made my escape from them, notwithstanding every effort on their part, to cut me off. This insult had the desired effect. On the afternoon of the 27th, the Cherub was about two or three miles to leeward of the port, and the Phoebe was seen standing in for the harbour. At 5 o’clock she hove about, a short distance from me, with her head off shore, shortened sail, fired a gun to windward, and hoisted the flag containing the motto intended as an answer to mine. As every man on board my ship considered this a challenge, I did not hesitate a moment to accept of it as such. I immediately hoisted my motto, fired a gun, and got under way. The Phoebe now stood off shore and made sail. I followed her—increased sail—and was closing with her very fast, when, to my astonishment, she bore up before the wind, and ran down for her consort. My indignation was roused at this conduct, and I directed two shot to be fired ahead of her, to bring her to; but she continued on her course. I consequently hauled my wind and returned into port. When the Phoebe had joined her consort, both gave chase to me and after I had anchored, came gallantly into the harbour together.
I confess I felt exceedingly indignant at this conduct of Captain Hillyar and so expressed myself on shore, among the inhabitants. Certain of these expressions were communicated to the British residents in Valparaiso, and by them to Captain Hillyar. This state of affairs gave rise to another kind of annoyance. The Cherub was now too far off to hear the songs of the Essex; but still feeling sore at some taunts of my crew, on the score of the late challenge, addressed some letters to them, of a very insulting character, which were brought to me. They informed me they had answered them. I thought this a fair opportunity of rousing Captain Hillyar to offer battle again in earnest. I accordingly wrote the following letter with this express object.
U. S. Frigate Essex, Valparaiso,
14th March, 1814
The two enclosed papers have been handed to me by my ship’s company and were delivered to one of my seamen by a British prisoner on parole, as coming from your ship. One of my seamen has also assured me that the crew of an English ship now in port have showed him a letter bearing your signature, holding forth encouragement to my people for deserting the cause in which they are now engaged. The style of the two papers is a sufficient evidence that they were not written by a common sailor. But, although I have received the most positive assurances respecting the letter, my knowledge of the character of Captain Hillyar will not permit me to believe him capable of so base an expedient to effect the object of his cruise— notwithstanding the circumstances, and alleged object of the Phoebe’s flag might induce a suspicion. It appears that my ship’s company have made some reply to the first of these papers; and it is highly probable that it was couched in the ordinary language of sailors. The most insulting epithets have been applied to them, and in the most public manner. I have not therefore thought it proper to restrain that indignation my people have felt, in common with myself at such proceedings. Their character, as well as my own, has been misunderstood; and if it is believed that we have wished to shake the loyalty of your seamen, I can positively assure you our intentions have been equally misunderstood. It is not necessary for us to resort to so pitiful an expedient—and were it necessary, I should spurn it. My men are equally prepared with myself to do our duty: they have given me innumerable proofs of their readiness at all times to die in support of their country’s cause: they have my unlimited confidence—I have theirs.
(Signed) D. PORTER.
Captain James Hillyar, &c. &c.
To this letter Captain Hillyar returned a temperate reply, disclaiming in the strongest terms the conduct I had attributed to him; retorting the charge of his people being the aggressors in this paper war; charging my men with blasphemy; and finally hinting at various reports he had lately heard to my disadvantage, but which he wished not to believe. Some other letters passed between us; of which both the originals and copies were lost in my capture. The crews of the hostile ships also continued to carry on the war, in poetry and prose: and some of the poetical effusions of our opponents were so highly meritorious as to cause a suspicion of their being the production of Captain Hillyar himself.
On the 16th of March, twelve days before my capture, the first lieutenant of the Phoebe came on board the Essex, under a flag of truce, and stated that he had a message from Captain Hillyar. Presuming it was another challenge, I required the presence of some of my officers, to which he consented. When they were assembled, I asked the purport of his message. He then stated, that Captain Hillyar had been informed, I had said that he acted in a cowardly manner by running away from the Essex after challenging her, but could not believe the report, and had sent him on board to ascertain the truth. I told him I had said so and still thought so. He then stated, that Captain Hillyar had entrusted him to tell me that his firing a gun and hoisting the flag, was not intended as a challenge, but as a signal to the Cherub. I replied that Captain Hillyar had informed me the motto of the flag was intended for my ship and that there was not a man, woman, or child in Valparaiso that did not think it a challenge. He still repeated that Captain Hillyar had desired him to assure me it was not a challenge.
I told him in reply that I had considered it one, but was bound to believe Captain Hillyar, if he said it was not. I added that, however it might be intended, I should always consider it a challenge, whenever he chose to send away the Cherub, and
perform a similar maneuver—and, under that impression, act precisely as I had done before. Again the officer assured me of the mistake; adding that Captain Hillyar was a religious man, and did not approve of sending challenges.
I shall now close this part of my narrative by laying before my readers two certificates, one from the only officer now alive who was present at the foregoing conversation between Lt. Ingraham and myself. I would appeal to the candour of Lt. Ingraham himself had he not been killed in the subsequent action.
“On Sunday the 27th February, 1814, at 5 P.M. the Phoebe ran close in with the harbour, hoisted an English ensign, bearing the motto, “God and our country; British sailors’ best rights; traitors offend them;” and fired a gun to windward. The sloop of war was about two and a half miles to leeward. The Essex immediately got under way, hoisted a flag bearing the motto, “God, our country, and liberty; tyrants offend them;” and fired a gun to windward. The Phoebe hove to, until the Essex was within gun-shot, when she bore up and ran down for the sloop. Two shot were fired across her bows to bring her to, but without effect. After chasing her as far as was prudent, Captain Porter observed that their conduct was cowardly and dishonourable and returned into port, where we came to anchor.
“On the 10th of March, 1814, Lt. Ingraham, first of the Phoebe, came on board the Essex, under a flag of truce, having a letter from Commodore Hillyar to Captain Porter. Lt. Ingraham informed Captain Porter that Commodore Hillyar had heard Captain P. had called him a coward for running away from the Essex and begged to know if it was the case. Captain Porter informed him that, considering the circumstance of the challenge and the conduct of the Phoebe in bearing up, he believed any thing he could have said on the occasion justifiable. Lt. Ingraham assured Captain Porter that no challenge was intended and that the gun was fired by accident. Captain P. said he supposed it to be a challenge at the time and had accepted it; and that he should accept another if given by the Phoebe; observing, “it cannot be expected that I would take upon myself the responsibility of challenging a 36-gun frigate, with a frigate of 32 guns; as my country would censure me should I prove unsuccessful; but the difference of force will not prevent my accepting a challenge given by Captain Hillyar.
The Phoebe and Cherub, ever after, kept close together, and showed a determination of not risking an action unless they could both engage the Essex.”
These are the most important circumstances which preceded the capture of the Essex, in the bay of Valparaiso; the particulars of which are related in the following letter to the secretary of the Navy:
Essex Junior, July 3d, 1814, at sea.
1 have done myself the honour to address you, repeatedly, since I left the Delaware; but have scarcely a hope that one of my letters has reached you, and therefore, consider it necessary to give you a brief history of my proceedings since that period.
I sailed from the Delaware on the 27th of October, 1812, and repaired, with all diligence (agreeably to the instructions of Commodore Bainbridge1), to Port Praya, Fernando de Noronho, and Cape Frio, arriving at each place on the day appointed to meet him. On my passage from Port Praya to Fernando de Noronho, I captured his Britannic majesty’s packet Nocton—and after taking out about eleven thousand pounds sterling in specie, sent her under command of Lieutenant Finch for America. I cruised off Rio de Janeiro, and about Cape Frio, until the 12th January, 1813, hearing frequently of the commodore by vessels from Bahia. I here captured one schooner with hides and tallow; I sent her into Rio. The Montague, the admiral’s ship, being in pursuit of me, my provisions now getting short, and finding it necessary to look out for a supply to enable me to meet the commodore by the first of April, off St. Helena, I proceeded to the island of St. Catherine’s (the last place of rendezvous on the coast of Brazil) as the most likely to supply my wants, and, at the same time, afford me that intelligence necessary to enable me to elude the British ships of war on the coast, and expected there. I here could procure only wood, water, and rum, and a few bags of flour; and hearing of the commodore’s action with the Java, the capture of the Hornet by the Montague, and of a considerable augmentation of the British force on the coast, several being in pursuit of me, I found it necessary to get to sea as soon as possible. I now, agreeably to the commodore’s plan, stretched to the southward, scouring the coast as far as Rio de la Plata. I heard that Buenos Ayres was in a state of starvation and could not supply our wants; and that the government of Montevideo was very inimical to us. The commodore’s instructions now left it completely discretionary with me what course to pursue, and I determined on following that which had not only met his approbation, but the approbation of the then secretary of the Navy. I accordingly shaped my course for the Pacific; and after suffering greatly from short allowance of provisions, and heavy gales off Cape Horn, (for which my ship and men were ill provided) I arrived at Valparaiso on the 14th of March, 1813.I here took in as much jerked beef and other provisions as my ship would conveniently stow and ran down the coast of Chili and Peru. In this track I fell in with a Peruvian corsair, which had on board twenty-four Americans as prisoners, the crews of two whale ships, which she had taken on the coast of Chili. The captain informed me that, as allies of Great Britain, they would capture all they should meet with in expectation of a war between Spain and the United States. I consequently threw all his guns and ammunition into the sea, liberated the Americans, and wrote a respectful letter to the viceroy, explaining the cause of my proceedings, which I delivered to her Captain. I then proceeded for Lima and recaptured one of the vessels as she was entering the port. From thence I shaped my course for the Gallipagos islands, where I cruised from the 17th April until the 3d October, 1813. During this time I touched only once on the coast of America, which was for the purpose of procuring a supply of fresh water, as none is to be found among those islands, which are perhaps the most barren and desolate of any known.
While among this group, I captured the following British ships, employed chiefly in the spermaceti whale fishery, viz:
tons. men, guns. pierced for
Montezuma 270 21 2
Policy 175 26 10 18
Georgiana 280 25 6 18
Greenwich 338 25 10 20
Atlantic 355 24 8 20
Rose 220 21 8 20
Hector 270 25 11 20
Catharine 270 29 8 18
Seringapatam 357 31 14 26
Charlton 274 21 10 18
New Zealander 259 23 8 18
Sir A. Hammond 301 31 12 18
3369 302 107
As some of those ships were captured by boats, and others by prizes, my officers and men had several opportunities of showing their gallantry.
The Rose and Charlton were given up to the prisoners: the Hector, Catharine, and Montezuma. I sent to Valparaiso, where they were laid up. The Policy, Georgiana, and New Zealander I sent for America; the Greenwich I kept as a store ship, to contain the stores of my other prizes, necessary for us; and the Atlantic, now called the Essex Junior, I equipped with twenty guns, and gave the command of her to Lieutenant Downes.
Lieutenant Downes had convoyed the prizes to Valparaiso, and on his return, brought letters, informing me that a squadron under the command of Commodore lames Hillyar, consisting of the frigate Phoebe of thirty-six guns, had sailed on the 6th July for this sea.—The Racoon and Cherub had been seeking me for some time on the coast of Brazil, and on their return from their cruise, joined the squadron sent in search of me to the Pacific. My ship, as it may be supposed, after being near a year at sea, require
d some repairs to put her in a state to meet them, which I determined to do, and bring them to action, if I could meet them on nearly equal terms. I proceeded, now, in company with the remainder of my prizes, to the island of Nooaheevah, or Madison’s island, lying in the Washington group, discovered by a Captain Ingraham of Boston. Here I caulked and completely overhauled my ship, made for her a new set of water casks, her old ones being entirely decayed, and took on board from my prizes, provisions and stores for upwards of four months, and sailed for the coast of Chili on the 12th December, 1813. Previous to sailing, I secured the Seringapatam, Greenwich, and Sir Andrew Hammond, under the guns of a battery, which I had erected for their protection. After taking possession of this fine island for the United States and establishing the most friendly intercourse with the natives, I left them under charge of Lieutenant Gamble of the Marines, with twenty-one men, with orders to repair to Valparaiso after a certain period.
I arrived on the coast of Chili on the 12th January, 1814; looked into Conception and Valparaiso, found at both places only three English vessels, and learned that the squadron which sailed from Rio de Janeiro for that sea had not been heard of since their departure, and were supposed to be lost in endeavouring to double Cape Horn.
I had completely broken up the British navigation in the Pacific; the vessels which had not been captured by me, were laid up, and dared not venture out. I had afforded the most ample protection to our own vessels, which were, on my arrival, very numerous and unprotected.—The valuable whale fishery there, is entirely destroyed, and the actual injury we have done them may be estimated at two and a half millions of dollars, independent of the expenses of the vessels in search of me. They have supplied me amply with sails, cordage, cables, anchors, provisions, medicines, and stores of every description—and the slops on board them have furnished clothing for the seamen. We had, in fact, lived on the enemy since I had been in that sea; every prize having proved a well found store ship for me. I had not yet been under the necessity of drawing bills on the department for any object, and had been enabled to make considerable advances to my officers and crew on account of pay.