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Rescue My Love

Page 5

by Lynn Story

  We were almost to the hotel when my phone chirped.


  “Ethan, it’s Jim. I just spoke to my two officers and they say that Russo is gone, looks like he was taken by force.”


  “Sorry, Ethan.”

  “Thanks for the heads up, Jim. I’ll call you later.” I clicked off.

  “What’s happened?” Logan asked.

  “Looks like Russo is gone, maybe kidnapped.” I sighed in frustration.

  We were met in the lobby by two plain clothes and two uniformed officers.

  “Gentlemen, I understand from Chief Corey, that Mike Russo is gone, what can you tell me?” I asked showing them my credentials.

  “There looks like there was a struggle up there and his personal belongings are still in the room. We think he was taken by force.” One of the plain clothes officers answered.

  I looked at Logan and he was already pulling out his cell phone and dialing our forensic team to get over here right away.” “Show me!” I demanded.

  The two plain clothes officers took me upstairs. The door to the room was still open and there was yellow tape across it.

  “You touch anything in there?”

  “No, we came up here when we got the call from the Chief that you were on the way and once we realized he was gone, we stepped out and called the station as soon as we saw this mess.” The officer looked around at the overturned furniture and blood stain on the bed.”

  “Great.” I ran my hand through my hair. “FBI has jurisdiction over this scene now.”

  “Yes, sir.” They replied and walked away.

  Logan came up and looked around. He let out a small whistle. “What a mess.”

  “In more ways than one.” I added.

  “You think Price did this?” Logan asked looking around the room.

  “I’d bet my Redskin’s tickets on it.”

  Logan whistled again. “Forensics will be here soon.”

  “Okay, well let’s wait out here.” I stepped back out into the hallway to make sure no one disturbed the scene until our team could get there. “Call the office and tell Jared and Steph what’s going on.”

  Logan nodded and stepped away to use the phone.

  I called Greg. “Greg can you and the team there check the traffic cameras in the area. I’m going to go talk to hotel security as soon as the forensic team gets here. “

  “On it.”

  “Okay, thanks.” Just when I thought we were getting ahead of this thing; I shook my head.

  “You okay boss?” Logan asked as he slipped his cell phone back in his pocket.

  “Just frustrated.”

  “Yeah, I know how you feel,” he agreed. “You seem worse for wear lately, anything going on?”

  “No, no. I’m good.” I lied.

  Logan wasn’t one to press. We’d worked together a long time and he knew me as well as anyone. He wasn’t going to push the issue and I was grateful for that. How do you explain dreaming about a woman you only ever spent two nights with, and it wasn’t even intimate? I sounded like a crazy person even to myself.

  I shook my head. I needed to focus on Joey Price and our missing security executive.

  “We’re here Agent Craddock!” Andria Chapman called from the elevator.

  “Good, it’s a mess in there so you’ll have your work cut out for you.”

  “We got this.” She replied.

  “I know you do.”

  I left Andria and her assistant to get to work. I had work of my own to do. I went down to the lobby in search of the security office. I flashed my badge and finally got access to the security feed. Three men wearing trench coats entered the lobby at eleven thirty-five. Due to the bad weather no one questioned their attire.

  All three went up to the twelfth floor. When they exited the elevators, they were wearing ski masks and used spray paint to block out the cameras in the hallway.

  Then they exited through a side entrance on the street level with Russo in tow. A camera near the pool was aimed only at the door so there was no way to know which way they went after they were outside or what kind of vehicle, they were in. I text the information to Greg in hopes the traffic cameras would give us more information. I knew it would take time and it was time we didn’t have. Our investigation had been elevated to a kidnapping case. Logan and I drove back to the FBI office.

  “We need to find out if Russo has any next of kin and if there has been a ransom demand yet.” I said as we walked through the door into the office.

  “I’ll coordinate with the office in Georgia where Russo’s security firm is based.” Logan offered.

  “Okay, try to find out where he lives you might need to call the Atlanta field office.” I stood looking around the office for a moment thinking of what to do next. “We also need to find out if anyone in their organization is in jail at the moment.” I was trying to wrap my head around all the possibilities as to who may be after Mike Russo.

  “On it.” Stephanie added.

  “You think they are looking for a trade rather than straight revenge, boss?” Jared asked.

  “I think there is still a lot we don’t know about this case. We know some of the players, but we still don’t know the motive.” I said, going back to basics.

  “True enough.” Jared agreed.

  “We have got to figure this thing out people.” I was stating the obvious to a room of professionals, but I wanted everyone to keep focused on this case. This certainly wasn’t their first kidnapping or terrorist threat. I just had to get it off my chest. I had to put it out there in the ether, to the universe for whatever help it may have to offer. Things were escalating quickly. They had already kidnapped a high-profile target right out from under our nose and we didn’t have the first idea of where they may have taken him. At this point we could only hope they made some sort of demand so that we might buy a little time and track them down before things got worse.

  The day was just as cloudy and rainy as the night before and it didn’t do anything to help my mood. I was still operating on more caffeine than sleep. I couldn’t shake the feeling of the nightmare I had about Kay or the woman’s words in the bar. I had a missing CEO and only an educated guess as to who took him. A wild guess as to why and no idea as to where or what they might want in return if anything. It could be that Joey Price just wanted to exact revenge on his former employer. If it was that simple, I didn’t hold out a lot of hope that would be able to find Mike Russo in time if at all. I was feeling edgy and short tempered.

  It was close to eight o’clock in the evening and we weren’t much closer on finding Mike Russo. No phone calls and no demands. Our Atlanta office was with the wife, waiting for contact from Price for a ransom and protecting her as well.

  “Why don’t you all call it a night.” I told my team. “No sense in staying here if you’re exhausted. Better to get a fresh start in the morning.”

  “What about you?” Logan asked as he stood up to leave.

  “I’ll close up the office and go home.” I reassured him.

  Logan was a good friend and I knew he meant well.

  I locked the door behind them and started to try and organize my desk a little when the phone rang. The caller ID indicated it was from our forensics office.

  “Andria, what are you doing working so late?”

  “Same as you, I suppose.”

  I nodded, touché.

  “I just wanted you to know that Williamsburg Police fished a body out of the Chickahominy River.”

  “Was it Russo?” I held my breath waiting for the answer.

  “No, it was a man named Joseph Price.”

  “Price?” That was a surprise.


  “Any cause of death?”

  “Not at the moment but they are going to send him over to me in the morning. So, I’ll know more around noon tomorrow. I just thought you should know in case it has anything to do with the business at the hotel.”
  “Okay thanks.” I hung up. My frustration level had reached its breaking point for the day and I angrily shoved a stack of files onto the floor as I headed for the door. It wasn’t going to do me any good to stay here tonight so I drove home. I needed to run a few miles on the treadmill and work out this tension. I needed to try and get some sleep. I hoped my dreams of Kay were more peaceful.

  Chapter Five


  “Boss, I think we may be onto something.” Logan called from his desk.

  “Whatcha got?” I looked up hopeful.

  “Traffic cameras picked up a van that parked behind the hotel the night Russo was kidnapped. And fifteen minutes later it has seen leaving the area.”

  “Can you track it?”

  “I did. It stopped near warehouse over near the port.”

  “You have an address?”


  “Send it to GPPD and have them meet us there.”

  We all grabbed our gear and headed out to the parking lot. I drove one SUV and Jared drove the other.

  We pulled over half a mile from the warehouse to wait for GPPD.

  “Remember team. We know they have explosives, grenades, high-powered rifles and a hostage. Let’s end this safely.”

  We all acknowledged and move closer to descend on the warehouse. As FBI we took the lead and went to the front of the building. We sought cover behind some metal shipping containers. Gates Point Police Department took up positions surrounding the building. They also had snipers on nearby roofs.

  Agent Brian Newsome, the FBI hostage negotiator arrived just as we were taking up positions.

  “Have you made contact yet?” He asked.

  “No.” I answered.

  Brian and I had worked together enough that there was no need for pleasantries in these situations.

  “Okay, good. Do we know if there is a landline in there?”

  “You need to check with Greg in the GPPD tech van over there.” I pointed to where the van was parked further back from the rest of us.

  Brian ran over and disappeared inside. A moment later his voice came over our earpieces.

  “My name is Brian Newsome; who am I speaking with?”

  “Well Brian, my name is not of your damn business.”

  “Okay fair enough but can you tell me how Mike Russo is doing?”

  “He’s just fine and will stay that way if you and whatever ever pathetic force you rolled up in here with leave and let us do what we came here to do.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Make our voices heard.”

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “You don’t matter, Brian. You’re a nobody. We want the whole country to hear us.”

  “And how is Mike Russo going to help you with that?”

  “Well, he has access to files that could be quite useful to our cause. He also has contacts in Washington that need to hear what we have to say.”

  “Okay, and what is that you have to say? I know a few people in Washington, myself.”

  “I bet you do.”


  We all listened straining to hear anything. I thought perhaps they had hung up until a gunshot thundered in our ears.

  “Ah!” I pulled the earpiece out instinctively.

  “Hello? Are you still there?” Brian was frantic on the phone.

  “Well, if you’re the man Brian I guess we didn’t need Mr. Russo anymore.”

  Logan and I looked at each other. Had they just killed Mike Russo?

  Logan whispered to me. “That voice sounds different.”

  “You think it is a different person?” I whispered back.

  Logan nodded. If there was no hostage there was nothing stopping us from storming the building, except possibly the explosives. Brian hung up the phone.

  “We need eyes inside that building, now!” He ordered over the comm system.

  Two GPPD officers crept up the side of the building looking for a place to insert the micro camera. Another officer set up the infrared equipment so we could try and determine how many people were in the building.

  “What I want to know is if Price/Branigan is in the morgue and Russo is in there dead, who the hell else is in there?” I said into the mic.

  “I’m working on it, Boss.” Greg answered. “Okay, the camera is live inside the building. Looks like we have about ten individuals, but we can’t see Russo. They are loading barrels into the back of two vans.”

  “That’s got to be the explosives.” Logan said.

  “I’m not sure we are going to be able to wait much longer. We can’t let those vans leave here.” I ordered.

  “I think we are going to have to move fast because it looks like they are almost finished loading the vans.” Logan said to me in a low tone.

  “We go on your orders Craddock.” A voice shouted.

  “Okay. Everyone get ready.” I paused and checked my gun and ammo. I looked to make sure everyone was wearing their tactical vest. “Now!”

  We rushed the building from all sides. There was an entry door next to the bay and Logan pulled it open and I went in low.

  “FBI, don’t move!” Of course, they all moved, they always do. I went to my right down the wall with Logan behind me. Jared and Stephanie down the wall to the left. GPPD was filing in behind us. Two guys ran for the vans.

  “Stop the vans!” I yelled into the mic.

  Two uniformed officers stormed each van and pulled the drivers out.

  The rest of the people fled to the back of the building.

  “Their headed for the back!” Logan yelled.

  We pursued them knowing uniformed officers would be there to meet them if they got to the rear doors of the building. Seeing that they were trapped a few them turned and began firing. I pushed Logan behind a crate, not that the wooden crates would offer much protection, but it was better than nothing right now. I felt a bullet hit my vest. It knocked me back onto the floor.

  Logan stood up and returned fire. The wind was knocked from my chest. I couldn’t breath and it hurt like hell.

  “We have an agent down, repeat agent down!” I could hear Logan yelling but I couldn’t speak to tell him I was going to be alright. The next thing I know he had me by the shoulder and was dragging me across the floor. Everything seemed to be in chaos at the moment.

  Logan suddenly appeared in my field of vision. “You’re going to be alright, boss. Hang in there.”

  I tried to tell him I knew that already and to go get the bad guys, but it hurt to try and talk.

  “Stay with me boss,” he encouraged.

  I just needed to close my eyes for a minute and catch my breath. Damn this hurt. After a few moments I realized the shooting had stopped so I opened my eyes. Logan and Jared were staring at me.

  “Did we get them?” I whispered with what little air I could manage.

  “Yep. We got’em. Jared smiled.

  I nodded and closed my eyes again.

  “Boss? Stay with me the EMTs are here.”

  “I don’t need EMT’s.” I said trying to sit up.

  “Yes, you do.” One of the EMTs answered and gently pushed my shoulders back to the warehouse floor.

  “Fine.” I gave in. I was getting my breath back. They removed my vest and cut open my shirt.

  “The vest stopped the bullet from penetrating, but I think you might have a couple of broken ribs. We will get you to the hospital and get you x-rayed.”

  “I’m fine.” I tried to sit up again.

  “Boss, you’re going to the hospital even if I have to sit on you to get you there.” Logan threatened.

  I had no doubt he would make good on that threat too. I cooperated as they put me on a gurney and loaded me in the ambulance.

  “Stay here, work the scene.” I said to Jared and Logan.

  “Okay, I’ll come by and pick you up later.” Logan smiled.

  “Don’t wait too long.” The ambulance doors shut, and I couldn’t hear what else Loga
n said. I thought it sounded like he said, ‘stubborn bastard’.


  I hate the way hospitals smell. I think it is the mixture of disinfectant and alcohol.

  The EMT was right as I had two broken ribs. They bandaged me up, gave me something for the pain and told me to stay home for a few days. My shirt was useless, so I tossed it in the garbage. I had my jacket. I don’t know what happened to my vest. I was at the counter signing paperwork so I could get out of there when Logan finally showed up.

  “So, you’re gonna live?” he joked.

  “Looks that way.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” He clapped me on the back. “I was worried for a minute.”

  “Just a couple of broken ribs, nothing serious.” I told him.

  “Here I brought you this.” Logan handed me a t-shirt.

  “Thanks.” I slipped it on as we walked out the door.

  “So where are we with case?” I needed to know where we stood now.

  “Well we arrested everyone in the warehouse except one.”


  “Yeah, the guy who shot you didn’t make it.” Logan said.

  I paused and looked at Logan. “You take him out?”

  “Well, yeah. He had just shot a federal agent so what was I supposed to do?” He just stared at me.

  “You did good.” I smiled. “Did we get all the explosives?”

  “Yeah, we did. We still don’t know the extent of the plan yet; do you want to hear the kicker?”

  “There’s a kicker?”

  “Oh yeah. A big one.” He smirked.

  “Well, then you better tell me.” I wasn’t sure I was ready for it. It had been one hell of a day already.

  “Mike Russo is alive and well and asking for his lawyer.”

  I stopped and looked at Logan.

  “Yep, I’m not kidding. He faked his own kidnapping to cover up his involvement in all of this. I suspect Branigan was going to be a scapegoat all along.”

  “So, who got shot when the negotiator was talking to them?” I asked.

  “Apparently, Russo shot the guy on the phone because he thought he was talking too much.”

  I shook my head. Well at least we had rounded them all up. “So, you’re sure we got everything?”


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