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In Search of the Alter Dom

Page 11

by Jack Challis

  ‘Lower your weapon,’ orders Karak calmly, ‘you know the Malis Afar code of chivalry – “blade against blade.” The Serpentils only carry swords – still sheathed.’

  ‘But the snake-heads also carry poison Sir,’ the Na Idriss protests. ‘Silence!’ orders the Malis Afar.

  The three Serpentils wore no clothing – only one had a silver Gorget supported by a chain around its thick neck with a legend; that Blodwyn could not quite make out. This Serpentil gave Karak a slight nod as if to acknowledge his sporting gesture.

  Blodwyn though terrified, studied the strange reptilian alienoids before her. She did not know who scared her most, the Serpentils or the Na Idriss. The leader of the Serpentils hisses, addressing Karak. ‘Why have you not drawn your sword pale one – have you not heard of our speed and skill with the blade – from your dogs the Na Idriss?’

  ‘You are a new species to me,’ answers Karak, still retaining his poise, ‘I have no quarrel with your race.’

  ‘Identify your species and rank,’ the Serpentil leader arrogantly demands.

  ‘I am Commander Karak – a Malis Afar – a knight of the Aquilla Triangle. We Malis Afar admire any races that are skilled with the blade.’

  ‘Then the die is cast,’ hisses the Serpentil, ‘for we wish to take the female Terasil you captured yesterday. We were also on her trail.’

  Blodwyn nearly fainted when she heard this.

  ‘But your dogs, the Na Idriss have keener noses than we and found her first,’ continues the Serpentil leader.

  The Na Idriss rise to this insult and move forward – but are stopped by Karak – by a simple gesture of his hand.

  ‘I am Cintilla, a Captain of the Serpentils. Our race also admires skill with the blade. That’s a fine sword you have the honour to carry, Malis Afar’, hisses Cintilla, ‘does the blade match the beauty of the hilt?’

  ‘It was made by a Master sword-smith of Nippon,’ answers Karak proudly, ‘from tempered Tellium beaten and layered six hundred times!’

  The three Serpentils hiss in amazement. ‘Allow me the honor to see its fine blade,’ hisses Cintilla the leader of the Serpentils; his black forked tongue flickering with interest.

  Karak hesitates for a moment; but then slowly draws his sword. The morning sunlight glinted dazzling off the fine Tellium blade producing a magical appearance. Karak held the naked sword across his open palms with pride.

  The three Serpentils took a step forward. This spooked the Na Idriss warriors. Karak calmed the excitable feline warriors again. The leader of the Serpentils admires the weapon – then with incredible speed he snatches the sword from Karak’s hands – before the Malis Afar could react!

  The Na Idriss step forward to fight for the sword of their Commander but are stopped by Karak.

  The three Serpentils hiss with admiration; they run their black finely scaled hands over the gleaming blade. Their leader tests the swords for balance and weight – he hisses and nods approvingly.

  ‘One day we may visit the Aquilla Triangle,’ says the Serpentil Cintilla. ‘Then come in peace,’ answers Karak.

  ‘No!’ the Serpentil replies, ‘we will come in war – to take the master swordsmith of Nippon – I have never seen a finer blade!’

  Karak smiled a cold thin smile. ‘Then there will be a fine battle!’

  In a lightning quick movement – Cintilla throws the sword back to Karak. But because of Karak’s slow reaction – he fails to catch the sword – it falls onto the purple tinged grass of Tarrea. Karak bends down slowly and stiffly to retrieve his sword – closely watched by the Serpentils.

  ‘Ah,’ hisses the Serpentil leader Cintilla, tilting his flat-head, ‘now I understand – you are as we – a Cold-blood! While you slept in a freezing cave, we basked in the morning sun reaching our fighting temperature – you are still cold and slow. Now – if you were black like we Serpentils, you would absorb heat quicker!’

  Blodwyn felt guilty; Karak the Cold-blood had given her his heated coat in the cave, leaving himself vulnerable to the cold; making his movements and reactions slow.

  Nevertheless, Blodwyn knew: “One swallow does not make a summer:” Karak had sinister motives for his kindness.

  ‘Now, Malis Afar Cold-blood,’ announces Cintilla, ‘we also have a code of chivalry – we will allow you to reach your fighting temperature. Then we battle for your female Terasil!’

  Blodwyn felt a wave of panic rise from her stomach and sweep over her. ‘Why do you need a female Terasil?’ Karak asks.

  ‘Our beautiful Empress demands it – she is lonely and enjoys the company of female Terasils,’ Cintilla answers.

  ‘Then go to Earth,’ says Karak, ‘there are over six billion Terasils there – one won’t be missed.’

  ‘Earth!’ the Serpentil repeats, tilting his head and looking confused in a reptilian way.

  Karak smiles; he now knew the Serpentils were not aware of the next Galaxy – the Milky Way, and had probably found the Lupus Wormhole that entered the Antares Cluster from Stellar space initially by mistake!’

  Karak took off his tunic – turning his pale muscular body towards the sun. Then to everybody’s amazement – the pale body of Karak the Cold-blood suddenly turned green, with black horizontal stripes – the true colours of a Malisaraptor! The ability of the Malis Afar to change colour at will, greatly impressed the three Serpentils; they nodded and hissed with approval.

  While Karak’s body slowly warmed up to the correct fighting temperature, the Serpentil leader Cintilla studied Blodwyn, tilting his large flat snakehead from side to side to focus.

  His two companions kept their eyes on the Na Idriss who began to taunt the Serpentils.

  ‘Is it true,’ says Lt Sanger the Na Idriss, ‘that Serpentils swallow their meat whole like lowly snakes?’

  ‘Is it true the Na Idriss eat the dead of their enemies?’ a Serpentil hisses.

  ‘I have a suspicion,’ answers Lt Sanger, ‘that your species are egg layers!’ (This is a great insult).

  ‘Is it true the Na Idriss prefer to walk on four legs?’ another Serpentil hisses.

  Cintilla calms his two warriors with a warning hiss. ‘We lifted the veils of your dead after our last battle and now understand why the Na Idriss are ashamed to show their faces!’

  While both parties insulted each other, a Na Idriss warrior did not notice the prehensile tail of a Serpentil slowly moving towards his ankle.

  Though very frightened, and with beating heart, Blodwyn decided to act positive – confident, catch the Serpentil off guard. She returned the Serpentils’ leader’s glassy stare for a moment: smiled, and winked – just like Grunwalde would do. Then she gracefully curtsied, an act she and Myfanwy Jenkins had spent much time practicing in front of a mirror – just in case they met royalty.

  These actions completely took the Serpentil by surprise and caused a flicker of a reptilian smile; he then followed by a graceful bow in return.

  ‘Why do you wish to capture me?’ Blodwyn asks.

  ‘Our beautiful Empress is lonely,’ hisses Cintilla, ‘she seeks Terasil Company – for amusement!’

  “Good God – she’s not one of those, is she?” Blodwyn wondered. ‘I don’t think I will be interested in amusing your beautiful Empress thank you,’ replies Blodwyn, ‘and I certainly do not wish to travel into Stellar space – or be swallowed whole and alive by your Empress!’

  A reptilian smile again appears on the Serpentil’s face. ‘Our Empress is not a Serpentil – she is a beautiful Mar-lissa – a higher being. The Mar-lissa loves to dance, and sing to the drum, tambourine and flute. You see,’ explains Cintilla, ‘our Empress was once an Ora-Pella for thousands of years – she misses her twin and is lonely!’

  Blodwyn did not understand what the Serpentil was talking about; she would soon find out!

  Blodwyn summoned all her courage and took a step nearer the Serpentil to read the legend on the silver Gorget hanging around his neck. To Blodwyn’s amazement, written in old Roman sc
ript, was the legend: “Servant of a Star Worshiper.” And much to her surprise, her sensitive nose picked up the faint smell of wild woodbine and sweet William – a Ling pheromone. This was the stink the Na Idriss referred to. Maybe the Serpentils were allies of the Lings! Blodwyn wanted to ask the Serpentil if he knew of the Lings.

  Before Blodwyn can speak, Karak the Cold-blood, having reached his fighting temperature; turns and faces the leader of the Serpentils. The dark green and black horizontal stripes on the Cold-blood’s body began to fade back into his normal pale colour. ‘I am ready,’ says Karak, ‘we fight to the death – no quarter!’

  ‘Agreed, we battle for the female Terasil,’ confirms the Serpentil, Cintilla. Karak turns to Blodwyn. ‘Watch from a safe distance – I will do my best.’ Captain Timasek notices that the prehensile tail of the Serpentil had reached one of his warrior’s ankles! He shouts a warning: but too late; the snaking tail wraps around the Na Idriss warrior’s ankle; pulling him down.

  Before the Na Idriss could rise – the Serpentil with the incredible speed only reptiles possess; drew both swords and plunged them accurately into each heart of the doubled-hearted Na Idriss!

  Captain Timasek led the remaining Na Idriss into the attack with a roar. Though out-numbered four to one, the Serpentils were still more than a match for the fierce Na Idriss. The ensuing battle is fast and furious. Super-hard Tellium blades slashed and parried, sending coloured sparks and glittering spangles of sunlit splashes. It became obvious to Blodwyn that the Malis Afar and the leader of the Serpentils were going to stage their own personal duel: without interference. They circled each other, eyes locked; neither had drawn a sword yet.

  Meanwhile another Na Idriss warrior falls, fatally run through by a gleaming blade of a Serpentil.

  In a fit of rage, a Na Idriss leaps onto the Serpentil’s back: raking the reptile with sharp claws, and sinking its long fangs into the Serpentil’s thick neck. However, before a fatal bite can be found, the Serpentil’s sinuous tail wraps around the Na Idriss’s neck; pulling the warrior to the ground.

  The Serpentil quickly ran the warrior through with his sword. Now only eight Na Idriss are left including Captain Timasek and Lt Sanger who fight bravely on – totally out-matched in skill and speed!

  Blodwyn thinks of escape: but can’t seem to take her eyes off the battle and the sharp echoing rings of super strong Telleum blades – she is spellbound. Karak and Cintilla the Serpentil, still circle each other.

  Suddenly Karak in a lightning reptilian burst of movement draws his sword and strikes down at the head of the Serpentil like a Samurai warrior. But with equal speed, the Serpentil draws both swords and crosses them, blocking the blow.

  The following sword fight between the two cold-blooded aliens is so quick it is difficult to follow, like the lightning strike of a snake. Both the Cold-bloods seemed equally matched, at first. But soon the two swords of the Serpentil Captain Cintilla begin to give him the advantage.

  Then in the only brief pause in the battle, Cintilla suddenly threw one of his swords high into the air – it made a whistling noise as it spun and began to fall back to the purple tinged earth of Tarrea. Karak looked up at the falling spinning sword for a brief instant – just long enough for Cintilla’s tail to reach Karak’s ankle!

  Nevertheless, the Cold-blood is too quick to be caught by this trick: lifting his foot, the Malis Afar traps the tail of Cintilla the Serpentil beneath it: both contestants now grapple!

  The large flat snakehead of Cintilla presses close to Karak’s face; it was clear to Blodwyn the Malis Afar feared being bitten!

  ‘Do not worry – pale one,’ hisses the Serpentil, ‘I will honour our conditions, death by the sword – only!’

  Captain Timasek and Lt Sanger are losing their battle to the much quicker Serpentils. With a heavy stroke, a Serpentil sends Captain Timasek’s sword tumbling to the ground. Just as the Serpentil raises his sword arm for the deathblow, a large dark shadow passes over the scene of the battle: blocking out the sun. The Serpentil warrior stops – tilting his large flat snakehead upwards – the Na Idriss predator battleship has returned! A loud crack of a Proton cannon breaks the silence: the Serpentil about to kill Captain Timasek falls dead; his shiny scaly body smoking.

  The sudden appearance of the battleship has stopped the battle between Karak and Cintilla. Karak talks into his communicator. ‘Commander Karak to bridge – Lt Jibba – hold your fire. Cloak the battleship and stand by.’

  The two remaining Serpentils back-up towards the foliage from where they first appeared. Stopping, the Serpentil leader Cintilla salutes Blodwyn with his sword – then addresses Karak. ‘The Malis Afar is true to his word. We will meet again Cold-blood in honorable battle.’ The two Serpentils back into the foliage and disappear!

  ‘Sir, why did you stop our battleship from killing all the Serpentils?’ asks Captain Timasek, disappointed.

  ‘Our agreement was death by the sword,’ answers Karak.

  ‘I have lost three valuable men!’ the Captain complains.

  ‘The Na Idriss must improve their sword and their diplomatic skills,’ replies Karak, ‘when a new dangerous species is encountered – a good first impression is paramount – the Serpentils have left with the knowledge that the Malis Afar are warriors of honour. I have gained their trust – it will make destroying their species an easier task!’ Blodwyn’s finely tuned ears had homed in on the conversation – all Karak’s acts of chivalry were deceptions! In fact the Serpentils seemed more honorable.

  Karak continues. ‘We must find the Serpentils’ home planet in Stellar space and destroy it. I need to study their charts and their primitive craft.’

  ‘Sir,’ reports Lt Sanger, ‘Lt Jibba has your ordered items from the Jal-Mar, the two phials of special poison and the Sillian!’

  ‘Excellent!’ says Karak. ‘Warn Lt Jibba not to underestimate the Sillian because of its small size; it cannot be trusted – he is not to communicate with the Sillian – it must not escape! I also want an armed frigate to shadow and monitor the Serpentils’ movements. Locate their spacecraft. I want their charts copied, under some pretext – then allow them to leave unharmed.’

  ‘What! Spare their lives?’ exclaims Captain Timasek.

  ‘I want the Serpentils to return to their home planet, in Stellar space, with the news that the Malis Afar are an honorable race – that keep their word.’ Blodwyn knew now for certain that she was on borrowed time – once she ceased to be of use to the Cold-blood, he would give her to the Na Idriss. Diplomatic treachery was in the nature of the Malis Afar! She will have to begin acting to her full capacity. There was no point in escaping now, where could she go – where were the Lings – how would she get back to Earth? Besides, the Serpentils were still around and the last thing Blodwyn wanted was to be carted off to Stellar space to amuse their Empress! How would she ever return to Earth? The Serpentils did not even know of the Milky Way! If helping the Galla Qualls helped Earth then she would carry on. She would have to find out what the phials of poison were for. And what was a Sillian?

  ‘Where did the Serpentils get Tellium to make their blades from?’ Karak asks.

  ‘Those thieving, six-fingered Salas Panar,’ answers Captain Timasek, ‘they’ll sell anything to anyone.’

  ‘We will return to the battleship now,’ says Karak, ‘do you wish to follow your custom after battle…?’

  ‘No Sir,’ replies Captain Timasek, ‘with respect Commander we have no taste for the insipid flesh of Cold-bloods – begging your pardon Sir.’

  ‘Then our scientist,’ says Karak, ‘will be most interested to study the new species – see that the body is frozen.’

  ‘I need to burn our dead,’ replies Captain Timasek, ‘we do not like anyone lifting the veil of our dead warriors!’

  Blodwyn did not like the sound of this very much – what was the Na Idriss hiding? ‘Time is short,’ replies Karak coldly, ‘just cut off their heads and burn them, that will solve your problem!’r />
  Back at the empty cave, the two Lings appeared and hovered at the entrance. They both flashed red indicating their anger.

  ‘This time,’ says the senior Mayling, ‘we give the Malis Afar poison!’ The two Lings entered the cave and flew around the interior so quickly they became a blur of red light. The Na Idriss guarding his wounded comrade picked up his laser and fired causing the deadly ray to ricochet dangerously off the cave walls. ‘Fool,’ growls the wounded Na Idriss, ‘you will kill us all – use your sword.’ The Lings attacked the swordsman – two streaks of red light flew straight through the Na Idriss – he fell dead.

  ‘Let me give the other Na Idriss venom,’ asks the bug-eyed Sisling.

  ‘No,’ answers the larger Mayling, ‘we have killed enough – he is no longer a danger.’

  ‘I smell sweet rocks!’ announces the Sisling: both Lings flash around the cave; their keen senses lead them to the buried sweets wrapped in the note.

  The lovely larger, higher-ranking Mayling stopped the Sisling from demolishing all the sweets on the spot. ‘We have a long journey ahead, into the Andromeda Galaxy to Goya Perilus – Blodwyn will be there. We will have to travel through the Capalla wormhole. There is no sweetness on Goya Perilus – only Oga Koya!’


  Dangerous and Frivolous Ora-Pellas

  We are beautiful Ora Pellas who; neither toil, sup, nor chew.

  Our dwelling place is burning gas; our lovely bodies a swirling mass.

  We are frivolous; dangerous females who be sometimes one and sometimes two!

  Blodwyn watched the Na Idriss armed frigate land in an open glade of purple tinged grass; against a backdrop of forest and distant hazy mountains. She quickly followed Commander Karak the Cold-blood aboard. She was not looking forward to meeting more feline Na Idriss! On the flight deck all the new Na Idriss crew filed past – sniffing her; as if she was some rare exotic scented orchid. But when they all trooped back for a second sniff; Blodwyn blushed with embarrassment – did she need deodorant?


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