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Sweet Spot (Irresistible)

Page 21

by Stella Rhys

  “Get in here,” he grinned. Completely forgetting my mission to investigate the sounds in the hallway, I got in, making Lukas laugh since I did so before even getting naked. “This works for me, too,” he murmured wickedly, grabbing the shower head and hosing me down with warm water as he kissed me deeply. I giggled against him, feeling my tank top glue itself to my skin. “Just like the day we met,” he offered, pulling back to groan at the sight of my wet tits.

  “Yeah. Just like that first day. So romantic,” I snorted as he peeled the drenched clothes off my body. Pulling me close, Lukas pressed his grinning lips over mine.

  “You want romance?” he muttered, sliding his hand between my thighs.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Yeah, you’re not going to get that,” Lukas smirked, playing with my clit. My eyes fluttered. I wasn’t sure how to take his words but I didn’t have time to think as Lukas leaned my back on the tile, draping my leg over his bare shoulder and lowering himself to a knee. He wet his lips at the sight of my naked pussy before pulsing his hot tongue against my clit.

  “Holy shit.” My stomach tightened as I clutched the back of his head, and I gulped in a mouthful of steam as his tongue licked between my folds. “I swear to God, your tongue,” I moaned softly, feeling the warmth and wetness of his mouth spreading all over my pussy. I gasped when he pushed my leg up higher to lick where he hadn’t yet. I closed my eyes, squeezing my breasts as I grinded against him. My lips curved into a devilish smile as I heard him jerking off while devouring me. His groans and grunts vibrated with a delectable heat against my pussy. “Are you going to come?” I whispered.

  “Not before you do, baby. But when I do, I’m going to come inside you.”

  “Good. I want to feel all of it.”

  He groaned. “Don’t tell me that right now.”

  I giggled, pinching my nipples. “I want to feel it drip down my leg.”

  “Not before I make you come.”

  “Then make me come now.”

  I could hear Lukas sneer but with a growl, he switched gears, lapping and sucking at my pussy with a fury that had me coming in seconds. I moaned as my juices slid onto his tongue and his lips, my body shuddering from the pleasure. I had barely recovered before he spun me around and easily pushed his cock into my sopping wet pussy, giving exactly three strokes before filling me with his orgasm.

  My breasts on tile and his chest on my back, we caught our breaths for several minutes, the water beating down on our sides. Still throbbing inside me, Lukas massaged my breasts and kissed my neck. He sighed against my skin, sounding unmistakably content.

  But I gasped when suddenly he gave a hard thrust in my pussy – then another before pulling out and getting wordlessly out of the shower.

  What the fuck?

  I was still panting as I stood in there alone, the steam rising around me, confused as to what just happened. Turning off the water, I got out, grabbing my towel and drying off as I listened to Lukas get dressed and then move around in my kitchen.

  Then I heard him just walk out, shutting the door behind him.

  “The fuck?” I muttered, at a complete loss for words as I rushed out of the bathroom and got hastily dressed. I pulled on my slippers as I paced toward the door, ready to be furious in case I opened it to find Lukas really gone.

  But once the door was open, my eyes fluttered with shock.

  “Tess!” I exclaimed, my eyes wide as I processed the sight of my petite neighbor, her dark hair a little longer and her skin a little tanner. All my previous thoughts flew out the window as I rushed to welcome her home. “Oh my God, it’s been so long!”

  “I know,” she said, dragging out the word as we hugged tight. “And I hear you’ve been seeing my brother!” she whispered giddily in my ear. I pulled back with a sheepish laugh.

  “I guess I have.”

  “Can I just say that I’m so glad it’s you and not Rachel?”

  I snorted. “I actually have a story about that.”

  “Oh, I already heard it.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Lukas told you?”

  She giggled her little giggle. If hummingbirds laughed, they would sound like Tess. “Hope you don’t mind that he beat you to the punch. It’s just we talk so much it’s hard for him to leave out fun or funny things that happened with you.” She peered over her shoulder into Lukas’s apartment. Well, her apartment now. “Don’t tell him I told you this, but I know he’s really into you.”

  I chewed on my lip. “How?” I whispered my question.

  “Well, just the fact that he talks about you is a miracle. He usually never mentions any girls he’s seen, probably because they’ll be out of the picture so soon.”

  I nodded, realizing full well that I was probably a pioneer in that department. I had in fact seen Lukas for longer than anyone. He’d let people mistake me for his girlfriend and he’d come to meet my family. We’d covered weeks ago that he wasn’t sleeping with anyone else. But despite his displays of affection, despite his loyalty and care for me, I had zero confidence that he was interested in a relationship. There was still a doubt lingering in the air and after the weekend we’d just had, it dug at me harder than usual.

  And, of course, there was whatever odd moment we’d just had in the shower. I couldn’t explain it if I tried.

  “So… what is he doing in there right now?” I asked, craning my neck to look inside the apartment.

  “He’s just packing up his suitcase to go home,” Tess said, sinking a dagger into my heart.

  “Oh.” My eyes fluttered because right on cue, I watched Lukas come downstairs with a rolling suitcase and several black garment bags tossed over his shoulder.

  “That was fast,” Tess exclaimed.

  “Well, I’m pretty excited to get back to my own apartment. It’s been too fuckin’ long.”

  Another dagger. I watched in quiet disbelief as Lukas shot me a quick smile before heading down the hall with his things.

  “You have a car waiting?” Tess called after him.

  “Called it before I started packing,” he called back as he headed down the stairs. Once the front door of the townhouse swung open and shut, Tess rolled her head back and let out a little sigh.

  “It’s nice to be back,” she said, closing her eyes for a second. “It’s been quite a month.”

  “I’d have to agree,” I gave a weak laugh.

  “Anyway, I know you’ve got lots of stuff coming up with the business,” Tess said with a smile. “But I hope we can find a day to hang out and catch up. We can go to the coffee shop across the street or maybe I can join one of your Sundays with Sara.”

  “Oh, she’s been a workaholic with no time for me lately, so it might just be you and me.”

  “That’s okay! I can be your chocolate sampler then,” Tess said brightly before we said our goodbyes. Once she disappeared into her apartment, I stood in the hall for a moment. It had been a very eventful hallway in the past five or so weeks but suddenly, it looked just like the one I’d known for years before Lukas crashed into my life. It was so quiet it hurt my ears, and it was so still I could feel a panic starting to rise in my chest.

  Was it over?

  I for some reason thought that if this day came, it would do so with a warning. But apparently not.

  Floating into my apartment, I walked like a zombie back into my bathroom, turning off the light and wandering around several more seconds till I processed the sound of honking outside. Irritated, I looked out my window just in time to see Lukas sticking his head out the back of a black SUV.

  When I saw he was on the phone, I grabbed mine, answering before it even rang.

  “What are you doing?” Lukas asked.

  “What are you talking about?” I countered, rattled with confusion.

  “Are you getting dressed or what?”

  I blinked. “What? Am I coming with you?”

  Lukas laughed for longer than I could handle because I was in desperate need of an explanatio
n. “Jesus Christ. I guess you were tired last night,” he said. “I was talking to you while you were falling asleep. I said Tess was coming back today and we should hang out at my apartment before you went to your meeting. Could’ve sworn you heard because you were smiling.”

  I was already dressed by the time he finished speaking, my heart bursting with such relief I could’ve cried. But I had too much pride for that.

  “I’m coming,” I said breathlessly, rushing out my door

  “My two favorite words out of that mouth,” Lukas chuckled as I flew out into the hall and down the stairs.



  Unsurprisingly, Lia went straight to my new kitchen.

  I grinned at the door, picking her purse up off the floor and setting it on the dining table.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as she laid her upper body across the marble island and moved her arms around like she was making a snow angel. I had to laugh. “You wanna sleep on my kitchen counter?”

  “No! I want to make ten million chocolates on it, oh my God, it’s so beautiful!” she whined, stumbling back to look up at the copper pans I had hanging from the ceiling. “I think I hate you.”

  “Well, that’s unfortunate because I certainly don’t hate you.”

  She stopped and looked at me. “No?”

  “Never,” I said as I joined her in the kitchen, hugging her from behind as she continued to explore.

  “Do you see this?” she kept asking, to which I repeatedly said yes despite the fact that I wasn’t looking at anything. I had my eyes closed as I took in the scent of her hair and her skin.

  She was like a drug. She soothed and calmed me down and had me thinking crazy thoughts at the same time. It didn’t help that I was watching her walk all around my place – my apartment, not Tess’s. Letting go of Lia, I slid my hands in my pockets and leaned against the wall with a smile, watching her burst through each area and flit over the windows, pointing at every view. My floor-to-ceiling windows faced north, west and south and she pointed in every direction like she was seeing each for the very first time.

  It was fucking cute. And just like my couches and my kitchen cabinetry, Lia’s little sundress was an eggshell white, matching her pretty damned well to the rest of my home.


  Crazy thoughts. My brain was hosting a dangerous amount of them as I followed Lia up the stairs, grinning at my view up her skirt. I couldn’t believe it’d been over a month since I met her because I was still so damned curious about her. I was still turned on as hard as I was the first day I saw her in that wet little robe. I still craved her company more than I did anyone else’s.

  It was also nothing short of a miracle that Wyatt’s birthday came and went with little issue. I was usually a fucking mess – self-destructive and dangerous to be around. I usually went out with Emmett and woke up with no recollection of where I was, how I’d gotten there or why my knuckles were bleeding. Julian generally ignored us for the entirety of the week that we did this. He knew how bad I was hurting and why I needed to do whatever I could to forget, but he couldn’t get behind the drinking, the drugs or the guaranteed violence that was known to follow me during my week of destruction.

  He generally didn’t give a shit about any of the women I slept with but I knew Julian approved of Lia, just for the fact that she unknowingly saved him from his annual responsibility to pick me up from a random location or bail me out of jail.

  “Oh my God, this feels amazing,” Lia breathed as she rolled around on my bed. I shook my head at her.

  “You can’t do that right now. I’m too late for work to fuck you right now.”

  She giggled, grabbing my pillow and hugging it to her tits. “Are you sure?” she asked, flashing me big, irresistible smile as she continued rolling around.


  She squealed at the sound of my belt unbuckling, shrieking the moment I pounced on her in bed. She playfully wrestled me on the mattress and I let her till I was too hard to play games anymore. Pinning her down, I guided my cock inside her and for the next four hours – despite the fact that we kept swearing we’d get up and go – we stayed in bed, kissing, talking and falling into each other at a speed that hadn’t stopped accelerating since our trip upstate.

  I’d never felt it before and I normally hated the unfamiliar but I was pretty sure I didn’t hate this.

  I was pretty sure I loved it.



  “Holy shit, Lia, I’ve written about this place before,” Sara whispered as we followed Elaine through the front doors of the beautiful boutique hotel on Lexington Avenue. It had a doorman and large tinted windows. I’d passed by many times before and always saw shiny, expensive cars parked by the entrance, so I always assumed the place was strictly for the rich and the famous, and that I should never so much as look at it let alone go inside. So I never did – at least not till today.

  On her first real lunch break in a week, Sara had opted to accompany me to a meeting with Elaine Gardner and Joanne Lee, yet another high-powered woman in her social circle. But considering the swanky location, I couldn’t understand what the meeting was for – at least not until Elaine and Joanne led us from the sleek, dimly lit lobby to the sparsely filled gift shop to the left.

  “Oh, wow,” I breathed.

  It was a cozy but sophisticated space that I immediately fell in love with. The tiles on the floor were a retro black and white and the walls were the exact, rich cream color I wanted for the walls of my shop. If anything, the space was slightly smaller than I imagined for my store but considering the location, I didn’t care. It was out of this world and a part of me wanted to ask Elaine what she was thinking bringing me here and making me fall so hard in love – because if I couldn’t afford most of the places in Gramercy Park, how the hell would I afford one in a high-end hotel?

  But in typical Elaine fashion, she answered my question before it could even come out of my mouth.

  “So, they’re shutting down this gift shop and hoping to open up a restaurant sometime down the line, but that’ll require a little construction in the lobby to open up more space,” Elaine said, tucking a silver lock behind her diamond-studded ear as she gestured toward the cozy but sophisticated space. “In the meantime, they plan to build a kitchen in what is currently the storage area – we’ll take you back there in a second – but the point is that they’re hoping to rent the space out while they find the right hospitality group to work with to open a lobby restaurant. Basically in the meantime, they’d like to use this as a retail space and because it’s guaranteed to be at most a two-year lease, they’re offering a very affordable price.”

  “One I could afford?” I blurted as Sara squeezed the living hell out of my hand.

  “Yes,” Elaine answered with a little smile on her berry-painted lips. “The only downside is that it’s basically a starter shop. Your lease won’t last longer than a year or two but the exposure you’ll get in this location is incomparable and if I were you, I’d fill out an application immediately because there are several others in the know, and they’re desperate to rent here, too.”

  “Oh my God, oh my God,” I whispered to Sara, who was bouncing so hard on her toes that her topknot was coming undone.

  “You have to do it,” she whispered back.

  “I feel like it’s the right move, but I’m not sure. I’m nervous,” I said breathlessly.

  “It’s perfect for you, girl. Look at it this way – it’s like a training bra. You start out here, then you grow your clientele, you slowly get bigger and then you move onto a real bra. I mean a real store.”

  I was glad Elaine laughed at that because that meant she was one of our people.

  “Okay, I’m gonna start my application,” I said to Elaine who smiled and grabbed me in a side hug. “I’m glad. I think it’s the right move. And considering you’ll have displays at every Gotham Grocer location, I can guarantee you’ll have no shortage of exposure.” Rel
easing me from her hug, she fixed her bob. “All that said, I hope you’ve already hired extra hands and rented a kitchen to work in because you need to fill your order by the end of the week.”

  “Holy shit. Okay. I know,” I exhaled, completely overwhelmed but in the best way possible. Reading my mind, Sara grabbed my hands.

  “Breathe, baby doll. I’m going to go back to the office right now, I’m going to bang out the rest of my work in like an hour, tops, and then you’re gonna come meet me there so I can help you finish this application. I’ll help you fill out paperwork or I’ll print stuff while you get records from the bank – just don’t worry. We’re gonna fucking do this, Lia. Everything’s finally happening,” she said, grabbing my face and kissing me violently on the forehead. “I’m gonna go now. I’ll call you when I’m done with work!”

  Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap.

  Everything was finally falling into place and ready to actually happen. It felt unreal, but I remembered the saying: When it rains, it pours.

  For the next five minutes, I toured the back area with Elaine and Joanne. But they soon had to return to their offices and they urged me to quickly get going as well, since I needed to get my application in ASAP.

  “Great meeting you, and good luck,” Joanne said to me as we left together. She gave me a tight handshake and before turning right as I went left, she waved at a stocky, suited man crossing the street. “Hey, Aiden!”

  “Hey, Jo!” he waved back before flagging me down. “Hey! Hey, hey. One second.”

  I cocked my head at him, only slowing down for him because he knew Joanne. “Hi? Do I know you?”

  “I’m Aiden.”

  “Do I know you?” I repeated.

  “No, but if you’re coming out of those doors with Joanne Lee, something tells me you just looked at the gift shop space,” he said, walking next to me with a grin.


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