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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 10

by Angel Medina

  Our heroes have sure gotten the cold shoulder or reception depends on whic word you prefer to use. The Yukon has decided to show its nasty side or at least the gloobas have. The gloobas kidnapped Quentin and Angel falls into the icy waters below the broken bridge. Maria, Dayvon and Luis decided to follow the flow of the water to see if it would lead to Angel. Where did the gloobas take Quentin and where would Angel end up, hopefully not dead. Its safe to say the Arctic have given our heroes a “cold” start to their journey to find the next part of the anti-matter ball.

  Maria, Dayvon and Luis continue their way following the icy river Angel fell into. A boar cop comes rushing trying to push our heroes down to the river but all three dodge the boar and the boar ends up falling into the river. Then a group of flying salamander troopers coming rushing in, while Luis and Dayvon are able to take out two of the troopers one trooper is able to grab Maria and takes her away. Neither Dayvon nor Luis dared to shoot the trooper fearing Maria falling to her death if let go. Luis says in a discouraged tone “There goes another damn this is not going well for us my brother.” Dayvon responds “That’s because before we were fighting in New York and we knew the layout of the land. Here we are pretty much lost and on our own having to find our own way." Luis and Dayvon continued but they notice that the river was getting smaller but that was because they were going higher in altitude. Luis says “All I know is that we are really far from the nearest and only city here “Whitehorse” because we are at the Yukon mountain peaks. I have to admit I wonder what the gloobas want to do up here.” The mountains were huge but the river ran through the mountain area so if they wanted to move forward they would have to somehow get through the mountains.

  Dayvon decides that he would take the left side of the mountain and Luis would take the right side of the mountain. Luis trekked carefully through the path as the path was getting smaller and smaller. He would be attacked by flying salamander troopers and be jumped by iguana enforcers he would defeat the iguanas but the flying salamanders were giving him trouble. He found a small cave inside to hide inside until the troopers lost him. The troopers lost him and kept on going north and Luis says in his head "Hmm going in the same direction as us, now I'm sure we're on the right path." As Luis continued on his way the path was cut off where only pitch black can be seen, Luis heads back to the cave to see if perhaps if there was another way. He goes back to the cave and he sees huge snowdrift in a shape of an oval perhaps covering a passageway. Luis put his gloves on and started to dig through the snowdrift hoping a pathway was behind it.

  Dayvon started his journey on his side of the mountain pass and is approached by a group of boar cops in winter gear. He sees they are unarmed and so is he so a fistfight begins. The boar cops had the upper hand at first until Dayvon threw a snowball in the eyes of one of the boars causing the boar to fall down. He tried the same thing again but the second boar cop blocks the snowball then the third boar tackles Dayvon to the ground. However Dayvon while being tackled put his right foot up and used it to flip the boar over, then the boar falls down to his death. Then it was a dogfight with the last boar cop, eventually Dayvon emerges victorious but he ends up bruised up pretty badly. Dayvon uses the snow to take the sting out of his scrapes and bruises then moves on. He continues on his path negotiating through salamander troopers and iguana enforcers killing them easily. Dayvon moves along easily until he takes a step and a loud crackling sound is heard. The part he was stepping on was weak and ready to collapse, Dayvon moves slowly to avoid putting any more pressure on the already compromised path. However to no avail the path collapses anyway and Dayvon begins to fall down...

  After an hour or so Luis finally digs his way through the snow drift, although tired but encouraged. That's because there is indeed a path behind the snow drift, Luis enters cautiously. Luis realizes the cave is rather dark but the little light on his laser gun did give him just enough light to guide him. Then Luis hears several noises of footprints but had no idea where they were coming from. Luis screams "Whoever you are come out and show yourself I'm tired of the hide and seek games!" Then a beam hits Luis's gun and Luis loses his gun. Then he is attacked by salamander troopers in multiple directions it seemed hopeless for Luis who was getting kicked around in the dark with no way to fight back. A rattle was heard in the cave and then tons of snow came in collapsing into the cave burying Luis and his attackers. Luckily for Luis he was outside of the main impact of the snow so he was able to break out easily. He goes to one of the corpses of a trooper and sees the trooper had night vision goggles. He takes them along with his gun and says "Ah much better now I can see how to get the hell out of here. He sees a huge group of iguana enforcers but also sees a small path under them for him to get around them while remaining undetected. So Luis decided to crawl slowly to the underpass until he hits a part of the snow which makes a noise. The enforcers hear the noise; Luis thinks quickly and plays dead, the enforcers mistake Luis for another dead body of another human. After seeing the coast is clear Luis begins crawling again to the underpass he gets there he accidentally coughs but tries to cover it up. Once again the iguana enforcers become suspicious and one decides to jump down to investigate. Luis stays puts until the enforcer comes down with his back turned grab his mouth to cover it then he snaps his neck. After killing the enforcer Luis makes a run for it before the other enforcers are able to catch on to him. He is able to bypass the enforcers who are still in the state of confusion. He sees the light at the end of the tunnel as the night vision goggles start to turn bright white. Luis takes off the goggles and sees he has gone down in elevation on the mountain pass.

  Dayvon continues to fall but lands on a lower platform, he says "Whew I thought I was a goner well looks like a clear path ahead." However Dayvon is sadly mistaken the path involves several small jumps between each mountain but one mistake and he was a goner. Not long he begins his first jump a hover ship arrives and tries to intercept Dayvon but he is able to do his famous summersaults and the ship crashes to the wall. Dayvon makes it to the second platform but realizes he has to jump to the next one quicker than he would like to; that's because the crash caused a stalactite from the mountain to fall. Dayvon makes it to the third platform just in the nick of time with the stalactite falling on to the second platform. He stands on the platform to catch his breath, then a strong gust of wind blows pushing Dayvon towards the edge of the mountain. He hangs on to a stalactite sticking out to keep him on the mountain. The gust eventually calms down and Dayvon tries to climb back on but the stalactite begins to crack, Dayvon uses all of his energy to push his weight back onto the platform. The stalactite falls down and Dayvon still catching his breath says "Wow now I know why people say mountain climbing is dangerous!" Dayvon catches his breath for a minute or so then resumes to his journey. Along the way he would take care of alien troops of every class be it boars, iguanas or salamanders. Dayvon sees the river much more clearly he goes towards the river to get a better look to see if he could spot Angel. He eventually reaches the end of the pass but another rattle is heard and the snow behind begins to fall. It was an avalanche Dayvon attempted to outrun the rush of snow, but the force was great. The avalanche would take Dayvon to an unknown location.

  Luis leaves the cave outside and he’s attacked by several teleporting salamander troopers. He has a hard time defeating them but eventually does defeat them. He continues his way through the path with the occasional small avalanches of snow falling but none impede Luis’s progress. Luis finds himself losing sight of where Dayvon is and says in concern to himself “Hmm it may had been better to stick together here, hopefully he’s okay, these mountains seem to be acting very volatile and unpredictably.” Then a hovership appears out of nowhere attacking Luis, he dodges the ships lasers and he aims perfectly at the trooper pilot. He shoots the trooper perfectly then the ship crashes next to him. He approaches the next obstacle which is an extremely steep hill at a 45 degree angle; Luis looks at a big piece of the crash hovership and decides he c
ould use it as a snowboard. During the times when he wasn’t at his dealership he was an avid snowboarder and he was in love with it plus he was pretty good at it. Difference he is that this hill was 45 degrees while he was used to boarding down on 60 degree hills. Luis said “What a steep hill but it’s too dangerous to go by foot, gotta take a chance though.” Luis grabs the piece of metal and begins his descent down the hill. During his descent he encounters numerous enemies on snowmobiles gunning for him, he managed to shoot several of them. However he started to pick up too much speed going down that he could not get a good shot on any of them. So he had to do some clever maneuvering so either lose them or get them to crash into the trees, at the same time though he was a having a hard time maneuvering himself having a lot of near misses on trees and rocks. Luis notices the path is cut off by a large hole with the river below. Luis hangs on and takes a leap of faith onto the other side of the hill then lands hard to the other side. Luis catches his breath then gets up and sees that the river leads to a huge icy lake surrounded by glaciers and within those glaciers were small glooba communication towers.

  Luis finds the mountain pass leads to Lake Yukon a huge lake separating from smaller islands in Northern Canada. Despite its remote location the gloobas have taken over and made their influence known in the area. Now what their intentions were in the area was still unknown. Dayvon is caught in an avalanche, Dayvon isn’t harmed in the avalanche but has he found the lake as well without knowing? Meanwhile where did the flying trooper take Maria to and is Angel still alive despite falling into the water. Finally no trace of Quentin can be found and our heroes have no leads to any possible locations of where he was taken too or will Quentin escape the grasps of the aliens.

  A noise of a jetpack can be heard in the distance. It was the trooper who kidnapped Maria and Maria was still being carried, who was still trying to figure a way out without falling too great of a distance. Maria is able to take a peek and see Lake Yukon right below her, she realizes even though the water was cold but she had a better chance of survival falling into water than into the hard ground. She slowly gets her hands into the jetpack of the trooper and then she pulls the eject button. Both Maria and the trooper start to fall, but Maria is able to grab the jetpack and begins to use it while the trooper ended up falling onto a glacier instead of the water. Maria glides over the lake looking over then she sees a body lying on a small iceberg, she moves closer to the body. She discovers that the body is that of…

  Luis begins his investigation of the first communication tower defeats the few salamander troopers guarding the tower and then he goes inside. He goes upstairs and sees the main communication tower across the lake and sees a suspended railcar to transport him to the main tower. However is in the distance and Luis had used a telescope in the tower to see everything. He says "Damn I got to cross this whole lake which is icy cold and I'm sure they got the lake surrounded by a wall." He finds a water suit and reads the instructions which say "This suit will help protect you for a limited time from your body being exposed to the sub-zero temperatures underwater. Only underground employees should be wearing these. Must be recharged after use, allows protection of up to 20 minutes." Luis says to him self why would I have to go underwater for? Is there an underground lab or facility? Well I should put this on to be safe." Luis jumps in to the icy cold water then he finds several hoverships patrolling the lake. Luis decides to use a peek and boo idea which he would shoot one pilot down, then duck down under water and then resurface to take out the others until all have been taken out. His strategy works with one problem he finds many poisonpus's underwater ready for their next meal, looks like they have adapted to the extreme cold as well. While Luis wanted to head straight for the main tower but it was too long of a swim, so he decided to rest up at each communication tower or barracks.

  Dayvon after being unconscious for about 30 minutes regain his conscience then spots the end of the river leading up to the lake where Luis is currently exploring. However unlike Luis Dayvon is all the way to the left close to the wall surrounding the lake, he sees many buildings on the surface for him to explore then of course the lake itself. He starts with a barracks where he gets into a gunfight with aliens in the barracks which he wins with no injury. He finds a freezethrower which shoots ice that freezes aliens or any living thing for that matter on contact. He gets out of the barracks then into a warehouse where glooba weapons and snowmobiles are stored, he decides to take a stealthy approach this time around. He sneaks around the boxes then snaps the neck of a salamander trooper, then with a loose pipe he finds sticks into the heart of an iguana enforcer and finally activates a conveyor belt which grabs a boar cop and drops him to a compactor. Dayvon say humorously "Lard Lard too much to around much, I rather have bacon!" He goes up to the foreman's office and finds a keycard which reads "Keycard for Main Tower Railcar #1". Dayvon in his mind says "What the hell #1 what is that supposed to mean? Are there multiple cards I have to find?" While pondering on the meaning of the keycard Dayvon moves on to the third and final building before the lake which reads "Central Command South". When he gets inside central command he is ambushed by aliens, after defeating the first set of aliens then a salamander trooper gets on a sentry gun and starts to unload bullets on Dayvon. Dayvon quickly finds cover under a desk filled with computers but quickly moves out when the bullets start hitting the computers. He gets behind a pillar and ponders how to get through the alien knowing it was waiting for him to come out. Dayvon sees a computer terminal outside the sight of the alien, he sees the option of dropping hot oil onto the alien which was a trap usually set for intruders. He activates the trap which drops the oil onto the alien burning it to a crisp. Dayvon says "Crispy!" He finds the main computer and eventually finds out what the aliens are actually up to...

  The body that Maria finds on the small iceberg is that of Angel! Maria says in excitement "Angel its you! I knew you were still alive!" Angel gets up and says in confusion "Where am I last I remember I was trying to cross a bridge, fell into this icy river and I got so cold that I passed out. How did the hell I survive all this?" Maria says "I don't know like the Elder God said this world does not completely follow nature's law, so maybe you were able to withstand these temperatures. Anyway I'm glad you're ok!" Maria hugs Angel yet again. Maria looks at her jetpack and it's almost empty, she says in disgust "Damn it no fuel and we are in the middle of a huge lake! Wait I see a tower there if we can swim there, we can warm up a little and perhaps see what our next move will be." They swim to the tower while avoiding the spike ball traps and tentacles coming up from poisonpus's. One poisonpus grabs Angel and pulls him down, Maria hating the water had to face her fear of going underwater or else Angel would be a Popsicle in the lake. Maria dives underwater having trouble breathing shoots the poisonpus and grabbing Angel. Angel and Maria had to be quick getting to the tower because their body temperatures were going down at a rapid rate. They kept swimming but their bodies started to become numb due to the icy nature of the lake; however a boat passes by creating a wave big enough to push the two to the iceberg where the tower was located. Angel and Maria quickly went inside to the tower but they seen a large amount of gloobas guarding the area, they found a large box open and hid in there until they got warm enough to come out to face the aliens.

  Luis after discovering another communication tower with nothing useful inside besides warming up, swims to another iceberg containing a barracks. He goes inside the barracks faces numerous enemies, he rips the chain gun off from one of the iguana enforcers and uses it mop the floor of all alien forces. Luis finds a downstairs level with more alien forces including his nemesis the teleporting salamander trooper. However Luis was so used to the attacking patterns of the teleporting troopers that it became second nature. One of the troopers grabs Luis from behind while the other trooper attempts to slash him with his laser sword. Luis breaks loose just in time that the trooper accidentally slashed his comrade and then Luis blasted the trooper with the chain gun he too
k from the iguana enforcer. Luis finds a poorly but very understandable map of the lake, it shows a keycard for the railcar where he is but when he goes to find the keycard it's not in the desk where it was supposed to be. He finds a note where the keycard should had been, the not reads "The Railway Access Card #3 has been moved to the underwater lab for security reasons, it has been moved to lab room A-2 in lab #2". Luis says in his head "Well looks like this water suit thing is gonna get it's money's worth. Gotta be careful though those poisonpus's are gonna be hungry for me, gotta find a better weapon. Ha here's one!" Luis finds a harpoon which is perfect for shooting down poisonpus's and the gun comes with more harpoons. Luis now felt prepared to explore the underwater in hopes to find lab #2, Luis put the map inside the water suit to protect the map from getting wet and therefore unreadable. The exit door is unlocked the console next to it says "Room ahead has to be depressurized to release lock." Luis plays around with the console until he's able to flush the water out of the following room and release the lock. Luis then went head on to explore the dangerous poisonpus infested waters.

  Finally Angel and Maria get warm enough to go out and face the aliens. Then a long enduring gunfight begins with the aliens, our heroes use everything including boxes and fire extinguishers to defeat the aliens. Although all the aliens are defeated Angel was shot in the arm by an iguana enforcer and the pain was made worse by the fact that Angel's nerves were still rather cold. Angel kneels down in great pain favoring his right arm and tells Maria in pain "You got to get something to make this pain go way and stop the bleeding, blood is starting to come out. I'm also getting a dizzy spell... Angel falls down unconscious and he doesn't move at all. Maria spots a medical room not too far; she drags Angel to the Medical room, lays Angel on the bed and starts to develop a cure for Angel's injury. Maria finds some ointment begins applying it to the wound, then finds a blanket to warm Angel up and then she ties some medical cloth around the wound to stop the bleeding. Maria begins praying "Please lord don't let Angel pass away, give him the strength to survive. Lord I love Angel he doesn't know just yet but please protect him and don't let me lose him! Amen." Anxiously waiting Maria begins to pace around for about 15 minutes then she sits back next to Angel. After another five minutes pass Angel slowly opens it eyes and Maria breathes a sigh of relief and actually kisses Angel on the cheek. Maria says out loud "Thank you Lord you won't regret answering my prayer, Angel I..." Maria is too nervous to tell Angel her feelings for him and says instead "Angel I'm glad you're ok." Angel says "That's three I owe you wow I'm starting to think you are my guardian angel, Maria I think..." Angel is also hesitant to announce his feelings for Maria and says instead "I think you are a cool person and a kick ass partner." The two spend another hour warming up while Angel continues to recover from his injuries. After that they resumed their investigation of the tower. Angel sees a keycard grabs it and it reads "Underwater lab #1 Access Card" and is followed with a note that says "To get the Railway Access Card #2 proceed to lab #1 and lab room C-4. To safely access the underwater lab put these under water suits on to keep your body warm while underwater, Sincerely Management." Angel says "Ah no breaks for the weary looks like were in for an adventure underwater." Maria responds "Ah no I hate water!" Angel responds back "Don't worry hun I'm with you now, if we work together we'll be fine." Angel and Maria prepare to go underwater to find the access card to the Railway transport.


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