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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 24

by Angel Medina

  Angel and the others found themselves running around in circles trying to avoid Overlord’s missiles. Overlord would shoot a volley of 20 missiles at one time then stop for a few seconds. Angel began to see a pattern in the way that Overlord attacked and notices that Overlord doesn’t move much. However he had to be careful about getting too close or else get crushed. Angel says to the others “When he stops shoot him and watch when he begins to stiff his arms to shoot!” The others pick up on Angel’s advice and slowly they attacked Overlord. However Overlord began to realize what our heroes were trying to do, so he stopped shooting missiles. Instead he started to go after out heroes trying to crush them. Our heroes begin to run around in circles to try and gain some distance from Overlord. Overlord corners Maria and he grabs her then launches rockets at the others. Maria screams "Let me go you frog freak!" Angel says "Crap he's got Maria I can't just shoot him though, gotta think of another way!" Angel notices he can't shoot Overlord because he may harm Maria in the process.

  Our heroes continue to run helplessly with Overlord saying in a cocky tone "Heh Heh what's wrong?" He continues to shoot rockets at the remaining heroes while holding Maria tightly in his grasps. Angel and Dayvon spot 2 red spots on Overlord's neck area and wonder if that's his weak spot that they need to target. While Angel and Dayvon continued to think of an idea Samantha trips on a crack then a missile hits close to her sending her flying to the other side. Angel says "Samantha! Luis keep Overlord distracted me and Dayvon have an idea." Angel and Dayvon would try to get onto Overlord's back while Luis was distracting Overlord. Then Angel and Dayvon would strike Overlord's two red spots in hopes that it was his weak spot therefore killing him. Luis says "Come on dudes can't keep this guy distracted much longer!" Angel and Dayvon jumped onto Overlord's back and began to climb up on Overlord. However Overlord feels the two of them climbing up on him, so Overlord begins to shake his legs while Angel and Dayvon try to hang on for dear life. Luis then pretends that Overlord had kicked Angel and Dayvon to the ground by saying "No Angel and Dayvon are you guys ok? As for you froggy come and get me!" Angel and Dayvon continued to climb on Overlord's back slowly to avoid suspicion. Overlord says to Luis "Hmm I got those two that only leaves you but blasting you will be too easy I wanna have some fun with you!" Luis replies "Do your worse!" Overlord begins to chase Luis around the room.

  Angel and Dayvon continue to climb on Overlord but Overlord's constant movements make it tough for the two as they have to make sure they don't fall off. Angel gets to the right part of Overlord's leg and Dayvon follows climbing up on the left side. Overlord grabs Luis and says "Hahaha I got you guys, you guys along with the others are going to make decent meals for me to eat, any last words?" Angel replies "Yes I do or I should be the one asking you any last words?" Dayvon says "Game over froggy!" Angel and Dayvon shoot Overlord's red spots in which the shots begin to weaken Overlord significantly to the point Overlord begins to fall. Overlord asks "How did you guys get on my back I thought I kicked you off! Who the hell are you guys?" Angel replies "You thought you kicked us off, you made an assumption, you maybe big Overlord but not very smart!" Dayvon says "If you want to know we are your worse nightmare!" Luis and Maria are able to break free from the grasps of Overlord. Everyone begins to shoot Overlord's neck area until a hole is made which bleeds out goo and Overlord says "You human bastards..." then dies. Maria says "Way to go Angel and Dayvon!" Luis says to Angel "That's our leader!" Dayvon says "Gotta admit Angel you did well and you Luis making Overlord believe we were gone that was clever! Look the anti matter part over on the other side of the door!" While Angel goes and gets the third part of the anti-matter ball, the others make sure Samantha is still alive. Dayvon asks Samantha "Are you ok? Get up come on get up!" Maria says "Look she's opening her eyes!" Luis tells Samantha "We did it we defeated Overlord and Earth is safe for now." Samantha replies "Oooo I got a headache but I'll be fine, now to find a way to destroy this base." Angel replies "I took care of that already I activated the self-destruct sequence, lets get going!" The heroes rush out of the base before it blew up.

  Each hero gets into an alien ship and escape the alien base, a few minutes later the base along with the death ray are gone. Angel says "Boo-ya no more death ray and we're only one part away from putting the anti-matter ball together!" An alien voice probably the emperor interrupts Angel saying "Don't get too excited, while our attack on the moon was a failure it was a distraction for our main attack back on earth in Hollywood!" Angel says "Sneak attack huh well we'll be there soon to kick your ass! Come on Samantha tag along with us." Samantha replies "I'll have to decline Angel; I have to stay here to make sure the aliens don't ever come back here." Angel says "Ok I respect that good luck and take care." Samantha says "Thanks goodbye everyone at least for now!" Dayvon says "When we get back down to Earth we gonna kick some butt!" Luis says "I want a piece of that glooba emperor that Andrew was referring to; he needs a serious ass whooping!" Maria says "The bad guys might not think so but we got them on the run!" Our heroes begin to fly back to Earth, until the voice says "No no no! Not so fast you see I foresaw this coming so I built a black hole to take all of you and trap all of you in the past. I'm going to rewrite history in making sure you guys never existed. So close but yet so far, enjoy your trip now!" Our heroes are left stumped not knowing what was in store for them, that they were about to go back in time.

  Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis try to turn back away from the black hole but the force of the hole is too strong, as a result all four get sucked into the hole and then the hole closes. All four enter a time warp that goes even faster than the ones they have experienced before, so fast that they are actually going back in time. The force of the warp is so strong the spaceships fall apart and more importantly the anti-matter ball gets sucked into the warp into an unknown time period. Angel says "Shit son of a bitch we lost the anti-matter ball!" Maria replies "That's the least of our worries look down its pitch black! Aaarrrggghhh!" The four fall into the darkness not knowing where they were about to end up at.

  Our heroes are successful in preventing the gloobas from using the death ray on earth, defeated Overlord and got the third piece of the anti-matter ball. All of this was a diversion for the gloobas to launch a sneak attack in Hollywood, California. The emperor had another surprise a time loop that was going to send our heroes back in time. During the trip Angel loses possession of the anti-matter ball and it gets lost in time, where it is no one knows." Our heroes have no idea where are they're going to end up at and the location of the anti-matter ball was now up in the air. With the heroes going back in time what challenges await them, what will be of Earth when they get back and most importantly will out heroes get back in time? Or are our heroes doomed to be stuck in the past while Earth will be subject to a full takeover by the gloobas. What seemed to be the final push to save Earth now turns into a battle against time, as 3 days have passed already leaving only 7 days for our heroes to reverse Earth's impending destruction can they get back in time?

  Area 4 - Time Hell

  Chapter 17

  The Way Of All Flesh

  Our heroes were caught in a time hole so extreme that it caused them to go back in time. They found themselves in 1888 in Texas inside a cemetery, they seen a grave keeper trying to kill them. They run away from them as their weapons got lost during the warp trip. They are able to hide in a mortuary where it was surrounded by dead people getting ready to be buried. The heroes are able to lose the grave keeper and come out when they see the coast is clear. Then the Elder God somehow shows up to greet and advise the heroes...

  The Elder God says “My children you have been trapped in a time loop which has led you back in time. You must get the anti-matter ball; it may be in this time period or it maybe it’s stuck in another time period.” Angel asks “So if it’s in another time period, how would we get there?” Elder God responds “All I can say is there is a portal here that will lead you further back in time but then there is a portal that will lead y
ou out of this loop and back to the current time period. However I must caution you that number one it won’t matter if you get out if you don’t have the anti-matter ball and number two you only have one day till the portal closes for good. Luckily for you in the time loop you are currently in time moves extremely slow, in fact time here moves 4 times slower than normal. Finally you won’t have access to the weapons that you had back on Earth; you’ll have to utilize the weapons from this time period. I wish you good luck, I must go now!” Angel says “Well looks like we gotta explore this cemetery.” Maria replies “This is freaking me out already!” Dayvon responds “I agree I’m no fan of dealing with the dead!” Luis says “We got no choice though unless you want to be stuck here forever.” The heroes carefully explore the cemetery and they spot a tomb which they begin to walk towards.

  The heroes enter the tomb all they see are stone coffins and nothing else special. Until Angel finds a flare gun behind one of the coffins, he takes it for his protection. The others find pitchforks and other garden items to protect themselves. The heroes find nothing else useful in the tomb, so they head out through the other exit back outside. They see tombstones and out all of a sudden a couple of corpses pop out of the ground attacking our heroes, both of them having an axe as a weapon. Maria and Luis strike the undead with the items they found and the undead creatures go down easily. Dayvon says “Yo those guys are zombies, no doubt about it!” Luis says “Yeah no doubt we have gone back in time and the evil glooba emperor is trying to resurrect the undead from this time period.” Our heroes go down the stairs through the double gates and see a whole bunch of tombstones where a whole group of the axe zombies were rising out of the ground. The heroes are able to defeat the zombies and the see a door to a funeral home but the door is locked. So our heroes keep exploring the grave site then they see a hooded man in a brown cultist outfit trying to shoot them with a shot gun and talking in a cult language that was not understood by our heroes.

  Angel shoots the hooded man with his flare gun and the flare set the man on fire burning his body. Upon discovering the corpse the heroes find a key with an emblem of a skull probably for the funeral home, the guy’s shotgun and a revolver. Angel also found a box of flares nearby for his flare gun. The heroes go open the doors to the funeral home and enter they find several zombies inside the entrance. One grabs Luis but he’s able to fight it off, another tries to cut Maria with his axe but Maria dodges out of the way then sticks her pitchfork on the zombies head. Dayvon gets bitten by a zombie but it wasn’t a major deal as Dayvon is able to fight back. After dealing with the zombies Angel lead the way deeper into the funeral home and the heroes see a bunch of hooded cultists performing strange prayers perhaps to there sadistic deity. Angel says “Alright weirdo’s your little prayer is not to my God’s satisfaction, time to send all of you to hell!” Angel shoots his flare gun that sets three of the five cultists on fire, Maria with the revolver and Dayvon with the shotgun took care of the other cultists. Luis finds a tommy gun on one of the dead men and takes it for himself. Luis says “Looks like we got company! More of these devil worshippers!” A gunfight starts in the prayer room along with what was a dead man cover in blood on a table uncovered like he was a sacrifice to these cultists. Our heroes are able to kill all of the cultists with Maria saying “These guys scare me like what were they trying to do?” Angel says “I don’t know, I don’t care and I don’t really want to stay here and find out!” Dayvon responds “I don’t even know half of what they are saying anyway!” The heroes head upstairs in the home.

  The heroes go upstairs find more zombies that they kill off easily. They run through the hallway and find a door on the top level of the prayer room leading to the exit but it was locked, it also has a fire emblem on it telling our heroes they need a key with a fire symbol. Angel says “I seen a small room back in the hallway that we didn’t check, maybe the key is there.” Our heroes backtrack to the room and they find a couple of cultists waiting for them. Maria shoots one of them, while Luis grabs the other cultist and throws him into the blast furnace. Luis says “Crispy!” The room is where the dead bodies are stored also an eerie looking room with saws, chemicals and surgery type tools. Maria says “This room gives me the creeps!” Dayvon replies “That furnace must be where they cremate the dead that choose to be burned. Whoa! They keep dead body parts inside of bins? These guys must be some kind of ritual, anyway I found the key lets get out of this place!” The heroes head for the locked door, head for the exit but they find an open stone coffin where a zombie ambushes them from behind. The zombie jumps onto Angel’s back and tries to bit off his neck. However Angel grabs the zombies throws it while Maria kicks it at the same time. Angel says “That was a close call!” Maria spots a crate of TNT explosives and she spots two cultists standing by what seems to be an abandoned railroad depot. She lights up a TNT stick and throws it to the cultist’s surprise which blows them up. Maria says “They sure went out in a blaze of glory!” The heroes explore the railway depot.

  Our heroes find themselves in a Texas cemetery back in 1888 wondering what direction they should go. Having no idea where to go they explore a funeral home and already they make several disturbing discoveries such as the cultists the way they speak and their rituals. Who were they praying and worshipping to? At least our heroes have found a way to survive here but to find out the rest of the puzzle such as how to get out and getting the anti-matter ball that would be a different story.

  The heroes head out of the funeral home to the railway depot and find several zombies already popping out of the ground. However our heroes were ready to take care of the zombies and they do easily, however when they were killing the zombies Luis accidently shoots one of the red barrels which explodes and makes a hole in the back of the train. Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis head inside the abandoned train and find more body parts inside barrels to their displeasure along with some zombies. When they’re finished with the enemy Angel spots a switch which turns the train or at least the platform 180 degrees. Upon further exploration they see a door that wasn’t there before they open the door which looks rusted out, upon opening the door a group of bats come out but cause no harm to our heroes. Maria was scared that she ran back into the train, to everyone’s amusement. Maria says “Oh so you find that funny huh some bats eat people you know!” Dayvon replies while laughing hard “You must had watched too many of those old Dracula movies, can’t believe you are actually scared of those movies and bats!” Angel says to Dayvon “Ok Dayvon can it will you, while it was funny but in this world you never know! Maria I know bats are scary looking but trust me they are harmless.” Maria responds “See at least there’s a person who acts like a man rather than a boy. That’s why I respect you Angel.” Luis replies laughing “More like in love with him. Come on just admit it already!” Angel says “We got bigger fish to fry, we can joke around all day but it won’t get us anywhere. Lets get moving.” The heroes continue into a semi-dark pathway.

  The four head through the pathway where they kill some zombies and more bats show up harmlessly. When they get out they see the entrance to a train station guarded by cultists along with several innocent bystanders. The heroes tried to minimize the amount of innocent casuistries however a few innocent people were killed along the way. When the heroes finally get to the train station a voice says "Everyone the phantom express is due to arrive in 10 minutes!" Angel says "Phantom express huh? Think we better get on that train and see where it leads us." Everyone agrees with Angel and the heroes begin to fight their way through the train station. However the heroes have to hide and then shoot due to the amount of cultists in the area shooting bullets in their direction. Angel shoots flares to the cultists shooting from the top level which causes a chain reaction of cultists catching fire and spreading it to their former friends. Angel says "These guys must have a burning sensation for each other quite literally I must say!" The heroes still approach the ticket area with caution because they have no idea if they are being se
tup by the cultists. Dayvon blasts the cultists behind the ticket window with his shotgun while saying "Can I get 4 tickets to the phantom express, guess not I'll just punch my own ticket." Maria says "Dude do we seriously need a ticket to get in we'll just blast our way in." Luis says "Ticket or no ticket we got a train to catch!" Angel replies "Your right but I have no idea where the actual platform is this isn't New York, I know nothing about Texas and even less in 1888." The heroes look inside the ticket booth and find some ammo for each of their guns then they move on.

  The heroes see a waiting room up ahead with many cultists and what looked like ogres in the waiting room. Angel says "Oh great ogres now? Oh and there the ones with chainsaws in their hands, never remembered reading that in books!" Maria and Dayvon deal with the cultists while Angel and Luis dealt with the ogres, the ogre try to cut Angel but Luis pushes Angel out of the way. Then Luis shoots the ogre with his Tommy gun while Angel shoots and burns the other ogre. Angel tells Luis "Gee, I've been saved by Luis how swell!" Luis replies "You're not going to die today!" After clearing out the waiting/sitting area a phone begins to ring, Angel goes to answer but when he answers all he got as a response was "Welcome to the phantom express station, we hope that enjoy your visit while you wait for the ride of your life!" Angel replies "Ride of your life huh, at least the operator is honest." Dayvon says "Well I'm not amused, this station is big where can the platform be?" Luis says "Well there are no signs nearby guess people here didn't believe in signs or direction." Maria says "Looks like we gotta split up again!" Angel says "I'll check down here, Maria you go straight up, Dayvon you take the left and Luis you take the right." Our heroes split up once again in search for the train platform.


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