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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 36

by Angel Medina

  Our heroes fall into the dungeon and they find that Mariano is still alive however this is not necessary a good thing. That’s because our heroes would find out that Mariano was responsible for killing Caleb and he wasn’t who he seemed to be and if that wasn’t bad enough Mariano revealed that he wasn’t actually Mariano; as he began to transform into the gray gargoyle portrayed as Darkgaryl. In fact he would reveal that he was actually Darkgaryl and our heroes were foolish to believe that Mariano was an actual person. So far he has proven to be a tough opponent as he nearly kills Maria with a fallen column and he wasn’t going to be shot down easily neither. Our heroes had to come up with an idea and quickly before Darkgaryl got the upper hand.

  After Angel pushes Maria out of the way Darkgaryl went after Dayvon and he takes him down with his wing. Dayvon falls down unconsciously, Luis went by Dayvon to see if he was ok but he got no response. Then Luis began to shoot Darkgaryl with his nailgun while it did have some effect but Darkgaryl was still flying strong. Angel then shot Darkgaryl with his thunderbolt which actually had a pretty good effect on the creature but he had run out of juice for the weapon. Angel then runs around in a circle dodging the energy balls while trying to figure out a way to defeat the creature. Maria used her crossbow on Darkgaryl distracting him away from Angel and then Luis stepped in to help. Then Darkgaryl went towards Maria with a slashing attack hitting her while she was jumping out of the way while it wasn’t a square hit but it did take Maria out of the battle. Darkgaryl then turned his attention to Luis and he shot an energy ball to Luis which hits him squarely. Darkgaryl becomes cocky thinking he has killed Luis but what he didn’t know was that Luis still had his spirit armor which was enough to keep him alive. Darkgaryl says to Angel “Well looks like all your friends are going down easily, you’re the last one remaining I’m going to have fun with you!” Then Darkgaryl begins to attack Angel.

  Darkgaryl then summons numerous gargoyles to go after Angel while he hides out. Angel shoots the gargoyles with his flare gun which burns them, while he’s having an easy time with the gargoyles he realizes that he is running out of ammunition for his flare gun. To add to his problem all of his friends were down unable to get up, Angel needed to find an alternative way to kill Darkgaryl. Then Angel sees a sentry gun which was actually a ballista used to protect the area from sieges. Angel tries to head up to the ballista but Darkgaryl’s blast destroys one of paths leading to the sentry weapon. Then Darkgaryl tries to grab Angel but Angel barely gets out of the way, Angel makes his way up the second path to get to the sentry gun. Darkgaryl prepares to attack with his energy ball attack but he is shot with a crossbow while it doesn’t even come close to killing him it does distract him. Maria was the one to shoot the crossbow; somehow she still had the energy to get back up after being attacked by Darkgaryl. Maria then says to Angel “I’ll distract him I might not be 100% but you need my help. As for you Darkgaryl come get me if you can, I’m down so finish me off if you can!” Angel notices that Maria is just distracting Darkgaryl so he could get to the ballista so he had to be quick. Maria with the little strength she had ran and kept distracting Darkgaryl for as long as she could but eventually she fell back down. Despite Maria going down however Angel did manage to get to the ballista and says “Darkgaryl! Your little game is over!” Angel shoots the bolt from the ballista and the bolt hits Darkgaryl directly in the heart. Darkgaryl then falls down to the ground and tries to get up but finds himself bleeding at a rapid pace. Maria gathers her little bit of strength that she had and she finished Darkgaryl off by beheading him. Maria falls into Angel’s arms saying that she loved him and she owes him one. Angel places Maria down slowly then he checks on the others Luis started to get up saying “What… what happened?” Angel replies “Take it easy bro it’s over Darkgaryl is dead.” Dayvon gets up saying “We did it now how the hell do we get out of here?” Then the Elder God shows up.

  The Elder God shows up saying “Excellent job my chosen ones, I had my doubts but you guys did it. As for you Angel I’m especially impressed with you I’m really am; you stood faithful to your love one Maria and stood by her side even as Darkgaryl tried to fool you into thinking she was going to turn her back on you. However all of you were good and exhibited strong behavior even in the toughest of times.” Angel says “Thanks Elder God but now we must return to current time, the gloobas must be having a field day down in Hollywood.” Dayvon says “Oh yeah I forgot we gotta finish off those alien scum's but I don’t feel too well.” Luis responds “Me neither.” Maria is still unconscious on the floor. The Elder God says “Don’t worry now that you guys have been defeating the evil in this world I’m gaining the ability to do more in this world to help out. Everybody gather around and I shall heal all of you.” The Elder God blesses all of our heroes and all of them all start to feel much better along with having more energy. The Elder God says “I’m creating the warp to get you guys out of here but it will take a few minutes. While I’m doing that let me explain that Darkgaryl had all of you fooled for a bit, portraying himself as Mariano. This evil is specialized in messing with your thoughts and minds in order to get you to believe in lies as well as go against each other. However Darkgaryl is not an actually evil being, it’s just one of the many forms that this evil force takes to spread his ways on Earth. The warp is ready for you guys; I’ll leave you with this piece of advice your mind is a powerful force which can be used to help you but it can also kill you as well. Stay strong and don’t believe everything you might see in this world because remember this is a virtual world so it will not follow natures law. You posses three pieces of the anti-matter ball only one more to go, you guys are so close to completing your mission. However the enemy knowing this will be gunning for you even more than ever and they will throw everything at you. I wish you guy's good luck and goodbye for now."

  Angel looks at the warp and says “Well guys we survived the medieval times and now its time to go back to real time to finish what we started.” Luis says “I just wanna kick some alien butt and go back to my normal life.” Dayvon replies “Wouldn’t we all want that, time to show these monkeys whose boss!” Maria says “The gloobas are in for a surprise when they see us and see we don’t give in so easily!” Angel then says “Well ready everyone, you ready my love?” Everybody responds yes to Angel’s question; Angel says “Here we go!” Everybody jumps into the time warp to return to their correct time.

  Our heroes have been through a lot so far as they head for the beginning of the homestretch of their journey. Our heroes are able to defeat Darkgaryl and recover the anti-matter ball that they had lost when they made their unwanted arrival back in time. Our heroes have gotten to know each other much better especially here where they had to improvise ways to survive. As they head into the time warp they begin to feel renewed as they are only one piece of the anti-matter ball away from completing the ball and saving the world. Two days have passed since they were away leaving our heroes five days to complete their mission. Will our heroes be successful in saving the world and what destruction will our heroes find as they head back to Earth, in otherwords what have the gloobas accomplished since trapping our heroes in the past. The final showdown between our heroes and the gloobas was about to take place. The gloobas could not pick a better place for this showdown than Hollywood California the home of the biggest movie stars and brightest lights.

  Area 5 - Hollywood

  Chapter 29

  Raw Meat

  The heroes enter the time warp and as they are traveling a break in the warp takes place. This break in the warp literally separates our heroes into two groups: Angel and Dayvon on one group, Maria and Luis on the other group. As you expect that meant our heroes were going to be separated once again and were going to end up in different places. Dayvon and Angel warp to a alleyway where a bank is not too far away. Meanwhile Luis and Maria end up at the top of a building with a sushi restaurant directly in front of them. Maria and Luis find that they have gotten their weapons back that they had
before being transported back in time. The final push for our heroes begins here!

  Maria and Luis walk through the roof the building they were on and out of nowhere an iguana enforcer pops out in front of the duo. Luis blasts the enforcer with his plasma cannon and says “Ah its great to have this bad boy back, was getting tired of using swords and crossbows.” Maria replies “Wonder if my shrinker still works.” Our heroes see that there is only one way into the sushi restaurant and that was to go down. It was a bit of a fall but our heroes go down anyway and they get down just fine. They are met with iguana enforcers and salamander troopers. Luis says “Ah is great to see you guys again and even better when I give a can of whoop ass to all of you!” Maria takes care of the salamander troopers by shrinking them then crushing them while Luis kills off the salamander troopers with the plasma cannon. After killing the aliens a couple of sentry drones come after our heroes but our heroes use the ingenious idea of throwing the corpses of the aliens into the drones as it activated their self-destruct circuit causing them to blow up in mid air. Luis says while laughing “Ah nothings changed, still the same dumb robots!” Maria asks Luis “Wait a minute where did Angel and Dayvon go?” Luis replies “I don’t know we all went into the warp together and all of the sudden we get here but they don’t.” Maria responds “I’m confused so they probably got transported to another location or…” Luis says “Yeah probably so and what were you about to say there?” Maria replies “No nothing it’s nothing, we should get going.” Luis says “I know you’re worried about Angel and Dayvon but I’m sure they must be ok; just like everything else we’ve been through we’ll be just fine and I’m sure we’ll bump into them soon enough.” After consoling Maria the duo head towards the sushi bar but before they can get inside a couple of iguana enforcers pop out and the duo kills the aliens off rather easily. After killing the enforcers the duo heads inside the sushi bar.

  Maria and Luis head inside the sushi bar, all seems quiet but once they enter a trap door opens to their left side. The trap door contains a couple of sentry drones who get extremely close to Maria; Maria is able to backflip out of the way from the exploding drones, Luis dives to his right in order to avoid the blast. Maria says “That was too close, ouch what was that?” An alien turret was on the other side of the hallway which was decorated with Japanese statues and a picture of a popular stripper who was going to perform at the karaoke bar. The heroes also see three curtains which were sitting areas for customers; they figured to look in those areas to see if could gather any evidence. While dodging the turrets fire the duo heads inside the first sitting room where there is nothing besides salamander troops getting a bite to eat. Our heroes decide to put an end to their lunch date, Maria kicks one trooper then uses his shadow blade to impale him, Luis rips off the salamander troopers arm off and let it bleed until it died. After that the heroes go into the second sitting room where the table lowers revealing a secret control room which had controls to deactivate the turret as well as open a door. Maria uses the controls to deactivate the turret and open the door leading to an unknown room. The heroes go back out to the hallway where they were no longer being shot at by the turret and then they head inside the third sitting room. They find some ammo for their weapons but that’s about the extent of what they find. After that they see a white door that is locked which needs a blue keycard and then the duo sees an open door behind them which leads to a room which is full of glooba grass.

  The room was filled glooba grass and to Maria’s disgust slimer eggs along with poisonpus’s. This room was being used as a breeding ground for more aliens specially slimer protectors and slimers. Luis says “Oh look our old friends the tentacle freaks, well its time to make some octopus eyes come out!” Maria and Luis took care of the majority of aliens until a poisonpus came and grabbed Luis; Maria didn’t dare to use her shrink ray because she feared that she would shrink Luis along with the creature. The poisonpus shot poisonous ink towards Maria missing her as she gets out of the way in time. The poisonpus began to squeeze Luis tighter and Luis saying “What’s taking you so long Maria?” Maria finds a hatchet and carefully sneaks around the poisonpus then she strikes the poisonpus in its weak spot with the hatchet. As a result she killed the poisonpus and Luis was freed from the grasps of the poisonpus. Luis says almost out of breath “Well about time thought you were going to leave me for dead?” Maria replies “Well it was that or I was going to shrink you by accident and we don’t have anymore vitamin x to restore ourselves.” Luis responds “Well that’s true at least you saved me and for that thanks.” After that the heroes explore a door in the back of the breeding room.

  They open the door to find a couple of iguana enforcers in the cash register area; our heroes kill the aliens easily. After killing the iguana enforcers Maria finds the blue keycard next to the cash register. Luis also finds cash in the register and begins to take the money out until Maria cuts him off. She says “You sure got some sticky fingers there my friend. Besides what are you planning to buy in this world anyway if there is barely anyone here? Besides it’s wrong even if no one is watching.” Luis responds “Okay miss goody too shoes I’ll put the money back but only to shut you up, sounds good?” Maria replies “Whatever Luis lets just keep on moving shall we.” The duo gets out of the breeding room and head towards the door that was locked previously, Maria uses the keycard to open the door. Once Maria and Luis open the door and they find boar cops; Luis says “Oh I forgot we get to kill swine all over again.” Maria replies “Well let's make these pigs squeal!” Maria swipes the shotgun from one of the boars and uses it to kill two of the boars. Luis uses his laser pistol to take out the rest of the pigs in the hallway. Our heroes hear music that you would hear in a karaoke bar and with that our heroes prepared for a fight knowing many aliens were inside just hanging out. Maria and Luis enter the karaoke bar and to their suspicion they do find many boar cops waiting for them and they also did see a stripper doing a strip tease. However the duo had no idea if the stripper was being held against her own will or was she doing everything on her own will. Luis says “Hey you piece of swine crap party’s over, we’re cleaning this pigsty up!” Maria follow “That’s right this party is officially been canceled!” Then a big gunfight began with the heroes using whatever they could find as cover such as tables, the bar area or even the speakers. Luis charged his plasma cannon and let out a big blast killing the majority of the boar cops; then a cop grabs the stripper with his shotgun on her head and says in an alien accent that was hard to understand “Don’t try anything funny or the bimbo gets it! Maria uses sign language telling the woman to use her high heels to step on the boar's foot since the cops had no shoes on. The stripper steps on the boar foot; the boar squeals in pain letting the stripper go while he looks at his foot. The stripper took matters into her own hand and took her stilettos off then strikes the boar in his eyes killing it.

  The stripper gives her thanks to Maria and Luis, after that she goes on to reveal her identity as Rebecca. Rebecca says in a panicked tone “Thank you guys so much I don’t know how much longer I was going to be able keep these alien bastards amused. I work here but these guys came in and threatened my life if I didn’t do what they told me to do.” Maria asks “What did these guys ask you to do?” Rebecca responds “They would tell me to do several dances and they were trying to make me do a sex act on each of them. It’s terrible here this whole part of the city is full of these weirdo's!” Luis says “Relax just come with us and you’ll be fine but first put some clothes on will you.” Rebecca says “No problem my clothes are in the closet in the kitchen which is just beyond the sushi bar area.” All three of them head into the sushi bar area where they find a mixture of iguana enforcers and boar cops. Maria and Luis keep Rebecca behind as they took care of the aliens that were in front of them, once they finish off the enemy they see what the sushi bar has to offer. However what the bar has to offer is anything besides sushi, in fact what our heroes see are parts of the human body such as an arm,
eyeballs and green alien goo which was the favorite drink for the gloobas. The trio heads for the door leading to the kitchen, when they get inside they find some more iguana enforcers along with salamander troopers which they kill easily. When the room is clear Rebecca goes inside the closet to get her clothes that she had came into work with and says to Maria and Luis “Do you mind?” Maria says “Oh of course go ahead and change.” Luis says “I’m sorry we’ll get out of your way.” While Rebecca gets dressed Maria and Luis continue into the back of the kitchen which had an oven and salamander troopers waiting as well. After dealing with the troopers our heroes head down the stairs to a door that looked like it was boarded up. Luis says “Damn it’s locked, we need to find something to take out the wood and bust through.” Maria says “A crowbar would help now if I was a crowbar where would I be?” Luis replies “Wait a minute I saw some tools lying around by a pool just below where the breeding room was; there may be something there for us.” Rebecca tells the heroes that she is done getting dressed as our heroes prepare to backtrack to the breeding room.


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