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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 57

by Angel Medina

  Chapter 10

  No Vacancy

  Angel finds out that Jane Parker is planning to have a rally in the high class Marriott hotel located on 8th avenue and 44th street. Angel makes his way there to see if he can get in contact with Jane. You see Angel’s father was good friends with Jane prior to his death. So Angel was counting on Jane to recognize him through his father. Upon arriving at the hotel he finds Carlos and CES squad cars surrounding the hotel. A news report indicates that bombs have been placed inside the hotel in numerous locations and Jane Parker has been held up inside a locked room. The report also indicated that the CES has been called to the scene to disarm the situation. However upon careful observation Angel sees that the CES is in no rush to disarm the situation, in fact they look real calm for a dire situation.

  Reggie Clark reports, “After learning that NYC is threatened with more terrorist attacks the CES the new elite squad has been called to action. The CES has been called to a bomb threat inside the Marriot hotel where mayoral candidate Jane Parker was supposed to do a rally before the elections in a few days. That’s all we have to report for now if we get any new information we will bring to you as quickly as we can. This is Reggie Clark reporting.”

  As the sun has set and nightfall has come down. The lights of Times Square are lighting up and its business as usual.

  Angel hiding in an alley says in his head, “For a news reporter Mr. Clark does a heck of a job, but my main concern was making sure Parker remained alive. While the CES units were going into the building with heavy equipment, but they were not carrying anything out.”

  Carlos says to his men arrogantly, “You hear that guys we wouldn’t want anything “bad” to happen to Ms. Parker hahaha.” Angel was unable to hear Carlos so he assumes he is just giving orders.

  Angel continues to say in his head, “For a really big situation, Carlos’s men did not look like they were in any rush to do anything. Maybe that’s what Carlos wanted, to see Parker go up in smoke before she could expose him for misusing funds for his CES squad. I get the feeling my uncle has gotten back to his crooked ways. I guess that scolding he got when he robbed his wife didn’t teach him anything. However I can’t be too sure and he’s still after me, I’m sure when his men see me they will try to make sure that I’m full of holes like Swiss cheese. Terrorists or no terrorists I have to find those bombs and more importantly find Jane Parker alive.”

  Angel enters the hotel through a side entrance and finds himself in the back hall of the hotel where he sees a map of the hotel just lying around.

  Angel says to himself, “Hmm hotel prints these will be useful, but why are they are just lying around here.” Angel enters the dining room where the room has been ransacked and several people shot to death on the floor. The dining room is elegant in nature with red, blue and white wreathes surrounding the room. The walls were of a pinkish color with tan wooden moldings.

  Then he hears the radio transmission of a CES unit saying, “We’ve spotted Angel! Shoot to kill!”

  Angel sees the CES units in the dining room; the CES units were dressed in a gray riot suit with a gas mask to protect them in case of a chemical attack. Angel grabs the gun from one of the men who was carrying a M4A1 rifle throws him down and shoots him down. Angel finds another CES unit heading his was and he grabs him using him as a human shield to take out the remaining CES units.

  The CES unit says to Angel, “You won’t dare shoot me at point blank range!”

  “Oh no well too bad because I do have my dark side, go to hell!”

  Angel kicks the man in the groin and shoots him in the head. Angel followed the map to the location of the first bomb which was inside a closet. Angel heads to the bomb unlike last time where Ana was disarming the bomb Angel has to do the disarming himself. Angel’s hands gets nervous as he tries to slide the detonator pin out of the bomb as he nearly drives the pin into the circuit board. However he manages to control the pin and get it out of the board, eventually Angel is able to slide the pin out of the bomb disarming it.

  Angel says nearly out of breath from the near nervous breakdown, “Wow that… was a close one! There still 3 more bombs that I need to disarm and a whole lot of these CES bastards to deal with. Hopefully Jane Parker is still alive and well.”

  Angel heads through the hallway leading to the auditorium where the rally was supposed to be held. Angel gets inside the auditorium and as expected he finds more CES soldiers ready to attack.

  One of the men says, “He’s mine!” Angel takes a few men out while staying below the chairs for cover.

  Angel shoots a CES unit on the top balcony causing the man to fall onto his fellow mates. From the stage behind more units come to attack Angel. Angel shoots the rope holding weight bags to keep the curtains up. The bags come down crushing the men along with the sand pouring out of the bags.

  “There goes the curtain call now all of you can go to hell where you belong, the show’s over!”

  After killing the CES men Angel finds the second bomb in the back of the auditorium which he begins to disarm but notices this bomb has a much shorter time limit on it so he has to be quicker this time around. Despite the time limit he is able to disarm the bomb and proceeds further into the hotel. Angel goes up the hallway which is rather appealing with luxury sofas, gold statues, expensive rugs and beautiful plants. The hallway also had gold molding and beautiful green walls. However the hallway also contained CES units gunning for Angel. Angel makes quick work of them despite a few broken items in the hallway.

  Angel says humorously, “Damn these are some expensive things to break but not to worry once I’m able to reverse time everything will be repaired. Crazy things is that I haven’t found Quentin yet and no sign of the anti-matter ball but I got a feeling those answers will be found as I figure this whole mess out. I need to get to room 102 that’s where the next bomb is located.”

  Angel continues down the hall until he gets to the first level of rooms. He faces more CES units, wall runs and jump kicks one of the unit’s right in the head knocking him out. Angel disarms another man, pushes him and blasts him with his own shotgun. With the third and final man he grabs him and throws the man though the window.

  Angel jokily says, “That’s quite a fall there buddy I give him a 7 out of 10 at least he’s falling to his death in style.”

  Angel continues down the hall where he bumps into the third bomb which he completely missed on his map. He only has 25 seconds to disarm this bomb while disarming the bomb a CES unit tries to ambush Angel and catch him in a compromised position. Angel shoots the man in the head and quickly turns his attention back to the bomb. Angel tries to make up the lost time by rushing the disarming the process and he is successful in disarming the third bomb.

  The question bothering him is, why were the CES squad determined to take him out and why were they making no effort in disarming the bomb. Angel gets the impression that they were the ones to plant the bombs and there were no terrorists.

  After disarming three bombs Angel starts to get very suspicious that the CES are not here to disarm any bombs or even keep Jane Parker alive for that matter. Angel realizes he maybe the only one interested in making sure that the hotel remains in one piece along with Jane Parker and his uncle Carlos is not who he claims he is. The pieces are coming together slowly, but if Angel can get Parker on his side he maybe able to crack this case completely. However this is still the matter of disarming the last bomb.

  Angel continues his journey to room 102 when he meets more enemy units that he takes of easily. Angel hears the scream of a hotel worker in the distance. Angel rushes in and kills the CES units holding him hostage after killing the hostage takers the worker gives Angel his gratitude.

  The hotel manager tells Angel with gratitude, “Thanks so much, here take this key it may prove to be useful.”

  Angel receives the key to room 102 where the bomb was located. Angel gets to room 102, but before he could find the bomb some CES units bust through the w
indow ready to attack. Then a helicopter begins to shoot Angel though the window. Angel closes the door and hides behind the door until the helicopter leaves. Angel then goes back inside and takes care of the three CES units inside of room 102. Angel then finds the bomb with a 30 second fuse before it blows. Angel is able to disarm the bomb successfully. Angel gets to relax a little bit knowing that the building won’t blow up now it was just the matter of finding a saving Jane Parker.

  Meanwhile on street level far from where Angel was Carlos along with more CES units were at the front door of the hotel. A frustrated Carlos says in a low voice. “Damn those bombs should have gone off already I bet Angel is behind all this!”

  Then Carlos raises his voice while talking to his men saying “Ok guys I guess these terrorists want to play rough they’re out to get us and are planning to take decisive action! You know your orders now get inside and take care of business!”

  Angel hears a loud sound almost like a mini bomb going off.

  “Sounds like a demolition job I don’t know what these guys are trying to accomplish but I think this building going down is part of their master plan.”

  Angel heads back to the hallway and begins to make his way to the second floor. Angel is trying to get to the fourth floor as that is where Jane Parker is most likely being held up. Angel sees some CES units heading his way he grabs one of them along with his gun, twisting the man’s neck with great emotion and using his MPG-5 machine gun to take out the other men. Angel heads to the main hallway of the hotel which is glamorous in nature with a beautiful chandler, gold plated walls and railings, marble flooring and a skylight. When Angel steps into the main hallway he notices the stairway to the third floor is blocked by falling debris and flames from a fire that was probably started by the CES, but made to look accidental.

  Angel notices the temperature is starting to increase rapidly to the point where he has trouble breathing.

  “Man gotta find a way to shut this fire out or Jane and the others inside are going to die of suffocation.” Angel says in concern.

  Angel finds a janitor’s closet close by where he finds a fire extinguisher inside. Angel goes back to the fire and uses the extinguisher to gain access to the stairs going up to the 2nd floor of the hotel. Angel heads to the hallway where he sees a woman surrounded by flames.

  The woman screams for help and Angel says in his head, “Damn I can’t let that chick die here gotta find another extinguisher, there’s bound to be one here.”

  Angel heads inside of a storage room where he finds a couple of CES goons and he suplexes one of them. Angel drop kicks the other CES goon cursing him out in the process. Angel lands on his hands safely and he finds a fire extinguisher inside the storage room. Angel goes and shuts off the fire saving the woman who was trapped. The woman shows her gratitude and gives Angel a hotel key to use for the service stairway since the main stairway was blocked by flames that were too big to shutoff.

  “Get to safety and call the fire department this building is going to burn down if the firefighters don’t show up!” Angel orders the woman to safety.

  Angel continues his journey up to the third floor. When he gets out of the service entrance Angel ends up in the 3rd floor hallway. He sees a couple of CES units just sitting on the sofa and decides to blast them with the shotgun. The blast is so powerful even the sofa breaks apart. Angel can hear a man screaming for help while a CES soldier is telling him to shut up in a demeaning tone.

  Angel spots the two CES soldiers who have the man taken hostage. Angel tells the man with hand signals to keep quiet while he grabs both men bashes their heads together and busts a cap onto both of them. It turns out the man Angel saved was the hotel manager who gives Angel the keys to the roof and the room where Jane Parker was being held up in. Angel tells the manager the same thing he told the woman he saved previously. He also grabs a fire extinguisher that he finds as well just in case. More CES units bust inside of the hallway Angel was in but he makes quick work of them.

  Angel makes his way to the fourth floor where he meets to no surprise more CES units who he kills off easily. However Angel hears a loud female voice perhaps that of Ms. Parkers.

  “She’s probably behind this door let me use the key to get in. Hey if that’s you Jane I’m Angel the father of Rupert and I’m here to save you!” He opens the door and notices Jane is surrounded by flames, so he uses the extinguisher to shut the fire off.

  Jane says to Angel “Thanks so much I thought I was going to be burn to a crisp!” Jane is relieved and goes to hug Angel to show her gratitude.

  “Don’t mention it but once we get out of here you got some serious explaining to do!”

  “Don’t worry Angel I’ll try to answer your questions the best I can.”

  “Cool but first let’s get out of here!” Angel knows survival is the main focus.

  Jane and Angel head out of the room and back into the hallway. According to the map the roof was not too far away, but as the duo follows the map the fire more debris begins to drop down blocking the most direct route to the roof. As a result the duo had to find an alternative way to the roof. Angel found another way by using service stairway B which could be accessed from hallway B which was close by them.

  The duo heads inside of hallway B and after going through one hall they hit a luxurious eating area that was full of CES soldiers aiming for Parker. One of the men says in a demeaning tone, “Get that bitch!”

  “You go find cover, let me deal with these guys here.”

  Angel picks up a chair which shields him from incoming bullets and throws it to one of the CES soldiers. Angel then summersaults in the air dodging bullets until he got to the other CES troops and then one of the other troopers he arm throws him grabbing his gun in the process then shoots him. The other trooper Angel grabs and knee drops him in the face knocking him out. Angel then finds cover under a table then kills off the remaining CES troopers. As Angel is grabbing Jane he sees bullet holes close to her indicating that these guys are indeed aiming for Jane.

  Angel and Jane find their way to the stairway leading to the roof, while there they can hear the sounds of the firemen arriving at the scene. Once the duo gets to the roof Angel spots a CES helicopter dropping three guys on the roof and one of them is heavily armored armed with a flamethrower. Angel tells Jane to keep low until the coast was clear.

  The guy with the flame thrower was known as Vulcan nicked named from the Roman God of fire because he like using his flamethrower.

  Vulcan spots Angel and says “I’m going to burn you alive!”

  “Fine go ahead try me! Burn me if you can!”

  Vulcan wastes no time shooting off his flamethrower at Angel who dodges the flames and the bullets coming from Vulcan’s comrades. Vulcan aims for Angel but Angel grabs one of the CES troops and puts him in the crosshairs. Vulcan shoots his flamethrower but instead of burning Angel he burns one of his teammates. The other CES unit with Vulcan tries to tackle Angel but Angel sidesteps out of the way causing the CES unit to fall to his death leaving only Vulcan to deal with. Angel is running low on bullets so he looks for anything useful and happens to find a bucket of water. He grabs the bucket of water and runs out of sight of Vulcan.

  Vulcan with a cocky attitude says “Where did you go Angel, what happened couldn’t take the heat! I’m too hot to handle? Hehehe.” Vulcan walks towards Jane looking to burn her and Angel from behind pours the bucket of water on Vulcan. The water shuts the flame off on the flamethrower rendering it unusable.

  “What’s wrong Vulcan, too cold for your little friend to handle? It’s time to put you out of your misery!” Angel throws Vulcan into the fan which provided central air to the hotel and Vulcan gets decapitated into many pieces. Angel and Jane use the emergency ladder on the right side of the building to get back to the surface.

  Jane says “Bravery runs in your family your father was a good man and so was your brother.”

  “Listen you have any idea what is going on?”
br />   “A hit has been place for my death and I think I know why because Mayor Williams knows that he will lose the race for Mayor if I’m his opponent. Now when it comes to you and your family I believe you have been setup I’m still not sure who, but Mayor Williams may have a hand in this. You see that construction site that was suppose to house affordable housing is nothing, but a front for a digging site for plutonium a resource anybody can easily get rich off from. It’s also a resource corrupt leaders can use to pay off criminals to do their dirty work and whack off their opponents therefore having the city to themselves. Finally the CES is just an excuse so Carlos can get more funding those guys seem to be more of a terrorist group than law enforcement. Angel there is a whole lot of levels of corruption here in NYC I never thought it would go this far. A man named Slugs who controls the underworld docking operation may have even more knowledge and I wouldn’t be surprised if he has gotten a supply of the green stuff.” Jane tells Angel the story.

  “Well looks like I need to investigate the docks and get a second opinion. I need you to remain in safety. Tell you what go hide out in my cabin in White Plains until I tell you that it’s safe to come out. We’re heading in the same direction so you mind dropping me off at the docks.” Jane agrees and the to drive through the burning hotel towards the docks.

  Angel says in his head “Well I got Jane Parker the pieces are starting to come together I just needed more solid evidence to clear my name. The biggest issue is that I was still in the dark of who killed police commissioner Frank Kelly but I gotta a funny feeling Carlos is behind this or at least has a role in all this. Well I was on my way to the docks. Mr. Slugs would have some explaining to do.” Angel and Jane drive out of the hotel off to the highway.


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