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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 63

by Angel Medina

  Angel takes a brief pause.

  “He knew I made it to the virtual world and try to get me before I could dig up too much dirt. This looked like what I came for, I’m sure if I stuck around much longer I would have the nails needed to nail Carlos’s coffin. However this would be just good enough to bust him open and it wouldn’t be long until Carlos realized that I wasn’t at the precinct anymore. I also saw the evidence of all those kidnapped kids who never got found, they were being used for trafficking and experimenting. I always knew the idea of every kidnapped kid not get found was nothing, but a whole lot of shit. Bones was innocent, poor pastor he got kicked out of the diocese for a police cover up. Now I know that it was all part of the cover up, I couldn’t trust my own police department or at least my boss. Taking my uncle down was certainly a priority, but like I told Luis I couldn’t live with the fact of leaving Mayor Williams with a clean record. Hmm… maybe I wouldn’t have to. With one phone call I could take two birds with one stone.”

  Angel called Jane Parker and says, “Hey Jane, are you still alive, meet me by the cemetery I have something you will very interested in.”

  “Yes I am and I’ll be on my way right now. Goodbye.”

  Angel says in his mind, “Bingo now that I got Jane in my back pocket, it was only a matter of time before the two scumbags were going to go down. Now time to get my getaway ride.”

  Angel sees several CES troopers come out trying to pick him off. However Luis who was standing by assists Angel, killing all of the troopers. Luis and Angel head to Luis’s car which was a Cadillac Deville in mint condition. Angel tells Luis to drop him by the cemetery and stay put just in case.

  Jane arrives and she goes to hugs Angel. She says, “I haven’t heard from you, I thought you were dead or something.”

  “Well here’s the evidence that you need to take down that pig Williams along with my scumbag uncle Carlos. The duo is even experimenting with alien life forms capable of destroying Earth. Give this to the press or something by don’t give it to the police they’re in this.”

  Jane then pulls a gun on Angel saying, “I know Angel, but there’s nothing I can do. I’m pulling out of the election I’m in danger.” to Angel’s Shock.

  “No way, you got this guy by the ballsacks, he’s history once this information leaks out.” Angel tries to convince Jane.

  “And will get me killed, Williams said if I didn’t cooperate I would be killed. Listen I don’t know how you live with the fact that it’s you against everybody else. Maybe you can but I can’t, I’m sorry Angel that I have to do this.”

  Angel anticipates being shot at, but Jane is shot by Helga.

  “Helga where were you? Are you ok?”

  Helga nervously says, “Yeah I’m fine, I’m better than ever. They said this stuff is worth a lot of money.” Helga takes the evidence from Jane’s dead body.

  Angel puzzled asks, “Hey Helga what gives? I thought we could hang after this.”

  “There is no we… I felt sorry for you and that was it. I’m sorry you saw it that way, look don’t see me as a friend any more. I can’t even hold on to a lousy job and you expect me to pay rent on a cop’s salary oh please.

  “So you would shoot me? Angel wonders.

  “Look lets not find that out ok, listen Angel let me do this and stay out of this for your own good.”

  Helga takes the evidence and runs to a limo driven by an unknown person but in Angel’s eyes somebody involved in this conspiracy.

  Angel gets in the car and tells Luis to tail the car that Helga just left in, to see where it would lead them.

  Angel tells Luis “Can’t believe Helga would turn on me like this. Never knew her money issues would be this bad. I never knew this corruption would get this extreme where murder and greed would be involved. It’s time to put an end to this crap. I know where the anti-matter ball is located.”

  “Well you really can’t trust anybody at this point of the game.”

  Angel says in his mind, “Luis was right about that. I didn’t know who in the hell to trust anymore. If I’m going to solve this case, I’m going to have to do it solo.”

  Angel goes into the evidence room and finds out the lizard wearing masked men were actually CES troopers. Carlos had been trying to kill Angel since the prison break. He also finds files that will bury both Carlos’s and Mayor William’s reputation. Angel gives the evidence to Jane Parker but he finds out that Jane has been pressured to drop out or be killed. She is then shot by Helga, but Helga reveals that she is taking the paperwork to Iván in exchange for payment as she is falling behind on rent. She warns Angel to stay out of her business. Angel decides to tail Helga to see where the limo will lead Angel. Hopefully to the airbase, as that is where the anti-matter ball is located.

  Chapter 17


  Angel along with Luis tail Helga, to see where the limo will lead them to. After about 20 miles they arrive at the Utica Air Base, the same base the anti-matter ball is located. Angel in one sense was content because he knew he would be close to the ball, but in another sense he was concerned. Angel felt like Helga was nothing more than a puppet that was being taken advantage of because of her financial problems. Angel worries that Helga is going to get stabbed in the back and she is nothing more than a pawn in all this. Anyway what was Carlos using this base for? One thing is for sure Angel was dead on about apprehending Carlos and he still didn’t trust Mayor Williams.

  Angel says in his mind, “Something just didn’t seem right the creatures in Carlos’s office, the kidnapped kids never being found by the authorities and now Helga has taken the bad guys side. One part of me just wanted to get to her and beat the sense out of her. Another part of me feels that Helga is simply a background character in this scheme. She was the mayor’s and Carlos’s puppet and I was afraid that her act was about to come to come to a close. Anyway no need to worry about her; I needed to get that evidence back one way or another!”

  Angel and Luis stop follow Helga’s car and his suspicions are confirmed. The limo was indeed heading to the Utica air base. Angel suspects that Iván along with the mayor are going to try to ditch town for a while, until things cooled down. Angel grabs the sniper rifle out of the car of Luis’s car.

  “You go in and look for a way inside. I’ll cover you if anybody tries to get to close to you or if there are any snipers.”

  Luis agrees and begins his approach into the air base. Angel with his excellent marksman skills is able to pick off most of the enemies attacking Luis. Luis is able to find an open hangar and calls Angel to join him. Seeing that the coast is clear Angel runs towards Luis, rain begins to come down at a fast rate.

  “Iván is gotta be using one of these aircrafts to try to ditch town.”

  The duo is presented with many raincoat wearing henchman, similar to those found at the docks. The duo uses as much cover as they can to avoid being shot by the baddies. Luis tosses a grenade that he had in on his pouch and lobs it towards the men. The blast kills most of the men, only leaving a handful of men that the duo takes care of easily. Angel and Luis find nothing of interest in hangar A, so they head back out into the rain.

  Luis tells Angel, “Watch out for that laser!”

  Luis pulls Angel out of the range of the sniper, with Angel giving Luis his gratitude. Angel takes out the sniper with his sniper rifle and then the duo keeps it moving. The rain kept pouring on Angel and Luis but that did not deter them from moving. They eventually end up on a runway with many hangars’ and a main tower ahead. A sound of a helicopter is heard, it is an attack helicopter probably hired by Iván. It attacks Luis and Angel, while dropping down more of the raincoat henchmen. Angel and Luis run for cover, Luis slips and falls. The man in the chopper grabs Luis and takes him away, leaving Angel to deal with the henchmen on the surface solo.

  Angel wrestles the gun out of one of the men and uses him as a human shield. The shield takes all of the bullets shot at Angel, while Angel shot and killed the henchmen. O
ne bullet did scrape his left arm however but it is not a mortal shot, although Angel does begin to favor the left arm. Angel sees one of the bad guys trying to run back to the main tower. Angel shoots the man on the legs, taking him down.

  “Hey you know what plane Ivan is trying to catch. If you tell me the truth I’ll spare you my life!”

  The henchman in an intimidated tone answers, “Don’t hurt me ok, Ivan is in hangar F, but you have to get through the main tower first. The runway is at a higher altitude then the others. The mayor is also around, that’s all I can tell you for now. Just don’t shoot me!”

  “Fine you got a deal, just give me your gun and get as far away from me as possible. Is that understood? Oh let me borrow your raincoat!”

  “Here’s my gun, but do you have to take my raincoat?” The henchman is scared out of his pants.

  “I wasn’t requesting or asking, I was demanding and taking! Now get lost, you should be working a more honorable job, like a mailman. Ah that’s better, no need to get wet for no reason!”

  Angel heads towards the main tower when he is attacked by more henchmen. After a long gunfight Angel is able to clear the area, grab a keycard to the main tower and takes the elevator.

  Angel demands to know where Iván is taking off. The henchman gives in to Angel’s demands in exchange for Angel sparing his life. Angel does spare the man’s life, but it comes with a price. That price was the henchman’s raincoat. The man was going to be looking for a way out in the rain. After taking the raincoat and getting comfortable Angel prepares to take on whatever the main tower might throw at him.

  Angel gets off the elevator and begins his exploration by going through a hallway. Henchmen try to ambush Angel at different points of the hallway but Angel is much quicker than they are. Angel enters a storage room where some of the plutonium was stored along with some henchmen.

  Angel says in his mind “Looks like another one of their distribution centers, why am I not surprised? Time to take out the trash” One of the henchmen throws a grenade trying to blow Angel up, but Angel is able to get out of the way. Instead boxes of plutonium get destroyed.

  “Iván and the mayor won’t be happy about that. Thousand of dollars went down the toilet on a happy little accident!”

  Angel uses the distraction of the smoke to pick off the henchmen. All of a sudden a sentry gun begins to shoot at Angel and more henchmen come out. Angel finds cover behind some metal boxes, but finds himself cornered by the henchmen.

  One of the men says, “Ok Officer Angel come out with your hands up, you’re surrounded, there’s no where for you to run!”

  Angel drops his gun saying, “Ok you got me, take me away!” Then in his head “I’m just going to let these guys take me upstairs to get away from the sentry gun. Then surprise them, but I got to be quick.”

  Angel is escorted upstairs through a hallway by a couple of henchmen. Angel then pretends that he is vomiting to grab the attention of the henchmen; the henchmen make sure Angel is ok. The henchmen wanted to make sure Angel was still alive as ordered by Iván, over the radio. When one of the men approaches Angel, he grabs the gun of the men and uses it to shoot both men.

  Angel says in a cocky tone, “Hehehe suckers time to get moving!”

  Angel just needed a diversion to get past the sentry gun. Angel moves on to the next room and he is disgusted by what he sees. He sees where many of the kidnapped chlidren were located, the same ones that were never found by the police. However all of them were frozen in capsules and green goo was being fed into the capsule. Angel’s worse fear was true. The children that were kidnapped and never found were being used as guinea pigs to experiment with as part of Carlos’s deal with the glooba alien race.

  In anger Angel says in his mind, “All those poor kids that got kidnapped and never recovered or found. I found it really hard to believe that the police could not find any of these kids and that story that they were trying their best sounded like a whole lot of bullshit. It turned out that I was right; the children were being used for sick glooba experiments. I knew there was corruption, but I didn’t think it would go as far as kidnapping children. I felt bad because I couldn’t unfreeze them, they would have to wait until I reversed time. Poor Bones took the fall for the crime. What got me angrier was that I couldn’t call the authorities because they were in this as well. Eight days have passed I don’t have much time to waste.”

  After that more henchmen come out after Angel, but with Angel being so angry he makes quick work of the henchmen. Angel proceeds through another hallway shooting guards of the airbase in pure anger.

  “All of you should go to hell. Messing with kids is the worse thing you can do, they are innocent people!” Angel says in great emotion.

  Angel is getting close to the top of the main tower, but has to survive one more room. This time though the enemies are not human. Several salamander troopers, pig cops and iguana enforcers come out of their capsules.

  “Well if it isn’t my old friends, come to get another ass whooping!”

  Angel notices these guys don’t go down as fast, as they were genetically engineered with upgraded stamina. In fact Angel has a really hard time, especially with the pig cops. Angel goes down several times, but manages to avoid the projectiles being shot by the salamander trooper and iguana enforcers. The pig cops are not armed with shotguns; instead they have been boosted for melee combat. Angel shoots down the salamander troopers and iguana enforcers. He takes a shadow blade from one of the salamander troopers and cuts up the pig cops.

  “You might be tough, but Angel is tougher!” Angel heads for the elevator which takes him to the roof of the main tower. With the rain still coming down, Angel sees an office up ahead. Hangar F is on the other side of the office. However Angel stops and sees Iván and Helga inside the office talking.

  Iván tells Helga, “Good job Helga, now that wasn’t so hard now, was it?”

  Helga puzzled looking at the raw plutonium asking Iván “Is that my payment, I was expecting actual green paper.”

  “Well I’m terribly sorry but I have transferred most of my funds overseas.”

  “Well ok but how do you expect me to pay my rent with plutonium.” Helga questions Iván.

  “True, true you’re right about that. In that case I should just keep it!”

  Mayor Williams come pointing a gun behind Helga and shoots her. Helga crashes through the window, after being shot from behind.

  Mayor Williams asks Iván “You’ll make sure she’s tied to Parker’s murder?”

  “Yes sir that won’t be a problem at all.”

  Iván leaves the room and then Angel grabs Mayor Williams throwing him to the ground.

  Mayor Williams says, “Ok Angel I didn’t think you wouldn’t be this big of a thorn on my side. Apparently you are, one that I should clip off and burn!”

  “Bring it on!”

  With the rain coming down, Angel stares down the mayor face to face. The mayor who was almost as big as Warden Pinnacle approaches Angel. The mayor was in fact bigger than Pinnacle. Angel lands a couple of punches and kicks onto Williams but they do very little to help Angel. The mayor then punches Angel to the ground and begins to laugh.

  Williams says, “Come on Angel is that all you got?”

  He grabs Angel does a bearhug, taking the oxygen out of Angel. After releasing Angel out of the bearhug, Williams bodyslams Angel onto a puddle of

  “You’re not so tough!” Angel is injured badly, barely able to get up after the bearhug and bodyslam.

  Angel says in a weak tone, “I may be down but you’re going to have to kill me if you want me out of the picture. Go ahead finish the job if you can.”

  Mayor Williams makes a bee-line towards Angel. Angel does a sweep kick knocking William’s head onto a bucket. That gave Angel sometime to recover but Angel knew he was still beaten up and that the mayor wasn’t going to stay down for long. Angel grabs a wrench and uses it on Mayor Williams buying him even more time. Angel tries to run
into the office, but the mayor grabs Angel before he could get in. Mayor Williams grabs Angel and begins to choke him to death. Angel starts to lose consciousness.

  All of a sudden a gunshot is heard and then another. Both shots landed on Mayor Williams killing him, but who killed Williams. Angel opens his eyes after catching his breath and finds out it was Maine.

  Maine asks Angel, “Are you ok, sorry about what happened in the prison. I meant to kill Orlando.”

  “No sweat at least you came when I needed you the most. That bastard Iván is trying to get out of town, don’t want him to get away. I need to ask him some questions. I just found out that my uncle is behind everything, killing my brother, killing Frank Kelly and trying to use children to experiment in a deal he made with the gloobas. Right now my main focus is to make sure Iván doesn’t get away because he’s no saint in all this.”

  Angel and Maine head into the office and don’t find anything useful. The plutonium that was on the table was taken by Iván. Angel’s heart begins to pound indicating the anti-matter ball was nearby. He finds the ball inside a closet, now he just needed to get it reformulated but for that he needed Quentin.

  The duo runs towards the hangar and find the plane that Iván is trying to take off on. However the duo is met with security guards bent on stopping them. Despite Angel being hurt the duo is able to kill all of the guards. Angel and Maine head towards the plane before the gate behind them open. When the gate opens two women pop out. One is armed with a pair of .50AE pistols and the other is carrying a grenade launcher. Upon further review Angel finds out these women are the mayor’s personal bodyguards. Then the duo realizes that the plane they were standing by was a decoy as the real plane was ready to takeoff outside. To add insult to injury the decoy plane had a bomb on it, powerful enough to take out the entire hangar.


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