The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 64

by Angel Medina

  Angel says to the women, “I would love to stay and chat but I have a plane to catch!”

  The women never reveal their names or even talk for that matter. The bodyguard with the grenade launcher shoots a grenade towards the duo. The grenade missed the duo but it does blast them back. The timer on the bomb reads one minute and thirty seconds. The women were armed with tough armor, making them hard to kill. They also possessed very good agility, making it hard to even get a shot at them. Angel and Maine exchange gunfire with the women. The timer of the bomb reads thirty seconds.

  Angel screams, “Maine we’re not going to make it if we keep entertaining these women. It’s clear that these women don’t mind dying, as long as we join them in the same hell.”

  “I’m right behind you Angel, I see two motorcycles. I don’t know how good you are with motorcycles but it’s our only chance to get out of here and catch the plane. It’s taking off right now.”

  Angel and Maine make a run for it while dodging shots from both female bodyguards. The duo each grabs a motorcycle and drives out of the hangar just in the nick of time. Meanwhile the mayor’s bodyguards end up blowing up to hell. Angel and Maine each make a run towards the plane which still has its ramp down.

  “It’s now or never, we got to get into that ramp!” Angel grabs the motorcycle.

  “Alright buddy right behind you!”

  Angel and Maine make it into the plane just before it took off, they were now inside.

  Angel says in his mind, “I made it into the plane, Iván had no idea I was here. Soon he was going to find out that he had no place to hide either. I wanted answers and I was about to get those answers very soon. If you can hear me Carlos, I’m onto your ass. Your ass is mine!”

  Chapter 18

  Precious Cargo

  Angel and Maine find themselves in the plane. Angel is determined to find Iván and get some answers. However is there more in this plane than meets the eye and who or what else? What will Angel find inside the plane? There was one thing Angel had to make sure of and that was to keep the evidence in his possession or he was screwed.

  Angel says in his mind, “I made it to the plane, there was nowhere for Iván to hide. Now it was the matter of catching that bastard and rerouting this flight back to New York. Looks like this plane is carrying quite the amount of cargo, high quality cars, drugs and of course plutonium. What else did I expect from a hardened criminal? Iván knows something about my uncle and he’s going to tell me one way or the other.”

  Angel tells Maine out loud, “Quite the load on this plane, there’s gotta be a way to get this plane down to the surface.”

  “Look out enemies up ahead!”

  Iván’s henchmen were on the plane guarding the precious cargo. Angel and Maine easily killed the thugs located in the back of the plane. This plane was huge however, so the duo had to be prepared to endure more till they got to the front of the plane.

  One of the thugs says in a Spanish accent, “You’re a dead man Angel!”

  As more thugs come out to confront the duo, Angel shoots at the thugs. However the plane begins to experience turbulence and everyone gets thrown around. Once the turbulence calms down Angel notices that all of the thugs were dead. The thugs were thrown right towards the cargo and experiencing fatal blows as they hit the cargo. Angel and Maine finally get out of the cargo room into a hallway where they were met up with more thugs. The duo kills the thugs, but the bullets from their guns managed to crack a window. The window breaks, and a strong gust of wind breaks into the plane blowing into the plane. Angel and Maine had to keep low as the wind was very strong. It was pushing everything to the side of the hallway. A fire extinguisher breaks off its harness and it comes straight for Maine. Maine gets down to the floor while the extinguisher hit the wall hard and busted.

  “We can’t stay here, it’s too dangerous! These projectiles are almost as dangerous as bullets!” Angel screams after a near-death experience.

  Angel and Maine crawl out of the Hallway and close the door behind them to keep the wind from hitting them. They find themselves in another cargo area, but this one was carrying experimental glooba creatures.

  Angel says in his head, “Aliens on a plane, this has gone too far. Now I’m convinced that my uncle and Iván sold their souls to the devil. What benefits do these creatures provide besides taking over the world? I’m sure the gloobas won’t keep their word either. They’ll probably wait until the time is right and then stab my uncle in the back. As much as I wouldn’t mind that happening, but I want to be there when that cunt does go to hell.”

  The aliens break out of their capsules and begin to approach the duo. The mix of aliens includes salamander troopers, boar cops and iguana enforcers. At first the duo has trouble killing off the aliens, but then Angel shoots a rope which drops a metal plate. This plate was on top of most of the aliens crushing them leaving the duo with only a handful of aliens. Angel rips the chaingun that was welded on the iguana enforcers hand and uses it to kill it. Maine jumps behind of the boar cop, disarming him and using the boar cop’s shotgun to kill it. Angel and Maine team up to take the salamander trooper out. Angel sweep kicks the trooper and then Maine blasts its head with the shotgun. The end result… green glooba blood and a whole lot of it!

  Angel says almost out of breath, “That was fun. Now come on Ivan, I know that you are on this plane somewhere.”

  Angel and Maine leave the cargo room and head into another hallway. More of Iván’s henchmen come out and more of them drop like bowling pins as the duo shoots them down. Angel claims that this is all too easy, a little too easy. It felt like there was a nasty surprise waiting for him on the other side. Angel and Maine hear noises coming from the room to the left; the duo could not tell what the noises were. They decide to go into the room slowly, as it may have been a hostage inside.

  When Angel and Maine enter the room, they see Luis and Maria tied up on chairs. They were being guarded by Iván’s henchmen. When Maria and Luis spot the duo, Angel and Maine tell them to be quiet as they were going to sneak up on the guards. The duo sneaks up on the guards as quietly as possible and sneak behind the guards quicker than quicksliver. Angel orders Maine on the count of three for each of them to grab a guard and choke them. The duo chokes the guards and they begin to free Luis and Maria.

  When Luis is freed he says “Thanks Angel and thanks to your partner as well. I gotta admit I didn’t think you would find us here.”

  “Honestly I didn’t think this adventure could get so extreme and all masterminded by my own uncle!”

  Maria goes to hug and kiss Angel then says, “Baby I’m sorry I ever doubted you, this all started because I had you arrested. If I just trusted you that you didn’t kill Frank Kelly, we would have been fine. I love you honey!”

  “I love you too and no honey you did the right thing, you had no idea. My uncle was just good at framing me that’s all, and besides he would’ve gotten away with what he was doing if I never ended up here. Now I should be asking you, how did you end up here?”

  “The Elder God showed me the way and I checked my phone on that day. You were with Dayvon that night and I was ready to get a lawyer to get you out. I also noticed that the mayor was getting money from an outside source, selling plutonium. However I was grabbed by a couple of men put to sleep and transported to the virtual world. I’ve been here ever since.”

  “I see and I suppose the same thing happened to you Luis?”

  “Yeah you would be correct, but as you saw back at the Air Base I was able to escape at first.”

  “Hey everyone this is Maine, Dayvon’s best friend.” Angel introduces everyone to Maine. “I’m afraid for now Dayvon has been killed, but Dayvon if you can hear me you will be back! Now we four have to stick together because I’m sure the road ahead is going to be hard as hell! I’m sure my uncle has one last surprise for us waiting in the wings.”

  Angel gives Luis and Maria each a gun, then prepared to move forward. Each of the four re
loads their guns, put on the black war paint on their faces and prepared to stare evil in its eye.

  The four were now united once again minus Dayvon. However what other surprises await Angel and where is Iván hiding? There was still the issue of where is Quentin; perhaps he is on this plane as well.

  Angel, Maine, Luis and Maria all head to the next cargo room where boxes of plutonium are being carried. A large group of thugs come out and approaches the four. What do you get? Well of course an epic gun fight, bullets flying all over the place. Panic across the room, none of the heroes knew if they would survive the ordeal.

  Angel screams, “Shit they got us pinned down, anybody got any ideas?”

  Maine screams, “Look at the flammable barrels, shoot the barrels!”

  The four shoot the barrels next to the thugs. The explosion from each barrel is enough to take out the majority of Iván’s henchmen. One henchmen tries to run, but is stopped by Angel.

  Angel says to the man pointing his gun at him, “Where do you think you’re going? Now where’s Iván?”

  “He’s in the front cabin, I hope you all go to hell!”

  Maria shoots the man and says, “Man that was annoying. Now that we know where Iván is located, let’s give him hell.”

  Luis replies “Yeah now it’s our turn to be the hunters!”

  Maine says “I can’t wait to get my hands on that man; he killed my best friend…”

  Before Maine could finish his sentence the plane experiences turbulence once again. Our heroes hang on to whatever they could until the plane settled down again.

  Angel says, “Man either we’re going through a really bad storm or the pilot is having one heck of a hangover!”

  Angel, Maine, Luis and Maria head out of the cargo room, until Luis sees a switch and presses it to see what it does. The switch opens the drop off door causing all of the plutonium to fall out of the plane.

  “Hehehe, Iván isn’t going to be too happy about that!” Luis finds humor of watching a load of plutonium just falling down.

  Maine says, “Yup that’s close to a million dollars worth of the green stuff, down the drain!”

  The four heroes head out of the cargo room into another hallway where more thugs come out. Angel, Maria, Luis and Maine make quick work of killing the thugs and then they proceed to the next cargo room. Upon walking into the room cloning machines can be seen. They were the same machines capable of creating duplicates of the same exact person or transforming a different person to the person of choice. These were probably used when Patch was hired by Carlos to impersonate Angel to kill Frank Kelly. Now Angel knew the origin of the scheme of how he was framed for the murder of Frank Kelly.

  Angel says, “That son of a bitch Carlos, pretty creative I have to say. Hire an assassin to go into Earth with my body and commit the murder. I wonder how many more people he’s hurt or blackmailed with these machines. I get a funny feeling that he wanted the mayor to die. I got a funny feeling he wants Iván to kick the bucket as well, so he gets full control of the city and the plutonium trade. Classic example of what Chief Sitting Hawk said to me “Greed is mankind’s biggest weakness.” Now I know what he means first hand.”

  The four heard sounds inside the cargo room, but couldn’t trace where the sounds were coming from. Then seconds later a voice similar to that of Bill’s says, “Oh Angel, you forgot about somebody!”

  “No it’s that who I think it is? Bill you son of a bitch. I totally forgot that you broke out of jail.

  Maria says, “Not these guys again!”

  Luis says, “I should have figured with the prison riot that Bill and his clowns would be among the escapees.”

  Maine asks, “Who is Bill?”

  “If you must know he is the leader of the Four Horsemen mercenary group. More importantly he is the one who killed my father!” Angel begins to have flashbacks of his father’s death, funeral and grave burial. All of the pain he endured after the death of his father was coming back to him. “Bill I should have finished you off before when I had the shot. You’re not getting out of here alive and that’s not a threat, it’s a promise!”

  Bill is accompanied by his son Will, stepson Andrew and a business associate of his Leon. They have broken out of prison and looking to extract revenge on Angel and his friends.

  “Tough words Angel, but this isn’t like the first time. We’ve come much more prepared this time!”

  “We meet again Luis!” Will says in a cocky tone.

  “Yes we meet again and the result will be the same as last time, me Luis kicking your ass!”

  “Aww Dayvon is already dead, well then his best friend is the next best thing.” Leon taunts Maine

  “This big black man is going to stick his foot up your ass!”

  “Maria your worse nightmare is back! Are you ready to die?”

  “Andrew I’m not afraid of you! I think it’ll be you who will be begging for mercy.”

  The Four Horsemen are armed with laser rifles along with high powered shields that repel bullets. The heroes try to attack the Four Horsemen, but as they would soon learn the bullets had no effect on the men. The Four Horsemen retaliates by shooting our heroes with their laser rifles. Angel, Maria, Luis and Maine run for cover to avoid the laser fire. Bill takes a shot at Angel, but Angel uses a metal plate he picked up of the floor to deflect the laser.

  Leon hits Maine from behind with the rifle knocking him out. He attempts to finish Maine off, but Maine kicks Leon in the groin area, giving him time to escape.

  Andrew chases Maria around the room and Maria tries to run for her life.

  Andrew says in a cocky tone, “You can run but you can’t hide!” However Maria had nothing that could penetrate Andrew’s armor.

  Will decides to go right into melee combat with Luis. Luis and Will exchange punches and kicks. Will tries to suplex Luis but Luis is able to reverse the suplex and does one of his own.

  Luis begins to punch Will in the face while saying, “I’m going to kick your ass, even if it means you bleed to death!”

  Luis has the upper hand on Will until Will shoots Luis with his alternative weapon, known as the “Drainer”. Luis begins to become weak and loses his grip on Will. Will does a drop kick on Luis knocking him back to a crate.

  Bill and Will double team Angel, eventually weakening him in the process. Angel is knocked down to the floor.

  Leon throws a barrel at Maine hitting him dead on and knocking him out. Leaving Maria to fend for herself, Maria hides inside one of the crates. Andrew suspends his pursuit of Maria assuming she is dead or the others took care of her. The Four Horsemen carry Angel, Maine and Luis towards the center of the room, where a wrecking ball was above.

  “I’m disappointed Angel, I thought you would put up more of a fight. As I can see you have gotten weaker instead of stronger, like father like son. By the way I’m sorry about what happened to your brother, but not to worry you’ll be seeing him in the afterlife as well. Andrew go get the wrecking ball ready. Leon and Will go get some rope to tie these guys up. It’s all over Angel, so close but yet so far. I don’t care what happens from here on out, killing you will be the best pleasure. I like to call this chapter Bill kills the Medina family off for good!” Bill says with an evil laugh and malicious tone. Bill’s satisfaction was to kill the son of his former business rival whom he also killed.

  Angel in a weak voice says, “You’re a sick bastard Bill. Go ahead kill me if you got the balls to! Remember Maria is still missing.”

  “What’s that bitch going to do, so much for being your wife. She would rather see you dead and save her own skin than to save you. You are worthless Angel!”

  While Angel is determined to finish Bill off but Bill and his crew come prepared with upgraded weapons and armor. Angel, Maria, Luis and Maine struggle to keep up with the Four Horsemen. Angel, Maine and Luis are taken down, while Maria was able to find refuge inside a crate. However Bill was in the process of finishing Angel off, can Maria do anything to sto
p Bill or will she just watch her husband die?

  Maria hides inside the crate where she finds some ion balls and an ion blaster.

  Maria says in her mind, “A shot of ion should weaken those guys’ shields and give me a chance to save the others. However I have to be nice and quiet.”

  Maria grabs the ion balls and ion blaster, then slowly she walk out of the crate. She also finds a devastator which was Angel’s favorite weapon.

  Meanwhile Andrew was getting the wrecking ball ready to drop on Angel. Leon and Will were getting the rope to tie up Angel, Maine and Luis. Bill asks his son if he is ready to crush Angel and his friends.

  “Andrew you ready with that ball?”

  “Yes boss ready.”

  Bill tells Angel, “Any last words for you and your friends before we crush your dreams. Get it crush your dreams! Hahaha”

  Maria screams while throwing the ion balls, “I do! Eat this you sick bastards!”

  The ion blast while having no affect on Angel, Maine and Luis it weakens the Four Horsemen. Their shields begin to malfunction. Maria shoots the ion blaster towards Andrew causing him to fall out of the machine controlling the wrecking ball. Maria then shoots the ion blaster towards the other three members of the Four Horsemen. Maria hands Angel the devastator weapon and the other three were back on their feet.

  Angel says to Bill, “I told you I’m not an easy one to take out and my wife is even harder. So why not just give in with some integrity?”

  “Never Angel, you seem to always have all the luck in the world! Everyone attack!”


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