The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 79

by Angel Medina

  “Holy crap if we get hit by those things we’re history!” Angel says.

  “You mean turtle history babe!” Maria follows.

  “Where could Dayvon and Luis be, hopefully they’re ok with Thomas.” Angel says in his head.

  The next five minutes are spent on trying to dodge the Troopias deadly shell attack. That is until Luis and Dayvon come to the rescue. Luis shoots his plasma shot to the Troopias burning it alive, while Dayvon shoots his freezethrower freezing the other turtle. After the dust is settled the lab is a complete mess. Capsules end up broken, they are many dead alien bodies and a whole lot of glooba blood on the walls.

  “Damn thank goodness you guys came in when you did I thought we were goners!” Angel says to Dayvon and Luis.

  “Ah Angel you might wanna look behind you, looks like that moth is ready to sing a really loud screeching tune!” Dayvon warns Angel about the one moth that was still standing.

  The moth screams or screeches really loudly. The noise is so bad the four are unable to hear anything and their eardrums begin to hurt really badly. A little more screeching and the four of them would see their heads explode because of the damage to their eardrums.

  “Look Dayvon freeze that bastard now!” Angel screams towards Dayvon to freeze the moth. Dayvon goes in for the kill, but the screech is too loud that the floor under Dayvon begins to shake violently.

  Maria decides to take a route around the laboratory and hopefully get to the moth from behind. Maria fights through the pain of the loud screech until she reaches the moth and shoots the pesticide at the moth, which kills it.

  “It looks like the fat lady has sung her final song!” Maria says after killing the moth.

  “Oh thank God Maria! This is why I love you so much!” Angel heads towards Maria to hug and kiss her showing his love. Maria is flattered by Angel’s gesture.

  “Now to kill this “secret weapon” the gloobas have hiding in here. You guys ready?” Angel says to the crew after getting their hearing back.

  The four of them walk into what sees to be a huge botanical room and then they are welcomed by a huge Fortunaian plant. Once the four enter the plant begins to open up as the “devil juice” or blue goo begins to become injected into the plant. A mutated plant with the head of a beetle and a body of a giant worm pops out of the big plant. The creature had frantic breath, able to shoot off toxic balls of poison and had two huge blades used as arms. It is code named “fungusia”, which gets its name from the combination of the infusion of the gloobas goo and the high amount of fungus it contains, as well as the toxicity of the water in the area. There are four towers that feed the creature, but it isn’t going to be as simple as taking the towers down. Each tower would have to be disabled and a heat only weapon would have to be shot through the small hole to burn the creature.

  Fungusia wastes no time attack the four with its balls of toxicity. Then it slams down onto the floor and uses its claws to attack the four. Fungusia gains the upper hand by taking out Luis and Dayvon with the toxic gas rendering them unconscious. Then it comes down on Maria and it slashes her, throwing her into the wall.

  It misses Angel and he becomes angry saying with fire in his eyes, “Nobody messes with my woman and gets away with it!”

  He continually dodges the attacks of the creatures and while he would get one tower down and get the creature to fall on its side, he has no heat weapons to shoot through the hole to the enemy. As a result the creature gets right back up. He heads to Luis in an attempt to wake Luis up, but to no avail he is knocked out. Angel grabs Luis’s weapon and began to take out the towers using the plasma cannon to set the plant monster on fire. However every time it sees the creature returning back to life again.

  Angel keeps on repeating the cycle, but as he moves on the creature becomes even more aggressive. Angel is taken down and nearly falls in the putrid green goo that would instantly kill humans if one is to make contact. Fungusia adds insult to injury by intoxicating Angel with acid spit, which weakens Angel even further. Despite all the punishment Angel stills gets up strong.

  “It’s going to take more than that to take me down you plant freak!” Angel trying to remain strong despite his body is weak,

  “Angel let me help!” It’s Thomas who has recovered. “Hey Angel you go for the towers and I’ll burn the holes. Don’t worry, I have recovered nicely just you see.

  Angel puts his trust in Thomas and continues to take out the towers. Once that happens Thomas just goes in to burn the plant. Eventually after about 10 minutes Fungusia was finally defeated. However it’s more than just the creature dying, the water turns into a clear blue color. The water is a symbol that the influence of the gloobas is being flushed away and Fortuna will have a chance to return to its former glory.

  “Hey everyone you ok?” Angel asks everybody in the crew. Everybody responds yes in slow tones, but at least they are still alive.

  “Well the only thing left to do is blow this place up! Let’s activate the self-destruct sequence!” Thomas Says to everyone.

  Thomas enters the main control room and activates the self-destruct sequence and in minutes the laboratory blows up. What used to be below the laboratory such as vegetation and plant life begin to resurrect from the dead. At the same time the blast is powerful enough to take out the gravity towers.

  “Well Quentin we did it Earth’s cousin is saved!” Angel gives the happy report.

  “Excellent job guys, but I need you guys in Jupiter I see a distress signal out there, pronto!” Quentin gives the crew their next mission.

  “Thomas thanks for your help…”

  “No honorable Angel thank you! You came willing to come and save my planet. I just hope they don’t ever return.”

  “Nah they won’t, we’re pushing them back. So if anybody is playing defensively is the gloobas themselves. Hey Thomas you think you can tag along with us to our ships, we kind of forgot…”

  “No problem everybody follow me!” Thomas says in great excitement.

  Once the four get to the ships ready to take off, Angel asks Thomas a question.

  “Hey Thomas I was thinking I think you should tag along with us, we can use all the hands we can get.” Angel strikes a proposal to Thomas

  “I’m afraid I must decline Angel, you see my ship was badly damage during the war between us and the gloobas. So I’m in need of repairs, but it will take far too long for me to be of any use to you guys.”

  “No worries, so then you promise to be the guardian of Fortuna. We shall meet again and I would be honored if our planets do become allies. Anyway Thomas I must say goodbye for now.” Angel says goodbye to Thomas.

  Angel, Maria, Luis and Dayvon each enter their ships. Angel just remembered that his ship is damaged from before.

  “Listen Thomas you mind if you fix my ship? I’ll pay you back somehow ok?”

  “No worries young one I’ll do anything for someone who is willing to risk their lives just to save the universe.” Thomas answers Angel’s question and after a half-hour Thomas repairs Angel’s ship.

  “Thanks so much Thomas. Well this means goodbye Thomas, until next time. Goodbye!” Angel says to Thomas and the rest of the crew fly towards the hyperspace and continue their journey, their next stop is the giant planet of Jupiter.

  A familiar voice in the background says, “I expected you to be a formidable foe, I just never expected you to be this big of a thorn in my plans. In due time though Angel you will meet your ultimate doom.” Is this the new emperor, Orlando or someone else?

  Chapter 10


  Angel and the others fly out of Fortuna back into the hyperspace, while shooting some small glooba ships along the way. The big giant known as Jupiter lies ahead for the crew. Quentin gives them the coordinates of where the gravity towers are located. The majority of the gravity towers are located on Jupiter and how appropriate because Jupiter only has the highest magnetic force. As soon as Angel and his crew arrive close to the planet of
Jupiter they are instantly pulled in towards the surface. Although their intentions are to get into Jupiter, will the gravity prove to be too much to get out of Jupiter to escape once the mission is accomplished?

  “Crap looks like we’re getting pulled in whether we like it or not!” Angel screams.

  “My face is stretching so much!” Maria screams out.”

  The four ships land hard on Jupiter’s surface although, upon further review the ships have no noticeable damage.

  “Wow that was a rough landing, but what else should we expect from this adventure. We gotta be prepared for anything!” Luis says.

  “Hey Maria is your face ok?” Dayvon asks Maria.

  “Well… well how considerate of you to ask Dayvon or are you trying to make fun of my screaming? I know you’re dying to sneak in a joke!” Maria asks Dayvon in a demeaning tone, as she felt offended by his question.

  “Look there’s no time for us to be fighting ok! This is a big planet and second of all we might have to find a way to give our ships the extra boost to beat the gravity here.” Angel breaks up the small talk.

  “Sorry to cut you guys off, but I also wanted to let you guys know that there is a laboratory developing fuel strong enough to fly their ships out. The core of Jupiter contains strong materials such as steel, iron, uranium and of course plutonium. Finally there are many dangerous native creatures that the gloobas have probably infected already. At least the amount of flying enemies will be non-existent due to the gravity.” Quentin explains the situation.

  Everyone begin to explore Jupiter and they are greeted by a dust storm. Though not as bad as the one that Luis had endured back in Saturn. Then they meet the first of the natives known as magnetos who have an incredible pulling ability and also shoot’s bolts of lightning. They have a rock foundation and on the top is a magnet like face. The four are able to dodge the bolts of lightning that are shot by the creature. However, Maria is grabbed by one of the magnetos and so is Dayvon. The magnetos also have the ability to do a lightning attack on their victims once they grab them in their grasps. She is caught and the creature does its lightning attack to her. Angel is able find a weakness though with the creature which is its rock bottom which is made up of limestone.

  Angel uses his Devastator weapon to shoot the creature’s bottom and it collapses immediately. Luis uses his plasma cannon to save Dayvon. Angel and Luis rush to the aid of their comrades.

  “Are you ok honey?” Angel asks his wife Maria.

  “I’m ok I’m just juiced up and not in a good way. I can barely move that lightning took a lot out of me.” Maria says in great pain and paralyzed.

  “I’m ok Luis, that bastard didn’t get to shock me. Help me up will you?” Dayvon says as Luis picks him up.

  “Damn this place is crazy what else are we going to see? Giant rock men?” Luis asks.

  Angel comes up with an idea to get rid of the electrical charge that was inside of Maria’s body. He grabbed the harvester, at first he is shock by the electric nature of her body. He uses the harvester to “pull” out the electrical charge from her. He is able to successfully get rid of the electrical charge from her body. She begins to get up slowly and he picks her up. Now the harvester weapon has a powerful electrical blast attack. The four of them remain still for a few minutes to catch their breaths. They notice that the sky is a brownish color and looking at the dirt rain or any moisture for that matter is a rare occurrence. As the four continued through the surface they were met with living rock creatures, just like Luis had feared.

  “I should have guessed more rock men are attacking us. Give them a shock Angel with the harvester!” Luis says in excitement.

  “No you fool rock creatures are invincible to lightning or did you forget?” Angel reminds Luis that rocks are not affected by lightning.

  The rock men throw sand towards the four and an avalanche of sand heads towards them. All of them sprint back to get away from the sand, the sand comes down barely missing the heroes. Luis shoots the rock men with his plasma cannon and several of them fall apart turning into dust. More of them show up picking up rocks with their magnetic arms and throws the rocks towards the heroes. Angel uses his devastator to shoot the rocks and made sure that the rocks didn’t hit them. Dayvon uses his freezethrower to freeze the giant rock men and shoots the men.

  “Man Jupiter is really a huge planet and crazy planet.” Angel says before he is cut off.

  “There should be a mine up ahead with all of the rich materials up ahead. You need to make sure that the gloobas don’t get their dirty hands on those materials and gain anymore power in this planet. They already have most of Jupiter occupied and I see they’re using the materials to build more powerful ships. If that happens we are in serious trouble because none of our ships have that kind of power. There is also a weapons facility as well where these bastards are making their creations. Also there is a super highway the aliens have built, beware I’ve spotted glooba tanks on the highway. You might be better off staying out of the main artery and go around everything.” Quentin cuts off the small talk among the crew.

  The crew heeds the advice of Quentin and head under the highway. Despite that though they get attacked by the glooba tanks above, all the four can do is continue to run. All of a sudden iguana enforcers and salamander troopers come down to ambush the four. The aliens try to slash the four, but the heroes are able to fight them off. Then the four of them continue through until they see a huge, but jumpable gap. Angel tries to jump up and down, but the gravity is too much to the point where he barely gets off the surface. Angel decides that the crew has to take the highway whether they like it or not.

  Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis head up the ramp to the highway. While going there though they are once again shelled by the tanks and begin to run for it.

  “Damn these tanks are unforgiving, hmm wait a minute…” Angel gets an idea into his head. “Why don’t we use the electricity I took out of Maria’s body? That might just work as an EMP to disable the tanks.

  Before Angel could try his idea however the crew gets blasted back by a glooba tank shell. These aren’t your regular tanks either, they’re rocket powered and instead of one barrel these tanks have two barrels. Also these tanks had the ability to transform into a form of a spider, which gives them more agility although it would lower their weapon strength as it would use lasers instead of explosives.

  “Damn we are not getting through there! They’re just waiting for us to come out so they blow us into to the next dimension.” Dayvon screams.

  “You got any better ideas Dayvon? Or perhaps you wanna fall in the hole to the blackness of despair.” Maria nitpicks Dayvon’s constant wining.

  “Both of you shut up I got an idea these machines are probably powered by electricity, so the electricity I got from Maria’s body may be enough to disable the tanks.” Angel says in a bold tone as he prepares the harvester weapon containing the electricity from the magnetos.

  When the coast becomes clear, Angel goes in and shoots the electrical charge from the harvester to the tanks. Several of the tanks malfunction leaving them dead still, while others began to shoot the gloobas who were their creators. Several ammo packs inside the tanks help the heroes reload their respective weapons. Angel hands the harvester weapon back to Maria as he breathes in the air in Jupiter. The air has a foul smell to it that smell is coming from the factory producing the new enemy ships. The four heroes run through the highway passing by many glooba power plants and unguarded defense towers. However they run into a couple of defended towers that contain salamander snipers. A tank would be useful except that they have been disabled by the electrical overload caused by the harvester.

  “Anybody got any good ideas, any funny moves and we’re toast.” Luis says to the crew.

  “Blow the towers up I guess.” Angel answers Luis.

  “No conserve your missiles! You forgot I’m a marksman or markswoman I should say. Let me take them out with my laser pistol.” Maria says with co
nfidence in her skills.

  “Good luck princess, this I gotta see!” Dayvon says mocking Maria’s skills as a marksman.

  Maria carefully uses the scope feature on the pistol although not as zoomed as a sniper rifle. However with some precision and patience, Maria is able to knock out both snipers.

  “So what were you saying my prince charming?” Maria says in a sarcastic tone towards Dayvon while laughing. Angel and Luis are amazed by her skills.

  “I know babe you married a tomboy. I was always into boys stuff. You’re the one who made me into a girly girl.” Maria tells Angel still laughing.

  The celebration would get cut short however, as they run towards the towers only to find out that there is an outpost. Many gloobas come out the species including salamander troopers, scorpion crawlers, slimer protectors, iguana enforcers and boar cops. A bloody fire fight would ensue between the crew and the alien forces. Luis uses his plasma cannon while diving to his left shooting the salamanders and iguanas. Dayvon freezes several scorpion crawlers and kicks a crawler who tries to bite him. Slimer protectors go after Maria trying to shrink her and one of them slashes her. The slash gets so deep that despite her suit she feels the pain. Luis shoots the dirty swine of boar cops with the plasma cannon frying some of them and dodging shotgun shells at the same time.

  Angel goes to assist Maria out by shooting the slimer protector with his devastator weapon, blowing several of them up. One of the slimer protectors tries to shrink him, but she gets the ingenious idea of using the harvester to harvest the shrink ray. Angel then comes in and impales the slimer protector in the heart killing it.

  “Wow that was a good idea babe. You got your shrinker back. Go ahead and shrink those boar cops honey.” Angel gives Maria credit for her idea.

  The four of them pass through the outpost, but they see even more gloobas come out from the outpost. However the four decide that it’s better to make a run for it, instead of fighting against the aliens. Angel spots four “gravity boards” up ahead, which enables the four to hover through the planet and make it easier for them to reach their destination which is the factory.


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