The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 80

by Angel Medina

  “Well we better make a run for it. I think we’re better off running grabbing these gravity boards. It looks like we’re going to be doing some flying today!” Angel says excited, but nervous at the same time.

  They each get onto a gravity board and begin to fly through Jupiter losing the gloobas who were chasing them. At first they have to adjust to how the board works and Maria nearly falls off after turning upside down for a quick second. However, after that the four of them get used to the boards and actually beginning to enjoy flying. Dayvon even shows off some tricks and Luis follows him. Eventually Angel and Maria join in the fun. To add to the fun they would dodge shells of tanks and they go so fast that the magnetos can’t catch them.

  “Woohoo!” Angel screams in excitement.

  “Yo! This is actually fun! I can see the factory up ahead.” Dayvon says.

  “Come and get me you rock giant freaks!” Maria says in an arrogant tone as she flies through the arms of the rock giant and she continues through the rock giants fearlessly even though she does get into a close call with the rock creatures.

  The four head for the factory until an extreme space wind of 130mph hits our heroes. While Angel and Maria are able to remain resistant against the wind, Dayvon and Luis are pushed towards the mountainous area of Jupiter. They are heading close to where the mines are located. Angel and Maria head down towards the surface by the factory. The winds really die down as the two head down to the surface. The two get off their boards as they approach the factory. Dayvon and Luis on the other hand end up in the mountains of Jupiter, not too far from the mines where some of the richest materials are located. These materials include gold, sliver, copper, iron, steel, marble, uranium and most importantly plutonium. Plutonium is paramount for the survival of the glooba population.

  What will the inside of the factory have in store for Angel and Maria? What are the gloobas true intentions in the mines of Jupiter, lest they have already begun mining? Where are Dayvon and Luis really located and is there a nasty surprise waiting for the two under the dirt? As the journey through Jupiter continues!

  Chapter 11

  Jupiter’s Core

  After the “fun” ride Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis were making their way to the factory where the new space weapons were being built that were suppose to bolster up the space forces of the glooba race. However a random, but strong space wind hits the four of them separating them. Dayvon and Luis were blown towards the mines of Jupiter. Meanwhile Angel and Maria stare at the huge factory that they knew in their heart would not be easy to break inside. The factory also contained the gravity towers, making the gravitational pull that much stronger than ever.

  Angel and Maria head towards the factory when they are met with sentry drones and boar cops. Angel grabs his shadow blade and thrusts it through the boar cop’s throat killing it. After that he punches another boar in its chest, but the boar’s chest is strong so the boar is able to repel the attack. The boar knocks him down to the floor and prepares to stomp him. However the boar slips and falls right into his shadow blade impaling the boar’s heart. With the final two boars the two knockout the boars and attempt to throw them into the sentry drones. However the high amount of gravity makes it impossible for the two to throw the pigs or throw anything for that matter.

  None of the weapons that the two carry can take down the drones. So they decide to steal the laser impact shotguns that the boar cops left behind. Due to the shotgun blasts being able to spread Angel and Maria are able to take down the drones. However a BattleGlooba appears out of nowhere and begins to unload with its chaingun. The two of them try to head inside the factory, but the door is electronically locked.

  “Shit it’s locked looks like we gotta deal with the big guy after all!” Angel screams towards Maria.

  “Don’t worry Angel, I got my secret weapon. That will make him shrink down to the bottom of the food chain.” Maria replies confidently.

  Maria knows she has her shrink ray in her harvester weapon and one blast will shrink BattleGlooba. Before Maria could use her weapon however a strong wind carries her to the right. It proves to be a blessing in disguise because BattleGlooba was shooting mortar shots in that area, which ended up missing her. She gets a second shot at BattleGlooba and she ends up shrinking him with the shrinker. BattleGlooba shrinks down to bite size. However Maria is no rush to squish BattleGlooba.

  Angel understandably upset screams to Maria, “Hey don’t be acting all cocky now, we don’t have all day…”

  “Relax Angel I just want to take in the pleasure of being the bigger species for once!” Maria replies.

  “No you don’t get it. He’s going to become full size again. That shrink ray is only temporary!” Angel trying to talk some sense into Maria, but it’s too late BattleGlooba grows back to full size. “Damn it Maria that is what I meant!”

  “I’m sorry… Angel… nice monster… nice…” Maria is shocked to see the creature grow back to full size.

  “Oh man if you want something right you gotta do it yourself!” Angel begins to shoot missiles out of his Devastator frantically until BattleGlooba goes down. He then grabs Maria’s arm saying, “Lets go, maybe you’ll listen to me next time!”

  “Sorry Angel I just wanted to find pleasure or to have some fun for once in our lives…” Maria begins to shed tears. “Ever since you became a cop we haven’t had as much fun as before and you take everything so serious now. What happened to the jolly and happy Angel I first met back a year ago? Angel you have changed and I don’t like it. Even sex isn’t as fun as it used to be. I didn’t want to tell you earlier, but I want the old Angel back.” Maria cries as he hugs Angel.

  “Maria I’m sorry you feel that way and if that was the way you felt you should have said something sooner. It’s just being captain is not an easy job and I have a lot of stress, but you’re right it’s no excuse for how I treated you in recent history. I just feel like I have to protect you because I’m the husband and I need to protect you. Come here baby.” Angel grabs Maria as they removed their space masks to share a passionate kiss and declare their love for each other. As the two continue to show their love for each other the sky above them begins to turn red just like a heart. In the planet of Jupiter it is unknown what weather a red sky will provide, but the love between the two is still strong.

  Angel spots a keycard on the floor by one of the boar cops and uses it to open the main entrance into the factory. The two enter the factory where they are greeted by a couple of turrets and some salamander troopers. Angel shoots down the turrets, while Maria takes care of the salamander troopers. They enter the first hangar where they see salamander troopers, iguana enforcers and glooba robots that were created. The robots are armed with twin machine guns and are made of out of aluminum. These are just the prototypes of the future class of robots of the gloobas.

  Maria tries to shrink the robots with here shrinker, but because the robots are made up out of a metal it has no effect. The salamander troopers gang up on Angel, but he kicks and punches his way through the troopers. He does a mid-air kick to finish off the troopers. He sees that she is being held by one of the iguana enforcers. He approaches the enforcer from behind and snaps its neck then rips it off. He is purely angry at what is done to her and he would just go on to kill the rest of the enforcers with complete ease. She gets up and teams up with her husband to destroy the robots.


  Meanwhile for Dayvon and Luis they find themselves by the mines. They quickly find the entrance to the mines and are approached by scorpion crawlers. Dayvon freezes several of the creatures, while Luis burns a few of the scorpions. Then they meet a much bigger scorpion, probably a queen scorpion. The queen would tail whip the two to the sand, the tail misses the two. Out of nowhere comes another human only known as Otto who just began to shoot laser shots at the queen. This distracted the scorpion, while Luis and Dayvon could’ve just gone into the mines they elect to help out Otto.

  “Hey are you crazy man?
Do you wanna die?” Luis asks Otto.

  “I rather die than let the world be taken over!” Otto says hysterically.

  “Who are you though?” Dayvon asks Otto.

  The answer would never be revealed because the scorpion grabs Otto and uses its claws to crush the guts of Otto, leaving only his flesh on the surface. The two of them see that the creature has its back turned team up and shoot the scorpion in the back of its head killing it. After that they see a downed ship that belonged to a space defense group known as the Astros. By the looks of it Otto was the last surviving member of the group.

  “Damn whoever you are, thanks for saving our butts and I promise that your death will not be in vain!” Luis pledges to Otto.

  The two head into the mines and as they suspected mining operations have commenced inside the mines. They were met with a variety of different glooba creatures that they take of easily. However what catches their attention is that the mines are the natural homes of the magnetos. The two get shot with electrical blasts constantly and then the two of them fight the pulling force of the creatures. Dayvon shoots his Freezethrower towards the magnetos freezing them. As the two get deeper into the mine it becomes darker with the only light are the mining machines. Out of nowhere a large group of salamander troopers show up, but these were also teleporting troopers as well. The fact that the area is dark makes it harder for the two to see or even defend them selves for that matter.

  “Oh man these guys are everywhere!” Dayvon screams.

  “There’s gotta be a way… Ah I think I see a way out of this.” Luis says after getting an idea in his head.

  Luis finds some flash bangs grenades. This would temporarily stun the teleporting creatures where the two could kill off the troopers. Dayvon follows Luis and he is hit by a laser from a trooper’s pistol. Dayvon hits the floor in pain. Luis throws the flash bang exposing the troopers and shoots them. One of the troopers appears from behind in the shadows targeting him.

  “Hey Luis look behind you!” Dayvon screams despite being in pain.

  Luis turns around quickly to face the trooper and he does an uppercut to the charging trooper. The uppercut is so strong that it breaks the jaw of the trooper. After the fierce battle the two spot the controls for the mining operation. They see the screen and figure out what the operation is all about. The materials being mined are being transported underground towards the factory feeding what the factory needs to build their machines of doom. Luis sees the pressure is steady, but any fluctuation in the pressure would affect the transport in a big way. Dayvon suggests lowering the pressure so that the resources did not get to their destination. Luis disagreed with Dayvon.

  “Nah my man I think raising the pressure would do more. It would explode the mines and really cut off their supplies!”

  “Hmm… Yeah that does sound a lot better and more effective. Ok hot shot do your thing!” Dayvon agrees with Luis on his suggestion.

  Luis increases the pressure of the piping to the maximum level and all of a sudden the pipes begin to rupture. A loud boom is heard and the two begin to run for their lives out of the mines as collapse becomes imminent. The alarm goes off warning of collapse. The two of them barely escape the mines as its collapsing.

  “Wow that was a close call Luis, but there goes the mine!” Dayvon says while catching his breath.

  “I bet there are some really angry gloobas who aren’t going to get their valued materials. That should make Angel and Maria’s job a whole heck of a lot easier.” Luis responds. The two begin their trek back to the factory to meet the others.


  Angel and Maria enter the main factory area where the materials would be converted to parts to build their robots, tanks and spaceships. They were met with robots that are already built and a couple of owl commanders. The owl commander shoots rockets towards the couple, the couple jumps down to the lower level to avoid the rocket fire. The robots that look like glooba salamanders and iguanas begin to shoot the two and some are armed with missiles. Angel shoots the robots with his Devastator, while Maria shrinks the owls down to size.

  “Well that cleans up that mess of scum!” Angel says.

  “You said it honey.” Maria replies.

  After all that is cleared the wall behind them opens and it reveals Orlando along with several gloobas.

  “No tan rápido Ángel, tu no va escapar aquí. Te va a muere aquí mismo.” Orlando tells Angel in Spanish that he is going to kill him right here right now.

  “Yo no cero Orlando. Yo estado preparado por a ve a ti. Tu va a paga por tu pecados!” Angel says to Orlando that he will pay for his sins.

  “We’ll see about that Angel!” Orlando says to Angel carrying a zap gun.

  The squadron of aliens approaches Angel and Maria. As badly Angel wants to get his hands on Orlando, he has to deal with the aliens first as he won’t leave his wife to fight alone. The aliens are a mixture of boar cops, slimer protectors and iguana enforcers. At first the two have an easy time with the aliens, but Orlando decides to make things interesting. He shoots Angel with his zap gun, which weakens Angel by draining his energy. Orlando begins to laugh in an evil tone as Angel falls down and Maria begins to struggle with the aliens.

  “Que lastima, yo creeré que tu a da mas problema, pero mira que lastimo tu pasen!” Orlando taunting Angel saying that he looks pitiful on the floor and he thought Angel was going to be more of a challenge.

  Angel kept trying to get up, but he was far too weak and to add insult to injury Orlando shoots Angel again. Orlando isn’t concerned on killing Angel immediately. He feels pleasure in seeing Angel suffer. He only has one thing in mind and that is to embarrass Angel before killing him. He hits Angel with the gun and then kicks Angel like a soccer ball.

  “Este que yo siempre quiso, a vete a ti como un perro en el piso. Pasen el perro tu ere, tu no es nada en esta vida! Yo va a tiene el honor de mata el ultimo hijo de la familia Medina!” Orlando says to Angel in a sadistic tone that Angel is a pathetic dog and he would have the honor of killing the last living generation of the Medina family.

  “Nunca Orlando tu va a tiene ese satisfacción de mata a mi. Mi Ángel Guardia no va a preemite que un malvado como tu ganar la victoria!” Angel vows that Orlando will not have the honor of killing him. Angel in his heart feels that a person of great evil like Orlando cannot be allowed to win. Orlando shoots yet another electrical shock at him. Orlando feels nothing but hate for Angel, blaming the Medina family for his misfortunes.

  Angel is hurt and is nearly paralyzed from the constant electrical shocks he has received. Maria does the best she can to fight off the aliens that surround her. She is able to fight off the aliens rather easily despite her being outnumbered badly. Her spirit begins to take over the fight and she shoots a spiritual energy ball vaporizing all of the aliens. Her determination of saving Angel is so strong that she is able to overcome the odds. While her energy was powerful and pure, Orlando’s energy was as powerful and full of hate. These two forces would get together and begin to fight in the battle of Jupiter.

  Orlando would get the upper hand at first landing several blows to Maria. He looks even more devilish now with the evil spirit inside of him. He has pure red eyes and his teeth turn into animal fangs. The battle lasts for about 10 minutes until it turned into a stalemate between the two. However with all of this time, Angel is able to recover. He calls on his spirit to fuse with that of Maria’s and their combined forces would take out Orlando. However despite that he gets right back up and a black hole summons behind him.

  “You may have won now, but you’ll see me sooner that you think. Think about it Angel if it wasn’t for your wife I would have finished you off! Hahaha” Orlando says with no remorse as he heads into the black hole that closes after he enters.

  Angel becomes concerned because as evil as Orlando was, he was right. If it wasn’t for Maria, he would be dead. Another thing that raises a red flag is that the Orlando that he witnessed just now isn’t really him or at lea
st not in spirit. Either that or he is just a man made up of pure evil. Whatever the case is, Angel knows he was only moments away from death and that the evil is probably growing stronger than he thinks it is.

  “Babe thanks so much. I owe you big time, you saved my butt there. It’s a good thing we’re mediums, your spirit came to save mines again. I don’t understand.” Angel is grateful, but confused at the same time about the spiritual warfare.

  “Honestly I’m confused as well about this, I can see the spirits. However I’m stumped on how I get it to interact or at least know how all of this happens.” Maria says in confusion.

  Then the Elder God comes in saying, “My children I know you’re confused, but you two have a special gift. Not even Luis or Dayvon have this gift. This gift is your guardian Angel, as long as your intentions are good your guardian will always be there to pick you up. However it’s up to you two to keep the faith alive and to guide each other. For your marriage is more than just material, corporal or sexual. Your marriage is a spiritual one; you married each other because you were destined to be together. Your love for each other is stronger than any hate this virtual world throws at you! I wish you two the best of luck, I have to go now. Good bye for now.” The Elder God leaves.

  “He’s right about one thing our love is strong! Whether we can defeat this evil remains to be seen, Orlando is a formidable and dangerous opponent.” Angel says in a concerned tone.

  “Like the Elder God said as long as we stick together and keep our positive attitude we’ll be able to overcome this evil.” Maria sounding a lot more encouraged. “Angel I love you and it’s times like these that test the true power of our relationship!” Maria says in great emotion trying to infuse Angel with what the Elder God said.

  “I hear you honey, I love you as well… Wait I see Dayvon and Luis!” Angel gets cut off by the sight of Dayvon and Luis. “Hey, Dayvon and Luis come over here!” Angel screams towards the two.


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