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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 94

by Angel Medina

  “Oh my lord, that wave is huge if that hits me its goodbye Maria!” She says as she braces to drown in a violent wave.

  Until Fontus comes rushing in shooting off an ice ball which freezes the guardian on contact.

  “Go ahead Maria, finish him off. I’ll give you the honors.” Fontus directs Maria.

  “If you say so!” Maria prepares to attack.

  She gathers herself and does a roundhouse kick, which breaks the water guardian into pieces. After defeating the water guardian a white hole appears to her encouragement.

  “Beyond there is where our adventure to save both of our planet's continue. I’m confident that the other will unlock the other elemental gates that need to be opened in order to open the ultimate warp.” Maria says with great confidence.

  The Elder God shows up saying, “Well done Maria, you have conquered the Neptune elemental world. My senses tell me, Angel and Luis are already in the ultimate warp awaiting your arrival. I have no idea how Dayvon is doing, but I’m hopeful that he is ok. Anyway, Fontus I think it will be in your best interest to join Maria in her quest.”

  “No can’t do honorable Elder God, I must protect my lands. I shall not let the aliens take us over!” Fontus says in honor of the Elder God.

  “Very well, I must be going now. As always I wish the two of you good luck in your endeavors. I sense the evil becoming greater; the four of you are breaking into the heart of the evil one.” The Elder God then disappears.

  “Well this means goodbye I guess. My dear, Fontus you have my gratitude for saving me and I shall not forget about you.” Maria says to Fontus in happiness.

  “Good luck in your journey, Maria and please be careful out there. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. Anyway goodbye Maria!” Fontus replies emotionally to Maria. He gives Maria one last hug and kiss in the cheek. Maria is more than happy to return the favor.

  After the small lecture by the Elder God, Maria enters the white hole and finds herself along with Angel and Luis in the ultimate warp. The only one missing is Dayvon and the gate of the fire elemental.

  Chapter 25


  Maria, Angel and Luis have all opened up their respective elemental gates (Water, Wind and Earth) However, there is one gate left to be opened which is the fire elemental gate, where Dayvon finds himself located. He finds himself on the planet of Vulcan, where it is quite warm with temperatures as high as 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The sky is an ugly dark purplish color and most of the surface below is covered in lava. The fire temple is just ahead and Dayvon prepares to enter, until he is interrupted by the Elder God.

  “Hello Dayvon my boy, I just wanted to wish you good luck here. I also wanted to let you know that to escape this world you have to get the guardian of this world to open the gate, whether it’s voluntary or by force. Your gate is the only one left to be open, once you open your gate you will unlock the ultimate warp. That warp will let you and your friends go anywhere in the universe. However, if you fail all of your friends will be stuck in the warp hole forever and there will be nobody to protect our universe from an alien takeover.” The Elder God explains to Dayvon.

  “Damn that means all of the pressure is on me now. Everyone is waiting for me to get out of this world. Well anyway I work better under pressure anyway, ok let me get inside and kick some serious ass!” Dayvon says in an encouraged tone despite the fact all of the pressure is on him now.

  “Well then Dayvon I wish you good luck! I must go now. I must warn you though out of the elemental worlds, Vulcan is the most aggressive planet and the guards will most likely be hostile towards you, as they’re blind to the true enemy.” The Elder God disappears into the air.

  Dayvon quickly runs towards the bridge where he is met by several shaolin monks that are extremely fast. He tries to attack them, but they teleport behind him and attack him. He gets right back up and tries to perform a clothesline on one of the monks, but the monk grabs his arm like nothing and kicks him repeatedly. The monks use their speed to overwhelm Dayvon and force him to the edge of the bridge in an attempt to kick him down into the lava.

  Dayvon all of a sudden gets a flashback of his dead father who died of a heart attack. Only this time what he saw wasn’t a flashback, it’s really his father in spirit form. He is in shock as he watches his father make quick work on the attacking monks.

  “Papa it’s you! I don’t believe it! I know it’s not really you, but just seeing your face awakens me and gives me a sense of joy.” Dayvon is happily surprised.

  “I know you’re probably wondering my dear son, how in the hell are you able to sense me? You may not accept this, but son you’re a medium and are able to see things that normal human beings wouldn’t be able to normally see. You can’t defeat these guys by your lonesome. They are too fast and have superhuman abilities. However I will assist you son, I know I wasn’t really there for you when you were a kid. I would like to make it up to you now!” The spirit of Dayvon’s father says.

  “No problem papa, I know you and mom had your issues. I’m big enough to understand that, I hold nothing against you. Now let’s say we go in and kick some serious butt!” Despite the rocky relationship with his father, Dayvon holds no foul feelings against his father.

  The two of them head inside of the temple and they find more of the monks. They team up and beat up the monks. Then out of nowhere from behind a salamander trooper who is burning tries to slash Dayvon from behind. However Dayvon’s father touches the trooper and scares the trooper to death. The trooper is unable to spot Dayvon’s father and Dayvon grabs a spear from the wall. He uses the spear to impale the heart of the salamander trooper.

  “Good job son, we make a great team don’t we?” Dayvon’s father says.

  “Yeah we do, I guess so…” Dayvon answers in a depressed tone.

  “What’s wrong son?”

  “Ah… it’s that I know you’re not real and as soon as this adventure is over I’ll never see you again. I wish you were still alive.” Dayvon nearly sheds a tear when telling his father how he feels.

  “I’ll always be with you in spirit! Don’t worry about me son, I will always be watching over your head.” Dayvon’s father consoles him.

  The two continue through the hallway as they fight more troopers and elite monks. The elite monks sacrifice speed and teleportation for sheer size and strength. Dayvon learns this the hard way as he tries to pick up one of them, the monk elbows him, and then throws him back. One of the troopers tries to ambush him from behind and his father warns him to look behind him. He grabs the arm and grabs the blade to use against the monk. He slashes one of the monks through his stomach and with the other monk he throws the blade towards the other monk’s neck. The monk loses his head and blood gushes out of his body along with his head which is also filled with blood.

  The two of them arrive at a set of platforms moving up and down in a sequence. Dayvon has to carefully jump and time his jumps because one bad jump, he will fall into the lava or fall short of grabbing the platform. The two reach the final platform and wait for the proper time to jump into the next hallway of the temple. Before they could jump through several fire phoenixes try to tackle them out of the platform.

  “Crap we gotta jump right now before we get burned literally!” Dayvon screams.

  The two jump into the hallway right before the phoenix is able to strike them. The birds breathe out fireballs towards the two. Dayvon’s father shields himself and his son, the shield deflects the fireball right back to the phoenix. More enemies come in to attack the two of them and the two of them take care of the enemies in a huge gathering hall. They arrive back outside, but notice the platform in front of them is out of reach. So they are forced to double back to see if they can find an alternative way or a way to lower the platform. A downstairs level is found when the two head back. They head downstairs and Dayvon sees a skull like switch, but he has to cross several deadly obstacles to get there.

  “You’ll be on your own here bec
ause I can’t too close to fire or I’ll be forced to leave. I can’t take the heat at all.” Dayvon’s father tells his son.

  “Just like when you were alive, you could never take the heat at all. Oh pops you’re one of a kind!” Dayvon begins to laugh a little.

  He goes through wooden rods with spikes at chest level. He simply crawls under them to get through. Then the spikes change location and are found at knee high level and certain parts of the floor are filled with flames. With the obstacles he jumps over the rods and latches himself to a long pipe, which he uses to shimmy his way to the switch. He hits the switch and the platform lowers, but a ticking noise can be heard.

  “Oh crap this shit is on a timer, I need to hurry up and get back before the platform rises again.” Dayvon says realizing the platform is on a timer.

  He rushes back as fast as he can back to the platform and he is able to make it just in time before the platform rises again. He and his father rise up along with the platform and see the next hallway leads to the guardian of Vulcan. Before they get to the hallway though the phoenixes that were trying to kill to them before reappears.

  The phoenixes attempt to tackle Dayvon off the platform. He jumps from platform to platform not caring where he ends up landing. This is where his pure instincts take over. He notices that the spirit of his father has disappeared as the temperature rises up too high for his father’s well being. He sees the last platform before the next hallway, however it collapses before Dayvon could reach it. He does see a pipe ahead of him being held by two limestone walls.

  “Shit my only chance is to jump onto the pipe, swing to gather my momentum and hopefully get to the next platform by jumping in. If not, I’ll make for some tasty black toast.” Dayvon says preparing to jump onto the pipe and sweating due to the nerve wracking nature of the situation.

  He begins to jump to the pipe as the phoenixes begin to breathe fire towards his direction. He is able to make it to the pipe ahead and begins to swing himself vigorously in an attempt to gather momentum to jump inside of the hallway, with the fire barely missing him.

  “Come on just gotta get enough power to get to the other side, I know you’re here father. I won’t fail you!” Dayvon says in great emotion as he still senses his father’s presence.

  He swings on the pipe as fast as he can. The phoenixes come behind him and try to tackle him down to the lava below. He swings and jumps towards the hallway, but does he land inside the hallway…


  Meanwhile back on Earth, after enduring a catastrophic earthquake both Quentin and George are still alive and well. As they head back outside to survey the damage they notice a flood of biblical proportions. The two of them wonder how the water did not get inside Virtual Labs Inc. George remembers that the facility has a huge storm sewer system where the water is redirected towards the main sewer system. However, all of the cars are flooded. To add to all that it was starting to warm up dramatically, temperatures are starting to rise up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. The high temperatures were the effects of Dayvon trying to open the fire elemental gate at Vulcan.

  The two become very concerned, only two days are left for the heroes to reverse everything that is taking place. Also they are beginning to run out of resources and they wouldn’t be able to get any new resources if they wanted to. The two decide to ration off the food they have left to survive the next two days figuring that if the heroes succeeded then everything would return to normal. If not, they are going to die anyway as they can’t see themselves alive after the gloobas use their death ray. Despite the planets beginning to move slowly apart, they are still straight enough that the ray will be able to shoot towards Earth successfully. Only two days remain until the effects would become permanent and the death ray would be used.


  Dayvon is able to grab the edge of the entrance of the hallway and pulls himself up to the hallway. Here he faces a few more monks that try to teleport around him. However by now with the power of his father is in him, he is able to sense the movements and keep up with the monks. After he takes care of them, more monks came out. This time they are armed with swords and halberds and he carefully dodges the swings by the monks.

  Eventually he is able to disarm a monk with a sword and grabs it for himself. He begins to slice through the monks like butter, except for the ones armed with halberds. For these guys he uses several techniques such as rolling out of the way when they attack and attacking them from behind. For the others he wall bounces and uses the momentum to charge into the monks. These monks would go down and disarmed, Dayvon would go on to deliver the final blow. The final technique involves him hitting the monks below the belt and then finishing them off. After defeating the monks, he heads to the door leading to the guardian of Vulcan and the fire elemental gate. He opens the door…

  “Damn it’s hot in here, but what else did I expect it is supposed to be the fire elemental area. Come on out, I know you’re here somewhere.” Dayvon demands that the fire guardian comes out.

  After that, the lava next to him begins to act up and a gush of lava begins to make landfall in his direction. He gets out of the way and watches as the lava transforms into what is the fire elemental guardian. He asks the fire guardian to open up the gate, but to no surprise the guardian says nothing and heads towards Dayvon in a fighting stance.

  “I guess you aren’t the talkative one, are you?” Dayvon asks the guardian.

  Once again he gets no response and the fight begins between the two. He tries to attack the guardian with the sword, but as soon as the sword makes contact with the guardian the sword burns into a crisp. That means Dayvon has to find another way to deal with the guardian. The guardian shoots fireballs in his direction and the projectiles miss him. Despite getting out of the way of the fireballs, Dayvon still has no way of defeating the guardian. Vulcan, which is the name of the guardian who is covered in fire, begins to pounce on the floor. Pouncing in the floor causes a “fire tornado” to be summoned and this tornado heads towards Dayvon. He climbs up a rock formation and waits for the fire tornado to get close. Once he sees it’s getting closer he jumps out of the way just before impact. The tornado is powerful enough to take out the rock formation completely.

  “Son of a bitch this guy really wants to burn me alive. I just never knew that he could destroy those rocks like nothing! Damn better find a way to defeat this bastard or I’ll be burned French toast.” Dayvon says still trying to figure out how to defeat the guardian.

  He decides to go after Vulcan with all his might, but as we would learn that moves proves he has more guts than brains. He is burned by the fire surrounding Vulcan. He begins to roll in the sandy floor and the flames begin to cool down substantially. He realizes that like on Earth the alternative way to defeat a fire is using sand. Before he could get a chance to expose Vulcan’s weakness he shoots flames off his fists just like a flamethrower.

  Dayvon grabs the sand and throws it to the face of Vulcan. The guardian is blinded by the sand and stops shooting off the flames. He grabs even more sand and throws it to the face of Vulcan weakening him even further. Eventually the flames of Vulcan begin to go down and weaken. He sees this as an opportunity to pounce on Vulcan before the flames reappear. He begins to punch and kick Vulcan relentlessly until Vulcan goes down. Once Vulcan goes down, he applies a Boston Crab submission move and applies pressure to Vulcan’s legs.

  “You gonna give up or do I have to break you in half. I have no problem in doing so. If you’re to lose at least lose with some dignity!” Dayvon says to Vulcan in an arrogant tone.

  “Arrggghhh!” Vulcan screams in pain.

  Once he makes Vulcan submit, Vulcan begins to turn into lava again and drains back to the pool of lava where he originated from. Once Vulcan goes back into the lava an explosion occurs, spilling lava around the room. However where the lava once was, lies the fire gate of the fire elemental world.

  “Well only one thing left to do and that’s to join the others in the warp.
Thanks father for guiding me, I know you’re not here now, but you will always be here in spirit.” Dayvon says as he prepares to enter the fire elemental gate.

  He steps into the elemental gate where he is transported to the ultimate warp and he sees the other three. Everyone sees and greets Dayvon.

  “Well now that we’re all here; let's say we get out of here!” Angel says in excitement. Then the Elder God appears.

  “Well done my children you have conquered the elemental world and now you can use the ultimate warp to any destination you like. So what will it be?”

  “Easy take us straight for the planet Goo. Let’s take to those alien bastards in their own house!” Angel says to the Elder God, ready to take out the aliens in their home planet.

  “Consider it done. I must warn you though you only have two days remaining. While I’m not sure where the anti-matter ball is, there’s a good chance the glooba’s probably have it in their possession” The Elder God says as the ultimate gate begins to open.

  After the gate opens the four of them enter a warphole that makes them travel at the speed of light. All of their bodies nearly stretch to the point of ripping apart in half.

  “I can’t feel myself, I feel like I’m going to be ripped in half!” Luis screams.

  “Is this what death looks like?” Maria asks.

  “Come on guys we gotta be strong!” Angel yells to the others.

  “We should be almost there just hang in there everyone!” Dayvon tries his best to calm down everyone’s nerves.

  Eventually after the long ride in the wormhole the four of them do land on the planet of Goo. They find themselves on the green sandy ground which is moist in nature. Many glooba like buildings are also seen by the four. Rain also begins to fall, however the rain begins to sting the four as it is very acid in nature.


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