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Programmed To Protect (The Tau Cetus Chronicles)

Page 15

by Jenna Ives

  “Chess,” Theus murmured.

  “Pardon me, sir?”

  “This. It’s a game of chess. Strategy. Outthinking your opponent. Staying one step ahead and being prepared for any alternative. Our plan is a gambit, but right now, it looks like it’s our only option.”

  Not for the first time, Wyatt was grateful that Theus seemed to be a chess master. “That’s my opinion, too, sir. And now that we’ve settled on our next move, I’ll call off Zan Talesin in Terra Acer so he doesn’t tip our hand.”

  “Very well.”

  Wyatt frowned, hesitating. “There’s one other thing...”

  “Fucking hell,” Theus sighed. “There’s more?”

  Wyatt shrugged. “This may not be important, but I want to make sure you know everything. Yesterday, diamonds were smuggled into Terra Acer inside the mouths of five of Anson Carron’s robot soldiers.”

  “What?” Theus grabbed the armrest of his chair.

  Wyatt arched an eyebrow. It was true that diamonds were considered contraband on Tau Cetus, but smuggling the pricey rocks was far less of an offense than attempting to assassinate the entire High Council. Why had Theus reacted so strongly?

  Maybe this information was important after all.

  “Titus Veraine claims the diamonds belong to Anson Carron. He says Carron wants to ensure a comfortable retirement for himself if you should one day, um, tire of his services.” Wyatt glanced at the premier. “We both know that part of Tau Cetus is still fairly lawless; it’s a good place for Carron to be able to disappear.”

  Theus nodded, and Wyatt continued.

  “Veraine collected the diamonds when we got to Terra Acer and passed them to a man he said was a contact of Carron’s there. Veraine made sure I personally witnessed the collection of the from the robots’ mouths as well as the handoff. But I don’t know if Veraine was telling the truth, or if the whole thing was a setup by Veraine in order to provoke you to oust Carron.”

  During Wyatt’s story of the diamonds, he’d noticed that Theus’ face had gone more and more white. The contrast now with the premier’s black hair was stark.

  “How big were these diamonds?”

  Wyatt shrugged. “Not big. Maybe half-a-carat each. Easily converted to currency on the black market.”

  “Half-a-carat. Are you sure?”

  “That’s my best guess. Why?”

  Theus ground his teeth. “Carron stole one particular diamond from me, agent Wyatt. Ten carats in size. It’s even more imperative now that we apprehend him. Alive.”


  Anson Carron hated waiting. Ten years he’d been planning this move, and now here he was, waiting again.

  He’d been checking his personal communication device every five minutes in case there was a message from agent Wyatt. Hell, in order to relieve some of his pent-up nervous energy he’d even come to Titus Veraine’s laboratory to watch the programmer work on the assassination protocol for the robot soldiers.

  I’m going to rule all of Tau Cetus.

  Carron felt like rubbing his hands together in glee. His biggest dream was finally going to come true.

  A shiver of anticipation ran up his spine and he laughed out loud. Next to him, Titus Veraine paused at his computer keyboard and gave him a troubled look.

  Carron ignored it. Nothing could ruin this euphoria he was feeling.

  When he took control of Tau Cetus, Carron would put this entire planet under his thumb. There would be no more of the warring, aggressive factions in the south, offset by the more peaceful union of the northern territories. No, none of that. The High Council should have been abolished long ago. Tau Cetus needed the iron grip of one single leader, not the diplomatic negotiation of five council members trying to keep peace in the north, while struggling to maintain the delicate power balance of their unruly neighbors to the south.

  When I’m in charge, things will be different.

  He wasn’t a patient man, true, but he probably should have at least waited for the five robot soldiers on his factory floor to be completed before he’d given agent Wyatt his ultimatum for a High Council demo.

  “Do you think Theus will try to kill me?” he mused aloud.

  “If I was him, I would,” Veraine answered gruffly.

  Carron laughed again. This was going to be so much fun. “Let him try.”

  “It’s no joke, Carron. Theus might order Leith Wyatt to do the job when he’s here.”

  “You doubt agent Wyatt’s loyalty to me, even with our threat to harm Ginger? The man’s obviously in love with her.”

  “I’m not convinced where his loyalty lies.”

  Carron shrugged. “No matter. Wyatt is disarmed at the factory door.”

  “But every Tau Cetus police agent is trained in Zavian street fighting moves, as well as several other martial arts. He could kill you with his bare hands,” Veraine pointed out.

  “Then we make sure he never gets that close to me.”

  Still, the thought gave Carron pause.

  So. He would need the constant protection of those five robots from this point forward. But what else had the machines been created for if not to serve him – in one way or another? Beautiful Dolls or robot soldiers, they were all part of aiding his master plan.

  “Theus isn’t stupid. He’ll guess you’re going to use the excuse of this demo to kill the members of the Council and take control of Tau Cetus,” Veraine said. “He’s not going to let that happen without a fight.”

  “Don’t worry, Titus. There’s no way for him to prevent it. We’ve prepared for any contingency. We will win.”

  “We’d better, you crazy fuck. I’ve committed a decade of my life to this scheme of yours.”

  Carron raised an eyebrow at the programmer’s sharp response. “Come, come. You can’t deny there have been perks along the way. You’ve enjoyed the sexual expertise of an endless number and variety of Beautiful Dolls. Any fantasy you’ve ever had has been fulfilled thanks to me. That alone would give most men complete job satisfaction.”

  “Let me point out there are no more Beautiful Dolls. You lent our last one to agent Wyatt.”

  “Ah. Are you sexually frustrated, Titus? Is that where this antagonism is coming from?” Carron waved a dismissive hand. “When we have secured control of Tau Cetus, you can have Ginger back. Or we can make a brand new version for you. After all, it’s not like we threw away the old molds when we converted the Dolls to soldiers.”

  Veraine tilted his head. “I can create my own model? A personal Doll, custom-made just for me?”

  Carron noted the greedy look in his programmer’s eye. Damn, his Beautiful Dolls were a powerful tool. That fact always amazed him. “Yes, Titus,” he cooed. “As a reward for your loyalty to me, you’ll be able to create your own perfect Doll, a woman who would do anything you sexually desire. In fact, I’ll even give you the set of… toys… that Marque Callex declined to use on agent Turner. Wouldn’t you like to see how a Doll reacts to a little bondage play, or even some sadism?”

  Veraine swallowed hard. “You… you’ve never let a client damage the merchandise before.”

  “But this Doll will be all yours, Titus. No one will ever know what you do with her in the privacy of your own room. You can be as decadent, as creative, as you like.”

  Veraine’s eyes glazed over in thought, and Carron smiled. He no longer had to worry about Veraine’s commitment to his cause.

  A knock on the lab door signaled the arrival of the first of the five new robot soldiers, fresh off the assembly line. As the factory technician guided the robot to stand next to Veraine’s computer console, the programmer turned his attention back to his screen, his fingers flying furiously over his keyboard with a renewed sense of purpose.

  Carron nodded in satisfaction, then sat back in his chair and checked his personal communication device again. What was keeping agent Wyatt? Carron was eager for the next move in this game, anxious to see which way Theus would play things.

  The low beep f
rom the device was like the answer to his prayers. Agent Wyatt wasn’t sending a message, however, he wanted an on-screen chat. Good. No threat of assassination through a piece of equipment. Carron punched the button. “Agent Wyatt.”

  On the small screen, Carron noticed that Wyatt’s face was pale and covered with what looked like a thin sheen of sweat. He seemed nervous.

  “How did your meeting go with Theus, agent Wyatt?”

  The police agent swallowed. “Listen, Carron. I’ve just about convinced him to agree to your demo for the Council. It wasn’t easy. He was adamantly against the idea at first, but I told him he needed to see first-hand what your soldiers were capable of. As I expected, he then cited the safety reasons for never having all five council members in the same place at the same time. So I got a little creative and told him that what the Council would see in their chambers would never be witnessed again. Anywhere. Ever.”

  Carron smiled. “Very good, agent Wyatt. You didn’t actually lie to him. What I have planned will never happen again.”

  Wyatt ran a hand across his brow, accentuating the beads of sweat there. “Listen. I’m putting my ass on the line here, Carron. You know how capricious Theus can be. He might decide to replace me as his right hand, or worse, kill me because I’m trying to pressure him into this. No one tells Theus what to do. So if you really want me to push, I’m going to need something from you in return.”

  “And what is that, agent Wyatt?”

  “Ginger. I want to keep her. Forever.”

  Carron paused to once again marvel at his Beautiful Dolls’ power over men. From his keyboard, Veraine threw Carron an interested glance.

  “Of course you can keep Ginger, agent Wyatt,” Carron said smoothly. “She’s all yours. It’s the least I can do to thank you for your help.”

  “One more thing, Carron,” Wyatt growled. “If you’re planning to bring five robot soldiers to the Council chambers, I want them to ‘demonstrate’ on five of Theus’ men. I know what you have planned. And you and I both know that five humans have no chance against your machines. Your soldiers will dispatch them easily enough, and the Council members will have no chance against them either. But it’ll make Theus more comfortable to have a layer of protection between the Council and the robots, even if it’s only the appearance of protection. It’ll help me convince him to go along with this demo.”

  Carron considered how this would affect his careful plan, but Wyatt was right. No one could withstand the might of his robots. “Agreed. You’re a very clever man,” Carron mused. “I’m glad you’re working with us.”

  “I’m not working with you, you bastard. I’m being manipulated by you. But Ginger is my reward for it. I want her. And the bottom line is, I’m a Tau Cetus police officer, sworn to uphold the peace. Whether that peace is enforced by the High Council or by you, it doesn’t matter. I’m here to serve under whoever’s in charge.”

  “An eminently logical justification.”

  “Fuck you. I’ll get back to you once Theus officially agrees. But figure on two days.”

  “Two days?”

  “It’ll take two days for the other four council members to travel to the Council chambers from their outlying territories.”

  “Very well. We’ll be ready in two days.”

  Wyatt disconnected the call even before Carron had a chance to push the button himself. He sighed. Agent Wyatt’s attitude was annoying, but in the end, he’d been the pawn Carron had needed. He was going to set up that demo with the High Council.

  In two days, I will rule Tau Cetus.

  He smiled serenely. “You see, Titus? Everything is falling into place. It is just as I foretold.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Wyatt threw his communication device onto his bed and then turned to Ginger. He eyed the small water spritzer in her hand.

  “Was I convincing? I think the fine sheen of moisture helped make me look nervous, like I was sweating a little.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Oh, who the hell am I kidding? I was nervous. It’s a dangerous game we’re playing here.”

  Ginger stared at him. “I don’t understand what nervous means, Leith.”

  Wyatt smiled indulgently. “Nervous means tense, anxious, uneasy. I wanted Carron to think Theus was vacillating about agreeing to a demonstration. I wanted him to believe I’m pushing Theus on his behalf. Thank God Carron bought it.”

  “You lied to Mr. Carron, Leith. Not only about the demonstration but also about the real Council members coming to see it.”

  Wyatt hesitated, an uneasy feeling settling over him. “Um. yes, I did lie.”

  “Beautiful Dolls never lie, Leith.”

  Oh, dear. His newly-moral woman was having a problem with his dishonesty. Her sentient world was still starkly black and white.

  He put his hands gently on the sides of her upper arms and looked into her beautiful green eyes. “I swear I will never lie to you. But the fate of my people – of our entire planet – is at risk here. Sometimes certain actions need to be taken to ensure the greater good. I need you to trust me on this. Just remember that Carron is a bad man, and that Theus and I are the good guys.”

  “I do trust you, Leith. I know you are good. It seems I still have a lot to learn about being almost-human.”

  “You’re doing great at being almost-human. And I thank you – your trust means a lot to me. Now. We’ll start our training with Theus’ men tomorrow, but tonight…” He arched an eyebrow suggestively. “We have tonight all to ourselves.”

  “Would you like sex, Leith?”

  Wyatt laughed. She was always so wonderfully straightforward. “Of course I’d like sex, Ginger. Sex with you is incredible. But first I have to take care of some, er, human needs. Can I help you off with your jumpsuit?”

  Wyatt took the water spritzer from her hand and put it on his dresser as Ginger turned her back to him so he could unzip the one-piece camouflage garment. After it was undone, he slowly eased it off her shoulders, down her arms, then pushed it over her hips and down her legs, finally helping her step out of it completely. As she turned back to him, naked, his eyes skimmed over her perfect body with its slightly-glowing synthetic skin. Damn, she was perfect. Absolutely flawless. He’d love to buy her some sexy black lingerie to set off that white pearlescent skin, her beautiful red hair and those dramatic green eyes.

  And then watch eagerly as she stripped the lace off for him.

  His cock hardened in agreement.

  “Hmm. Do you by any chance know your measurements, sweetheart?”

  “Certainly, Leith. I have 40 DD breasts, a 24 inch waist, and 36 inch hips.”

  Wyatt felt a little light-headed as he listened to her rattle off those vital statistics. Fucking hell. He was one lucky man.

  He gave her a quick kiss on the lips, then took a step toward his closet and eased his bathrobe off a hanger. “Here. Take this and make yourself comfortable on the bed. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Intellectually, Wyatt knew that she didn’t need either the robe for warmth or the bed to feel relaxed, but it made her seem more human to him when he said it. And when all this was over and Tau Cetus was safe again, he was going to buy her a whole wardrobe full of clothes.

  He helped her into the blue-and-white striped terrycloth robe, then hurried to his bathroom to take care of some basic necessities. Then he made his way to his small galley kitchen, where he popped a dinner nutrition pill into his mouth. He smiled as he chased the pill down with some water. There were plenty of people on Tau Ceus who still preferred to cook food for meals, but as a bachelor with a job that often required long hours, Wyatt had always been thankful that nutrition pills were an option. And now he was even more glad, considering Ginger had no need of food.

  Yes, they were perfect for each other.

  A little bubble of happiness settled in his chest. Padding back to the bedroom, he leaned against the door jamb and took a moment to stare at her in contentment. She was sitting up in the bed, relaxing against the
headboard, with two pillows stuffed behind her back. A perfectly human position.

  And she looked like she absolutely belonged there. In his bed.

  “I like it when you smile at me like that, Leith.”

  Wyatt’s grin widened. Ginger was definitely becoming more comfortable expressing emotion. She was growing ever more human by the hour. “How do you define ‘like,’ sweetheart? What exactly does that mean to you?”

  She tilted her head. “From my past experiences with you, I have learned that when you smile at me you are happy. And if you are happy, I have fulfilled my function. I’m programmed to please, Leith. It makes me happy to make you happy. Therefore, I like it when you smile at me.”

  The linear logic of a true android. But Wyatt didn’t care. What they felt about each other was the same, even if they expressed it differently. Love. “Then I’ll smile at you until the end of my days, Ginger.”

  “Would you like sex now, Leith?”

  Wyatt let out a small laugh. “Yes, sweetheart. That would make me very happy. Here, unzip me.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and turned his back to her. She crawled over to unzip his navy blue jumpsuit as he kicked off his boots and socks. As soon as she was done, he pulled the one-piece garment down his body, along with his underwear. Then he turned to face her.

  “Take off that robe.”

  She slid off the terrycloth cover-up, and his eyes feasted once again on her perfect body. “You know… There is one particular sexual fantasy I’ve had ever since I first met you.”

  “What is that, Leith?”

  “I’d love to explore your beautiful ass. Would you let me do that?”

  “Of course, Leith. And I know some tricks that will make it good for you.”

  He had no doubt about that. She was a Beautiful Doll, an expert in every sexual position. The thrill of anticipation was hardening his cock as he watched Ginger climb out of bed and go down on all fours on the carpeted floor.

  “Come kneel behind me, between my legs, Leith.”

  That familiar rush of sexual excitement he always felt with her made him light-headed, and sent a shiver through his body. Hell, he was becoming addicted to this feeling. To Ginger. His Ginger. He’d never, ever get tired of the unique and incredible intimacy they shared.


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