Caged (Bound by Cage Book 1)

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Caged (Bound by Cage Book 1) Page 1

by Brittany Crowley


  Brittany Crowley


  Bound by Cage Series


  Copyright © 2017 Brittany Crowley

  All rights reserved

  Cover design and promotional items

  Lisa Reads at BTP Designs

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission of the author, except for brief quotations of the book when writing a review.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owner.


  This book is dedicated to my younger brother Chris. If you hadn’t made me read Twilight, I wouldn’t be on this crazy adventure right now. You were the first person I told I was going to write a book and you have had my back through this whole process and encouraged me the entire time. Thank you!

  Table of Contents






























  “Give me a fucking break!”

  I can’t even hear myself think anymore let alone run my bar. The banging from the building next door to mine on a good day is annoying and today I don’t know if they’re working on the other side of my wall or trying to knock it down.

  “Do you want me to go bash someone’s head in?” asks my best friend Ashlyn.

  The new owner next door has been doing renovations since it was bought a little over a month ago. Word around town is it’s supposed to be some sort of gym. Maybe having one within walking distance will make me drag my ass there. Who am I kidding? Going to a gym has never been my preferred type of exercise.

  “Oh yes, by all means waltz on over there and bash some heads in.” I say laughing.

  Grabbing my sweatshirt, I head for the door. “I’m just going to head over there and talk to someone, figure out when all this noise is finally going to be done.”

  It’s fall in Massachusetts and the weather can change from hour to hour. Today its 60 degrees and sunny, I love the fall season.

  I inherited my bar from my great Aunt Cheryl who passed away five years ago. She was slightly insane and ran a sex toy shop that surprisingly did quite well. Imagine a 75-year-old woman sharing her top picks for pleasure and demonstrating how to work something. There was not a shy bone in the woman’s body. I remember her demonstrating sex positions with customers on the floor of the store, just thinking about it always makes me laugh.

  After my mom died she was the only female in my life. When I was 13 I came home asking my dad about my G spot, I thought he was going to have a coronary. I told him I heard an older kid on the bus talking about it. My dad in no way shape or form wanted to talk to me about sex so Aunt Cheryl told me about the birds and bees. Together we did a lot of things; helping me choose my first training bra, talking me through my first period and buying me my first vibrator.

  After she died, I decided I couldn’t run her store. I’m not a prude, I just couldn’t see myself selling dildos and edible panties for the rest of my life. That’s when Ashlyn and I decided to open up our bar. With no mortgage, all we had to do was take out a loan to renovate the place. The end result we could not have been happier with the end result. Working everyday meant this was our home away from home.

  Coming up with a name was difficult for us. Ashlyn and I have always believed in fate and the powers that be. One day when we were out for a run, Ashlyn tripped over a branch and ate the pavement. When she got up and turned around, I burst out laughing because she split her pants.

  “What the fuck sugar britches? I don’t want to see your ass cheeks. You two should be an exhibit in a zoo for crying out loud! You’d fit right in with the monkeys.”

  Leave it to my dad to be driving by at the precise moment of pant rippage. Whirling around so fast it made my head spin, Ashlyn declared “Monkey Bars!!” And just like that our bar was named. It’s not the best name but we draw in quite the crowd with the name alone.

  Walking the 30 feet next door I try and peer in through the windows. Most of them are covered for the upcoming grand opening. They want it to be a surprise, but I’m not sure how surprised everyone is going to be when they see it’s just a gym.

  I knock as hard as I can, hoping they can hear me over all the noise. A couple minutes later an intimidating man with broad shoulders answers the door wearing a construction hat. I’m taken aback because he looks just like Opi from Sons of Anarchy.

  Before I can get out of my own head I miss what he says to me.

  “I’m sorry. What?” I ask feeling like an idiot.

  “I asked you what you want.”

  Wow, rude much? “Yes. I was wondering if the person that owns this building is around?”

  He appraises me for a minute before saying, “He’ll be in later.”

  He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a business card and hands it to me. I read the name Zander Cage. He is obviously a man of few words, he could have at least told me when he was going to be in again.

  I mumble a “thanks” and walk back to the bar.

  Afternoons at the bar have been dead all week. I wasn’t lying when I said business has been way down since they started working. Generally packed until we close the doors, we are a full-service bar with a great menu, keeping the people coming back because our food is delicious and our drinks are the best around.

  Ashlyn went to school to become a chef. She has always had a passion for food. In high school, she tried to make different concoctions out of ramen noodles that were actually quite delicious. I have no idea how I’m not as big as a house with how much of her food I consume.

  When we started toying with the idea of opening a bar, I decided to get my bartending license. Finding out I have a passion for it, I breezed through school and now I love coming up with new drinks and perfecting the already popular ones. Being a people person, I love being behind the bar. Our regular customers are like family to me, and getting to know them is the highlight of my job.

  The business works perfectly because I handle the bar and Ashlyn covers the kitchen. I can barely boil water and her drinks taste like gasoline, it’s the perfect partnership.

  Keeping ourselves busy isn’t too hard on a typical day, until now. Looking around we currently have two of our usual customers sitting on bar stools and one group at the tables eating. I pray that the gym opens soon. I don’t blame our customers, they know to come in no earlier than dinner because nobody wants to feel like there’s an earthquake going on while they eat. Sighing, I rep
lace the keg and head to check on my lonely stragglers at the bar.

  Walking over to Frank, one of the usual’s, I slide him another beer. He comes in without fail every day on his lunch break. He’s one of those old men that you wish could’ve been your grandfather. Cool as shit, he’s always telling me stories of back in the day. Leaving me hanging on his every word.

  “You know Savvy, one of these days I’m going to leave the missus and we’re going to run away together,” he tells me. He’s always been such a harmless flirt.

  “Promises, Promises. How would Jane feel about this? I’m pretty sure she’d kick your ass for even joking about it.” He just laughs and continues eating his burger.

  Jane, his wife has come in a couple of times with him. They really are the sweetest couple, always bragging about their grandkids. I only hope someday I can sit around telling stories of my great love and all of my grand babies. I’m a romantic at heart and want nothing more than to find the man that my soul yearns for. Can you tell I read a lot of romance books?

  I haven’t had the best luck with men in my 24 years, my last relationship being the worst. Is it so wrong for a girl to dream?

  Noticing that the noise has stopped I sigh in relief, it must be 4:00. Packing up for the day, a few of the guy’s working on the reno next door head into the bar for a beer. At least they are drumming up a little business for me after taking it away during the day. I always joke with them about it.

  “You just couldn’t keep it down, could you? I feel like you were extra loud on purpose today gentleman,” they laugh as I turn and pour them each a beer.

  If only one of them were my age and attractive this situation would be perfect. But sadly, the only men here are middle aged and the majority are married. Doesn’t every girl fantasize about a construction worker especially after seeing Magic Mike?


  Tonight flew by and it’s now closing time. I usher the last guy out then lock up the door while Ashlyn wipes down a few tables and I sweep the floor. I love working with my best friend. We also happen to be roommates. We met in elementary school when Ashlyn moved to our town from out of state. She showed up to school with a NSYNC backpack and I knew we would be best friends. I mean come on, who doesn’t love Justin Timberlake! We bonded over our mutual love of boy bands and the rest is history. She is like a sister to me. When we were 16 we used to come into my aunt’s toy shop and help out. My dad was not thrilled in the least about this, but you could never argue with Aunt Cheryl, my dad had to pick his battles.

  As we head out of the store we notice a black F-150 pull up to the curb. There’s just something about a truck that screams sex. A guy jumps out and walks around the hood, he is wearing a black baseball hat pulled low, a white tee shirt that stretches nicely across his broad shoulders and dark wash jeans that look like they were made perfectly for him. My curiosity is peaked, who is this guy?

  Standing in front of the building, he takes out a key and unlocks the door. Right before he heads in, he looks over towards me and I gasp. Sweet mother of Abraham he is gorgeous. The light hits him just right and I can see his full lips and strong jaw. I can’t see his eyes, but I know he is looking at me, keeping me frozen where I stand. I know I’ve never seen this guy before, but right now there is a pull between us that I can’t ignore. Like he can read my mind, he gives me a crooked smile before he walks into his building. It’s just my luck that I’d have one of those grand moments like in my books while standing in the shadows like a fucking psycho. If he saw me walking down the street tomorrow he wouldn’t be able to pick me out of the crowd.

  “Well he was fucking gorgeous.” Ashlyn exclaims.

  “Mmmmm-hmmmmm,” is all I can say.

  Walking home takes no time. When I inherited my aunt’s store, I also inherited her house. It’s a nice two-bedroom split level with a garage. Perfect for us.

  Naturally, we did some upgrades. My aunt had an obsession with cats, her two favorite things in life were dildos and pussies. So, the first thing we did was take out all of the cat decor that she collected. I’m talking pillows with cats printed on them, porcelain cats, cat dish towels, cat clocks and my personal favorite, her cat Walter. She had him stuffed after he died. They were now safely in the garage and no longer creeping us the fuck out. Ash seems to think we could make some money selling them, but it somehow feels like a betrayal. I already got rid of her sex store, selling her cats was crossing the line.

  Second, we had to buy stock in rubber gloves to take care of all her…private items. I contemplated hiring someone for the job but thought better of it. I manned up and threw all her toys in a giant box myself and then set the box on fire. Some of the stuff in there will scar me for the rest of my life.

  Heading to the living room we plop ourselves on the couch and decide to watch a little TV to unwind before bed.

  “Do you think that guy was the mysterious owner from next door?” Ashlyn breaks the silence asking what I had already been thinking.

  “I don’t know, but did you see him Ash? He may be the sexiest man I have ever seen.”

  “Fate…if it’s meant to be it will be Savvy. I have a good feeling about this.”

  Waving her craziness off I head to my bedroom. Before I head to bed I remember the business card. I fire up my laptop so I can get this email over with. Reading over the message I hit send feeling satisfied with it. I check my Facebook really quick noticing I have half a dozen messages from my ex. I sigh in frustration. I wish he would let go of the idea that we can somehow save our relationship. He cheated on me! Obviously he wasn’t that invested in it if he went looking for ass elsewhere. I’m a forgiving person, but I can’t go back from cheating.

  Deciding to finally make the clean break, I block him. I changed my phone number a few weeks after the break up because he wouldn’t stop calling me. There, no more contact, something I should have done a while ago. I head to the bathroom to complete my nightly routine of washing my face and brushing my teeth. I slip into bed and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


  I feel someone watching me. I crack an eye open and sure as shit, Ashlyn is standing there watching me sleep.

  “What the hell are you doing, you fucking creeper? I’m trying to sleep.” I mumble still tired.

  “Your dad called the house phone a little while ago. It’s 11 for crying out loud, wake up you sleepy bitch! And I take offense to you calling me a creeper!” she says as she launches herself on my bed.

  Ashlyn has always been a morning person. Even if we come home at 4 am, she is always up early and full of energy. Myself on the other hand, don’t talk to me unless I’ve had my caffeine.

  “Okay, Okay I’m up! What’s the plan for today?” I ask her, knowing we don’t have to be in until later this afternoon.

  “Well after you call your dad back, because you know how he gets if his precious little princess doesn’t call him back, I thought we could go for a run and then lose ourselves in Michael Scofield.”

  Ashlyn is even more obsessed with Prison Break than I am. Who wouldn’t be? Have you seen Wentworth Miller?

  “Deal. Give me a half hour to get ready,” smacking my ass she runs out of the room before I can retaliate.

  “Bitch” I mumble.

  “I take offense to that too!” she yells back at me.

  I roll out of bed and grab my cell phone and call my dad back. To say I’m a Daddy’s girl would be an understatement. He answers on the second ring.


  “Hey Dad what’s shaking? Ashlyn tells me you called about a hundred times distraught you couldn’t get ahold of me.”

  “That girl was always one for the theatrics. I called once and you know it.” I can hear the smile in his voice, he treats Ashlyn like his own daughter.

  “I know, I know. What’s going on? We still on for tomorrow?”

  I never miss a Pats game with my dad. Sundays are sacred for us seeing as I was born and bred a Patriots fan. I th
ink it’s in our blood in New England.

  “You bet your ass we’re still on. I have some chicken marinating in the fridge to grill up, I was just checking in. I haven’t talked to you in a few days. How’s the bar going?”

  “It will be going better after the renovation’s next door stop, the noise is driving all of our customers away. It better be one hell of a gym.” I complain.

  “I was talking to Billy, he said it’s some sort of MMA gym.” Billy is my dad’s best friends making him my honorary uncle. He is funny as shit.

  “Eh, a gym is a gym. I don’t know anything about MMA or whatever you said. It just needs to be done already. But I need to get ready or Ashlyn will wring my neck, I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Alright love you too baby girl, I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Get here before 12, you know how I like to pregame.”

  I hang up and go to my dresser to grab my running gear. I hate running with a passion, but I have to do something to equal out all the crap I eat. I put on my clothes, slip on my sneakers and I’m ready to get this run over with.

  We take a route around town and usually run by the bar on our way back. We are almost at the bar when we see that black F150 at the curb again. This time, tall, dark and sinful is nowhere in sight. Ashlyn seems to notice too as she walks up looking through the paper on the windows trying to find a hole.

  “Don’t act like you’re not curious about what’s going on in there Sav. I just want to take a little looksee.”

  I am curious so I walk over and try to find a place to see through too. I shift a little to the left, finding a tear in the paper that’s about five inches wide along the bottom of the window. We get down on our knees to peek inside.

  “Holy shit,” I manage to squeak out.

  Through the opening I see tall, dark and sinful. Currently in a sleeveless shirt and gym shorts, he’s pounding the shit out of a punching bag. Sweat has never looked so good before.


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