Caged (Bound by Cage Book 1)

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Caged (Bound by Cage Book 1) Page 2

by Brittany Crowley

  “Well, can’t say I’ve ever been jealous of a punching bag before, but there’s a first time for everything, she laughs as I stare at her with narrowed eyes. “Oh calm your tits, I’m on a dating ban and that fine specimen of man meat is all for you Savvy.”

  “Number one, he has no fucking clue who I am, and number two, he is wayyyy out of my league. Just look at him Ash! He’s a fucking Adonis!” we both turn looking back at him continuing to punish the bag.

  We have been kneeling on the sidewalk for ten minutes watching this guy workout and I can’t seem to make myself feel sorry about it. My knees are probably scraped up seeing as I’m wearing shorts and I’m kneeling on cement, but what a show! He does a couple more hits then grabs his water and walks out of our view as we wait patiently for him to reappear. Where the hell did he go?

  All of a sudden, a pair of big gorgeous blue eyes pop up on the other side of the window, causing us to scream and fall back on our asses.

  “RUNNNNN!” Ashlyn shouts.

  We get up and sprint out of there as fast as we can while laughing our asses off. We don’t stop running until we get home.

  “Holy shit, I’ve never run so fast in my life!” I say out of breath. My adrenaline is through the roof as we walk into the house.

  Ashlyn sits on the couch and starts laughing. “This feels like when we were 14 and your dad caught us spying on your neighbor with binoculars! Remember Mr. Billson?”

  We both sigh at the thought. Mr. Billson was in his early 30’s and sexy as all hell. We were always coming up with elaborate schemes to get him to notice us whether it be throwing something into his yard to retrieve or baking him cookies.

  “How could I forget him? Or the time dad yelled at him through our open windows”, I clear my throat and drop my voice, “Hey Ryan! Sav and Ash here want tickets to the show, do you think you can drop the towel?” I shake my head remembering how embarrassed I was. “I never did make eye contact with him ever again. Even when we go over to Dad’s for Sunday football, if I see him I speed walk in the house keeping my eyes on the ground.”

  “You know, some of our master schemes could work on tall, dark and sinful. I can make you a tray of cookies or bake a cake. You can go over there in your sexy gym clothes all “I baked you this super moist cake big boy, do you want a lick of my frosting?” we both burst out laughing.

  “You know I’m not the pursuer in a relationship, Ash. I’m old fashioned.”

  “Surprising given your upbringing. Aunt Cheryl is rolling over in her grave right now knowing you’re too chicken shit to approach a guy?” she looks at me expectantly.

  “FINE! If I see him again, I’ll introduce myself… somehow.”

  The thought of me approaching him is giving me hives, I have never pursued a guy in my life. Maybe that’s why everyone I’ve dated has ended up being a douchebag. Making a pact with myself, I decide that the next time I see him I will at least initiate a conversation. For the next several hours we hang around on the couch, watching Prison Break until it’s time to go into work.


  We arrive at the bar right on time. Vegging out in front of the TV for a couple of hours was exactly what I needed. I say a quick “hey” to Jess who is working behind the bar and head to my office. I put my purse in the desk drawer and boot up my computer. Paperwork is not my thing, I hate this aspect of owning a bar; but somebody has to do it.

  Two hours into my shift I’ve moved from my office to helping behind the bar. Switching out a keg I hear someone clear their throat. Looking up I freeze. Tall, dark and sinful is standing there looking sexy as hell watching me.

  I stand there staring at him like an idiot. Once again he’s wearing his baseball hat on, and with a tee that looks like it was painted on; this man is gorgeous, I’m talking Theo James hot. His workouts sure are paying off.

  After realizing I still haven’t said anything, I clear my throat and say “what can I get for you?”

  “I was looking for Savannah Jenks,” he says. Shit. Why is he looking for me?

  “I’m Savannah. What can I do for you?” because my dad instilled manners in me I stick my hand out.

  He reaches out his hand for mine, swallowing it with his mammoth sized one. I feel a zing go up my arm when we make contact. What the hell was that all about? I look up at him and from the look in his eyes, it’s clear he felt it too. The difference being he gets a cocky grin on his face like he knows he is affecting me.

  “I’m Zander Cage, I’m the new owner next door. I received your email and just wanted to come introduce myself and apologize for the mess our reno is putting you in. If I had known you were over here, I would have come over to introduce myself weeks ago,” he gives me a crooked grin then winks at me. Winks! My ovaries are about to burst.

  “Thanks for coming over Mr. Cage. I-” he cuts me off.

  “Zander, call me Zander,” he’s still holding my hand. Now I’m thinking about what his hands could do to me. A fire starts to work its way through my body and I’m only shaking his hand, I don’t even know this guy!

  I pull my hand back and look down at the counter trying to gather my thoughts before I look back up. I’m not surprised to find him looking amused.

  “Zander, please just tell me your renovations are almost done. Our business during the day has been way down since it started. The other day I dusted every single bottle of booze and then made an enormous tower out of French fries. I have never been that bored here. Ever.” I’m rambling like an idiot. It’s my nervous tell. Thank god Ashlyn isn’t out here right now she’d never let me live it down.

  He places his elbows on the bar and leans towards me. “I can assure you, we are pretty much done. I talked to the crew and they are going to be on their best behavior and save the loud stuff for before you open. I feel terrible I messed with your business.”

  “Thank you so much Zander. I’ve been going through so much Tylenol I was ready to buy stock in the company. Tell me a little bit about what’s going on over there. All I’ve heard is little whispers here and there of speculation around town, oh and do you want something to drink?”

  “Yeah, I’ll have a bottle of water,” he takes a seat on the stool in front of me.

  I eye him as I’m grabbing a water. He is currently looking down at his phone which gives me a chance to look at his face which really is beautiful. Strong jaw line covered in what looks like a few days’ worth of stubble, his nose is slightly crooked like it’s been broken before which adds to his character, in no way does it take away from his sexiness and those eyes.

  He looks up at me as I’m walking back over to him. I could look in his eyes all day, they are a gorgeous shade of blue that I could get lost in. I slide it over and he starts to tell me about his place.

  “I’m opening a MMA gym. I’ve been looking around and this seems like a great place to open it. I’ve talked to a couple of the locals and they all seem so welcoming. There seems to be a lot of interest around here to sign up and I’ve even seen a couple of pretty girls peeking in through the windows,” he winks at me.

  I cover my face with my hands. That’s why he looked so cocky, he knows the peeping tom was me! This is so freaking embarrassing!

  “Oh my god, I can’t believe it was you that caught us! I’m sorry, we were just…curious.” I leave it at that hoping it’s a good enough excuse.

  “I saw you watching the whole time. I tried to run out and stop you but you were already long gone. I guess scaring the shit out of you guys was a bad plan to get you to come inside,” he chuckles as my face turns red.

  “Can we please pretend that didn’t happen and start over please?” I stick out my hand once again. “I’m Savannah but my friends call me Savvy.” He grabs my hand and shakes it.

  “We can start over but no way in hell am I forgetting.”

  “Well I can at least pretend. So an MMA gym you say. Truth?” I question and he nods at me to continue, “I have no idea what MMA is.”

  He appra
ises me for a moment as if he can’t believe what I just said is true. “So you’re telling me, that you have no idea what Mixed Martial Arts are and I’m not the least bit familiar to you?” he gives me a look like he’s in on the joke and says, “Come on. You almost had me.”

  Maybe I got him all wrong. Maybe he’s just an arrogant jerk. How the hell would I recognize who he is if the only time I’ve ever seen him was the other night when I was leaving? I square my shoulders and look him straight in the eye so he gets my point.

  “I have no fucking idea who you are. Are you one of those guys that gets his jollies off on his reputation around town? I don’t know how you usually pick up chicks, but coming off as a serial one night stand douchebag is not how to pick up this chick.”

  Feeling my blood start to boil over his remark I add, “I have no idea what MMA is. I. Am. Not. A. Liar.” I go to turn to my other customers when I feel pressure on my elbow.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you were joking. I just figured everyone knew what it was because well, everyone I ever talk to knows what it is. I’m a fighter, that’s why I assumed you knew who I was. Along with the fact you were spying through the windows of my gym. I’m not calling you one, but that’s usually something a groupie would do.” he runs his fingers through his hair, “Christ I’m not making the best first impression. You probably think I’m some sort of conceited bastard,” he lets go of my arm and sits back on his stool.

  Now it’s my turn to give him a once over. “That might be exactly what I’m thinking, and for your information, I’m not a groupie. Literally the farthest thing from it.”

  “That’s not me, I’m not cocky. It’s actually refreshing to talk to someone that doesn’t know about my world. It’s all I hear 24/7, and for the record, I’m not a douchebag.” he holds up his hand and says, “Scouts honor.”

  “Like you were ever a Boy Scout.” I laugh.

  “Actually, I was an Eagle Scout, so you see, there’s more about me that would surprise you.”

  “Like what?” I ask now curious.

  “Like I’m a mamma’s boy,” he says laughing.

  “I wouldn’t peg you for a mamma’s boy, that’s kind of sweet. Where are you from anyway? You said that and a hint of an accent came out.”

  “Born and raised in Texas. You can say I’m a southern gentleman, but I’ve been traveling all over for fights and training, so my accent isn’t as strong anymore,” he lets it out more when he speaks. I’ve always been a sucker for a southern accent.

  “You’re making me swoon over here Zander,” I say as a blush creeps up my neck.

  “Go out with me.”

  “I don’t recall you asking me out on a date Mr. Cage.” It’s been so long since I’ve flirted with a guy, I forgot how fun it was.

  “I don’t have to.” That smolder might just do me in and I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so aroused from just one look.

  “Fine. You get one date to woo me and you better make it count.” Something tells me I’m in trouble with this man.

  “You want me to woo you?” he eyes me equal parts amused and skeptical. Then he gets an excited look in his eyes. “Challenge accepted. Although, I don’t think I’ve ever wooed anybody before.” Grabbing my hand, he slowly links our fingers together. “I’m going to woo your panties off Savvy.”

  “I sure hope so,” I say before I can stop myself.

  He picks up his water and finishes the last of it, throws a ten on the bar and looks at me. “I sure as hell know so. Give me your phone.” I hand him my phone, he types something in and then I hear his phone start to ring. “Now I have your number and you have mine. Prepare yourself Savvy. I’ll see you around.”

  He gets up and walks to the door. I can’t help but stare at his ass, it looks perfect in his jeans and I can picture my legs wrapped around it. As I look up I see him watching me. BUSTED! Winking at me he turns and walks out the door.


  Ashlyn just locked the door as I slide into my flip flops. My feet are killing me. Saturday nights are our busiest and I am on my feet from when I take over the bar until closing time. Looking over to Ashlyn I see she looks as tired as I am.

  “Were you as busy as I was?” I ask.

  “Yup. What can I say, the people demand my food.” Her burgers are the best around, hell, all of her food is the best around.

  “When I peeked out I noticed you talking to tall, dark and sinful,” she waggles her eyebrows up and down. “Spill! What was going on over there? He looked like he wanted to eat you alive. And let’s just say you weren’t exactly subtle with your intentions. It was written all over your face how much you wanted to rip his clothes off and have your wicked way with him,” she says laughing.

  “I don’t want to have my wicked way with him,” she narrows her eyes at me. “Well maybe a little,” I say holding up my thumb and index finger close together.

  “He told me he is a MMA fighter. At first he came off all cocky like he couldn’t believe I didn’t know who he was. But you know me, I don’t follow anything but football, so once we cleared that up, he tried to prove he wasn’t a douche and he kind of asked me out,” I say as the blush heats my face once again.

  “Ohhhhhh, Savvy is in love, you love him! Look, you’re blushing!” God I want to kill her.

  “I am not in love thank you very much, but I do like him. There’s just something about him and he is going to be sticking around I assume because he is opening a gym next door to train MMA. He is just so beautiful Ash and he makes me feel so unhinged when he is around. You know it’s been forever since I’ve been out with someone.”

  “I blame Aunt Cheryl. She taught you how to self-satisfy too much and so you’ve been content with your boring dating life, until now. I cannot wait to sit back with some popcorn and see you, Miss Savannah Jenks date Mr. MMA.” She starts dancing around the bar. “Actually, he did look kind of familiar, what did you say his name was?”

  “Don’t blame Aunt Cheryl, blame Luke.” I regret saying his name the moment it escapes my mouth. We don’t talk about him, ever.

  Trying to change the subject I blurt out, “His name is Zander Cage.” Her eyes light up as she starts to bounce around.

  “The Zander Cage? The Hitman! The man that takes out all of his opponents by knockout and is now going for the Heavyweight title in his next big fight?” her excitement is making me nervous. If she knows who he is, then he must be a big deal.

  “So he’s a well-known fighter? No wonder he looked at me like I was crazy.” I pull out my phone and pull up my internet search. Putting his name in I wait for the search to load.

  “Holy shit, there are like a million pictures of him!” I yell.

  “Well duh, he is the shit in the MMA world and he’s still in his prime. I don’t know his whole story, I mostly know who he is because he is sexy as sin and has obviously been all over the tabloids.”

  I look at all of the pictures on my screen where a lot of them are with beautiful super models. “How the hell can I compare to these women? Look! He dated Shelly Storms! Fucking Shelly Storms! I love her.” But now I secretly hated her. It’s like going from filet mignon to bologna, me being the fucking bologna. What have I gotten myself into?

  Ashlyn comes up to me and places her hands on my shoulders and crouches to my eye level. “Okay, so what, he dated a few super models. You’re a sexy bitch and if you let Zander pass you by I will never forgive you. He could introduce me to Charlie Hunnam,” she says this all so seriously.

  I laugh. “Alright, alright. I will give it a try but I’m not promising anything. And he might not even know Charlie Hunnam, he’s a huge celebrity,” she then points to a picture on my phone where indeed he is standing next to the one and only Charlie Hunnam and they’re both laughing.

  “Holy shit balls.”

  “Why did you have to tell me he’s famous? Now I’m going to be nervous as hell and giggle the whole time. Remember that time I met that wrestler at the Emerald Square Mall? He did
n’t even wrestle anymore and I couldn’t stop giggling like a little school girl!”

  “You’ll be fine. You technically don’t personally know who he is as a celebrity, so push it out of your mind and don’t think about it. Just think of him as Zander, new potential boyfriend/boy toy. Easy Peasy.”

  We lock up and start to walk home. Thankfully it’s in a companionable silence, leaving me alone to my thoughts. We’re about two minutes away from the bar when a black F-150 pulls up on the curb next to us.

  The window rolls down and I lose all thought when I see Zander. “Ladies can I offer you a ride home on this wonderful evening?”

  I’m about to tell him we’re not actually far from home when Ashlyn starts walking to his truck. “You sure can big boy, but I won’t be the one that pays for the ride. Savvy get in and give the man road head.” I’m used to her crude humor, but from the way Zander starts choking I know she took him by surprise.

  “Forgive my friend here, she thinks she’s funny,” I walk around and get into the front seat. I give him directions to our house which only take us about three minutes to get to. Ashlyn jumps out like there is a fire and runs into the house. Could this girl make my life anymore awkward?

  “Thanks for the ride Hitman,” I chuckle at my joke.

  “Been looking into me have you? Don’t believe everything you read,” he says the last part with a nervous tone to his voice.

  “Actually, Ashlyn’s the one that told me, she knows quite a bit about you. But I’m hoping to learn more from the actual source.” leaning over the console I kiss his cheek, “I’ll see you soon.”



  As I’m watching Savannah walk into her house I can’t help but think this girl has the potential to change my life. I’m not a sap, don’t get me wrong, but I can already tell there is something there between us. Being a public figure, a celebrity, I have had my fair share of bed mates through the years. Most of them meaningless and leaving me feeling empty after I left. Being in the lime light women throw themselves at me left and right. After my first real fight I partied hard to celebrate, and ended up in bed with three girls. I felt like a fucking king. Sudden popularity gives you a god-like complex, I thought I would be immune to. My mama raised me right and made me work for everything I got in life. I never thought I’d become a piece of shit who would jump from bed to bed fucking these women and leaving before they even caught their breath. I justified it to myself by saying these women knew the score before we hit the sheets, that it was a one night, no strings attached situation.


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