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DeLeina, Maya - Veil of Seduction [Ambrose Heights Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 16

by Maya DeLeina

  The elevator came to a stop, and Rhys lifted the cage as the men followed Eilian to the enthrallment room that sat directly under the garden labyrinth.

  “By the way, I don’t believe Steffan wanted you gallivanting around town looking for women. Someone might have recognized you.”

  “Look, I only go off at night to places I know I would never be caught dead in when I was human. It’s all good. I understand. ”

  Eilian turned around and faced Ryan as they stood next to the large metal door. “You ready?”

  Ryan nodded.

  Eilian hit the button on the side of the wall, and the door swiveled on its axis, allowing the three men to take in the room’s view. The room resembled a college lecture class. Stadium seating rose above them several stories high. All of the family members were lined up at the edges of the room near multiple exits. Rhys took his mark at the top exit. Gasps and whispers blurted from the audience members when they laid their eyes on Ryan. Eilian motioned for Ryan to take his position at the exit closest to him.

  Eilian selected Ryan’s close business associates and the new staff hired for his firm in Denver to attend the afternoon meeting. Eilian calmed the crowd by explaining Ryan’s absence over the past six month—his breakdown, his need for seclusion, his rehabilitation in Arizona. He also informed them of the unfortunate circumstances surrounding his fiancée, Anise, just in case they hadn’t already heard about the tragedy. The last thing he needed was for Ryan to come apart at the seams at work if someone were to ask him how Anise was doing.

  At the end of the meeting, the audience was carefully guided out of the predetermined exists manned by the family members. Each of the family had their chance to feed and enthrall their selected audience member before releasing them in various areas of the garden maze.

  After the audience made their way through the maze, Vaughn escorted them back to the comforts of the limousine, returning them to their offices. They all recalled their productive afternoon at the team-building camp, tucking away their knowledge of Ryan’s whereabouts all this time in the recesses of their minds to allow him a seamless transition back into his human life.

  * * * *

  Anya continued polishing the crystals and rocks on display in the window as Michelle stood behind her with her arms folded.

  “Wait a minute, so you’re saying there was no penetration, no flesh touching, rubbing, licking, sucking, no nothing?” asked Michelle.

  “Uh-huh,” Anya responded, smiling as she remained fixed on her cleaning duties.

  “And you both…just…like that?”


  “And he’s picking you up here this afternoon?”


  “And this is the same man who owns the castle?”

  “Uh-huh.” Anya turned around and faced Michelle. “And guess what. Not gay. Not ugly.”

  “Well, that settles it. I’m canceling my massage so I can stick around to meet this guy.”

  A group of women walked in and Michelle welcomed them to the store. Anya walked to the register and took a seat on the stool. Michelle propped her elbows on the glass case in front of Anya.

  “So what should I expect to see walk through that door? Describe him to me.”

  “Hmmm…” Anya closed her eyes and pictured Steffan. She recalled moments in the evening that took her breath away. His gait toward her from across the studio, the intensity of his gaze, his strength and power, his musical gift, his laugher, his ability to make her feel safe and cared for replayed in her mind. “Seductive, masculine, embracing, safe, caring, talented, comforting.”

  Anya opened her eyes and caught her heavy breath. “Completely absorbing.”

  “Wow!” Michelle responded as she carefully examined Anya’s expression.

  Anya leaned in closer to Michelle and reduced her conversation to a whisper. “I scared myself last night. I was so willing, so responsive to him. I’ve never been like that, ever. I’m always so guarded, worried about consequences. Steffan is the one who saved us. He said he wanted more for us than just sex.”

  Michelle sighed, “I don’t know Anya, men like that—well, there just aren’t really men like that out there.”

  Anya spoke if she were in a trance, “It was amazing. I just got lost in him. Everything was effortless, comforting, and familiar. I could talk to him for hours. And the music. It was magical.” Anya started to tear up as she looked Michelle in the eye.

  “Anya, slow down. You don’t know this guy. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “And where has slow gotten me before? I’ve always been careful and I have been through more hurt than anyone should go through. I’m thirty-five years old, and I’ve been with only three men in my life. The first man, I waited for, thinking it was love. I lost my virginity to him, and he ended up bedding everyone in sight. I finally got married after college, but it wasn’t for love. Mom and Dad wanted me to marry him, and I did so after they died to respect their wishes. And then there was Ryan. I made him wait so long. I waited until I felt it could only be love, and look at what he did to me! I want to love, Michelle. I want to love with everything, all of me, without holding back, without fear. Why can’t I give in? I have nothing. Maybe I’m crazy, but there’s something in me that tells me this is right. I don’t want to wait. I don’t want to do anything but love him.”

  “I want to believe in love at first sight, I truly do, but I just don’t think it exists, Anya.”

  “How do you explain what’s happened between us? Why did we dream of each other before even meeting? You know I’m not like you. I lost my faith a long time ago because I just couldn’t believe my life was meant to be this way, that something higher had this planned for me. Now, something inside of me is telling me to trust in this man. Something inside of me wants me to follow what I’m feeling.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Michelle responded.

  “Just say you’re happy for me,” Anya said as she leaned over the counter to hug Michelle.

  “I am happy for you. All I want you to be is happy,” Michelle said, hugging Anya tightly.

  * * * *

  Anya felt like a school girl on the night of her prom. She was wild with anticipation, downright giddy at times, and was driving Michelle crazy.

  “You don’t think the construction cones were too much, huh? I told him that I sectioned off a spot in front of the store since parking can be a mess out there, especially with that monstrosity of a vehicle of his.”

  “Construction cones? Nah, not over the top.”

  “Oh my god, here he is!”

  Anya shot out the door and removed the bright-orange cones as Steffan parallel parked the car. As Anya shot past the window, she saw Michelle parked right up against the glass.

  She had no intentions in missing the show.

  Steffan stepped out of the black Hummer and ran into Anya’s waiting arms. He lifted her by her waist and shined the biggest smile. Anya placed her hands on each side of his face and lowered into him for a kiss.

  The kiss was intensely passionate and long, their bodies radiating a hum of pure delight.

  Steffan lowered Anya to the ground. “I couldn’t wait to see you. How was your day?”

  “Why don’t you ask me about my night?” Anya winked at Steffan, recalling the intensely erotic dream of Steffan she’d had.

  “You too?” exclaimed Steffan. “I really don’t know how we’ll make it through this evening together unscathed.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think we would be that disappointed if we failed. Come on, I want you to meet Michelle.”

  Steffan wrapped his arm around Anya as they made their way to the store. He held the door open for Anya as he removed his shades.

  * * * *

  This was it.

  Michelle took one look at Steffan and let out a gasp.

  “Michelle? I’m Steffan Matthews. Anya has told me a lot about you. I am very happy to meet you,” Steffan said as he held out his hand to gre
et Michelle. He held Michelle’s gaze intently.

  “Nice to meet you, Steffan. I’ve heard a lot about you as well.” Michelle seemed to waver in her stance, but fought to retain composure.

  “I’m happy to hear that,” Steffan responded as he assessed her eyes.

  Michelle’s eyes were telling. She was recalling traces of him. And, if she was recalling him, surely she would also recall the fact that he was a vampire, leaving his mate claim with Anya in jeopardy. With this realization, anxiety coiled through his body.

  He knew what he would have to do to rectify the situation.

  Steffan turned to Anya. “I heard that we’re supposed to be in for a great sunset. I hope you don’t mind. I brought a blanket, packed us some wine, cheese, strawberries…” Steffan stopped and absorbed his surroundings. He was suddenly aware that all of the focus was on him.

  “Sorry, I was just so excited. I couldn’t wait to see you,” Steffan said.

  “Aww,” female voices sounded in unison.

  Steffan looked up felt a tinge of embarrassment wash over him. He’d just rattled all of that off right in front of Michelle and the female customers who were gawking at his presence.

  “You did all of that for me?” asked Anya, oblivious to the spellbound hold Steffan had on all of the women who surrounded her.

  Michelle moved behind Anya and placed her hands on her shoulders as she spoke to Steffan. “Let me tell you, our Anya here stayed up last night and made dark chocolate mousse dessert for the two of you. She even asked me to borrow my patch quilt for your little rendezvous this evening.”

  “You made something, and here I just bought the stuff!” Steffan said to Anya.

  “I bake with chocolate when I’m happy,” Anya stated, blushing. “Let me get the dessert from the fridge, and we can head out.” Anya headed to the backroom of the store.

  “Take your time, Anya. Steffan and I will pack your cello and your bags in the car,” Michelle yelled though her eyes remained fixed on Steffan.

  Steffan grabbed Anya’s cello and held the door open for Michelle as she carried Anya’s remaining belongings. As he opened the back of the Hummer, Steffan said softly, “Thank you, Michelle.”

  “No, Steffan. Thank you. I never got the chance to tell you how grateful I was for that night. You disappeared so quickly. I swore I would never forget you. I swore I would never forget your face.”

  No longer was there any doubt. Michelle remembered Steffan. He decided to test exactly how much more she’d retained. This would help him determine what to do with her.

  “I had to step in. I couldn’t let Dominic do that to you. I knew he would never forgive himself. That’s the only reason why I followed him to your place. I knew he was planning to enthrall you to say yes. My family, we were responsible for him and his actions. I’m just sorry the two of you couldn’t be together.”

  “I loved him, Steffan. I truly did. I just couldn’t go through with it. I have Chloe. She’s my responsibility and my priority.”

  “I know.” Steffan nodded.

  “Dominic spoke of you often. He told me you were alone because you were still searching for your mate. I had no idea it would be Anya. Does she know yet?”

  “No. I’ll have to ease her into it.”

  Michelle shook her head. “God. Once I saw you walk through that door, it just all made perfect sense. She’s had these dreams about you for weeks now. And I think…she’s falling in love with you. I never saw her like this before. Steffan, she has no one left here, no family. You must know that she’s been through a lot. She has had so much heartache in her life.”

  “I know about her past,” Steffan said somberly. “I’m glad she had you to help her through everything.”

  “Please take care of her. She deserves happiness.”

  “And you understand what our mate connections will mean for her? That is, if she chooses this.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “And you don’t object?”

  “No, I don’t. I never had objections when Dominic and I discussed it. It just wasn’t something I could do. For me, I don’t believe in death. I believe everything lives again, in a cycle. Reincarnation of the soul, you could say. Saying no to Dominic was the hardest thing I ever had to do. But I told him if we were truly meant to be together, he could find me, find my soul in my next life.”

  “Tell me, what does Anya believe in?”

  “Anya only knows death. You know, she used to believe in a heaven and a hell. She wanted desperately to have comfort in knowing that her family had a heaven to go to. But how could she believe in that when she questioned her very faith in a maker—a maker that had this destiny for her and her loved ones? She’s lost so much in her life that she doesn’t have much belief in anything. She doesn’t even question things anymore.”

  Silence fell between them.

  “H–How is Dominic?” Michelle asked.

  “I’m sorry. Dominic left my family after that night at your home. We haven’t seen him since.”

  Michelle’s eyes became glassy, and her bottom lip quivered.

  Steffan placed his hands on Michelle’s shoulders, leaned in close, and looked her squarely in the eye. “Michelle, I want to hear it from your lips, so I know there’s no misunderstanding here. What am I?”


  “You’ve known this…all this time?”


  “What am I offering to Anya as my mate?”


  “And you never mentioned any of this, who I am, that I exist, to anyone…Anya perhaps?”


  Steffan looked at Michelle with curious eyes. “Why haven’t you said anything?”

  “It was never my secret to tell.”

  Steffan shook his head in response.

  The woman was amazing.

  Michelle leaned into Steffan and whispered, “I had no idea your family lived in Ambrose Heights. Are all of the residents up there vampires?”

  Steffan’s nagging uncertainty about Michelle’s enthrall was finally settled. He had performed it on her the night of the rescue, but it was a tricky one. Michelle had lapsed in and out of his control, her mind and body already saturated with Dominic’s control enthrall. Steffan had struggled with Dominic’s pull on her. He had every intention to erase everything, but somehow, he always suspected that she’d retained bits and pieces, that it wasn’t complete. He just didn’t know how much or what exactly she’d retained.

  Until now.

  As it stood, the mystery behind Ambrose Heights remained unbroken. Michelle’s travels in the tunnels, her experience through the first passage of the claim, her tour of the castle and her nights spent at Dominic’s home, the home that was now Anya’s, had been effectively erased. But she retained Steffan and Dominic’s existence vividly, which meant she also retained the full-blown knowledge that vampires existed in Manitou Springs. And yet, Steffan and his family had been safe and secure, their cover remaining intact and unexposed.

  Michelle was no doubt a mortal who could be trusted. He exhaled, breathing a sigh of relief. His fear in having to enthrall Michelle after Anya’s turning, irrevocably severing their ties, would not have to become a reality. Michelle would remain Anya’s best friend, the two of them continuing to relish their companionship, but as a human and a vampire.

  “Yes. I built Ambrose Heights for my immediate family.”

  “My god. Anise was a vampire as well?”

  “No. She never got to live at Ambrose Heights. We actually sold the house to her fian—”

  “This, I must say, is pure heaven. I hope you like it.” Anya stepped in between Michelle and Steffan, slipping the dessert tray into the car and interrupting Steffan’s opportunity to reveal Ryan’s connection to Ambrose Heights to Michelle.

  “I guess we’re ready,” Steffan said as he closed the back door of the Hummer. “Michelle, it was an absolute pleasure to meet you. I’m sure we will see each other again.” Steff
an reached for Michelle and planted a delicate kiss on the back of her hand.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you, Steffan. Have fun, you two!”

  Steffan lead Anya to the passenger door and held her hand as she stepped into the Hummer. He raised himself on the side board and fastened the seat belt around Anya’s waist. Their gazes met, the straightforward task igniting excitement in both of them.

  Steffan responded with a delicious wink.

  He made his way to the driver side and slipped into the seat. Starting the engine, Steffan smiled as he looked over at Anya. He couldn’t believe she was there with him, smiling back at him.

  “Ready?” Steffan asked.

  “I’ve been ready since you left me last night.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Anya reached over and placed her hand on Steffan’s thigh as he carefully maneuvered the Hummer down the narrow street.

  “You’ll have to direct me from here. I don’t know where this place is.”

  “You live in the Springs and have never been to the Garden of the Gods? Where are you from anyway?”

  “Originally? South Wales. And I’ve been busy with work. Not much time to get sightseeing in. Besides, you’re the first woman to ever ask me to go out to a place like this with her.” Steffan smiled at Anya as he lifted her hand to his lips and set soft kisses from her wrist down the length of her forearm.

  “Steffan, somehow I can’t imagine a woman not wanting to be by your side, let alone you being without attention from women in general,” Anya said in a very nonchalant, witty fashion.

  Deep down, her heart was far from being blasé on the subject.

  Steffan found a residential road and pulled off the highway. He slowed the Hummer to a stop. Anya looked at Steffan curiously as he adjusted his position in the driver’s seat to face her and slipped his hands into hers.

  “Anya, remember I told you that I don’t want to play games? You’re very important to me. Our connection is my focus. That’s why I won’t hold back the truth from you either,” Steffan said.


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