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The Dom with the Deviant Kittens

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by Sorcha Black

  Belfry Publishing


  Copyright © 2015 by Sorcha Black

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in review, without written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in this book are fictional. Any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental.

  This book contains scenarios that should not be attempted or emulated.

  Edited by Lina Sacher and Nerine Dorman

  Cover design by Leia Shaw

  for Bratgirl, the brattiest brat of them all


  In the thick darkness, the caress of his breath on her bare skin was hot, erotic, and smelled of stale whiskey. The bristles on his face grazed her cheek, and Tess instinctively turned her head away, not ready for the kiss he was seeking. Her heart thudded erratically, thundering in her ears.

  She was really doing this.

  Josh. His name was Josh. She had to remember that in case it was worth screaming later.

  Josh was the man who would do the job. Not Mr. Right, but waiting for that guy – whoever he was – wasn’t working out. She wasn’t getting any younger. Time to just do this and move on to better things.

  Women her age weren’t supposed to be virgins.

  His hand slid up under her top, hunting for her bra clasp. Instead of being smooth and unfastening it one-handed like guys in movies, Josh fumbled with it, slurring, cursing.

  It was pretty bad when a girl had to corner a hammered guy to take her virginity. Not that she’d bothered to tell him. Was that a faux pas?

  The blanket she’d spread out on the hillside had seemed like a fairly romantic spot when she’d chosen it before sundown, but the dampness from the grass had seeped through and was clammy and uncomfortable. There was a rock or something under her elbow. Josh’s mouth finally found hers and he slobbered on her for a minute before shoving his big fat tongue into her mouth. She gagged and he retreated, laughing a little.

  “Sorry. Too many whiskey and Coke. You okay?”

  Tess smiled up at him, even though he couldn’t see her. “Yeah.” At least he seemed to be a nice guy. She fought the urge to wipe the lingering saliva off of her face, where his kiss had...overflowed a little. Kissing was officially disgusting.

  A few mosquitoes were buzzing around them, and she tried to imagine where she’d end up with bug bites, once they got down to things. The heat from the day was fading, but she was still sweaty and itchy despite having had a shower before she met Josh behind the tour bus. He’d showered after the show, apparently, but drinking and goofing around with some of the other roadies had undone some of the shower’s effects.

  He was a new roadie, and the only one who had expressed any interest in her. That wasn’t surprising, considering. She knew how she looked – like a mousy, bun-wearing bore. That’s what she was, but it really didn’t help her meet guys.

  He unbuttoned her jeans and slid his fingers just under her waistband. The gentle touch on the inside of her hip made her yelp and squirm like someone had sawed a nerve.

  Taking her noise as encouragement, his hand drifted lower, and she held her breath.

  “Josh!” A man called out in the darkness and she froze.

  Jeez, it was one thing to hook up with a guy who was basically a stranger, but being caught doing it was a little much. Going from virgin to slut in one night wasn’t the plan.

  “What the hell does Ramsay want? I’m done for the night.” Josh climbed to his feet.

  Her boss? Crap! With her heart pumping as though she’d run laps, Tess jumped up and buttoned her jeans then refastened her bra, doing a crazed dance in the darkness to try to get her breasts back in the cups the right way.

  Josh had moved off to meet Ramsay and she could hear them talking quietly. Was he going to chicken out? Should she fold up the blanket?

  She waited, too embarrassed to go over and find out what was happening. Were they in trouble for hooking up? They’d never told her not to date the roadies, so when she was off duty from taking care of Spider...

  If she lost her job because of this she was going to go hungry for a while.

  Eventually Josh came back. “Hey...uh...”

  Did he already forget her name? Probably.

  “Tess,” she supplied helpfully. Why didn’t she have a unique and sexy name like the band’s bass player, Winter? Why wasn’t she designed to be cool and maybe even a little badass?

  “Yeah. Um, why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?”

  She backed a step, as though he’d slapped her.

  “Ramsay told you that?” Mortification flowed through her. Were they telling all of the guys? Was that why the roadies all behaved like she was their granny when she was around?

  “Yeah. He was worried about you. Besides, guys don’t like having stuff like that sprung on them. No offense.”

  “What’s the big deal? I’m not going to fall in love with you. I’m just looking for some fun, like everyone else. Half of the guys hooked up with girls at the bar tonight.”

  He shifted, his feet making squelchy noises in the damp grass. “It’s different. Don’t you think you should save it for your husband or something? I mean, you made it this far. Why me?”

  Anger started to burble deep down in her belly.

  “What I do with my body is nobody’s business but my own. I may or may not get married sometime down the road, but do you think any guy from around here is expecting to marry a virgin? Should I have my father send my dowry over to the guy, to make sure everything is in order, too? This isn’t the Middle Ages. My maidenhead isn’t up for auction.” She’d kept her voice down, but she’d gone into full-on hissing mode. It only took a minute to fold the blanket she’d brought, then she hugged it to her, not caring if she got muck on the sweater she’d so carefully picked out for their “date.”

  When he stood there not saying anything, she stalked off toward the motel and her room.

  So close. It had almost been a done deal.

  There had to be someone who would help her.


  What the hell was he doing?

  Locksley Matthis paced the corridor, glancing at the electronic arrivals board every few minutes, as though it would tell him specific information about Elodie. Like maybe why he’d agreed to this visit in the first place.

  His stomach twisted and he felt like he was going to puke. Great first impression. By the time she walked through the doors, he’d be in the bathroom with his head over a toilet.


  Chatting with Elodie online about her toy designs had quickly turned into personal chats, then phone calls. It hadn’t been very professional to get involved with a woman pitching her designs to him, but she’d been so fun and sexy and inappropriate that he hadn’t been able to resist her. There was something about El – submissive but also accidentally pushy. She came off as offbeat and weirdly naïve in some ways.

  Although they’d exchanged pictures, she hadn’t wanted to Skype, saying she wanted to get to know the real him first. Red flags and warning bells all over the place, really, but even though his Dom friends told him to make a run for it, when she messaged him and said she was coming to visit, he couldn’t help but be intrigued.

  The picture she’d sent was hot – if it was actually her – and she was funny and wild. She claimed she was submissive, but that remained to be seen. Elodie was a brat, although she hadn’t known what that meant until he’d explained it to her. She was new to the lifestyle.

  A newbie brat with a wild side. Not exactly the kind of gi
rl he thought he’d end up with when he and Courtney had split up.

  If anything, Elodie’s lack of caution made him feel protective. If he said no and pushed her away, she might end up with some abusive asshole.

  The door slid open again, and the girl from the picture bounced through. Oh fuck, it really was her. If anything the picture hadn’t done her justice. It was like a wild Red Sonja appearing in real life.

  Lock raised a hand and her face lit when she saw him. She dropped the handle of her bag and ran to him, jumping into his arms and kissing him deeply, sliding her tongue into his mouth as though they’d been dating for ages, instead of almost being strangers. He kissed her back, figuring it was only polite. It was hard not to groan – she kissed like a succubus and smelled amazing, her wild red curls engulfing them.

  When she pulled away, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were glassy.

  He cleared his throat. “Uh, how was your flight?”

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about sucking your cock, Sir,” she said in her thick French accent. He’d been surprised to find out that there were French people in northern Maine. She smirked up at him and his half-erect cock became an uncomfortable bulge in his jeans.

  “That’s not a very nice thing to say to me in the middle of the airport, bad girl.”

  “I’m a very bad girl,” she declared loudly, walking back to her bag and drawing the attention of several people standing nearby. A couple of guys grinned at her and one gave Lock the thumbs up.

  Jeez. Someone needed to take this girl in hand.

  When he reached her, he took her bag, which weighed a ton.

  “Merci! I have to go get my big suitcase from baggage claim too.”

  “You packed a lot of clothes. Do you think you’re going to be wearing much over the next couple of weeks?”

  She shrugged. “No, Sir, but if this goes as well as I think, it’ll save me the trouble of going back home to pick up the rest of my stuff.”

  Pardon the fuck out of me? “What?”

  “I give it a week, chéri. If you don’t want me to move in by then I’ll know you’re not as smart as you look.”

  She winked and walked ahead, the sway of her hips and the curve of her perfect ass making him forget who was supposed to be in charge.

  Chapter One

  The door banged open and Elodie darted a glance to the clock then surveyed the kitchen. Dishes were piled haphazardly on the counter, and tiny fruit flies performed circus stunts that rivaled the Cirque program she’d watched with Locksley the night before.


  She really had meant to get those dishes done before Mr. Suit and Tie got home from work, but she’d gotten carried away. Again. In theory, the toy should work. Mocking one up shouldn’t be that difficult, if she could get the parts in Felix.

  Lock sighed behind her and she winced, afraid to turn around.

  “Je m’excuse, chéri. I started working on this design and lost track of time. I’ll start now.” She rose from the table and moved toward the sink.

  “Ah, ah, Minou.”

  She paused in the middle of the floor and he took hold of her arm and pulled her into the living room. For a man who called her the French word for kitty, he didn’t seem to be in the mood to pet her. His mouth was set in a firm line, his handsome face more severe than usual because his thick blond hair was tamed for his boring job. Usually, when he was home for the day, it was messy and wild, like he was freshly fucked. No matter which version of him she dealt with, it was the eyes that gave her pause. Those pale blue eyes were annoyed, dangerous, sexy and made her feel like her clothes might fall off out of principle.


  “Should you be making promises you don’t intend to keep?”

  His tone made her bristle, but it was more a reaction to her own embarrassment. She was so bad at being submissive. How had it sounded like a good idea when she’d started reading stuff online?

  “I didn’t mean to break my promise, Lock. I just lost track of time, like I said. I’m not playing games.”

  He grunted, but led her to the corner anyway. Just the corner? He was slipping. A chuckle threatened to escape her, but that would annoy him.

  When her nose was almost touching the wall, Lock let her arm go and walked from the room. Most of the time he stayed to supervise, but maybe he had to pee or something?

  She waited, listening, then heard him rattling around in the bedroom. Noooo. That meant trouble.

  Light footsteps and a change in the quality of the room’s silence. He was watching her. Subtly, she swayed her ass back and forth. Come to me, silly man. You don’t want to punish me when you can have me now.

  His fist tangled in her long hair and he spoke softly, just behind her ear. “Why are you always such a bad, bad girl, Elodie?”

  Mmm. He used her name. She was in for it now. Nerves down the side of her neck thrummed, shooting downward. Her nipples puckered under the thin fabric of her t-shirt. The whimper escaped her lips before she could bite it back.

  Fuck yeah, I’m a bad girl. If he knew how many bratty things she was thinking of doing right then, she wouldn’t be sitting comfortably for a week.

  “I don’t know, Sir,” she murmured, trying to sound demure.

  “You don’t know, or you’re playing nice to get me to forget your punishment and ram my cock into your pretty pussy?”

  “Mmm. Yes, that one please.” She arched her back and stuck out her ass, trying to grind against him.

  His answering swat stung even through her leggings.

  “No. Bad.” One of his big hands fumbled at the front of her leggings and triumph surged until he shoved something big down the front of her underwear and hit the on button.

  Buzzing. It wasn’t doing much where it was, but he snugged it closer until it nestled right against her clit. The slow pulse of it made her groan. If he’d just yank down her pants and shove into her, it wouldn’t take her long to get off. Her body was so attuned to his use now, that when she went without for more than a day she was ready to beg. Instead of cooperating, though, when he was satisfied her panties would hold the vibe in place, he stepped away.

  “I’m going to go shower. You’re going to stay where I put you, and you are not going to come. Understood?”

  “Please, no?” She used the small voice – the wheedling one he could rarely resist. “I’m going to come and then you’ll be mad at me. It’s not because I mean to be bad, my body just likes coming too much.”

  “You need to practice not coming so fast anyway, Minou. And you have to learn that you can’t make me promises and break them without consequences.”

  Pouting at him had no effect. Instead, he pointed back at the corner and when she put her nose there again, she heard him walk from the room. With Lock, though, she could never be sure if he was nearby watching.

  The shower ran. The vibrator shifted a little, the angle pressing her clit more firmly, but she didn’t dare touch it to readjust. He was a sneaky man sometimes and loved catching her being naughty. Was he getting immune to her? He could rarely resist. Or was he really pissed about the dishes?

  She sighed then clasped her hands behind her back to stop herself from playing with the vibrator. It wasn’t her fault she’d forgotten. She worked from home. It wasn’t as though she had coworkers or a boss to remind her when it was lunch time, or time to go home. Lock didn’t understand how, when inspiration struck, it was so hard to pull herself away.

  Her body was demanding release. The tingling spread from her clit outward, winding tension through her body. The worst was knowing he’d put her there, and that she was being punished.

  Don’t come, don’t come.

  The vibrations already had her set to go over the edge. She forced herself to think of the dishes, to be sorry for letting time slip past when she had made Sir a promise.


  A long, low whine started in her throat, but the sound turned her on more than it let off tension.

  If she came a little, would he know? Could she be sneaky and quiet?

  Bad girl, Elodie. Sir would not approve.

  A vision of his disappointed face rose to mind and she tried to focus on it, but the stupid buzzing was determined to make her so bad!

  She focused on her breathing, studied the small air bubbles in the wall paint, thought about what color of couch she should shop for to match.

  A small tremor seized her, her body taking over and reflexively giving her a small orgasm. It was more frustrating than satisfying and made her long for more. Even in her own ears her breathing was deafening. She sounded like she was running a marathon.

  How long had it been? Was the shower still running?

  “Did you come?” The quiet voice right next to her made her jump and scream.

  “Tabernac! Lock! Don’t sneak up on me like that.” She tried to turn and face him, to kick him in the shin for being a bastard, but he pinned her facing the corner with his big frame.

  “Damn. You’re hot even when you swear like a sailor. Now answer the question.” The chuckle was maddening, but so sexy she didn’t know if she wanted to smack him or have him do her against the wall.

  Scratch that. She knew exactly what she wanted.

  Elodie arched her ass backward and this time he let her rub against him. He was hard, naked, damp from the shower, smelling all clean and manly. Her libido growled but she wrestled it down to a more polite level.

  “Please, Sir? My body had a little twinge I couldn’t control, but I didn’t really come. Please?” She whimpered. “I need you.”

  Lock grabbed the vibrator, holding it in place while he yanked down her leggings and underwear. Rubbing his hard cock against her ass, he moved the vibrator in small circles that made her pant.

  “Please, Sir? I’ll be good! I’ll do all the dishes right after, I swear.” She was babbling, but he was making her crazy. Not fair.

  “Why should I believe you, bad girl? You lied to me this morning. That wasn’t nice.” He ran the tip of his cock along her damp slit then toyed at her entrance.


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