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The Dom with the Deviant Kittens

Page 4

by Sorcha Black

  Holding the plug and the lube and keeping her dress up and her underwear where he wanted them was difficult, but she got back to him as fast as she could. Please let him be bluffing.

  Without a word, he took the plug and lube from her and shoved her down over the arm of the couch. Would he fuck her instead? That would be easier to handle, even though she’d still be flustered and embarrassed when the girl came in. It wouldn’t be as bad, though. She’d never had to hold a conversation with a stranger when she had a vibe in, let alone one in her ass, which still wasn’t used to the attention Lock gave it. She’d never let anyone else play there, but Lock hadn’t really given her a choice. Right from the beginning he’d made it clear that if her ass was off limits, he wasn’t interested in her.

  He fiddled with the bottle of lube and spread the slickness over the obscene-looking blue silicone. Next, he dribbled some down the crack of her ass then spread it around. The tip of his finger prodded at her and she whimpered an objection, but knew better than to move.

  “Why?” She gasped as he toyed there, coaxing until her body opened and accepted his finger partway.

  “Why this? Why now?” His voice had the low growly tone it took on when he was about to fuck her. “Because I can. Because knowing you’ll be hot and distracted through this boring meeting with the little mouse girl makes my day more interesting.”

  Elodie groaned as he worked his finger farther into her, and he responded with a nonsensical murmur. Playing with her ass always made him unbearably horny, and it would make this meeting almost as bad for him as it was going to be for her. She concentrated on trying to relax and loosen the clench of her ass so the plug wouldn’t be more uncomfortable than it had to be.

  “Sometime soon I’m going to fuck you in this tiny hole, bad girl. Are you going to like it? Are you going to come hard and try to snap my dick off when it’s wedged in there?”

  The dirty talk went straight to her brain and she started to haze over. She moaned but didn’t answer.

  He pressed his finger farther in, using the thrust of his hips against his hand to mimic fucking her there with his cock instead of his finger.

  Heat coursed through her and her neglected pussy felt slippery.

  “No, Sir. I’m not going to like it.”

  “Good.” He slid his finger out slowly, wiggling it in ways that made her cry out at the weird sensations he created. He’d told her before that it fascinated him that he was the first man she’d allowed there, so he paid far more attention to her ass than she was comfortable with. “The less you like it the hotter it’ll be for me.”


  He withdrew his finger the rest of the way and her body sagged in relief. A sharp slap on the ass caught her attention. “If you weren’t such a bad girl I wouldn’t have to punish you like this.”

  “You love punishing me. Admit it.”

  “I’ve never denied it.”

  She gasped at the sensation of him rubbing the warm plug up and down the cleft of her ass.


  Lock prodded her with it and his rapid breathing almost drowned out her own. Turning, she frowned, anxious. It wasn’t the plug at all.

  “Not yet, please, Sir? I’m not ready yet.”

  “I’ll decide when you’re ready. I’m not doing it now, Elodie, but you need to learn to trust me and let go. Have I done anything untrustworthy to you?”

  She swallowed hard. “No, Sir.”

  “Then close your eyes and let your body get used to this. Accept. You need to learn how to turn off your brain even when you’re not tied up.” He slid his cock up and down her ass, the slippery hardness of him almost convincing her that she was ready for anything. She definitely needed to come.

  When she was finally hanging quietly over the arm of the couch, he sat back and placed the tip of the plug against her ass and pressed gently but firmly. The stretching sensation was uncomfortable, but the plug wasn’t that much bigger than the last one. He paused, pulled out a bit, pushed in again. Cold sweat broke out on her skin as he coaxed it farther in. The damn thing hadn’t looked that big, but her ass was telling her a different story.

  She panted, hissed air through her teeth. Whined but did not dare move. “Non! Please, Sir. It’s so big.”

  The bastard toyed with her clit until she mewled, then started trying to work the plug in again with his other hand. “Am I hurting you?”

  “No, Sir,” she whined. “But it’s not...comfortable.”

  “You poor thing. I can imagine.” His false sympathy sounded smug. “My cock is aching to be in this tiny hole, so you’d better tell your body to cooperate. Otherwise I might lose patience with training you ahead of time.”

  The pressure in her body tightened. His fingers, his words. The mastery he had over her body, whether she liked it or not.

  “Non,” she squealed as the orgasm flooded through her. Shuddering, she moaned, her unhappy pussy clenching on nothing. She tried to squirm away from his touch but he held her in place, pinching her clit roughly between two fingers.

  Letting her eyes shut, she gave in to the mixture of pleasure and pain. She came again, and she surrendered to the tremors and contractions that ran through her.

  “That’s right, Minou. Come for me like a good girl. Again.”

  She shook her head weakly, too exhausted for more, but he tapped at her sore and sensitive bud as he worked the plug the rest of the way into her bottom. When it was in, he played with it, the sensations as odd and arousing as the first time. Another orgasm claimed her and she lay there helplessly, her stomach muscles aching. Tears welled.

  Lock rose from the couch and crouched beside her. He nuzzled her cheek then whispered in her ear, “Hey. None of that, beautiful girl.” He stroked her hair back from her face, peeling a few damp curls away from her forehead. “I know that was hard. I’m going to clean you up now, before your mouse gets here, okay?”

  The rumble of his voice in her ear gave her shivers, and orgasm aftershocks made her hot for him all over again. She smiled at him, but it wasn’t easy.

  He went off to the bathroom, and she was left to analyze why someone with a personality as big as hers would ever let someone else take her in hand. In the moment she loved it, but afterward it embarrassed the hell out of her. It was okay to give him some control, but sometimes she gave him more than she meant to. Feeling open and vulnerable to the extent she did with him was unnerving right after something like this, but even so, she craved it like nothing else.

  Locksley was back sooner than she expected, and wiped her wetness and the excess lube off of her thighs and ass before pulling up her panties and tipping her back into his arms. The movement jostled the butt plug and she gasped and tried to stay very still. He cradled her like a baby and kissed her more gently than the hard-on pressing against her ass cheek would have suggested possible.

  Despite his arousal, he held her and waited to calm down, treating her like someone who’d just had a terrible experience rather than as a woman who’d been sexually satisfied. However, the aching fullness in her bottom was a constant reminder that this was an intermission, rather than the end of it.

  The doorbell rang and Elodie startled, even though they’d been waiting for it.

  She rose from Lock’s lap and minced carefully to the door. When she opened it, Tess was there, meeting her gaze for a scant moment before looking away. She was just as Elodie remembered – lovely bone structure hidden behind an ugly façade. Why did she do that to herself?

  “Hi. Are we still on for today?” Tess asked the potted flowers that sat on the front stoop.

  “We are. Entrez.” She backed a few steps and winced when the plug shifted.

  “Are you okay? I can come back another day, if that would be better.”

  “Non, non. It’s nothing.” Elodie made a dismissive gesture and ushered the girl in. “Lock put a new plug in my ass about ten minutes ago and I’m not used to it.”

  The girl blanched and Elodie had
to force herself not to laugh. If she was going to work out, she’d have to get used to oversharing. “Je m’excuse. My inside voice runs away with my mouth, but I don’t really try to stop it.”

  Tess shrugged. “I was just...surprised.”

  “I hope you can handle it. I work from home, so most of the time when you come to clean, I’ll be here, trying to stay out of your way.”

  The girl smiled pleasantly at her, giving the impression that she’d agree to almost any scenario to land the job. It would doubtlessly have been more comfortable for both of them if Tess cleaned while Elodie was out of the house somewhere, but the truth was that she had nowhere else to go. She didn’t know anyone in Felix other than Lock and the members of their role-playing group, and all of them had the type of jobs that kept them busy during the day. Elodie, herself, had to be home and working while Lock was at work – she didn’t get much work done after he got home at night.

  “Mostly we need help with dishes and laundry. I know most cleaning companies only vacuum and dust, but that’s not what we need help with right now.”

  “That’s fine with me.”

  “If there’s anything really disgusting in the laundry, I’ll do it myself.”

  Tess smiled hesitantly, as though she wasn’t sure how much levity was appropriate. Or maybe she was always this uptight? It was difficult to say.

  “Let me give you a tour.” Elodie led the way through the house, pointing out the obvious piles of dirty laundry and stacks of papers. “Of course at some point we’ll need to vacuum and dust too, we just don’t need to get that fancy yet.”

  “Dusting is fancy?”

  Elodie shrugged. “I like sex too much to waste my free time dusting.”

  Again, amusement glimmered in Tess’s eyes, but she didn’t laugh. She was going to be tough to crack. There must be fun in this girl, deep down?

  They walked into the kitchen. A mountain of dirty dishes dominated the counter and the room smelled like spoiled food. Elodie glanced at Tess, but she didn’t seem at all shocked or disgusted, which was a relief. Her embarrassment about not being a tidy person ate at her, even though as an adult she understood that not everyone’s brain was wired the same way. The chaos in her mind was perfect for her work, but not so good for being a housewife. She was what she was, and shaming herself for being different from other people wasn’t getting her anywhere.

  “I invent toys for a living, and Lock does sales for a toy company, so there are a lot of strange things jumbled here and there. You can just work around that stuff. Don’t try to put it away or you might mess up one of my experiments.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Elodie stopped and turned to face the girl, not sure whether she was amused or irritated. “Ma’am? I’m not an old woman, ma souris. Call me Elodie. We can’t be all that far apart in age. I’m only twenty-four. How old are you?”

  “Twenty-two.” She shifted, looking embarrassed. “I’m sorry, but you’re going to be my boss, so I just thought that I should be respectful.”

  “Call me Elodie, at least to my face. Bitch will do fine when you talk about me behind my back.”

  Her face reddened. “I would never...”

  An unbelievable buzzing started deep inside her. Elodie grabbed the counter with both hands, trying to stay on her feet. Evil, wicked man. He had to be hiding around the corner, right? How far away could he be before the remote stopped working? She blinked rapidly, trying to get used to the perplexing sensation. Her heart sped and she tried to breathe deeply. Maybe she should lie down. She felt faint. Her pussy was still so sensitive that if someone put some pressure on her clit she’d go again in half a second.

  She turned her head to tell the girl she’d call her tomorrow, to get her the hell out of the house. Their gazes locked and something in Elodie’s expression made the little thing’s eyes grow very round. Her lips parted. In that moment all of Tess’s innocence and vulnerability were laid open to Elodie, like a lovely, forbidden hoard.

  Ma souris, you have come to the wrong house.

  What would Tess do if she backed her against the wall and kissed her? More importantly, what would Locksley do?

  It had been ages since she’d been with a girl. Soft curves, pretty. This one was skinnier than the girls she was usually attracted to, but she was so meek and sweet that playing with her might be extremely entertaining.

  Although, even if the mouse was into girls, there was that whole awkward thing about Lock. She should probably tell him she liked girls, and see if he was game to share her before she assumed anything. Her ex, Alexandre, had been disgusted to find her kissing a girl at a party he’d dragged her to once. When people assumed that all guys thought girl-on-girl action was hot, apparently they were overgeneralizing.

  Elodie gritted her teeth and fought for control of the sensations the vibe was forcing on her. “Anyway, so that’s our mess,” she said tightly. “Are you interested in the position? When did you want to start?” The fact that she’d just said the word ‘position’ made her snort. She wasn’t fit for polite company even on the best of days.

  “Tomorrow would be fine, since you seem busy today.” The girl walked back to the front door and Elodie followed. Their gazes met again but Tess looked away so fast that Elodie was having trouble reading what she saw there. Was she interested or just shy and a little confused? Some girls were hard to figure out.

  “You haven’t scared me off yet.”

  Chapter Four

  Walking through a hardware store with Elodie was an entirely foreign experience. Tess pushed the cart alongside her employer, listening to her chatter on about her work, with her French accent making everything sound sexier than it should have been. As they shopped for cleaning supplies to replace the crappy ones she’d been using at their place for the past two weeks, men would stop and watch them go past. That is, they’d watch Elodie. Between the curves, the riot of red curls, the flattering cut of her dress and the way her heels drew attention to her shapely legs, the woman got attention wherever they went. The word sexy was too pale and crass to explain the kind of appeal Elodie exuded.

  If she looked like Elodie, guys like Tristan would be at her feet, begging for a chance to date her. She sure as hell wouldn’t be a virgin who’d only been kissed by a slobbery drunk guy.

  It wasn’t just how Elodie looked, either. It was the way she moved, walked. Her attitude. She knew she was hot and moved through the world with the understanding that she had every right to be wherever or do whatever she wanted. She never had to look for a sales associate or apologize for being in someone’s way. The French girl treated the world as though it adored her, and the world was quite willing to agree with her.

  When Tess was alone no one noticed her. She faded into the background, as self-effacing and retiring as her parents had raised her to be. It hadn’t been until she was an adult that she realized they were broken people. She’d been expected to work long hours to pay for the groceries while they spent their money on beer. She’d been expected to raise the other children and do the housework while they sat in front of the television or dozed on the couch. They used to complain about how hard they worked, and they claimed they were teaching her how to be responsible.

  Everything that went wrong in her family had always been her fault. At the time she’d believed them.

  Going to college had been her greatest betrayal, because the service and the money they got from her dried up. College also meant she got therapy. She cut ties. It meant her father calling her an ungrateful little bitch, and prophesying her future as an unwed mother and sex trade worker. True, she hadn’t talked to them in a few years, but their legacy lived on in her head.

  But forget them. She was shopping with Elodie. Having fun was allowed. Not everything in life was bleakness and drudgery.

  It was easy to make friends with pretty girls when you weren’t one. She made her friends in college look good by comparison, but some of them had been mean. Elodie was just herself. Comfor
table in her own skin. Not needing to belittle other people to make herself more important. Hanging around with Elodie never made Tess feel worse about herself.

  “Enough about me and my crazy projects. Tell me more about you. Have you always lived in Cobalt Harbor?” Elodie’s wide blue eyes were fixed on her, and for a breathless moment Tess had that weird feeling again. She got the impression that Elodie found something about her fascinating. She’d never been fascinating to anyone before. Useful, dependable, helpful, yes. But those weren’t the same as someone being interested in her.

  “I come from a little town a few hours away. I moved to Cobalt to look for work a few years ago. I’ve managed to make ends meet, mostly, but I haven’t found anything in my line of work other than when I went on tour with the Kink Monsters as a tutor for their son.”

  “The Kink Monsters? Really? Lock has a few of their CDs. Their music is hard, but it makes me want to fuck.” Elodie’s smile was naughty, and Tess felt her cheeks heat as she pulled her gaze away.

  The band and roadies had talked crudely enough, but for some reason the same words coming from Elodie made them more personal, as though she was suggesting something.

  “Yes, they’re very nice people, actually, and their son is bright and well-behaved.”

  “Their son? I thought there were five or six of them in the band.”

  The usual defensiveness rose in her. They’d been so kind to her, and she’d seen enough of their interactions with each other and the discrimination they faced to make her want to protect them and make other people understand. “Yes, there are four of them. They’re poly.” She glanced back at Elodie and was happy that she didn’t look confused or shocked. “Spider has four parents looking out for him and they all love him to bits. He’s a lucky kid.”


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