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The Dom with the Deviant Kittens

Page 12

by Sorcha Black

  The thought of anyone other than her and Lock touching Tess made her stomach churn.


  Merde, they barely knew each other. Stop being crazy, brain.

  “Okay.” Tess sighed. “I guess we do need to clear the air.”

  Elodie brushed a lock of hair behind Tess’s ear, making the girl shiver. Her expression softened, as though her resolve had been thin and a few touches from Elodie had made it evaporate.

  “Did we scare you, Tess? I’m sorry if we did.” Elodie wanted to choose her words carefully, but as usual, they tumbled chaotically from her mouth. “I know it makes things odd because you work for us, but you have the choice to play with us or not. You never have to again if you don’t like it.” Please don’t say you want to keep things professional.

  “I knew you’d stop if I wanted you to. Just the fact that you’re paying me to clean your house makes it weird, you know?”

  “I know. I’m sorry it made things awkward for you, but I’m not sorry about what happened.” Elodie meant to behave, but she couldn’t resist stroking a finger down Tess’s neck. Tess sighed and leaned into the caress. “You liked it though, didn’t you? You liked it when we touched you.”

  Tess shifted in her lap and Elodie imagined she could feel the heat of her pussy through their clothes. Maybe making Tess sit on her lap wasn’t fair to either of them. It was hard to have a serious conversation with her there.

  “I did,” Tess whispered.

  “Do you like girls?”

  The girl bit her lip. “I never thought so.”

  “But I changed your mind?”

  “Maybe.” Tess looked at her coyly over her shoulder.

  “Hmm. Maybe I shouldn’t do this then.” Elodie turned Tess until the girl’s back was to her chest, then slowly unbuttoned the bodice of her dress. She popped the clasp of Tess’s bra and the girl gasped. “Should I stop?”

  She trembled. “No. Please don’t.” A pleading noise escaped her and she arched her back to get her tits closer to Elodie’s teasing fingers.

  “Somehow I thought you’d say that,” Elodie murmured in the girl’s ear and she shuddered.

  “But Lock isn’t home. Won’t he be mad?”

  “He could walk through the door any time now. Do you think he’ll like watching me touch you like this?” The bodice of her dress hung open, inviting her in. She parted it further then cupped Tess’s breasts, barely a handful each. Everything about the girl was so trim and politely made, as though even her body was too shy to take up space in the world. Elodie rolled Tess’s nipples between her fingers, teasing, pinching, tugging. Before long, Tess’s skirt was hiked up and she was straddling Elodie’s lap, grinding against her thighs.

  When the girl’s sounds of distress seemed to be edging toward begging, Elodie coaxed her to her feet. “Come with me. I bought you something and I want you to try it on.”


  Elodie ignored Tess’s mild protest as she led her upstairs.

  “Where are we going?”

  “The master bedroom.”


  “The bed is clean. Do you want to come or not? I know you like to come for me.”

  She stared at the floor, but after a slight hesitation followed Elodie up the stairs.

  In the bedroom, Tess hung back as Elodie went to the closet and pulled out a gift bag.

  “Here. This is for you.” She sat Tess on the bed and handed her the bag. “I already washed everything so you can try them now.”

  Eyes bright, Tess reached into the bag. She turned a wicked scarlet when she realized the bag was filled with panties Elodie had chosen for sexiness rather than function.

  “Um...thank you.” She tried to put the bag aside, but Elodie took it from her.

  “I knew you wouldn’t go to the fancy underwear store by yourself yet, and you need these, so I went for you.” She took a pair out and handed them to Tess. “Here, put these on and show them to me so I can see if they fit.”

  Tess laughed. “You just want to see me half naked.”

  “I’m planning on seeing you all naked. That works out for you, since you want to come so badly.”

  She opened her mouth, as though she was scandalized. “I do not!”

  “Oh really?” She nudged the girl’s top open again and trailed gentle fingers over her breast.

  Tess groaned and let Elodie kiss her. “Didn’t you say that Lock didn’t like you kissing me the other day?”

  Elodie shrugged. “Now the rule is that I’m not allowed to play with your pussy unless he’s here.” She cut off the girl’s whine with a flurry of kisses that left them both breathless. “Are you sad that I can’t?”

  “No! Mmm. Yes.” She grimaced and took the underwear Elodie was pushing into her hand. “What on earth are these?”

  “I saw the baby pink and the ruffled bum and they made me think of you.”

  She held them up to examine them, turning them around so she could get a better look. “These are not very dignified.”

  “Pretty panties aren’t supposed to be dignified. They’re supposed to make a man want to stick his dick in you.”

  Tess arched a brow at her. “I hate to break this to you, but you don’t have a penis.”

  “Penis?” Elodie giggled. “Is this grade school health class? And I do have a dick – it’s just attached to Lock. I try to get him to leave it with me during the day, but he’s stubborn. Now say dick, or cock or something. You may not say penis in my presence again, or I’ll spank you.”

  “Spank me?” She frowned. “I’m not a child.”

  “The kind of spanking I’m talking about isn’t for kids, trust me. Now say something dirty and go try those on.”

  Tess’s expression turned bratty. “Something dirty? Your house.” She turned on her heel and walked into the master bathroom.

  Elodie chased her across the room, and got to the bathroom just as the other girl slammed the door and locked it. They leaned on opposite sides of the door, laughing. Elodie heard Tess slide against the door and step away.

  “You little bitch.” She growled. “You’ll have to come out of there sooner or later.” She ran her nails down the door and was delighted when Tess squealed. “I can pick this lock, you know.”

  “I thought you wanted me to try these on. Quit terrorizing me.”

  “I’ll terrorize you when you get out of there, all right.”

  A sigh was audible from through the door. “I meant to come back to work today and have things all business you know. I’m not sure how you changed my mind so fast.”

  “It’s because you like to come. That and you think I’m pretty.”

  The girl sputtered and Elodie stifled a giggle behind her hand.

  “Admit it. You liked it when I went down on you.”

  The door popped open. Tess stood there, top still unbuttoned and barely covering the tips of her breasts, bra gone, cheeks red.

  “Did you put them on?”

  “Maybe.” Her expression was sullen.

  “Can I see?”


  Elodie walked back to the bed and sat on the edge. “Come here and turn around.” She frowned sternly at the girl, waiting. The need to have Tess obey of her own free will was strong and heady.

  Miraculously, the girl walked to her and turned around, standing close enough to touch.

  “Lift your skirt and show me.”

  Tess’s fingers danced nervously around the bottom edge of her skirt, making Elodie drool with anticipation. Would she do it?

  She sighed. “You’re bossy.”

  “You like it. I can smell how hot you are for me from here.”

  Tess glared over her shoulder at her. “No you can’t! Don’t be gross.”

  “Oh, but I can. It’s vraiment sexy and it reminds me of how you taste.”

  “Like cake?” A smile trembled around her lips.

  “Like horny girl.” Elodie winked and Tess hid her face in her hands. “No
w show me or I’ll punish you.”

  “Punish me? Seriously, Elodie, you can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do.”

  “Non. But I can tell you want to be a good girl for me. You’re just playing hard to get.” Elodie frowned. “Now, be a good girl.”

  “If I show you, then I’m a good girl?” Tess’s blush was deep, but her fingers took hold of her hem.

  “A very good girl.”

  Troubled creases appeared between her brows, but she inched the skirt of her dress upward, revealing the frilly undergarment and a fair amount of smooth cheek. Elodie let her fingers explore the line of the panties where they curved over Tess’s ass. The girl’s muscles twitched, but she stayed in place, letting her.

  “Good girl,” Elodie whispered, noticing Tess’s body followed her hand when she stopped touching her. She leaned in and bit Tess’s ass cheek, just below the panties. Tess gasped but waited for more. “Perfect.”

  “They are cute. I looked at them in the bathroom.”

  “I wasn’t talking about the underwear.” Elodie grinned wickedly at Tess and adored the girl’s embarrassment. “Now, we’re going to put your soup in the fridge and go for a little ride.”

  Tess squirmed where she stood. “You’re taking me out like this?”

  “I am. And when we’re out, you’re going to think about what you’re wearing under that short dress and hope no one sees anything if there’s a breeze.”

  “They don’t actually show more than a bathing suit, but they’re just so ridiculous.” Tess frowned, but mewled and widened her stance as Elodie traced a finger along the leg line of the panties toward her pussy.

  Complain as she might, Tess wanted this.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “We have a lunch date. Well...I have a lunch date and I’m bringing you along.” Lock was going to be surprised, however, she hoped not annoyed.

  “To see Lock?”

  “Yes, why?”

  Tess dropped her skirt back into place and smoothed it downward. “I don’t know. I don’t want to intrude.”

  “I’m choosing to bring you, therefore you’re not intruding.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip. “I don’t think he likes me very much.”

  Elodie laughed. “This is new for him. Men always think they want two women, but it’s different when the woman in the relationship does the choosing. It’s the best way to make things work, though. He isn’t looking at you like a woman. He’s looking at you like you’re my toy. Lock is a sensitive guy. He just needs to get to know you better.”

  “So we’re going there and he’s expecting what?”

  She shrugged. “Who knows? A date. Probably sex. He’s my Dom, but he’s not yours, so you get to decide what you want to do.”

  “But you expect me to listen to you?”

  “Well,” She took Tess’s hand and twirled her to face her. “I have a lot of complicated feelings about you. I know this isn’t what you want long term, but for now I very much like to boss you around. You let me so beautifully.”

  “So if you’re like my Domme for now, aren’t we supposed to have an agreement or something?”

  “There aren’t any rules about what’s supposed to happen in these situations. I have to talk to Lock before I can have a formal agreement with you, even if it’s temporary. For now, I just want you to promise to tell me if you don’t like something. If you have sex with anyone other than Lock or me, you should tell me that too.”

  “Things would be over with us?”


  The girl nodded once. “So if I stay as a toy, neither one of you are mine, but we’ll have some fun.”

  Elodie rose and pulled Tess into her arms.

  “That sounds so awful. I really like you, but that’s all I can say for now. We won’t treat you like a thing that has no feelings. My affection for you is real. I think, with time, Lock will feel the same way, but it’s not quite the same as having a boyfriend of your own, is it? You’d have to share us, but we have to share you and each other too. It’s not all one way.”

  She hesitated and not for the first time Elodie wished she could read Tess’s mind.

  “What if Tristan asks me out?”

  Ahh, the dream guy. “If that happens, we won’t hold you back.” So she liked them, but not as much as the guy she’d been idolizing for ages, of course. If she had a chance with him, hopefully he wasn’t a douchebag.

  And hopefully Elodie wouldn’t become a jealous stalker ex-girlfriend, because she could already imagine things going that way.

  The soup was barely cool when they got to the kitchen, and Elodie popped it into the fridge. Tess trailed behind, looking unhappy.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I don’t really feel like going out.” A pout was lurking in her expression.

  “Are you too horny to leave the house?”

  Tess grimaced but didn’t answer.

  “Get used to it. Lock leaves me horny all the time. He says it’s good for me.”

  They walked to the car and settled in. Elodie turned the music down so they could talk. As soon as she pulled out of the driveway, she reached for Tess’s hand. Their hands were similar in size, and Tess was only a little shorter, but for some reason Elodie felt huge and fierce around her. It probably wouldn’t have mattered if Tess towered over her. There was something about her that made Elodie feel protective, even though Tess was pluckier than she’d originally thought.

  “I’m a bit scared of Lock. Is he going to dom us?”

  “If he wants to play with you, and you agree, he’ll give you a safeword,” she said, giving Tess’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll be right there and if I think he’s doing something you’re not ready for, I’ll tell him to stop. Besides, this might just be a walk.”

  “A walk? I assumed we were meeting him somewhere private.”

  “No, we’re meeting him at the river. He said he’d pick up lunch, so we’ll eat your soup for dinner.” Elodie glanced over at Tess. “Undo the first two buttons on your dress. You look like you’re going to do research at the library.”

  “But...we’re going to meet your boyfriend. I don’t want to be one of those girls.”

  “Ugh. Tess! We want him to want you. If he wants you I get to keep you longer and you get more experience to lure Tristan with, right?”

  “But what if he...”

  “Gets the hots for you? I don’t think you get it.” Houses zipped past as they headed toward the city limits. “I want him to want you. If he fucks you, I’ll be there helping.”

  “You wouldn’t be jealous?”

  “No, not even a little.”

  Tess fell silent until they’d reached the dirt side road. “If I said yes it wouldn’t be because of him.”


  She parked her car alongside Lock’s, the rest of the small parking lot empty, as usual.

  “What is this place?” Tess looked around uncertainly.

  “It used to be a rest stop, but when they upgraded it to flush toilets and vending machines, they moved it farther down the highway. Most people don’t notice this one since the signs came down.” Elodie locked the car doors and started along the path down toward the sound of moving water.

  “What if there’s someone creepy down here?”

  “There is. But it’s Lock. We get safewords with him.” Elodie winked and shifted the blanket from the trunk in her arms. “We come here for picnics all the time. We only saw someone once, and it was an old man trying to find the new rest stop. Flush toilets and running water are far more popular than outhouses and ancient picnic tables.” She jerked a thumb at the old wooden building, which was overgrown with weeds.

  Tess stumbled on a tree root and Elodie caught her by the arm. “I didn’t wear the right shoes for this.”

  “It’s not far.” They rounded a bend in the path and went a few minutes farther. Lock was already in the water, his clothing piled on shore.

’re impatient today,” Elodie called out as they got closer. He turned to grin at her then caught sight of Tess.

  He looked uncertain. “You could have told me we had company coming. I’m not really dressed for it.”

  Elodie walked as close as she could get without going in, but could feel Tess anxiously falling behind. “It’s Tess. She isn’t exactly company anymore.”

  Lock threw a slow smile over Elodie’s shoulder – one of those devastating Dom smiles that made her insides turn to jelly. Whoa boy, you’re going to scare her.

  When she looked, though, Tess was practicing her eye contact.

  A laugh rang out, Lock scaring a few birds from the trees surrounding them. “Wow – a few weeks around you and she’s already copying your bratty faces. Let’s hope this man of hers isn’t a Dom or he’s not going to know what the hell to do with her.”

  “Ruined!” Elodie cackled.

  “Are you coming in, or am I coming out, bad girl?” He flicked water at her and she backed a few steps.

  He walked toward her and she backpedaled. “Aren’t we going to eat lunch?”

  “I’ll feed you something,” he growled.

  Dirty old man.

  Lock was completely out of the water now and staring down Tess, who eventually gave in and studied her toes.

  “Like what you see, little Mouse?”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have stared.”

  “Elodie’s right. You’ve watched me get a blowjob. I don’t think we need to stand on ceremony anymore.” He slipped his shorts on anyway, which he probably wouldn’t have bothered with if Elodie had come alone. Was he annoyed?

  He opened the cooler and handed out sandwiches and drinks. There was plenty because he always brought too much. He seemed calm, but Elodie couldn’t tell if they’d be having a chat about this later. Maybe if she made things interesting, trouble could be avoided.

  “How’s work today?” Elodie asked solicitously. Not her usual style, but jumping him immediately might make Tess uncomfortable.

  Lock sighed. “Apparently they’ve decided to have a charity golf tournament. I thought I’d be able to get us out of it, but they made it clear that we were both expected to be there for the good of my career.”


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