A Light Beyond The Darkness

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A Light Beyond The Darkness Page 1

by Sherry Gist

  Table Of Contents

  (Book 1) A Place Called Her Own Page.2

  (Book 2) All On Her Own Page.18

  (Book 3)Two Of A Kind Page.28

  (Book 4) When The Dust Finally Settles Page.54

  (Book 5) From Beyond The Darkness Page.74

  (Book 6) After The Storm Page.93

  A Place Called Her Own

  (Book 1)


  Standing at the top of a tall hill, an Amazon looks over her ravaged kingdom. Fires smoldering still from the battle that had happened the night before. She was wounded, but will never allow them to know for to be wounded in battle is to sign your own death warrant.

  Chapter 1

  In this mystical place were werewolves and witches reign; she is only but a woman. A strong one that has watched as people around her have found happiness, others killed, and some left to go to lands far far away. The Amazons have been at war with the vampires now for a century over the land which the amazons call their own. The vampires have killed many amazons and the amazons have taken many vampires, but the scary truth is the amazons which are taken, they are turned; making this war seem all but too impossible to win.

  " Hey, Sherry!" Maggie calls (Maggie is Sherry’s best friend and roommate. They have been together since birth), " What are you doing up there?"

  " Nothing!" Sherry responds as she makes sure to bandage her wound so that no one can see it.

  Maggie is a tall Amazon. Her hair barely above her shoulders, her chin is strong, her arms scared from battles and her head always straight. She is very proud and well respected among the tribe.

  Sherry is a bit of a loner. She's stronger than she realizes but has not yet quite come into her own. She fights hard. She has killed many vampires, but doesn't quite get her true recognition.

  Sherry comes down and helps Maggie put out the flames. She is weak from the bite that she received, but fights hard not to show it.

  "Sherry? Are you ok?" Maggie asks.

  "Yes, of course. I'm bleeding. You know, girl time."

  Maggie motions her toward their tent for her to get some rest.

  Chapter 2

  She awakens in the night, sweat and her body in flames. She walks as calmly as she can outside to the nearby lake to cool off. She runs her hands into the lake only to see the smoke come from her skin.

  'It has started.' She thinks to herself.

  She is turning into the thing in which she hates so much. A vampire! She lays by the lake reminiscing about her life. When she hears something in the shadows. The darkness is everywhere; only the light from the moon in the river makes it possible for her to see. Instantly, strong hands are on her arms.

  'She is being carried!' Her mind screams.

  She goes to scream, but strong hands are covering her mouth. She reaches for her knife in her boot and stabs the beast! She is let go and falls defensively to the ground. She may be small, but she is an Amazon.

  The beast grabs his arm where he was stabbed, walking slowly toward the knife that lies within her outstretched arms, he says 3 words and only 3, "Live or die?"

  Her heart beats fast and faster as she screams," Beast, I'm not afraid of u! If I must die then I shall die like an Amazon!"

  "I see your afraid young one," He responds, " But you need not fear me."

  He walks towards the light and she sees him for the first time. He stood 6ft 6, his shoulders broad, and his steps were soft yet determined and he had claws and fangs like a vampire.

  "Young one," He says again, " Live or die?"

  She screams at him, waving her knife as to threaten this tall mixed creature.

  He begins to laugh and takes a seat not far from the knife," I can smell you, ya know. Not only are you in heat, but your changing."

  " Why does it matter to you! Your here to kill me!"

  "No." He responds, "I'm here to save you."

  Chapter 3

  "I have watched over you your entire life Sherry."

  "You know when I was born? Then u also know that they told my mother to kill me. She was raped in the woods by a vampire. But she just couldn’t do it so she hid me away."

  " you know we share the same birthday you and I?"

  Sherry's eyes teared up for a second only to be wiped away quickly.

  The beast once again walked towards her, “They will kill you, you know that. Your friend, Maggie, can't protect you. There’s nowhere to go. No where you will be accepted!"

  "Oh really? Just like you are? You disgusting creature!"

  "Disgusting?" He laughs," I'm what happens when a half-breed vampire is attacked by a werewolf dear one. I came to protect you, to be here before you are killed, and this is how I am treated? Go back to your tribe and die if you must."

  She walks slowly, backing away from him, knife still outstretched, and her heart beating even faster now. She's so weak from her wound, but stands strong as she walks back to her tent, but Maggie is awake.

  "Sherry?"Maggie asks," Are you ok?"

  Sherry nods and lays down.

  Maggie knows something isn't right, but doesn't quite push the issue.

  The next morning, Maggie arises and wakes sherry to go to the river for fishing. Maggie notices that Sherry's skin is pale and asks again if she’s feeling well.

  "Yes. Yes. Yes. Stop worrying. Your such a worry wart!"

  Sherry stands on the bank like she always does to fish, but this time something is different. Her eyes are much faster and so are her reflexes. She quickly grabs a fish then another then another.

  Maggie laughs, “Girl, you are on fire today! Whoop whoop!"

  Sherry realizes what has happened and plays it off," I should go fishing on my period more often!"

  They share a laugh. They return to camp and prepare the fish. The rest of the day is spent with their other sisters preparing defenses for future attacks. As the day gets longer, she feels the hunger arising in her. Eating fruit can't fill it like normal and drinking water can't quench her thirst. As day turns to night, she lays in the tent restless.

  Chapter 4

  The next day, the sun rises over the river and makes her eyes hurt. She feels weak, tired and famished! She tells Maggie they need to go hunt, but Maggie is tired and doesn't move.

  Sherry grabs her bow and goes to the nearby meadow for deer. She has walked now for an hour to the spot. She slowly pulls her arrow and awaits, hoping for a deer.

  Suddenly, a wolf appears. Nothing like she has ever seen. The wolf is staring at her, watching her back and forth. He is huge 6ft in height and bigger than a horse. He walks slowly towards her; her heart beating, she is trying to move, but the fear has her feet cemented to the ground. Right as the wolf lunges, the beast once again appears. With one hand, he slams the wolf to the ground.

  " This is mine!" Pointing at Sherry.

  The wolf looks at her and smells in the air, he smells the creatures scent on her.

  She's still shaking as the wolf growls then bows to the creature who turns to her again.

  He asks, “Live or die?"

  She shrugs her shoulders and he walks off.

  This time she will not let him out of her site. She tracks him to a small cave not far from her tent and enters.

  He laughs," Lil one, you dare hunt me?"

  "No. I want to know why u keep following me? Why did u save me? Why did u say I’m yours?"

  "Because I want to save you."

  " Save me? How?"

  " Tomorrow you will be a vampire and will turn on all you know. Let me bite you."

  " No!" She screams," It isn’t true. I'm fine!"

  He walks towards her and points at her face. She hadn't noticed, but in her
mouth were fangs.

  "They will kill you Sherry!"

  "Why? Why do you care?!"

  " Because." It was all he would say.

  His hand now rubbed her shoulder.

  Then suddenly, she was pinned, fear gripped her heart and she begin to cry.

  He licked her face like a lovesick puppy and bit into her neck. As she moaned with pain, his hand slowly let go. She felt his heartbeat against hers as his arm wrapped around her back, felt this feeling of warmth she hadn't known and her arms went around his back as his drew her closer. He removed his teeth from her neck. His lips now so close to hers, their eyes meet, and slowly their lips touched.

  Chapter 5

  It seems she has been there forever, but only eight hours have past.

  " I have to go." She tells him.

  "I know you need too, but this is now your home. Me biting you, will prevent the vampire change, but you will have their strength, my cunning, and my speed. Be careful because friends can turn on you quickly. You are now and forever my twilight. ( from then on to him that’s what she will always be)” She looks at him nods yes and walks out of the cave. His eyes follow her. His heart misses her with each step she takes, until finally, she is out of his site.

  She arrives at camp smiling.

  Maggie looks at her and shakes her head, "Mhmmm.... Found someone, huh?"

  " No." She says.

  Shaking her head sternly, " Ok." Maggie says, "Details later?"

  She says sure and walks away.

  Hours pass and the evening sets in.

  Maggie finds Sherry sitting by the lake that they often fish together.

  "Sherry..talk to me. What's wrong?" Maggie asks. "Well," Sherry replies,” A lot has happened. Remember the fight we had?"

  Maggie shakes her head yes in response.

  "Well, I was wounded."

  Maggie quickly jumps to her feet and draws her spear, "Wounded? Where?" She asks firmly.

  "My shoulder." Pointing to the shoulder that was bit.

  Maggie looks at it and then with a quick motion hugs her tightly, whispering in her ear, "Run! Run and never look back my sister!"

  Sherry explains that she found a hybrid like creature that she calls (hybrid and that is what he is known as from then on to her) that also bit her.

  Maggie, with tears falling from her eyes, tells her she can never return, "I can't protect you, my sister!" She tells her, " But I will love you always. "

  The words pierce her soul and as she slowly turns away with tears falling to the ground, she says goodbye to the world she knows. Now, she's on to a world of unknowns.

  She walks back to the cave where Mikel sits, waiting.

  " Hello young one." He says gently.

  Tears running out of her tortured soul, she runs to him, feeling his arms close around her gives her comfort.

  Rubbing her face with his thumb, he lets the tears fall from her eyes. She has lost everything, her soul in turmoil from the fear of not knowing, she cuddles up close to him, listening to the thumping of his heartbeat and drifts slowly to sleep.

  Chapter 6

  She has slept here all night. She awakens even stronger than the day before. Never has she felt so at one with someone or so completely at peace.

  He now sits up, not speaking much, but she watches as he gets dressed, as his shoulders wide and broad ripple, and a look on his face is stern yet gentle, his eyes are soft, as though he lives in some make believe world, his hands are strong and yet soft and his heartbeat, she can hear even though she is across from him.

  "Am I truly feeling love?" She thinks to herself.

  He turns slowly with a grin and says, "Yes baby and I love you too."

  Astonished she says," What? "

  He smiles again and explains that he can hear her thoughts. It's a trait he gained from his vampire gene and that she doesn't have to be afraid because he has always loved her.

  Weeks pass and she has embraced her stature as a hybrid. Standing beside him, she's proud because she and him are truly in love. They are on a hunt this day when a pain hits her so hard it crumbles her legs. She falls fast to the ground in agony.

  He runs to her side asking what’s wrong, but the pain is so intense that she can’t speak. He grabs her quickly and begins running with her. They arrive at the cave moments later and he lays her upon the bed in which they share. She groans more as the pain is intensifying and all he can do is look upon her in horror.

  "What can I do Sherry?" He asks as he's holding her hand tight.

  She can't respond. She can't speak. It's taking everything she has just to breathe and suddenly the pain stops, with an exhale from her lungs, she feels fine again.

  "What was that?" He asks.

  Shrugging her shoulders, she tells him she doesn't know.

  He lays down beside her and plays in her hair as he has always done. They fall asleep together and happy.

  Hours pass when he is awakened by a scream! She is on the floor, blood dripping from her insides. He runs to her again asking, " What's wrong?"

  She again can't speak. This pain is too severe even for this hybrid Amazon. She collapses on the floor unconscious.

  Mikel picks her up off the floor, tears in his eyes. His lover and his friend is dying and there is nothing he can do!

  Chapter 7

  She awakens from the coma with a cold towel upon her head and a familiar voice. Her eyes are groggy, but she is sure that its....

  "Maggie!" She cries with a loud voice.

  Maggie's voice is trembling as she rubs her hair again, "Lil sister," She says, " I've missed you. "

  A thousand thoughts are now running thru her head, 'How? Why? Is she really here?'

  She goes to sit up and is forced back down. Maggie tells her," Stay calm and don't move."

  "Why?" She asks.

  "Well you see, there's no easy way to tell you this..."

  " What? What is it Maggie? Tell me."

  Just as Maggie's mouth opens, Mikel walks in the cave.

  "Little one you’re ok!" He says in excitement as he walks slowly over to her and grabs her hand, “Does she know?" He asks Maggie.

  Maggie shakes her head slowly," No."

  "What is it? What's wrong with me ?"

  Maggie rubs her head again and smiles, “Baby, your pregnant."

  "Pregnant?! How can this be?!"

  Mikel smiles and says," I have an idea." Only to be punched by Maggie.

  "That hurts witch!" He screams.

  "Listen beast, I promised to be nice, but don't push it."

  Sherry's eyes are glazed over, she has drifted off in her mind to a place where its warm.

  She is running in the meadow with a beautiful little girl. They are running free. The leaves upon the ground are a pretty orange, the breeze thru the meadow is constant and cool, the lil girls hair is long and black, eyes green as emeralds and beautiful. They are running towards the river when suddenly, she is being shaken back to reality!

  "Sherry!" Maggie screams.

  " What? What?" she asks.

  " You stopped breathing! This beasts child is killing you."

  Mikel slowly raises from his seat and walks out of the cave.

  Sherry tells her to be nice to him and explains how gentle he is and how much he truly cares.

  Chapter 8

  Months have now passed and Sherry has yet to get better. She has days where she can move a little only for the pain to intensify. Maggie and Mikel constantly bicker. The pain of seeing her unable to do anything has become too great for either of them.

  Maggie is there. Every day she comes at noon and leaves at sundown. The amazons war with the vampires have intensified and Maggie is beginning to show the effects of it. Her hair is beginning to gray on the edges, she walks with a slight limp, but still stands proud. There's a sadness this day in her eyes though as she walks into the cave.

  "Mikel!" She calls and he answers in typical form.

  " What is it Amazon witch?"
br />   " I know of an antidote for her. "

  He runs to her quickly and asks, “What is it?"

  She puts her head down and tells him the only way she will make it is if she eats the heart of a dragon.

  "Dragon!" He laughs," Sooo it's the town of Gadsden I must go?"

  Sherry starts to sob, “Your no match for a dragon Mikel."

  He laughs again, " If that creature is all that keeps you from being well, it's a small task."

  Maggie explains, "If she was born a vampire or even a werewolf, the baby would be fine, but since she was turned then the baby has human genes causing the baby to fight against the turn in your womb. She is undead, the baby is alive."

  "How did u find this out?" Mikel asks.

  " I looked in our archives and this is one of the legends of the savior of our tribe. Sherry, if your child is born, it will bring peace to the realm."

  "Hahahaha! Peace to the realm?" Mikel snickers, “From what you call a creature? Our child shall live, but not because of your silly war."

  Days pass and Sherry is now 7 months, her skin is pale and every breath is labored.

  "She doesn't have long to live." Maggie explains, "Maybe 3-4 days tops. Her blood pressure has dropped to a crawl."

  "Only that long?" He screams, " It takes a day and a half to get there." He runs to get his bag.

  " Hybrid," Sherry whispers.

  He runs to her side, grabs her hand, " I'll kill that beast and bring you the heart on a platter."

  Chapter 9


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