A Light Beyond The Darkness

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A Light Beyond The Darkness Page 2

by Sherry Gist

  Running faster and faster, he moves thru the forest, thru the rivers and lakes; he runs. Going as fast as he can. His inspiration is the love of his life. He's driven harder. He runs. He will not lose her. It seems like he has run an eternity when he suddenly stops. He can smell the brimstone in the air. The land has turned desolate and all around is dust. No trees, no green grass, just dirt. Surely he has arrived. He slowly yet surely walks forward where he sees a place up ahead.

  ' Is that the sound of a beating drum? No! Wait! It's the wings of a giant dragon.' He is a hybrid. He is unafraid of anything, but this sound has raised the hairs on his body. A all to human fear grips his heart as he continues to march forward.

  Back in the cave, Sherry has once again slipped into a coma. The baby is moving, kicking, struggling with this transformation within her womb.

  Maggie tries to comfort her, but there is no comfort for the dying. A cold rag for her head to chill her fever and a hand to hold is all she can offer her.

  ' Hurry Mikel.' Maggie whispers as she watches her friend lays motionless.

  Hybrid moved forward, afraid and shaking yet driven by the chance of saving his unborn child and his beloved. When he hears the sound of screaming. It sounded kind of like a howl, but was different. He walks slower towards this sound to find a nest and inside of it....baby dragons! He grabs one quickly and the dragon starts screaming for its mother! He muzzles it and runs faster and faster like the wind; hoping to get outside of this nesting place before the mother returns.

  He has made it outside of the city and is closer to home; maybe 10 miles and his beloved will be safe again. While running, his mind daydreams of her, seeing her whole again, when the sun turns instantly dark, but wait! Suddenly, the sky falls before him. It isn't the sky. It's an angry dragon. The mother of the nest he had just robbed.

  The dragon mother's teeth are showing and claws drawn, she growls and screams at him. This beast sends a shiver down hybrids spine as he prepares for the fight of his life.

  The dragon stands 10ft tall which is more than the size of a giant Burch tree. She is blacker than coal and her eyes red with the flame of revenge.

  Hybrid prepares again, feeling the power within him from the heritage of the wolf and the strength of a vampire. He lunges forward only to be swatted out of the sky. He hits a tree, hard. Three of his ribs are broken instantly. The dragon runs wildly for him, but he dodges and escapes. He hits the dragon with all of his might, but it's unshaken and strikes him again. He is bleeding now from his side and his right ankle has been crushed. The dragon sensing the kill, runs towards him. He again stands knowing that he must kill this dragon. The dragon again lunges towards hybrid who ducks under it only to meet the flames of the dragon’s mouth.

  Hybrid is now burning; his skin charred on his right side. The dragon snarls with delight as she prepares to eat him. The dragon walks to the kneeling hybrid mouth outstretched to devour him when hybrid lunges forward; his hands inside the dragon’s mouth, one at top and the other at the bottom. The dragon tries to break free, but can't. Flames fill its mouth so it can burn him, but it's too late and with a last push, the dragon’s jaws are broken. Burned and bleeding, but still alive, he rips out the heart, picks up his bag and limps towards home.

  The last mile seems like an eternity. His ribs are broken, body severely burned and ankle broken, but he pushes forward for the chance that his love will live. Five more steps. Now four. Now 3...2....1 and he's at the cave. His legs give way and he screams out in agony.

  Maggie comes and sees him lying there and a tear begins to roll down her cheek, ' He's made it back, but too late.

  "Sherry's gone." She tells him.

  With all his might, he crawls to the bed of his beloved and opens her mouth; he places the yet beating dragons heart inside and for the first time says a prayer.

  Seconds turn to minutes and minutes seem to turn to hours and suddenly Sherry's chest moves.

  "She’s in labor." He tells Maggie," Our heart stops while wolves go into labor."

  Maggie runs to her just in time, and a beautiful little girl emerges from her.

  Maggie holds the child in a blanket and Sherry's eyes comes open. She sits up and sees Mikel badly injured. She cries out with a sob and tries with all her might to get to him.

  He's laying now in front of their home at the opening of the cave. She is now ok, but at what price did he have to pay. She gets her baby from Maggie and shows her to her love. He nods and a smile creeps across his badly burned face.

  He tells her not to worry, but the tears that fall from his eyes says different. He may have saved her, but at the cost of his own life. The sun begins to set so she cuddles to her love, holding their child. They lay there together not knowing if this will be the last sunset they watch together. He holds her tight to him and she cuddles deep into his skin. The breath on her neck makes her doze off and on fighting to stay awake. She shakes and moves her head. His hand slowly rubs her hair until she finally falls asleep

  Morning comes with the warmth of the sun on her face and the screaming of something from the bag he brought. She opens it to find a red dragon. She lays the baby down to check on it when it flies over to her daughter, terrified Sherry runs towards it then stops in her tracks as the dragon cuddles up to her and goes to sleep. Sherry looks at her hybrid who lies there dying not knowing what to do, she begins to cry. He lifts his head to tell her he loves her and has always loved her, but his breathing is getting more and more shallow.

  Chapter 10

  Maggie returns to the cave in concern, but covered in blood.

  "What happened Maggie?" Sherry asks.

  " Not now." Maggie responds, " I'm here for him!" Maggie opens a bag and inside is the one thing that can cure the hybrid, the black heart of a vampire. She hands it to Sherry and then collapses to the floor. Sherry runs to her friend holding her in her arms.

  "Why? Why would u risk your life for him?"

  Maggie gasps and whispers, " Not for him. For you."

  With her last act on earth, she tells her sister she loves her and then the light leaves her eyes. Sherry tearfully sobs and walks towards her beloved and puts the heart in his mouth. His jaws start to chew it up and then painfully he swallows.

  Sherry sits there looking at her fallen sister. She cannot handle this loss, the pain she is feeling when Mikel slowly arises.

  He sees Maggie lying on the ground and he lets out a gasp, " She died for me? No!" He cries, "You stupid Amazon witch! Not for me! Not for me!" He feels his loves arms wrap around him, squeezing too tight. He tells her how bad it hurts so she loosens the grip. She tells him that they have a daughter.

  He laughs and asks, " Then where is she?"

  " Playing with her dragon." Sherry replies.

  They walk to the room and see this beautiful little girl playing with this red dragon and he smiles.

  " Maggie." He says.

  "I know." Says Sherry," She saved us all."

  "No." Mikel says, " Maggie, our daughter's name is Maggie."

  Tears fall from Sherry's eyes and she nods in agreement.

  As the sun sets; the true story begins! The End

  All on Her Own

  (book 2)

  Chapter 1

  Days have passed since the burial of the proud Amazon, Maggie. She was buried in the Amazon way, dressed in a beautiful arraignment with her sword in her hands.

  "Hybrid!" Sherry calls, " Come look."

  Mikel walks towards her, his wounds are healing, but he is still sore. As he walks into the room, he starts to smile. Maggie is playing with her dragon. The child or savior is growing at an accelerated rate. In normal times, she is only 2 months, but now she is the size and has the brain function of a 3 year old.

  "Dragon." She says as the dragon flies high over her then around and lands beside her. She rubs his back and he lets out a cute growl. He is getting bigger, but the control over the dragon is what is a little scary; with the wave of her hand, he follows and he s
tands guard over her.

  'Is this the power of the savior or the chosen one?' Sherry thinks to herself.

  Hybrid is now sitting down on the bed in which he and twilight share," Come here young one." He calls to her and happily she comes.

  ' How did we get to be so lucky?' He thinks to himself. They sit upon the bed and reminisce on the past they share and dream of the future that lies ahead.

  The sun rises over the cave and a wonderful breeze of autumn has set in, the rain beats upon the entrance of the cave, and the day is still.

  Watching the rain from inside his arms, brings her peace if only, but a short while.

  Maggie runs into the room with excitement," Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom!!!"

  "Yes Maggie. What is it?" Sherry asks.

  " Look, Mom! Look!"

  As Sherry looks, the dragon starts glowing. There is a bright orange light radiating around him and he is growling.

  Sherry and Mikel quickly pick Maggie up and step away from the dragon slowly. The dragon is now in a ball and a bright light flashes throughout the cave. As the light fades, the dragon has grown! He is now the size of a large dog. His scales once red are now golden and with a small growl, he flies to his mistress, Maggie.

  " Happy dragon!" Maggie says, which she has called him since she could talk.

  The dragon, hearing her voice, smiles and rubs up against her.

  Hybrid looks out of the cave after hearing a sound and he screams for Sherry.

  Sherry walks out of the cave to see her entire tribe standing with spears drawn.

  The Queen of the Amazons steps forward, she is tall and strong, her eyes are fierce and her words are powerful. There is a scar upon her shoulder that was left from a mighty battle, but beauty is in her face.

  "Why are you here Danielle?" Sherry asks.

  " Is it true?" The Amazon Queen asks her with her spear drawn.

  " Is what true?" Sherry asks as she pretends that she doesn’t quite know what the Queen is talking about.

  Danielle, now voiced raised, " How dare you lie to your Queen!"

  Hybrid now steps before his beloved, fangs drawn out in defense and sensing the battle that is about to happen, Maggie emerges from the cave at first as the little beautiful girl they know, but then transforms into her true form. She grows into a golden, glowing hybrid. Her hair glows with power and her dragon flies to her side. Astonished the Amazons hold their spears in both hands and get on their knees to bow before the chosen one.

  Chapter 2

  "The legend was true." Danielle says, " Dear sister, you have brought us the savior of the realms!"

  Suddenly, from nowhere, Maggie appears! Pale white with red eyes wearing the dress in which she was buried in.

  "Oh no!" Sherry cries.

  Maggie's eyes are blank and lifeless, her fangs drawn out, she has become one of the undead. She with a quick swoop, now has the Amazon Queen around the neck.

  Danielle stabs her in the stomach and the others follow suit, with a scream, Maggie falls to the ground.

  The savior now walks towards them with her hand outstretched. The Amazons stop there assault and all of them stand aside as Maggie walks towards the godmother she has never known.

  Maggie kneels down before this vampire and touches its face. Maggie's hand and body begins to glow. Now the vampires eyes that were once red turns back to their normal color and her lifeless skin now gains color. All now gasp in amazement as Maggie sits up completely healed. Maggie, the Amazon, with tears forming in her eyes, reaches out to the unlikely savior as Sherry and Mikel run to her, they all embrace.

  "This is beautiful." Danielle says, "But it proves what we all knew. She's the one. The one that is to save the realms."

  " How did u find out about her?" asks Hybrid.

  Pointing at the sky, they now see a sign floating high in the sky, which is red as blood.

  Gasping, Hybrid shakes his head in disbelief, "They will all come for her now." He says sadly.

  " Yes." Danielle says.

  "Who?" Sherry asks?

  "The wolves, the vampires, everyone. Whosoever has her in their corner, will rule the world.

  The Amazons invite the family of hybrids to stay with them so they can protect them, which is quickly rejected by Hybrid.

  " You have shown nothing, but distain for me and my kind. You will not treat our child like that!"

  Danielle walks slowly towards him and begins to plead. She tells him the legend.

  " It has been on our shrines since before I can remember. The story of one who will bring peace to the realm. It is said that they will posses powers of the bat and the wolf, walk on the clouds and even restore life."

  "This is the legend?" Mikel says.

  Danielle continues, "With the sign of their birth, the sky will turn red as blood, but there's a catch."She says with a pause, "He who kills the chosen one will gain unlimited power."

  'I will teach her how to harness these powers.' Mikel says to himself.

  As he motions, Maggie comes into the cave with him.

  Sherry watches the Amazons turn away.

  Chapter 3

  A long ways away, in a dark and muggy crypt, the lid of a coffin opens. Inside lives a creature of pure madness; driven only to feed and manipulate others. His name is Count Damien. He has lived for a millennium and as he goes to the entrance, he notices the blood sign in the sky.

  'It has arrived.' He says to himself, 'I have waited on this to happen for 1000 years. I will have the power of a God!' His sinister laugh fills the crypt as hundreds of his army arises.

  Meanwhile, in the forest, the alpha female werewolf has also saw the sign. She howls for her pack, the others run to her aid. She is white as the driven snow with blue eyes, powerful and quick. In human form, her hair is red and flowing and her eyes are bright blue. Her name is Renee and her pack bows before her awesome power. As she informs the pack that they must seek out this chosen one, one tells her there was a weird scent coming near the tribe of the Amazons.

  "Let's go see what it was. " Renee tells them and in a moment, they are all running like the wind.

  They arrive shortly near the camp and Hybrid has picked up their scent.

  He walks from the cave and intercepts them with a growl, " Renee!"

  The other wolves back off and Renee comes walking toward him.

  " How dare you enter my part of the woods? I told u to tread softly. Must I teach u what I taught your husband?"

  Saying those words make the wolves growl.

  Renee's teeth show as she says, "We are looking for the one."

  Hybrid asks what she means knowing full well.

  He listens to her then he stops her mid sentence, "Leave."

  She nods then turns towards him and asks a spine chilling question, "Be my king?"

  He shakes his head no as he tells her, "I have chosen another mate."

  Renee smiles as she turns away. She has figured something out.

  While running with the pack back to their lair, she informs them that Hybrid has an offspring and that he is holding the ONE!

  Chapter 4

  Weeks have passed, and Maggie the Amazon has told everyone to call her Mags which is her nickname. Hybrid and Mags have taken up training Maggie to defend herself. Sherry observes and comforts her daughter.

  "Ok. That's enough for today. " Sherry says.

  "Sherry!" Hybrid growls, "She must know how to defend herself!"

  Sherry growls back," Hybrid! She's just a girl!"

  Mags walks over between them and Maggie runs to her mother’s arms.

  Sherry and Maggie walk to the meadow holding hands as always. Her growth is incredible. She's about 17 now. The only thing more incredible than her growth is her dragon.

  Happy dragon flies high overhead watching carefully over her.

  "Maggie." Sherry says, " You know your father means the best for you."

  "But mother!" Maggie replies, "This is so much on me. I'm the savior of the realms. I'm an
Amazon. I'm a wolf. I'm part vampire. When can I just be me?!" Tears flow from her eyes.

  Remember this child has only been in the world for 4 years. Many experiences, she has yet to deal with and the weight has become so heavy.

  Her mother holds her tightly in her arms and wipes her tears away, "You must follow this," Pointing to her heart, “And all will fall in line."

  After their mother and daughter time, they head back to the cave. While walking, Happy Dragon lets out a loud growl and flies towards them.

  It's too late, they are surrounded by Renee and the pack. Happy Dragon tackles one wolf as Renee walks toward her.

  "Bring her to me! Alive! The other," She pauses, "Kill her.

  The battle begins. Sherry unleashes her inner hybrid and begins fighting for her daughter. There is just too many. Maggie is afraid as two wolves slowly creep towards her and out of nowhere her dragons fire showers over the wolves. Turning them back. She lets out a sigh of relief when Renee appears right in front of her.

  Renee slowly moves in very slow. She runs and jumps in the air, teeth drawn, when Sherry pushes her out the way.

  Renee bites into Sherry, drawing blood. She shakes Sherry again and again.

  Seeing her mother bleeding and at deaths door, Maggie takes on her golden hybrid form. She grabs Renee with one hand and slams her into the ground with her other hand raised, the wolves cower in fear. She picks up her bleeding mother and places her on her dragon and flies back towards the cave. The wolves howl in anger as they watch her fly away.

  "Dad!" She screams!

  Hybrid and Mags run out of the cave, they see Sherry bleeding and barely breathing.

  She places her hands over her mother and begins to glow.

  Mags and Hybrid smile because this is how she fixed Mags, but something isn't right. Blood is still pouring from Sherry. She is moaning in agony. Her shoulder is broken, her bones are exposed!


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