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A Light Beyond The Darkness

Page 4

by Sherry Gist

Happy Dragon arrives and startles Absalon.

  " Don't make a fast move." She tells him.

  Happy Dragon growls and is defensive.

  " Down! Down boy!" She tells him.

  Flames begin to smolder around his mouth and another growl then he lunges forward.

  Maggie grabs him, " I'm gonna take him home. "

  ' Yes.' Nods Absalon.

  "What has gotten into you?" She asks.

  He's still growling as they walk home.

  Chapter 3

  Her dragon pulls and growls, he's completely unsettled.

  ' What has him acting this way?' She thinks to herself.

  When they reach the front of the cave, Adam comes out, "Hey boy." He says.

  Happy Dragon jerks away from her and runs to him. He rubs his head on Adams chest. Adam hugs him. He is completely calm now.

  Angrily Maggie yells, "Get your hands off him!"

  " What?" Adam asks, " What's wrong with you?"

  The dragon looks in her direction again, hisses and then takes flight.

  A cold shiver hits her heart as a tear rolls down her cheek.

  Adam asks again, " What's wrong? " as she runs to her room.

  'This is her dragon. What did she do so wrong? That's her best friend! It's Adam. He's trying to take her dragon from her!' She says to herself. Anger fills her as she begins to glow golden and instantly she

  transforms. As the anger builds, the cave begins to shake.

  Hybrid sensing something is wrong, makes it to her room before....


  An energy blast fills the cave, knocking Hybrid back.

  She flies to the front of the cave, eyes glowing and yells to her

  brother, "Stay away from my dragon!"

  Adam now feels threatened. His transformation is instant. He's glowing, his eyes are red, his hands stand in defense at his sides. The sky

  turns dark and the earth under them begins to crumble.

  Hybrid stands in between them with a hand out, "Stop it, you two now!"

  With a swipe of her hand, her powers push him aside. Her hand outstretched toward her brother, his outstretched toward her; Sherry and Mags arrive.

  Seeing them preparing to fight, Sherry runs to her daughter and places her arms around her. The feel of her mothers touch calms her and tears begin to roll down her face.

  "What's wrong, my child?" Sherry asks.

  " He took my dragon." She replies as she changed back and embraces her mother.

  Hybrid holds Adam and to his surprise Adam changes back and snickers.

  Sherry holds a hand up towards her son, “Baby," She says to Adam, “Calm down."

  He shakes his head and flies off.

  " How did he take your dragon?" Hybrid asks.

  " He just did!" She yells.

  "Young lady don't you dare yell at me." Hybrid growls as he transforms, his muscles ripple and fangs begin to grow out.

  'Oh no!' Sherry pushes her daughter in the cave and turns towards her beloved as he walks slowly towards the opening. His anger is boiling. Twilight runs to him and places her arms around him and kisses him.He growls again and snarls, but feeling the affection from her starts to calm him. Her hands on his face sooth the beast and he changes back.

  "Sorry baby. Sorry." He apologizes.

  "Hybrid, she's growing up and she doesn't mean it."

  "I know." He responds, " But she will not talk to me that way." He pulls away and instantly he's gone.

  His speed is frightening. She hasn't saw him run like that in quite sometime.

  What does she do? Go after him or calm her daughter? She chooses her daughter and goes to comfort her.

  She finds Maggie on the floor crying, "Dad...Dad was gonna kill me!" She sobs.

  "Baby, no he wasn't. You must remember that your father is a hybrid as well. You may be the keeper of realms, but don't forget he's your father."

  Holding her to her bosom and rubbing her hair, Maggie tells of what truly happened.

  Her mother is unhappy, but listens.

  Mags is angry, "This boy! This boy is trouble." Mags says.

  "No he's not!"

  Sherry motions to Mags to leave, which she does. She holds her daughter, who explains to her mother she thinks that she's in love.

  Chapter 4

  Running fast thru the woods, Hybrid is happy. The more he feels the wind against his face, the more he smiles. It's been years since he ran

  like this. He missed it. He transforms as he runs faster and faster. He smells his sons scent and runs in his direction until he reaches him.

  His son is sitting on the tip of the mountain and Happy Dragon beside him. He is still glowing. He's still transformed. Hybrid calls to him and he turns

  towards him. Hybrid is shocked. Adams body is the form of a wolf hybrid type creature, his face wolf, his body man, and he is covered in white fur.

  His muscles rippled and his eyes are as red as hot coals. Hybrid reaches towards his son.

  His son calls to him, sobbing, "Dad, I can't... I can't calm down."

  Hybrid runs to his aid, hand on his shoulder, he tells his son how to calm the beast. His son closes his eyes and thinks of the water as he hears

  the sound of the waterfall in his mind, his body slowly shrinks to its size. He embraces his father. As they embrace, tears roll down Hybrids

  chest. His son is so powerful yet so gentle. His transformation is white as the snow and he is so so proud of him.

  Happy Dragon curls up to Adam and Hybrid.

  Hybrid pets him, "We need to go home." Hybrid tells him.

  Adam shrugs and says, "Do I have to?"

  " Yes, you have too." He pauses a moment, "Tell ya what, ya want to see just how powerful your old man is?"

  "Sure Dad, but I wouldn't want to hurt you." Adam chuckles.

  "Hurt me? Hahah!" Hybrid laughs, " Let's just see who's faster. First one to the cave is the winner."

  "Fine Dad." He says happily. He holds his arms out and transforms again to the snow white wolf form and then begins to levitate.

  Hybrid's transformation is instant, his muscles rippling and body smooth, " Are you ready?"

  Happy Dragon growls and flies off.

  "Cheater!" Adam laughs.

  "Ready, set, go!" Hybrid says and instantly they're off.

  Adam flies fast thru the air and Hybrid on the land. Their speed is incredible. Adam has the lead, but Hybrid is closing fast.

  Suddenly, flames engulf him. A loud growl is heard as he falls to the ground.

  He stands back up, smoldering. A giant dragon is smirking.

  "What... what are you?" Hybrid says in the direction of the dragon.

  To his surprise, he is answered, "I am the king of this realm. I am Apocalypse!"

  Growling in the dragon’s direction, Hybrid stands his ground, "I don't know you. You stay in whatever part you wish. We are at peace here!"Laughing, "You mixed breed! The only peace I want is death. I am the bringer of death and I will not be satisfied until you all are ashes beneath my feet." He huffs to blow fire again. And from nowhere, Adam punches him. The dragon is pushed back and shakes his head. They start fighting, and Hybrid runs to his sons aid. The ground shakes and rumbles. It's good vs evil, Adam loses ground as the dragon bites into him hard. He screams in pain.Hybrid jumps on the dragons back, clawing until he lets his son loose then with a scratch across the dragons eye, the dragon is wounded. Hybrid bites into him, the dragon shakes him off and flies high into the sky in retreat. Hybrid sees his son kneeling on the ground, blood pouring

  from his wound and runs to him. Adam rises, shakes and heals himself.

  "That beast.....that beast MUST be killed or all will be lost."

  They arrive back at the cave where Happy Dragon is sitting at the entrance. Seeing them, he growls in joy and jumps around like a dog.

  "He won." Adam laughs, "He's happy." They both laugh as they rub him and tell him good boy. Hybrid is caught up to speed by Twilight, who

  tells him to calm down. He tells his daughter what happened to him and her brother. Maggie is upset.

  " How? How powerful is he?" she asks.

  " More powerful than anything I have ever seen." He tells her.

  "I scratched his eye, that is the only thing that saved us."

  Fearfully, Maggie shutters.

  "We have to find out who this is."

  Sherry leaves and goes to the Amazon's to see if they know anything. The Amazon's know nothing about this creature. Danielle tells her she may know someone who does. They walk to the hut where Renee is.

  "Renee," Sherry asks, "Do you know anything about this creature?"

  " No I don't. All I know is his power is unmatched. He's the bringer of death. Centuries old."

  Hearing that gives Sherry an idea, "If he's centuries old, we must find someone who is that old too." She pauses a few moments, "Damien."

  Sherry says, "We have to find him."

  Mags shakes her head, " Yes, I'm on it."

  Sherry embraces her sister, "Be safe my sister."

  Mags takes off to the place where the former vampires live.

  Meanwhile, Sherry sits and talks with Danielle as the day closes. She returns home to find her love and children asleep. She reminisces over her life. She dozes off and finally sleeps.

  The next morning, she is awakened by the sound of a battle. She rushes out of the cave to see her kids transformed and fighting. Hybrid is watching as they battle.

  "Stop!" She screams. They both stop and turn . "Yes Mom." They both say.

  "What are u doing?"

  " Training Mom. Duh!"

  " Oh." She says, "Oh really?" She asks.

  Next thing you know, she has transformed and lands a swift kick to the stomach of Maggie. She goes flying. A grab of his hair and a knee to the face and Adam falls.

  They look in disbelief as their mother is even more powerful than them.

  A laugh from Hybrid and a smile has him saying, "Guess they didn't know you were one of the most powerful Amazons ever to live."

  They stand ready for another attack as Hybrid and his Twilight teach them the art of war.

  Days pass more slowly as the training continues. Maggie has left everyday to see Absalon. Her parents are reluctant, but allow it.

  The closer Maggie gets to him, the farther her dragon draws away. He no longer comes to her when she calls. Her heart breaks every time she calls to him and he doesn't come.

  Mags finally arrives, walking in a daze and fear all over her face. She is scratched and bruised.

  "What happened?" Sherry asks.

  " I found them."

  " What? What is it?" Sherry asks again.

  Mags says tearfully, "They haven't changed. I asked Damien, who told me of the history of the dragon, before I was captured. I watched

  them kill and eat people. They killed children, Sherry. Children!" She said tearfully.

  "They are still vampires?" Sherry asks.

  " No, Sherry. Just evil men. I watched Damien burn a village to the ground and kill all the children and take the women for prisoners."

  " Prisoners? Why?" She asks.

  " To rape them." Mags explains.

  "Omg!" Looking into her eyes, Sherry feels her pain, "Did... did he rape you?"

  " Yes." Tearfully Mags nods.

  Emotions fill Sherry as she holds her tightly, " Why is he raping women?"

  "To make heirs."

  "Heirs to what?"

  "He wants the world Sherry. He wants the world."

  Unknown to them, Maggie heard everything. Anger fills her, "He must die."

  Chapter 5

  Mags is cared for by her Amazon sisters and Sherry stays by her side. Maggie tells Adam what has happened and they devise a plan to kill Damien. Adam leaves to go find him with vengeance running in his veins for his godmother. Maggie goes to the place where she meets Absalon, but he isn't there. She waits all day, but doesn't see him.

  'Strange.' She thinks to herself as she leaves a note for him and goes back.

  Adam flies until he catches a scent of blood. He follows it to the dark town where the former vampires now reside. As he lands, he is met

  by a strange chant. The people bow before Damien and he comes to meet Adam with his head bowed.

  " We have waited on you."

  "Waited for what?"

  " You. You are the true keeper of realms." Damien says handing him a crown.

  "No. No that's my sister."

  "Why? Do you believe that? Weren't you born of two hybrids? Didn't the sun fill red with blood? How do we know she is the one?"

  Alexander shakes his head in disbelief. Then remembers why he came. He transforms and all kneel

  before him as he walks towards Damien.

  Damien smiles thinking that he has

  won him over, but instantly Adam has him by the throat then with a squeeze, and Damien’s head goes flying, blood running down Adams arm as he begins

  to laugh. He's never killed anyone before and he likes it. He licks the blood from his arm and turns towards the people. They stare in horror at seeing Damien lifeless body near his feet. They began to run. They are hunted down, one by one and massacred. This feeling inside him growing with every kill. The excitement with every snap of the neck, every bite is growing until at last they are all dead. His fur covered in blood and his body shaking with excitement, he releases the prisoners, but little

  does he know eyes are watching him.

  He takes flight again. Flying back to tell the news of his triumph. So full of happiness and excitement.

  Meanwhile, back at the Amazons camp, Mags laying in bed, tells Sherry what she has heard. What she found out about this creature.

  "It is almost immortal."

  "Almost." Sherry says.

  " Yes. There is a story from old. There are two blades that can kill the beast. One, a sword of

  light, the other, a sword of death. These two ancient blades were in legend forged by Merlin just like the sword Excalibur."

  "So now we know what we must do." Maggie says, " We must find the swords and slay the beast."

  The next day, Absalon returns to the village and finds the note that was left by Maggie. He starts to walk and finally after an hour or so arrives to the front of the cave.

  "Hello!" He yells again, "Hello! Anyone there?"

  Hearing this strange voice, Hybrid runs to the front of the cave. He towers over the young man.

  Growling, he asks, "What do you want?"

  Absalon can't speak. He is shaking. He is so afraid that his knees buckle and he cowers in fear.

  "Help me!" He screams.

  Hearing his voice, Maggie runs outside. Seeing her love on the ground screaming, she stands in between her father and Absalon.

  " Dad, he's here for me."

  "What do you mean? Here for you? You are 17 and far to important than to get caught up with some boy."

  " He's my boyfriend, Dad and I love him."

  Yells Maggie.

  "Love, child? You don't know what love is yet."

  The air around her begins to move quickly as her anger grows. She looks down at her loves face and calms down because he doesn't know

  this side of her.

  Her mother comes to the cave entrance, "Mikel, leave those kids alone."

  "What?" He yells.

  " Come here baby. I need to talk to you about something." He reluctantly goes into the cave.

  Maggie is left alone with her boyfriend. She helps him up and dusts himself off. She hugs him and apologizes for her father.

  "He's ok Maggie. He just wants to protect you."

  "Protect me?"She laughs, " I can protect


  He kisses her for the first time and she begins to levitate.

  "Sooo.... I get to see my superhero girlfriend again, huh?"

  She turns bright red and they are on the ground. When suddenly he is tackled by Happy Dragon. The dragon has him pinned down with on
e foot, teeth showing, his mouth open, he prepares to blow flames.

  Adam says, "Down boy! Down!"

  Happy Dragon runs to him, still hissing in Absalons direction.

  Hybrid smells the air, the scent of blood is fresh. He runs to the front of the cave.

  Looking at his son in disbelief, he asks, "What have you done? I smell death on you."

  He smiles sinisterly and says, " Only what had to be done."Then walks into the cave.

  Hybrid follows him in.

  Meanwhile, she explains to Absalon, "We aren't like everyone else. We are..." but before the words can come out, her mom comes out.

  "Aww! He's so handsome. Look at those muscles. Wow you're a strong one, huh? Who's your people? Where are you from? How old are you?"

  " Mom!" Maggie says.

  "Too much?" Sherry says.

  " Yes!"

  "Well, it was nice meeting you." She

  shakes his hand then goes inside.

  Another kiss between them and he leaves

  to go back to his hut.

  Chapter 6

  The house has finally calmed down and they began to talk about what Mags has discovered. They agree that they must find were these swords

  are. The swords of darkness and light are supposed to be in the cave of ancients and only the handprint of the chosen can open it. If not, they will be killed. This scares Maggie, but makes Adam smile.

  "Lets do it! Lets go. Do you know how

  special we are? We are the most powerful on this planet."

  "Except for Apocalypse." She says frightfully.

  The cave is a day’s journey away and there is no time to waste. They are soon about to find out.

  An Asian from the eastern region has arrived asking for help. Thousands have been slaughtered and their land is in ashes. Apocalypse has crippled

  them and they are there asking for the savior.

  "We need help. Please help us! Please we will pay. We will do anything for you, If you would just help us."

  Sherry and the Amazons try to comfort him. Danielle offers him a place to stay. The two hybrids are preparing for a great journey and are excited and a little afraid.

  Adam grabs her hand and says, " Let's go to the cave." They both levitate and in a flash, they are out of site.


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