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Inked Heart: A Moosehead, Minnesota Spin-off (Queen of Hears Ink Book 1)

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by ChaShiree M

  “You like that, Kitty? You like how I am claiming you?”

  “Oh God. El. Please. More.” I beg him, but I am not sure I know what I am getting myself into.

  His huge hands grip my hips and my ass at the same time. I know the bruises will be well worth it.

  He grunts my name as he fills me, which sets me off again.

  “You like me filling you with my seed? Giving you all of me? This little pussy is milking my cock.”

  “Oh. My. God. El. You are too fucking much.” I say kissing him again.

  He pulls out of me and I hate that. Like more than I thought I would. Is it crazy that I miss him already? Probably, so I shove that thought to the back of my mind. I can’t have this, whatever this is, in my life. He moves his weight off me and gets up and heads to the bathroom. I hear water running and then a few minutes later he returns to the bed with a washcloth and cleans me, before returning to lay beside me in the bed.

  Surprisingly, when he takes me several more times in the night, I don’t feel any discomfort. That is not to say, by the time we are finished I am quite sore.

  At dawn, I reach over and kiss his lips lightly and then trace the tattoos he has covering his arms and shoulders. The graveyard scene he has over his arms is epic. The dead trees high above the tombstones are creepy and realistic. It is a huge piece that must’ve taken at least thirty hours to do and done in all black ink.

  The crisp, tight, thin lines are a surefire sign that the artist knew what they were doing. He is the perfect canvas. My fingers itch to mark him. But that kind of thinking won’t help anyone, so I commit his tattoos to memory. I know they snake around to his back, but since he’s on it, I’ll never get a chance to see them. Even his thighs are inked. They are just done in what appears to be tree roots, from the trees up on his biceps. Like I said, epic.

  Sneaking from his bed and grabbing my clothes to dress quickly, I turn back for a look at him in the early light. With a final look, I turn and leave his house.

  2 months later


  For October it’s hot as hell out here. It could simply be I have been pushing myself abnormally hard lately. Sleep has not been my friend or eating food for that matter. The problem is every time I try and lay my head down to get some sleep, I smell her. When I close my eyes, I see her. I see her as she is over me ridding me to the wee hours of the morning. Her short red hair is falling over her face as she brings us both to the brink and back over and over.

  Undressing her in my house is surreal. Not only have I found my Angel, but she is in my arms and in what will be our house. As I take in her beautiful body, I note the various tattoos she is sporting. On her right arm, she has an intricate floral work being held up by hands as in assistance.

  I cannot help but think about how fitting this is for us, because I would like nothing more than to be the person she leans on in her time of need. She also has inked into the tapestry on her arm, music notes and some tribal art. Her other arm is some of the same. I must admit, it is sexy as fuck. I always felt my Angel would have some color and depth to her canvas to be my equal.

  After looking and worshipping her artistic view when I finally get her on the bed, I take a second to breathe her in. I want her scent and the unique fragrance that is all her ingrained in my senses. Trying to gather control over myself and my faculties, I kiss, suck, and lick all over her body. I want her to remember this moment. The moment we found each other and bonded our hearts.

  Imagine my surprise when I finally get my cock into her snug little cave and find t I am the first and last man to ever be there? I must take a second to silently thank whatever fate brought us together and who gave me the Angel that saved her gift for me. When she begs me to move, any restraint I have is gone. Feeling her wet, tight inviting pussy try and suck me into her further than I planned on going is liable to make me lose my shit like a 14-year-old rookie. But damn does she feel like heaven.


  I must stop doing this shit. Not only am I tired as fuck and angry as hell, but now I am hard as a fucking rock. My dick could serve as a hammer right now because it’s so fucking jacked up. And it is all because of a little pixie, who came and went at the speed of light. I assumed when I woke the next morning, I would rollover and shift her under me for some sleepy time sex. Then I would make her breakfast and discuss where she wanted to go for dinner that night. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect for her to ‘cum and run’. I thought that was a male M.O.

  For two goddamn months I have searched high and low, everywhere I could image she might be. I even swallowed my pride and asked the Crawford brothers and not a one of them will tell me anything. Ava knows where she is because they are friends, but she won’t say a word to me about her. Whenever I ask her, she shakes her head, pats me on the back and gives me a sad look. I want to yell at her to fuck off with her pity and make her tell me where the hell to find my woman. I know if I do that it would only cause drama between Ham and me.

  Luckily for me, I decide to do what I always do when I have a problem I cannot solve…. get a tattoo. Ham and Sterling get theirs from a place in the next town over called Queen of Hearts Ink. Corny name if you ask me, but their tattoos are done nicely, and they say it is clean and sterile. Those are my only real requirements for a tattoo shop.

  This time I am simply getting five numbers right above my heart. 8-15-18. The day I found her and the day I lost her. Masochistic right? Maybe. The truth is even if I never see her again, there will never be anyone else for me. I will not put myself or another woman in a position to never be enough for me.

  After laying the last brick piece on the porch for this house, I call it a day. I need to call in to make sure my secretary doesn’t need anything else for the day and I am off to let the pain dull the rest of my senses.

  “Good Afternoon, Monte-q Construction. How may I help you?”

  “Hey Lainie. It’s me. I am finished for the day. The guys can handle the rest. Just wanted to make sure there is nothing you need from me before I head to my appointment.”

  “No boss. It’s been quiet here. The invoices can wait until tomorrow. Oh, you did get a call from Ava. She said to call her or stop by when you get a chance. It is in regard to the babies.”

  Seriously. Shit. I knew this Godfather shit was going to suck.

  “Ok. Thanks. I have my cell if you need me.”

  Now I need to figure out how to get out of going to Ham’s house. I am too pissed about the lack of help from them and I cannot promise I am going to be able to contain myself.

  The only saving grace is that nothing can take away the memories.

  Pulling into a parking spot outside of the shop, I am speechless at what I see. The outside is almost swanky looking, and it is built like a replica of something you would see from Alice and Wonderland. It is a surprise to say the least, especially located in a town called Bleak, Minnesota.

  As I open the door ready to clear my mind of the elusive fairy haunting it, the very voice I have been trying to find and now forget calls out, “Welcome to Queens Ink. We will be right with you.”

  You have got to be shitting me.

  My Angel.

  “Welcome to Queens Ink. We will be right with you.” I say as I hear the little tinkling bells on the door. I feel a change in the air as my patron sucks in an audible breath. My back is turned, but I twist my head around to see who walked in. My eyes lock on his. El. My one and only lover and the man who is my freaking baby daddy. I just haven’t had the lady balls to tell him.

  I got his number a week ago from Ham and he swore he wouldn’t tell anyone when he came in to get some new ink. He knew something was up when I had to stop to ralph in my trash can, but instead of judging me, he laughs and soon has me laughing along with him. My life is a walking cliché. No man wants all this drama from a one-night stand.

  “It all makes sense now.” He says as I wash up and pull a new needle kit out.

  Gloving up, I reply, “What d

  “Your man, losing his shit about you.”

  “What man?”

  A throat clearing brings me back to the present.

  So far so good. Ava hasn’t been by to grill me and I know she would if she knew about my little kidney bean. Before I can give myself time to think about it, I turn to face him. Thank God I have Miles giant Viking’s hoodie on. I am not showing yet, but there is a definite pooch that wasn’t there before.

  “Kitty?” His sexy ass voice sounds mesmerized or should I say astonished instead.

  “El. Long time no see.” I try to laugh, but I can’t. There is no way I can think when he is near me. Immediately there is a small flash of something in his eyes and then in a flash, he is behind the counter.

  “And whose fucking fault is that, Kitty? You left before I could get your number or hey, maybe even to say goodbye.” He gets out with a good amount of frustration and anger in his voice.

  “Only employees are supposed to be back here. My brother will flip.” I hedge.

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Kitty? That’s what you are going with? Did our night together mean anything to you?”

  “Of course, it did El, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a mistake.” I lie because it wasn’t a mistake. I am not ready for him to find out about the baby. But, I know it is only a matter of time.

  He looks hurt but doesn’t say anything further about that night. Thankfully. I relive it all on my own and do it every night. If I am honest with myself, I am half in love with this tattooed sex God. I am not ready to bring myself to admit it out loud.

  “How did you find me?” I ask.

  “Coincidence. I have an appointment with Miles for a tattoo.” He says through clenched teeth.

  “Miles is my brother.” He moves closer to me after I say this.

  Fuck. This is going to be good and bad. His mouth lands on mine and I moan. Before I know it, somehow, I feel my hands threading through his hair. Large hands grab ahold of my ass as his kiss wrecks me. When he picks me up and sets me on the counter, I run my hands over his abs. Slowly his hand grazes down my belly towards my jean covered pussy and I tense.

  He rips himself from my mouth and looks at me with his chest heaving. Taking the edges and lifting my sweatshirt over my head, he sucks in a huge breath.

  “What the fuck, Kitty? Are you gaining weight or pregnant? If you are, were you even going to tell me?

  FUCK! Please let it be mine.” He says that last part as a whisper as if he is praying.

  “I cannot tell you for sure if I was going to tell you or not, El. But I can tell you that it’s definitely yours.”

  “That is fucked up Kitty.” He says with anger in his voice.

  I now know I made a mistake keeping it to myself. The glint in his eye promises something that I cannot put my finger on. My body is shuddering and isn’t from fear. I am turned on and have to clench my thighs to relieve some of the pressure.

  As Miles comes out of his station, I quickly hop off the counter. “Are you Eldridge?” He asks.

  “I am. Nice to meet you, man.” El says as he shakes Miles hand.

  “I am all set up in station number one and ready whenever you are done with whatever you two are doing.” Some big brothers are overprotective, mine lets me make my own decisions. It’s Dex, my slightly younger brother who would freak out. Thankfully, he’s not here right now.

  “I’ll be right in. I have some clearing up to do out here.”

  “Sure, take your time. You are my last appointment for today.” He says as he walks back into his station.

  When he turns back to me, I feel butterflies in belly.

  “When I get done, you and I are going on our first date. This thing between you and me, will never be over and it is a sealed deal, Angel.” He kisses me after grabbing my chin and pulling me towards him. “Be here when I get out, or I will find you again. This is fate.” I mutely nod.

  That kind of shit would piss me off from any other man. From Eldridge, it makes me wet and it makes me want things I am not ready for.

  I cannot fucking believe it. Two damn months I have been searching for her and she has been under my nose the whole time. One motherfucking town away. What a joke the universe has been playing on me. Not to mention I just figured out she is carrying my fucking child in her womb. The knowledge of that alone, has me seeing red. The assholes who call themselves my friends have kept me from my woman and kid.

  If it wasn’t for this appointment, I would haul her ass out of here and spank the shit out of her. I need to take her like a man possessed, because that is what the fuck I am. Possessed with need, love, and adoration for the woman who gave me the slip. And now she is carrying my unborn child.

  “It’s nice to meet you Eldridge. Considering everything I just witnessed, I was wondering if you want Kitty to do your Ink today?”

  Hmmmm…that is a great idea. Especially considering what I am getting done. Let her see how much it meant to me and what she tried to throw away. I’m in the mood for some fucking retribution.

  “You know what, I think that would be an excellent idea. Thank you, Miles. By the way, I want to formally introduce myself. My name is Eldridge Monte-q. I am in love with your sister. As soon as I am done making her feel guilty for running out on me and keeping the pregnancy from me, I intend to marry her.”

  Might as well get all that shit out and in the open. No sense in beating around the bush. I wait a beat to see if he is going to give me shit or cop an attitude for claiming his sister like this, but he simply chuckles, shakes his head, and holds his hand out to shake mine.

  “Thank fucking God. I thought my brother and I were going to have to find out who put her in this predicament and beat the shit out of the deadbeat. Glad to hear you didn’t know. A word of advice; Kitty is a bit prickly about love after the type of parents we had. My advice is don’t give her a chance to overthink. Bombard her with everything. She needs to feel secure, loved, and like she can be herself. Our parents’ kind of love was fucked and ended tragically. She is terrified of that.”

  Well shit. I am more than grateful for the heads up, but also sad for my Angel. I am going to take the information he gave me and dissect it later. Right now, he is leading me into the room where there is a shocked Kitty.

  “I thought Miles was doing your work?”

  “He was.” I say. “But I decided you should do it. It will give us a chance to talk and all. You don’t mind, do you?” I ask, even though I have no intention of walking out of this room. I simply want her to feel like she has a choice. One way or another, she is going to talk to me and we are going to get some shit set straight. If we can do that now, then tonight can be for making up. I look at her, while cocking my eyebrow up in challenge. I know how bad she wants to tell her brother to do it; but I also know she wants to appear impervious to this soul-wrenching pull there is between us.

  I sense a change in her breathing. It has become rapid and shallow as she allows herself to feel the destiny between us. From the doorway I can smell her, and if her brother wasn’t with us right now, she would be pinned against the wall with my rock-hard cock grinding into her through my jeans. Fuck. I need to adjust, but her damn brother still in the room. She glances down at my cock tenting through my pants and lets a slight smirk slip from her mouth.

  “Sure. No problem. I can do your ink.” She states. Excellent.

  After she agrees, her brother leaves the room and it is just the two of us behind closed doors. My face conveys my intention, causing her to back up and away from me. There is no way she can hide how turned on she is.

  In a hoarse, seductive whisper she says, “Please sit, Eldridge. I am not ready for this yet. We can talk while I ink you, but I have to maintain some distance.”

  I open my mouth to protest and she preempts with her hand up, “For now. I need a clear head to think about what I want. When I am with you, around you, or touched by you; I cannot think at all. Now please sit and tell me what you hav
e in mind.”

  Shit. She is lucky her brother warned me a bit about her childhood.

  “I am simply getting five numbers above my heart.” She is busy getting her equipment together as I say this.

  “Mmm hmmm…. ok so lie back while I disinfect the area. What are the five numbers?” Oh yea. This ought to be good.

  “8-15-18.” I say to her and wait to see if it registers in her mind.

  “Ok. 8-15…., are you serious?” Ah. I see she remember the exact date as well.

  “Yes. I am serious.”

  “But that’s the day……”

  “Yes. It is.”

  “Eldridge, are you sure you want to….”

  “Fuck yes I am sure. I was coming here to commemorate the day I found and lost you. But now it seems I am stamping the date I found you, made you mine, and we made our son. I want it right above my heart, baby.”

  She swallows and turns away. I know she is trying to hide the tears I saw framing in her eyes. And I fully expect her to come at me hard, but once again she shocks the shit out of me when she says, “It could be a girl you know.”

  My momentary happiness that we are having this discussion is overshadowed by the idea of a little Kitty walking around; making boys crazy and me walking around with a shotgun permanently attached to my side. I feel as the blood drains from my face.

  Pulling her to my side, I say into her neck, “No way baby. There will be no daughters. Do you get me.” She pulls away from me rolling her eyes and with a soft giggle. I would give anything to hear that sound every day.

  A daughter. What the fuck.

  Damn. I am at a loss for words when it comes to this man. His alpha-ness rubs me the right way and I don’t know why. I quickly turn my back to him and wipe these stupid fucking tears from my face. Hormones, I swear to God I might kill someone in the next seven months. He keeps quiet while I prep the sterilized kit I am going to use. When I turn around, I catch him staring at my ass and I cannot help the bark of laughter that escapes me.


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