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Gunship - The Series

Page 19

by John Davis

  “I'll keep my eyes on the door,” Roman said as he rested behind a stack of wooden crates at the entrance. “If they come through, we'll be right here to back you up.” Adam said as he and Sasha found a small stack of their own at the rear of the room, glancing up for a moment to see Oz in position at the only second story window that overlooked the rear of the building.

  “Our scouts report that Legion troops have fallen back and are forming a forward operating base.” Lassiter said through his hand held com as sporadic gunfire continued in the distance.

  “Copy that. We are going to continuously air strike their position until we are able to mount a ground offensive. Your orders are to further solidify the defenses outside of the Colonial Command Center, understood?” Commander Edwards asked from the comfort of the vault.

  “Yes sir, copy that.” Lassiter replied.

  “Gonna air strike the shit out of them! In the meantime, pull your forces up and dig in solid. We are the last line of defense until further notice!” Lassiter shouted to his troops through a thick succession of explosions. The heavily equipped Goliath units remained back in close vicinity of the command center, along with the mounted rail guns and a handful of Colonial troops as the bulk of the grunts moved forward a couple of city blocks.

  Oz made a low sound as he held a clinched fist in the direction of the others, Roman immediately placing his back against the wall at the foot of the door with a blade in one hand and a combat pistol in the other. Holding up the number four and moving his hand in a circling motion, the others knew quickly that a group of four were patrolling the area.

  “Hunters?” Adam asked quietly as he looked to the high loft area. His question was simply answered with a nod. They were Hunters indeed.

  Adam buried his face into one of his hands for a mere second before lifting it and firming the grip on his standard issue rifle. Sasha watched him for a few moments to make sure he was alright, before also turning her attention as well as her rapid fire pistol into the direction of the building's entrance.

  Roman extended his arm slowly to the others, hand flat to let them know that someone was about to enter the door which was shut but not latched because of the blunt force trauma that his boot had been guilty of. The creaking of wood could easily be heard through the blanket of silence in the room as the door began to open slowly, the light of Glimmeria's moon saturating the otherwise pitch black surroundings of their hideout.

  Tightening his grip on the blade's handle, Roman counted steps in his head to try and determine how many were gaining entrance, ready to blood let on as many as need be. “Roman, wait.” Adam shouted in a whispered voice as everyone watched a dog enter cautiously. The amber colored animal looked half starved and was mange covered, but came right to Michaels as he knelt and extended his hand, quickly grabbing a piece of stringy meat jerky from a supply bag.

  “You are just full of surprises aren't you?” Sasha asked, impressed with Adam's good hearted nature as she smiled softly. He was true to Sarah Blaine, in his heart he knew that to be a fact. Still, he found it was becoming increasingly tough to deflect the overpowering beauty and compassionate nature of Sasha.

  As Roman slowly began creaking the door back to a closed position, it was thrust open abruptly by a large Hunter clad in thick black armor, knocking the Colonial sworn warrior to the floor. Sasha was the quickest to respond to the surprise guest, her pistol ringing out over a dozen shots that bit into both the armor and flesh of the beast. As it fell to the ground in tremendous pain, a second quickly followed behind, met with equal haste by the tip of Roman's blade as it plunged into the demon's ribcage.

  Yelling with angered pain, the Hunter grabbed Roman tightly with both hands as the mechanized warrior began throwing a barrage of tightly placed elbows into the head of the beast. Although it didn't break the Hunter's hold, it did loosen it enough for Roman to see two more sprinting behind the monster right outside of the building.

  The grip was let go when the demon dropped Roman to grab the back of its skull, a rifle shot finely placed by Adam which had plunged into the thin bone wall and struck its brain.

  The first Hunter began to rise slowly as the second fell quickly to its death. Oz fired a loud and throaty round from his shotgun which nearly cut the beast's torso in two, dismembering the instantly dead creature as it tumbled back. Without his blade, Roman dashed outside to face the last two on his own, a brave but reckless idea for someone who at his best could only match one of the demons in battle.

  “Roman!” Adam yelled loudly as he began to dash out to the aid of his friend, very quickly grabbed by the hand of Sasha.

  “Adam. There are too many of them! He gave us the opportunity to flee, we must go now!” she said loudly, Oz opening the window for them to climb out of as their only exit.

  Adam turned to her before quickly spinning back to the direction of the front door. Several shots rang out, a few of them were from Roman's pistol while a majority were not. A good indication that their friend lay dead outside on the still hot sands of Glimmeria.

  Before any of them had a chance to respond, the flimsy front door once again flew open, this time slamming against the wall behind it as two Benzans stood in the doorway, the first surveying the room with his rifle drawn as the second, dark skinned warrior drug Roman's bloodied body indoors.

  “Helon, Zavious!” Sasha shouted loudly as she sprinted to them, relieved to see friendly faces.

  “Appreciate you saving my friend out there.” Adam said appreciatively as he knelt to check on Roman Raines.

  “Wasn't a problem, we only had to slay one of them. Your friend had already killed the other.” Zavious replied. Roman slowly stood to his feet unassisted and nodded his gratitude.

  “I'm fine Adam, a little blood never hurt anybody.” Roman said, wiping his face clean of it with a dirty rag from the building's floor.

  “Best be hauling ass out of here, I'm sure everyone in town heard the gunshots.” Oz said, quickly stepping down the ladder to greet his old friends.

  “I agree, but before we do, I have to carry out a final order from Cyrus.” Helon said.

  “Cyrus. How is he?” Sasha asked impatiently. The shaking of Helon's head was all the answer she needed, the leader of their family was dead.

  “Adam Michaels,” Helon said with intention as he pulled two Benzan amulets from his light grey jacket of silk and pinstripe. “Cyrus wanted to extend an invitation to the both of you, wanted you to become official Benzans as reward for saving his life.” he added. Adam glanced at Roman for a few tense moments before turning back to Helon.

  “I...I don't know. Of course I want to, it's just, it's just I am supposed to be married soon to one of the highest ranking Colonial officers.” he replied.

  “Yea. You are full of surprises.” Sasha said, obviously hurt by the news of Adam's previous engagement as she walked outside quickly.

  “At least think it over?” Helon asked. “When this is over and we are safe, I'll give you an answer.” Adam replied.

  “Good enough. And for the record, your Colonials shot down our ship and directly led to the death of Cyrus.” Helon replied, tossing the amulets to the two men before turning to meet with Sasha outside as Adam stood in disbelief.

  “Fucking politicians.” Roman replied as the rest of the group slowly made their way outside as well, heavier now by one pitiful sight of a mutt.

  “This fucking sand gets down in your boots and really pisses ya' off.” Dalton said in a bitchy tone, slowly making his way to the top of a large sand dune to lay beside the Colonial sniper who had his rifle and scope mounted into a tripod.

  “The good news is Lieutenant Michaels' beacon seems to be coming from that small town in the distance.” the sniper said as Dalton squinted his eyes before staring it down through his small set of military goggles.

  “The bad news?” he asked, almost dreading the answer.

  “Pan your eyes over about fifteen degrees to the right.” the sniper responded. D
alton slowly moved the binoculars with his eyes firmly pressed against them, stopping and squinting deeply before looking once more.

  “Well I'll be goddamn.” he said in frustration as he put his lenses down and contemplated the group's next move.

  “That's not the only group of Hunters, I spotted several more throughout the town. Looks like they beat us here and are looking for Adam as well.” the sniper said.

  “I don't believe this shit.” Dalton said in a coarse but whining voice. “Man I hadn't had a hot shower in three days. Aint' had a fucking drink in so long that I'm an ace from putting my tongue in rehab. I Got a promotion through the ranks of a military that hadn't even cut me the first paycheck yet and now here I am, balls deep in the sand out here trying to rescue a couple of friends who are surrounded by a buncha' flesh eating bastards who want me dead.” he added, trying in his mind to count the days since his last drink.

  “Alright,” Dalton said as he began back down the dune, pausing to turn to the sniper. “Keep your ass locked in this spot. Guess me and the boys are going down there. Need you up here relaying the Hunter's movements and ready to bust a cap.” Dalton added, sliding down the dune slowly before the sniper could even respond.

  “What's the situation?” Steiner asked.

  “This damn sand is the situation.” Dalton replied, dumping his boot out while holding his foot off of the ground slightly, his eyes teared with frustration.

  “You alright?” Steiner asked.

  “We are out here in this shit getting ready to walk into a hornet's nest of Hunters, and Commander Edwards is back at the fort with his ass on plush!” Dalton replied, forcing his thick brown leather boot back on in a single motion.

  “Hunters? How many?” Steiner asked. After looking in the direction of the six Colonial soldiers close by, all of them wearing the look of a rookie in combat, Dalton turned back to Steiner. “Does it really matter how many?” he replied.

  “Listen up,” Dalton said, walking to the group slowly, swagger filling his officer's strut with Steiner by his side. “Any of you rooks seen combat other than boot camp?” he asked. Two soldiers raised their hands as the other four stood there awaiting his orders.

  “Well then, you two are with us,” Dalton said. “You two as well.” he added pointing to the largest of the two remaining. “If nothing else, these big sumbitches might slow the Hunters down long enough.” Dalton said to Steiner as he quietly laughed.

  “Soldier, you stay here and cover the sniper's six. Anything comes up here, you do your best to dust its jimmy off. Got it?” Dalton asked.

  “Ye...Yes sir!” the new recruit answered, fumbling with his weapon as he crawled to the sniper's position.

  “What about me sir?” the last remaining soldier asked impatiently. “Can you run fast?” Dalton asked.

  “I...I guess so, why sir?” the soldier asked.

  “When we get down there, I want you to break off from the group and scavenge for ammunition and alcohol.” Dalton replied.

  “Alcohol sir?” the soldier asked.

  “Yea, for the love of God, especially alcohol soldier. Peel them damn eyelids back and find what you can. Grab it, and elbow to asshole your way back to the group. Got it?” Dalton responded.

  “Yes sir.” the soldier replied, confused more than just a little bit.

  “Do you think now is really the time to be worrying about whiskey?” Steiner asked as the men began slowly wondering into the direction of the town under the cover of night.

  “Perfect time. He looks like could outrun me, and besides, we get into it with the Hunters, you really think that scrawny sumbitch is gonna make a difference?” Dalton replied.

  “Hadn't thought of it like that.” Steiner replied, a wide grin plastered onto his face.

  “Of course not, that's why they left me in charge.” Dalton responded proudly.

  “Alright, best ease our way out slowly and hope we don't hit any Hunter patrols.” Adam said to the group as they slowly moved a few feet from the building in which they had been hiding, using any form of cover they could.

  “Shh.” Roman said quietly as he clinched a fist to the others, moments later gunshots began to ring out as if they were in the center of an independence parade.

  “Back inside, quick!” Adam yelled as the entire group sprinted for the entrance once more. “Are they fighting one another?” Sasha asked Adam.

  “Not sure.” he replied, the door cracked as he watched and listened closely.

  “Eat it you whiskey hoarding bastard!” Dalton yelled loudly.

  “Or, maybe I am,” Adam said. “They are with us, actually,” he added, grinning to the group with embarrassment. “Let me see your light.” Adam asked of Helon, who quickly handed him a small flashlight. Adam held it in the crack of the door for a few moments, blinking it repeatedly to gain Dalton's attention, eventually successful, though the mangy looking dog with Adam had caught on much faster.

  “Open it!” Adam said firmly as Zavious pulled the door open instantly, the rest of the group with weapons drawn as Dalton, Steiner the Colonial sniper and the fleet footed scrawny solider quickly rushed in, bottles clanging inside of a sack that was draped across the shoulder of the weakling greenhorn.

  “It's good to see a friendly face.” Adam said as he smiled.

  “We'll you are about to see a lot more faces, although I don't suspect they are gonna be looking too friendly.” Dalton replied as he tried to refill his lungs with the warm Glimmerian air.

  “I thought I told you to keep your ass up on the dune?” he asked of the sniper, still struggling with exhausted lungs.

  “We were flanked sir, no way I could have held them off on my own.” the sniper replied.

  “Sir?” Adam asked as the Benzans looked on, trying to make what they could of both Dalton and the oversize Husk warrior standing at his side.

  “Yea, they put him in charge.” Steiner said sarcastically with his heavy Husk accent.

  “Seriously?” Adam asked amazed.

  “Hell yea seriously, they trust me to make the smart calls out here.” Dalton replied.

  “Yea, like sending your boy into a saloon full of Hunters for whiskey.” Steiner added.

  “How the hell did I know them certifiably dead son of a bitches would be packed in there drinking the town dry?” Dalton angrily asked.

  “Alright,” Sasha interjected. “We need to worry about how we are supposed to get out of town without getting killed.” she added.

  “We ain't leaving.” Dalton replied.

  “We're not?” Adam asked, still amazed that Dalton had been placed in charge of actual human lives.

  “Nope. Sarah said to hold up here. Said they are forming a large ground team to come in and get us,” Dalton replied as he bent down with fresh air in his lungs. “Where did ya'll pick up this cute pup at?” he asked as everyone in the room looked at him, wondering if he had overlooked the chronic mange of the abused dog. Then it began to make sense to a few of them, viewing both Dalton and the dog as both being a little bit on the trashy side.

  “Poor sumbitch looks like he 'aint ate or drank in weeks. Private, what were you able to grab before they started shooting?” Dalton asked as the Benzans began picking their spots inside of the building, digging in for any fighting to come.

  “Not much sir, I didn't have time to...” the Colonial private replied, Dalton snatching a bottle of whiskey from the sack and cutting his explanation off in the process.

  “Double brown whiskey. This shit is so strong it would cure the blind, good job private.” Dalton said, the young soldier standing a bit taller and proudly answering. “Yes sir!”

  “Be a damn good name for you mutt, Whiskey it is.” Dalton said as he poured a large amount onto the floor, the dog lapping it up before it had time to spread.

  “Unbelievable.” Sasha said, pausing when she heard Dalton bless the animal with the name Whiskey.

  “Wait until he has a few drinks in him. May want to keep that gun
close by your side.” Adam replied, chuckling a bit.

  The layout was simple. Dalton, Whiskey and the Colonial sniper were in the loft. Meanwhile, Helon, Zavious and Oz covered one side of the room, the three of them behind what looked to be an old wooden sales desk. Adam, Sasha and the scrawny Colonial soldier remained at the rear of the room behind empty crates while Roman and Steiner covered the door.

  “I'd hate to be the unlucky one who barges in first.” Sasha said, referring to the giant like size of Steiner, who held a short barrel shotgun, and the blade skills of the partly mechanical Roman Raines.

  “Yea, or the first half dozen even. Those two can fight like no other two I have ever seen.” Adam replied softly.

  “So. Not to pry or anything, but this Sarah that Dalton spoke of...” Sasha asked as Michaels nodded before she could complete her sentence.

  “Yea, that's her. When we met I was on the run, no real direction in my life. She pulled me into this war I guess, but I couldn't have walked away from her. Love her too much, I guess it was a package deal.” he replied.

  “Well I hope this isn't over the line or anything, but I just think she is a really lucky woman. I just never understood how you could love someone and try to change them at the same time,” Sasha said. “Of course, that's probably just an issue with me. One of the many issues.” she added, laughing softly. Adam thought deeply about what she had just said. Sarah had changed him, be it for better or worse. Once upon a time he had no direction, lived by the seat of his pants and enjoyed true freedom. And here he was. Trapped inside of a war he truly wanted no part of, decked out in an officer's uniform and under the heel and command of a politician somewhere. All because of his love for Sarah. When, to his knowledge, she hadn't changed anything for him. “No, you make a good point. And thanks for the compliment.” he finally replied as he returned her smile.

  “Can I ask you a question Adam?” Sasha asked in a heartfelt tone.


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