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Gunship - The Series

Page 23

by John Davis

  Within the span of thirty seconds, the rail guns had not only taken out the machine gun nest on top of a large sand dune, but a majority of ground around the Legion troops as the fast moving lead continued chewing into the sand and its underlying layer of clay. The survivors began flocking to the chopper in a single group, the com units continuing to broadcasting a message of the arrival of Gali forces, but this time around it was Sarah's voice.

  Adam grabbed the com unit with both hands shaking, pressing the communication button and pausing for a moment to think his words carefully.

  “I've waited a long time to hear that voice.” Adam said eagerly into the transmitter, nervously awaiting a response.

  “Adam! Where are you, is everyone safe?” she asked. “We are on our way home...Steiner didn't make it.” Adam replied, his lips shaking from the emotion of hearing Sarah's voice again and the loss of his loyal crew member.

  A long silence followed before Sarah replied with a heavy heart. “We see you on our grid now and will be eagerly awaiting your return.”

  The transmitter was flooded with com chatter as Glimmeria was now overflowing with military help from several planets who had followed Gali's lead. As the shuttle continued its path to the landlocked Colonial Star, Adam took one last look outside of the windshield, promising himself yet again that he would never return to Glimmeria as long as he lived.

  “None of us would have made it out of there alive if it wasn't for everyone's hard work. Thank you.” Adam said, nodding his appreciation to Roman, Dalton, Sasha and the rest of the exhausted survivors, including Whiskey.

  “He grows on ya' don't he.” Dalton said as everyone laughed and looked forward to the idea of living to fight another day.

  Glimmeria had been lost to the Legion, a crushing defeat under the heels of the far superior force that was assembled by worlds filled with people in search of freedom, though much of its largest cities lay as nothing more than a pile of rubble.

  What few soldiers remained would join the Colonial Parliament in devising a new strategy based around the newly gained support. Right now none of that mattered to any of them, especially not to Adam, who waited patiently as the shuttle docked onto the floor of the launch bay. He would finally see his future wife's face once more, which is something he had started to doubt would ever be afforded him again by the gods.

  As the shuttle door opened to allow the crew's exit onto the interior of the Colonial Star, they were met by a squad of soldiers aiming combat rifles in their direction.

  “Adam Michaels, step aside. Your crew is being placed under arrest for abandonment of military post as well as aiding known fugitives.” an older gentleman with a lengthy white beard proclaimed.

  “Well, it looks like Sarah has let herself go all to hell.” Dalton said, sarcastically comparing her to the old man. The soldiers glanced at the sad excuse for a dog in Whiskey before they began placing hand restraints on the Zavious, Sasha and Dalton, while Roman resisted the attempt.

  “Try putting those on me, see what happens.”

  With a bit of convincing on Adam's part, Roman soon placed a set of restraints on himself, all while continuing to dare the soldiers to lay hands on him.

  “Don't worry, I'm sure it won't take long to clear up this misunderstanding. Where is Sarah Blaine?” Adam asked the older gentleman.

  “I'm right here Adam.” she said, stepping out of the shadows of an unlit room nearby.

  “Adam, I'm sorry. I'm under direct direct orders from Commander Edwards himself to take them into custody.” she said, her heart pleading with his own.

  “Sarah this is my crew. My family.” Adam replied somberly, still in disbelief of everything that was happening.

  “I have to admit Adam, she doesn't seem like your type.” Sasha said, drawing a scowl from Sarah as she tried to figure out the relationship between the Benzan beauty and her husband to be.

  “You realize they haven't built a prison cell yet that can hold us, right?” Dalton asked Sarah, his question completely disregarded.

  “We'll see.” the Master of Arms finally responded as the group started to move slowly into the direction of the prison block.

  “I have arranged for the Gunship to be fueled and waiting in hangar bay two when we get there.” Sarah said to Adam as the group continued its slow pace to lockup.

  Taking several minutes, they passed groups of Colonial soldiers who stopped to watch, never questioning her actions because of their deep rooted respect for Sarah and what she had given for the cause of freedom, while at the same time dumbfounded by seeing the crew arrested.

  Just as promised, when they arrived, the Gunship sat in one of the launching bays, its reflective chrome exterior immediately catching the eye of a crew who had given up hope of ever seeing it again.

  “It's fueled and supplied, just as you ordered my lady.” one of the Colonial deck hands said proudly.

  “Thank you.” Sarah replied before turning to Adam. “We need to get out of here for a couple of days, just you and I. Sort through all of this.” she said.

  “Not without my crew Sarah, you know that.” Adam replied as everyone stopped to watch the heated discussion.

  “Commander Edwards pulled a lot of strings to keep you a free man Adam, your friends chose their own paths.” Sarah replied.

  “Free? Leaving here in a ship without my crew isn't freedom?” Adam replied angrily.

  “This war is over for you and your crew, if you stay, the Colonial Parliament will see to your release from the military and not even I can stand in the way of that.” she replied.

  “Sarah, let's just go. The battle is over, your father is gone. Let's all just go right now, start a new life beyond all of this.” Adam said, pleading with his lover.

  “I wanted to go alone, just the two of us and have this conversation. But if you insist on doing it in front of everyone else, fine.” she replied as her eyes watered with emotion. “We can't start a life together Adam, I'm sorry. My place is here with the Colonials, with a military that longer wants you involved.” she added.

  “So this is it? Just like that we are finished?” Adam asked. “Maybe not forever, who knows, when the war ends you...” Sarah replied as Michaels interjected.

  “No Sarah. You once told me to make a choice, now I'm asking you to do the same. Either you leave with me and we do things the way we need to, or you stay behind and choose your war and grudge against the Legion over the love we have for each other. Period.” Adam said sternly. “Adam, I have to stay, you know that.” Sarah said emotionally. “I thought what we had together was so much stronger than all of this, at least until now. Now I don't know what to think Sarah.” Michaels said, trying his best to hide the pain consuming his every extremity.

  As the group looked on, Adam turned back to look at Lassiter. “You with us, or staying behind to fight this pointless war to the end?” he asked, almost already knowing the answer.

  “Adam, you are a true friend to me, but my place is by Sarah's side fighting for freedom. Kelly would want it that way.” Lassiter replied.

  Michaels simply answered with a head shake of pity before turning to the ship's ramp and suddenly stopping in his tracks. He glanced back at Sasha for several tense moments, remembering the promise he had made her not so long ago.

  “I can't let you do this Sarah. I made her a promise.” Adam replied, turning his attention to his former lover.

  “Adam, it's going to be hard enough watching you leave like this, you know I have to keep them here.” Sarah replied as she turned to Lassiter to give him the go ahead.

  Lassiter readied his combat rifle, as he walked toward the prisoners with the full intention of ushering them forward.

  “Belay that order Lassiter! Don't do this Sarah, don't push me into something that we will both live to regret for the rest of our lives.” Adam said pleadingly.

  “I'm sorry Adam.” Sarah replied uninterested.

  “Then so am I.” Adam replied, pulling his pistol
and aiming it directly at Sarah Blaine.

  “What the hell are you doing Adam?” Sarah asked, shocked that the man she had come so close to marrying would go so far as to threaten her life.

  “You leave me no choice.” Adam replied, holding the weapon surgically steady.

  Lassiter turned his rifle, aiming it directly at Adam, moments later feeling cold steel held by Roman Raines, who was a master of escaping loose bonds and blade smuggling.

  “Think you're quicker with a combat blade than I am with this trigger?” Lassiter said jokingly, almost to mock the warrior.

  “Wanna find out?” Roman replied, digging the edge into Lassiter's neck just enough to draw a trace amount of blood.

  “Adam, there's no going back from this.” Sarah said sternly, realizing that he was fully prepared to die trying to keep his promise.

  “We outnumber you two to one!” a Colonial soldier said loudly, all of them taking aim on Adam and his crew.

  “After watching you get your asses kicked twice by the Legion, I'd say that puts the odds in our favor.” Dalton replied as he laughed, now holding two short barrel shotguns that he had recollected from one of the soldiers, his hands still tied with chains as Whiskey sat close to his feet.

  “What's the logic Adam,” Sarah asked. “You have nowhere else to go, we gave you the last chance you'll ever have at a decent life?” she added.

  He seemed to mentally check out for a few moments, thinking long and hard about his decision to come because of his strong belief in staying true to his word. He looked at his crew, then directly at Zavious.

  “Extend the offer to Dalton and you have yourself a deal.” Adam said.

  “Done.” Zavious replied with truth in his voice. Adam pulled the medallion from his pocket and placed it around his neck with a single free hand, his pistol never faltering.

  “Is this what it has come to Adam? You are planning to live a life committed to a family of murderers and thieves? The trash of society.” Sarah asked.

  “Did this redheaded whore just call me trash?” Sasha asked Dalton, ready to throw fists with Sarah.

  “I believe she did, and I believe Whiskey needs an official Benzan invitation as well.” Dalton replied, glancing to Zavious who nodded simply to keep the peace.

  “Relax Sasha, she's not worth the effort,” Adam replied, holding Sasha back with his free hand, while looking straight through the woman he had once thought to be so perfect. “Of course, it would have been nice if I would have known this the day we met.” he added.

  “Go ahead then. Adam, you do realize that once you lift off, I will order our allies to blow the Gunship into nothing more than wreckage inside of a minute?” Sarah asked, the look on his face was a dead giveaway that he hadn't considered that angle yet.

  She was right, even if he somehow managed to get away, the sky was so thick with Gali warships that they wouldn't have a chance in hell of getting out of Glimmeria's orbit.

  “Give me your guns.” Roman said, taking the shotguns from Dalton's grasp, putting them on both Sarah and Lassiter at point blank range.

  “You can't be serious?” Sarah asked, surprised.

  “Dead serious you bitch. Adam may be in love with you, but after hearing you call Sasha's people trash, I got no problem putting both you and your wet nurse on ice.” Roman replied of Lassiter.

  “Our people trash,” Adam added, Whiskey barking loudly.

  “You've seen my poker face before, if you think I'm bluffing, try me.” he added.

  “Roman, I'm not gonna leave you behind!” Adam said loudly. “What are they going to do? Imprison me? Kill me? I'm already fucking dead Adam, look at me,” Roman yelled, referring to his synthetic laced body. “What in the hell else can they do to me that hasn't already been done?” Roman asked, not expecting an answer. “Get everyone else the hell out of here, I'll give you the time you need for a clean getaway.” Roman added.

  “Adam looked into Roman's eyes for a moment with appreciation. “I will be back for you my friend, and I'm saving a medallion for when the day comes.” Adam said as he nodded one final time.

  “If you come back Adam, my love for you will not play favoritism again. I will see you imprisoned.” Sarah said.

  “Hadn't heard that line before,” Adam replied, not even glancing in her direction. “Soon my friend.” Adam said to Roman as he turned to enter the Gunship.

  “This isn't over!” Sarah yelled, as he turned to face her one last time.

  “Yea. It truly is.” Adam replied, holding Sasha's hand as they followed Dalton and Zavious up the ramp and into the Gunship, Whiskey stopping momentarily as he pulled a mangy leg up and let urine fly onto the deck of the Colonial Star.

  “Damn I love that dog.” Dalton said smiling as he slowly sealed the ship's door air tight.

  Moments later, he and Dalton made the preparations to lift off, the shiny vessel leaving the Colonial Star in full burn.

  “You've started a war you can't win Roman.” Sarah said as the heat from the Gunship's thrusters whipped across their skin.

  “Says the bitch who's tucking tail and hiding behind everyone else and their army on her last remaining ship.” Roman replied stone faced.

  Several minutes later, one of the deck officers on the bridge of the Colonial Star turned from his grid screen.

  “Sir, we just picked up an unidentified craft heading away from us and moving fast!” Commander Edwards quickly walked to his station to see for himself, the Gunship almost out of striking distance.

  “Set gun coordinates and get the firing solution, quickly!” he said as he turned to face the entrance to the ship's bridge.

  “Belay that order private.” Roman said, holding Sarah, Lassiter and several other Colonials at gunpoint as they entered the bridge.

  “This is outrageous!” Edwards said, motioning for the crew's security force to take control of the situation. They stopped abruptly as one of the shotguns swayed into the direction of Commander Edwards, the other remaining firmly on Sarah.

  When it had become clear to him that his own security detail would not be able to intervene until Roman decided he was damn good and ready to let them, Edwards ordered his soldiers to drop their weapons slowly to the ground and place their hands behind their heads.

  The Gunship had gotten away, broken orbit and disappeared into the drop cloth of stars which illuminated the skies of every planet in the system.

  “Officer Lassiter, escort Roman to the prison level.” Sarah said seconds after he decided Adam was long gone and threw down his weapons.

  “If he even begins to attempt escape, kill him.” she added.

  “Yes my lady!” Lassiter agreed with unwaivering loyalty, Commander Edwards doing his best to regain the look of someone with authority.

  “Mr. Raines, I hope you do realize that our willingness to hand you over to the Gali government was a key factor in them coming to our aid.” Commander Edwards said as Roman turned to face him, his hands wrapped in chain and realizing that he would now have to pay for his role in Greyspine.

  “That's right Roman, you will be on a Gali warship within the hour. May god have mercy on you.” Commander Edwards added as Roman was led away by Lassiter and the small group of Colonial soldiers.

  Adam hurt deeply, trying his best not to show it as they set course for Tirious. He knew that with the companionship of Sasha and a new home among the Benzan family, that with time his heart would heal into something that was once again capable of love. Watching Dalton comb the thick and tangled hair of Whiskey down into a smooth shine, Adam knew that even the worst looking of situations could turn out fantastic in the end. And above all else, he began contemplating an escape plan for Roman as the feeling of freedom began to set in, true freedom. Plenty of time for reflections of the past to run through his mind.

  Gunship III: Reflections

  “I'm surprised you would have the balls to show your face again.” Walter Jones said with sarcasm.

  The sma
ll time crime boss stood in a less than fine suit, two armed men at his side. They weren't killers, that much was obvious by the deer in headlights look upon their faces. They anxiously held Dalton at gunpoint using rifles, and that always had a way of rubbing him wrong.

  “Aw now, no need to be so rude about it. How about you get these boys to lay down arms so we can have ourselves some honest dealings?” Dalton asked casually.

  Walter Jones laughed, knowing Dalton and crew were smugglers and that was about as far from honest as it could get. Not to mention he owed Dalton James and his friend Adam Michaels money from a job previously completed.

  “Now why in the hell would I do that?” Walter asked.

  A split second later, one of his armed men fell to the ground in screaming pain; victim of a sniper's shot from the far distant.

  “Well sir, cause you 'aint got a choice for starters. I got a sniper up above with you all scoped at this very moment. That's the biggest reason I got the balls to show my handsome face again,” Dalton said, smiling wide. “Now where's the money?” he asked.

  Walter Jones had planned to screw him a second time of course, but didn't want to risk the possibility of his own demise in the process. Throwing a sackful of credits to Dalton's feet, Walter scowled heavily. “It's all there.”

  “You may think I'm somewhat of a stickler, but after you gave Adam and me a sackful of blank paper on the last go round, I think I might be counting it this time.” Dalton said, bending down to unzip the bag.

  It was filled with credits alright, and he was due two thousand for the job recently completed. “Looks like about two thousand.” Dalton said as his fingers quickly fanned through the money.

  “I told you it was all there.” Walter replied. “Yea, but see,” Dalton said walking a bit closer as he pulled a tightly rolled cigar from the pocket of his good as new brown coat, blazing up the tobacco stick and adding heavy smoke to the mix. “You still owe me three thousand for a job already done. And I can't figure out the exact number without an adding machine, but I'm thinking you need to be handing over the rest of it if you wanna walk out of here alive.” Dalton replied.


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