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Page 21

by Jen Frederick

  "I don't want to leave your body." His nose nudged around my neck and down my spine, careful to avoid hurting me. After a moment, he got up to dispose of the condom and returned to bandage me up.

  He pulled back the covers, and I lay in his arms, using my finger to draw imaginary designs on his beautiful skin. He shook his head.

  "I thought blood was what made a family, but it isn't. It's love. My parents had it for me. My sister does. And I…I have it for you."

  He rolled onto his back and pulled me on top of him. "Our family can be whomever you want in it—your sister, her kid, your parents. As long as you and I are together, we'll make our life great."



  "You okay with this?" I asked for probably the tenth time in the last three minutes.

  Winter just gave me a serene smile and squeezed my hand that I had locked on her knee. My chest puffed out a little because I had put that satisfied, happy look on her face.

  Last night was better than I imagined it would be. We’d made love, and I held her while she made what she termed “her confession,” which was some nonsense about her taking advantage of me while I was grieving my father.

  I managed, barely, to keep from making some smart ass comment about how I hoped she'd take advantage of me every night. She was so serious, so I’d allowed her to apologize. I’d told her I forgave her, and then I’d lain back while she ravished me. Best damn apology ever.

  I took copious notes for the next time I screwed up and had to make it up to her.

  When I woke we had a serious talk about where she was living because while I trusted her, it bugged the shit out of me that she was rooming with Tucker.

  "First, the neighborhood is dangerous. Second, the house looks like it's ready to fall apart. Third, you're living with a penis. I don't like that a penis gets to see you coming out of the bathroom or your bedroom."

  "I can't afford to live on my own. I don't want to live with four males, so don't even suggest here. And I wear a robe!" She threw up her hands.

  "How would you feel if I lived with a girl and she got to see me walking around in my boxers every morning and every evening?"

  She fumed for a few moments and then agreed to look for a new roommate. Until then she could stay with me.

  Mom called and asked Winter and me to come out to the farm. After we stopped off at Mom's to find out what she wanted, we'd swing by Tucker's to pick up her stuff.

  "What do you think your mom wants?"

  "No clue."

  "I saw her the other day," Winter admitted. "I was creeping on your property down by the pond."

  "Really?" That surprised me. Mom hadn't been much for leaving the house lately.

  "Did you know Henry spies on you for her?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I caught him giving her a nightly report." I didn't care though. If that was what interested her, then by all means, let her know what was going on. I didn’t even care about the fact she’d tried to get me to quit the project. She probably thought she was protecting me because she didn’t want to see me fail. None of that was important now. The important part was what, if anything, she'd said to Winter. "What'd she have to say?"

  "That she loved you and I should fight for you."

  "Huh." I hadn't expected that. "Okay, well, good. Still doesn't explain what she wants."

  I drove down the tree-filled drive and parked on the side. Winter waited patiently for me to come and help her out. I appreciated that she let me do this for her even though she was perfectly able to get in and out of the truck by herself, no matter how much I teased her for being short or that she told me I should buy a car lower to the ground. It made me feel good to do these small things for her.

  I'd like to have paid her rent, made sure her refrigerator was always full, and gotten her a newer car too, but I had to pick my battles.

  So I enjoyed these small things. As a bonus I got to feel her up as she slid down my body. Her face turned up, and I couldn't resist bending down to kiss her. She molded her body against me, reaching up to wrap her arms around my neck. Reflexively I lifted her because she weighed nothing, and it was easier to kiss her when she was about five inches off the ground.

  She pulled away from me just as I was deepening the kiss. "We should go inside."

  "Don't wanna." I dipped down again, but she wriggled out of my grip. Sadly she was right. The heavy cotton of my shorts wasn't doing a good job of hiding my erection. I couldn't keep my dick down around Winter. Maybe after twenty years of good fucking, I'd stop getting hard around her.

  As I watched her long hair sway as she walked in front of me, I revised my estimate. Maybe it would take forty years. I reached down and rearranged myself so it wasn't so obvious.

  Mom met us at the side door. "Come in, you two."

  "Thanks for asking us, Mrs. O'Malley." Winter took two steps into the kitchen and then halted. I nearly ran into her.

  "What's going on?" I snarled, pushing Winter behind me as if I could protect her with my body from whatever emotional bombs would be thrown her way. Her sister sat at my mom's kitchen table. It was set for four, and a coffee mug sat in front of Ivy.

  "Ivy has something she wanted to share with you, and she needed some emotional support."

  Winter stood planted on the floor, so I remained in front of her. "This is fucked up."

  Ivy winced.

  "Language, Finn," Mom admonished. She tried to reach around me to clasp Winter's arm, but I blocked the movement.

  "No, we're leaving."

  I grabbed Winter's hand and had begun walking toward the door when I heard the scrape of chair legs against the tiled floor.

  "It's not yours. You're not the father."

  I stopped short and then spun around. Ivy looked at the floor then at my mother but not at either of us. I wanted to leave because this was all so much bullshit, more of Ivy's manipulative crap, but Winter pushed me aside and walked to the table.

  She sat, and Ivy collapsed across from her. I stood in the entry of the kitchen with my feet planted apart and my arms crossed. But a whisper could have blown me over. I felt faint with relief even though I had never felt connected with Ivy's kid. I'd always known it wasn't mine. But hearing it confirmed for Winter’s sake made me pretty damn happy.

  "What did you say?" Winter asked, touching Ivy's arm.

  Ivy dropped her head, burrowing into herself. "It's Jimmy's. It's why he fired me, not because I was getting fat, but because I refused to get an abortion. We were screwing around for a couple of months. I'd skipped taking the pill a few times, and he," she made a little movement with her shoulders, "he didn't like using a condom. He was so nice to me when I got out," she cried. She lifted her eyes to Winter's and pled for understanding. "I felt terrible, and he gave me a job and told me how beautiful I looked and how great I moved, and one thing led to another." She wiped her eyes. Winter picked up the napkin by her plate and handed it to her. Ivy blew her nose.

  "How long have you known?”

  "I've always known," she admitted. "I did drink with Finn, and we both passed out. There was no kissing, no touching even. It was just that he was drinking, and I had spent so many months without any alcohol at all. I needed it, and because he was drunk, it was easy for me to take it from him. That's all I wanted. That's all he gave me."

  Winter had moved to kneel by her chair. "Then why lie?”

  Ivy hung her head miserably. "I know I'm going to be a terrible mother, but I figured if you were with me, the two of us could make it. When Finn entered the picture, you didn't have time for me anymore, and I knew I'd end up alone, so I told you it was his. I knew you'd break up with him then. That first wife shit and all." She waved her hand, in a casually dismissive gesture. I didn't like that, and I could tell by Winter's pressed lips she didn't either. "But then you moved out anyway, and I was losing you. I can’t lose you, Winter."

  I glanced at Mom, who drank her coffee calmly during the storm that was taking place at her kitc
hen table. She knew about this somehow. In the space between Ivy running out of the work trailer yesterday and the early morning breakfast invite, she’d wrangled the truth out of Ivy.

  "And now?" Winter asked softly, her voice strained.

  I came over to lend support, standing behind her, letting her know I was there. She leaned back, and I was careful to touch her left shoulder, the unmarked one. Ivy didn't miss any of this and pain flashed over her face.

  "Telling you the truth is the right thing to do," Ivy mumbled into her hands.

  Wrong. There was something to do with my mom, or we wouldn't all be here. Mom bustled over and put a hand on Ivy's shoulder. I remembered then how the two of them had gotten along quite well when we had dated in high school and how Mom had said that Ivy was the daughter she never had. The pieces started fitting together for me.

  "Ivy called me last night and told me about how you two had gotten together. She said she was pregnant, but, when pressed, admitted that the child was not yours, Finn. I felt it imperative that you hear that."

  "Yes," I said carefully. "I appreciate knowing the truth, as does Winter."

  "Well, Ivy isn't well enough to live on her own. We all know this. I've spoken with her sponsor, and she agrees that it would be helpful if Ivy lived with someone who could help her during this time. I've volunteered. As long as Ivy remains dry, she’s welcome to stay here. I’ll help her with the pregnancy, and after the baby comes, she can continue to live at the farm until she decides there’s another place better suited for her."

  Winter stood, and I tucked her under my arm so my mom understood where the divisions were drawn. I stood with Winter, and whatever decision she made, I backed.

  "Is that what you want, Ivy?"

  Ivy nodded. "It's so nice here," she said. "I mean, look around."

  We all took a minute to stare at the kitchen. It was the same kitchen—albeit remodeled a few years ago to sport marble countertops, new appliances, and new fixtures—I'd grown up in. But it was big, and the apartment Ivy and Winter shared could probably fit into the kitchen and dining room here.

  The farmhouse boasted five bedrooms and as many bathrooms. The basement was fully tricked out with a movie room, a game room, and a wine cellar. It was nice—way nicer than where she'd been living.

  "I also talked with your Uncle Pat. He's willing to help oversee the Riverside project until it's completed. After the project is done, I'll be selling my interest in the company. He's willing to buy yours as well, on an installment plan, as he wouldn’t be able to afford to buy both our shares outright. That way you can return to your house-flipping jobs."

  "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

  She swallowed hard and squeezed Ivy's shoulder. "Because I owe it to you. I…I did things to sabotage your build site. If Ivy wasn't being taken care of, you two would be constantly worried about her, and that's no way for a young couple to start out their lives. Besides, after losing your father, I could use the company. I think Ivy and I will be good for each other."

  "What do you think?" I turned to Winter. It was her call. I could get my mom to rescind the offer and kick Ivy out. This arrangement made a lot of sense to me, but I didn't want Winter to feel uncomfortable in any way.

  "I think this could really work," she said. She pressed her hands together and brought them to her lips, almost prayer-like. Then she released a short laugh and pulled out a chair. "Gosh, what's for breakfast? I'm starved. Ivy, you need to eat more."

  "I just hate cooking, and apparently Mrs. O'Malley is going to hire a nutritionist for me, and we're going to make meals together."

  "Is she?" I raised my eyebrows at Mom. She shrugged. I guess she had to do something with her O'Malley construction money. It was going to take a while for me to get over her betrayal, but I set that aside. I didn’t want any animosity to ruin the peace we were trying to negotiate.

  "Yes, and we’re going shopping today for a changing table and all new nursery things. I haven't found out the sex of the baby yet. The ultrasound is in a couple of weeks, so we aren't going to buy anything that isn't gender neutral until then," Ivy chattered on. I tuned her out and watched Winter smile and interact with her sister like none of the past had happened.

  After breakfast, I was anxious to leave.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” Ivy asked as Winter and I were walking out to the truck.

  “Of course,” Winter answered immediately.

  Ivy raised her eyebrows in my direction. “Alone?”

  “I’ll just stand over here,” I replied. No way was I letting Ivy talk to Winter without me present. Not because I thought Winter would cave, but because Ivy had to see Winter and I as a unit.

  Ivy opened her mouth to argue, but Winter hustled her away from the truck. I could still hear them but the distance must have given them some appearance of privacy.

  “What is it?” Winter asked. She held her arms tight against her body, tense and apprehensive.

  Ivy took a deep breath and even from where I was standing, I saw her frame shake with her own fear. “This is rock bottom for me. I really am sorry. I can’t tell you how much I want to go back and change things. I'm so scared of losing you.”

  "You aren't losing me. You're my family."

  "But not your only family anymore," Ivy said brokenly.

  Winter tilted her head and her dark eyes met mine. "Our family is so small we could use a few additions." She reached out at patted Ivy's stomach. “There’s no changing the past, only the future. We’ll get through this together.”

  The small touch was all the encouragement Ivy needed. She crumpled against Winter who didn't hesitate to fold her arms around her sister.

  “I’m so sorry,” Ivy sobbed, saying the words over and over.

  Winter rocked her, swaying back and forth. I pushed off the fender to make my way over but caught a glimpse of color out of the corner of my eye. Mom. She stood by the side door, shaking her head. Forcing myself backward, I settled my ass against the metal again.

  “It’s going to be all right,” Winter crooned.

  “Do you really believe that?”

  “With all my heart. Donovan pinkie promise.” Winter pushed back and offered her right pinky toward Ivy. Ivy looped her own little finger through Winter's and then the two sisters hugged for a long time. After a while, Mom walked over and drew Ivy away and into the house.

  I waited while Winter made her way toward me and into the truck.

  "You truly okay with this?" I asked as we drove back into the city.

  "Yes, I really am. I mean, it's a little weird that your mother is almost adopting Ivy, but having her out there with your mom is a huge relief. It was really hard to walk away from Ivy, even though her sponsor, Margo, told me it was for the best. Are you okay with what your mom did? Holy shit, and what about selling O'Malley Construction?"

  “Mom screwed up. I’m chalking it up to her depression and not let it ruin our day.” I squeezed her hand. “As for the sale of the company? While having Ivy admit I'm not the father of Ivy's kid was the best news of the morning, that was definitely the second best news. I don't want to build eight-story multiuse buildings. I like finding one house and fixing it up. You going to be okay with being with a guy who just flips houses for a living?"

  She curled her legs under her and pushed over the console to kiss me on the cheek. "I'd be okay if you delivered beer or worked in a factory or cleaned toilets for a living. I just want to be with you. That's all I've ever wanted since I was fourteen."

  I grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to it, wishing I wasn't driving, wishing we were home. "I love you."

  "I love you, too." Her eyes shined as she said those words.

  And I couldn't drive another mile. I swerved to the right and down a gravel path. She unbuckled her seatbelt and scrambled over the console while I rid myself of seatbelt and shorts and slid my seat back as far as it could go. Her hands were on me, rolling down a condom before I took my next breath.

  As she straddled me, I guided myself into her wet heat. My heartbeat thundered about a thousand miles a minute as she rode me. One of her hands pressed against the window, and the other gripped the headrest. My hands were squeezing the hell out of her ass, moving her up and down my shaft.

  "This is just like the first time," she gasped.

  And it was. That first night after we'd left the café, I'd taken her hand and pulled her to my truck. She would say she kissed me first, but I had brought her to my truck for the express purpose of feasting on the red lips that had formed those words of understanding and comfort. I wanted her that night like I'd never wanted another woman, and I felt the same now.

  Her beautiful tits were covered, which was a damn shame, so I wrenched her shirt open and impatiently pushed aside the fabric until her fat nipples made an appearance. I latched on to one, and her hands came to clutch my head.

  I flicked one nipple and then the other with my tongue, chasing back and forth as she moved rhythmically up and down my cock.

  It was like the first time, only a million times better because I loved her and she loved me, and the orgasm that barreled down my spine shook me apart. I kept thrusting even after I'd come because she hadn't yet. I reached between our bodies, found her tiny clit and rubbed. Her muscles clenched around me, her whole body stiffened, and I heard her cry out, the sound slightly muffled when she shoved her chest in my face. Her arms were like vises around my head.

  I held her tightly while the aftershocks of her orgasms rippled through her. Her arms released me, and she curled into my lap like a kitten. I pulled off the condom and wadded it into a bunch of leftover drive-through napkins I'd had stored in the center console.

  Then I put my head back and enjoyed holding her. In the front seat of my truck. Just like that first time.


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