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Lady Luck's a Loser (The Apple Orchard Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Caryl McAdoo

March 10th

  Marge is so smart. She and Vicki and I played two games of Scrabble, and she won both. I’ve never been a good loser, but I think it galled Vicki even more.

  March 12th

  Less than two weeks in, and I’m already sick of Dorothy trying to organize everything - including me. And Charlotte, if that woman got any more obvious, she’d have to jump naked. And what’s up with Natalie? I thought she’d participate and be some fun, but she’s such an introvert. I hate the way she twirls that ponytail.

  I’ve got to come up with something fair to send the first one home. Sure don’t want Marge, Audrey, or Virginia or Vicki going, but I also don’t want to be accused of playing favorites. Oh well, it’ll come to me.

  March 20th

  This is so much fun. I think she’s falling in love with me, and I know I’m in love with her. At least I think I am. Could I only be in love with the idea of having a wife again? Of all the women I’ve ever known, including Nancy, Marge stacks up. There’s not a situation I can conceive that I wouldn’t be proud to introduce her as my wife.

  March 30th

  While they’re gone to Canton - Man, how long’s it been since I’ve been to First Monday? Hear tell it’s five times bigger. Anyway, while they’re gone, I figure I’ll put them in the balance and see how they measure up.

  MARGE - What I like is her intelligence and spunk, that she’s an early riser and drinks her coffee black, takes her game playing serious, and that certain mischievous smile she gives only to me. I like the sparkle in her eyes, the way she’s friends with all the others, and her laugh.

  Hmm, dislikes. Maybe that she jumps to conclusions or believes anything she hears, but I can live with that.

  VICKI - What I like : her rabbit slippers, her vulnerability though she tries hard to hide it,

  her youthful energy, the way she plays the queen’s part, that she’s coming around - big difference in only thirty days.

  Dislikes : Too interested in money, a little on the lazy side

  AUDREY - Likes : everything she cooks, that she’s easy to talk to and a great listener, she’s every bit a lady, and will make someone a wonderful wife. Just not me.

  Dislikes : her moodiness, not enough pepper in her soup. About to throw my shoulder shaking pepper.

  NATALIE - Likes : her petite-ness, cute as a bug in a rug, the come-hither look that seems so natural in her almond eyes,

  Dislikes : she’s too quiet, a loner, that she hasn’t made friends of any of the other women

  VIRGINIA - Likes : the way she moves, her long legs, the way her curls halo her face. Her smarts.

  Dislikes : a little too aloof with the other ladies

  HOLLY - Likes : her gardening buddy, her exuberance

  Dislikes : those enormous awful artificial breasts, I can’t believe she had that done between when I hired her and March 1

  CHARLOTTE - Likes : her accent, her knowledge of antiques (found out Nancy and I made some pretty good buys), the natural color of her hair

  Dislikes : way too fresh

  DOROTHY - Likes : the shape of her lips, her smile, her organizational and leadership qualities, the way she cleans

  Dislikes : the way she goes overboard trying to organize everything - including me, and her one-upmanship

  Well, we counted up, and good ol’ Dorothy lost. How wonderfully intuitive Lady Luck is. And I truly did not know red was her favorite color. I should have guessed.

  Pleased me that Marge beat them all, but then why wouldn’t she? It surprised me how much I missed her. Longest afternoon I’ve spent since I couldn’t tell you when. It’s got to be love. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. That’s what the poets say. Or is it only lust?


  +10 for wood or rusty metal

  +20 for anything with a cat

  +30 for anything green

  +40 for anything alive

  +20 if bought a gift for one of the other ladies

  +30 for item over fifty years old

  +50 if no money spent other than for food

  -20 for a dog

  -30 for red

  -20 for getting me anything

  -40 for anything plastic

  -50 if you have less than ten dollars left

  March 31st

  Oh, my aching head. I feel so bad I even passed up a game of Backgammon with Marge. I hate drinking too much. How in the world can somebody do that to themselves every day? It’s gonna take me years to forget about how bad I feel right now. I love playing games with her. She hates to lose as much as I do.

  Bee man came then I showed Vicki the old warehouse. The little darlin’ tried to extract a promise from me that I almost gave. But the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of being her daddy. Lord knows none of her step-fathers were any kind of example. Shame I can’t change the past, but then she wouldn’t be who she is. Maybe I can help shape her future.

  Marge finally called me Buck.

  April 10th

  Had my first blossom today.

  April 14th

  Ladies spread a blanket this afternoon and we had a picnic right in the middle of the orchard. What a ball. Everyone was laughing, even Jorje. Had to do a little maneuvering to sit between Marge and Vicki. If Charlotte doesn’t cool it, I may have to send her home early.

  I love it that Marge is so interested in the orchard. The bloom is a perfect backdrop for her.

  April 19th

  Man when things happen around here, they happen in a hurry. Talked to Virginia today about her bum knee. Told her I had insurance - another lie - and she agreed to take medical leave. That ought to keep them guessing.

  Found out what Audrey’s funk’s all about. It’s so strange what women get upset over.

  With Virginia gone, I told them we’re going to play some poker. What Marge lacks in experience, she’ll recover in intelligence. She’s a people watcher. This is going to be a hoot. I’ll miss Virginia being around, though. She’s grace personified. I could watch her all day.

  April 27th

  Marge and Holly have done wonders with the entrance. I’m so glad they’ve spruced up Nancy’s bed. Really liked Marge’s outfit. She looks good in hats. Got to watch her some today while she was working. I love the way she can focus on the task at hand. Remarkable. I was hoping she’d notice me watching, but she never did.

  April 29th

  She’s a natural. Oh the fun we could have had plying the riverboat trade if we’d lived a couple of generations before. What a team we could have made. It’s almost deja vu all over again, except in reverse. I won Nancy in a poker game, but Marge won me in a poker game. And she had almost the same reaction as Nancy when she found out what her dad and I had done. I love the way Marge stands up to me. It’s so good to have a peer. Can lightning strike twice? Apparently so. What fire.

  It was closer than I thought. Until that last big hand, Marge was the loser. Man, I’ve got to do better than that, even if it did work out great. I think it’s rather telling that the last two hired were the first two to leave. At least I won’t have to watch out for Charlotte anymore.


  $500 change-in

  Dealer choice and ante

  First out or low man at the time limit goes home

  May 3rd

  Well, our romance is progressing nicely. All the things she does and her little looks make it appear Marge truly cares about me as a person. I caught her staring today. She looked away fast and blushed a cute shade of rose. But she’s so competitive I just hope that she’s not caught up in the game, and I’m reading her wrong.

  May 9th

  Been busy. Maybe I should quit doing so much around here myself. Vicki even chipped in at the big warehouse when a couple of hombres left for Mexico early. Made me promise not to tell the other ladies she’d actually been working.

  May 19th

  Okay. Got to think of something. Haven’t been able to come up with anything yet, and it’s starting to bug me
. Jorje thinks I should have a field day where they run races and jump over hurdles, loser leaves, but that’s a little too much.

  May 30th

  Parting is not sweet sorrow, it’s agony. Can’t believe I let them go so far for so long. One good thing about this trip is that I’ve learned beyond a shadow of a doubt that I love her. Wonder what she got me. You can tell a lot by how a woman shops for you. There’s no way she’s going to lose. I know in my heart, there’s just no way.


  +20 for all white underwear

  +30 for anything wooden

  +40 for quality work clothes

  +30 for leather work boots

  +20 for a movie

  +20 for a game

  +20 for anything leather

  +25 for fiction books

  +10 for non-fiction

  +10 for computer software

  +60 for visiting (or if none in town, calling) friends or family

  +50 for visiting a church or museum

  +20 for going to a movie

  +10 if it was an Indy

  -20 for colored underwear or if it’s the wrong size

  -40 for wrong size work clothes

  -30 if boots aren’t size 12

  -50 for suit or any formal wear

  -20 for anything from a discount store

  -30 for any magazine

  -30 for being in the West End alone

  -40 for being in Deep Ellum by yourself

  -30 for being in any bar

  -25 for bungie jumping, racing cars, or bowling

  May 31st

  Boy, the feminist came out in Holly. Like I would think it’s okay for a wife of mine to go bar hopping. What do they say? Justice delayed is justice denied. She who tried to win by the sword lost because she wanted to go clubbing in Deep Ellum.

  I almost blew it. Never should have kissed her. Can’t believe Marge threatened to leave over it, but I think the big dance convinced her to stay. Wish I had a camera when I told them about the Jefferson costume ball. Thought Marge might hurt herself, grinning so big.

  I would be surprised if there wasn’t royalty in her family tree. What a lady.

  I love the way she handled James T. this morning.

  Hopefully Vicki can spin whatever information that reporter’s stumbled on to. No way is what I’m doing here going to make it to the papers. In principle, I like the idea of the free press, but sure wish having money didn’t put you in the public domain.

  June 2nd

  I can see it now. Vicki asking for more grease and Waters not having enough. And the whole time, my little darlin’s wanting her to talk, but not wanting to make it sound easy. Dick Tracy only wished he had such guts. Oh, to have been a fly on the wall.

  June 3rd

  Never should have kissed her.

  June 14th

  That Waters gal did a great job. Sent Vicki to ask Marge about leaving. Hope it doesn’t stir anything up, but I want to know. Didn’t bother me at all that Marge saw me crying over Nancy. That’s got to be love.

  Stuck my foot in my mouth again. Thought Audrey might cry when I told her I couldn’t take her up on the restaurant idea. Man, that was a fabulous meal.

  June 27th

  Showed Marge Nancy’s pond today. Even where we were going to build the house. Had a little twinge, but it was more right than wrong. Vicki said Marge is going to Jefferson so that little wanting-to-leave fire’s out. She sure didn’t seem like she wanted to leave this afternoon. She was thrilled when I told her I wanted to give all my money away, but was a little unbelieving when I explained the problems I was having trying to do that exact thing.

  Had a great time. Shame I’m not going to Jefferson, but at least I’ll get to see them all dressed up. Jorje called. Said he and the gang had everything wired. Even went so far as to get signed releases from two-thirds of the city of Jefferson - or at least that’s what he claimed. Probably more like five or six folks. It isn’t like we’ll have cameras set on anything that isn’t public. Dallas has cameras on every corner these days.

  Big note to self: Send Natalie packing before she gets any more naked. I can’t believe that girl.

  I liked Marge’s reaction to my reaction.


  To get another month, all a lady has to do is:

  Solve the Mystery


  Purchase an antique for the house


  Join the Pulpwood Queens


  Get authographed books from the Texas authors


  Win any place in any category at the costume ball

  June 28th

  Bittersweet this morning. Marge called me Buck again. Love it when she uses my basket name, but something’s bugging her. I’m glad and relieved she agreed to go, but I’ve got to figure a way out. Don’t want the game to come between us.

  I’ll tell you what, these breakfasts are tasting so good, I’m seriously considering changing my eating habits to include biscuits and gravy of a morning.

  June 29th

  Stupid TV didn’t do Marge justice, or any of them for that matter. Still, she was gorgeous. I loved the way the cape wrapped around her when she twirled. Also liked the way she held the men she danced with at arm’s length.

  I wonder where little Natalie went, but not enough to wait up. I’ll check the tape in the morning.

  June 30th

  Vicki and Audrey finally got back with the presents for the kids, and the minute UPS gets here I’m gone. Jorje says the Caddy’s battery is dead, so I’m taking my old truck. Why’d I let that happen?

  Three times, tears stopped Marge from reading, couldn’t see the words, but she finally got all the way through to the end of her story. “I did all four.”

  “I know, but if you hadn’t have done any, I still wouldn’t have sent you away.”

  “You big idiot. You didn’t know by then I was so in love with you?”

  “Well, I was hoping, but…” He stood. “Can I get back on my knee?”

  She should make him wait, but before she could devise some grand torturous scheme, her heart spoke up. “Yes. Yes, you most certainly may.”

  He retrieved a small velvet box from his suit pocket. “I can’t imagine anything that would please me more. I love you, Lady Bug. From that first day. I knew I had to get to know you better. I’d about giving up on my idea when you walked into my life.”

  Even though she would’ve thought there were no more tears to cry, her vision blurred.

  “I’m sorry I lied to you, and ask your forgiveness, but I was so smitten I was afraid you wouldn’t agree to come if you’d known you were the first. You were a lot like Nancy. I knew what she would buy at Canton, and I knew what she would buy for me. You scared me a bit at the poker game, but even then, the cream rose to the top.

  “I never would have sent you away.” He took her hand. “The game was the only way I could think of to be sure a woman loved me and not my money. If I had any doubts at all, your reaction to my giving it all away cemented my desire to spend my life with you.

  “I love you, and I know you love me.” He propped the velvet lid open and extended the box toward her. A heart shaped diamond the size of New Jersey sat high on a band of gold. “Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  In Paul Harvey fashion…

  The Rest of the Story

  Of course, Marge said yes. She chose the get-married-quick Reno option, so they only had one week, well, five short days, for personal couriers to deliver the invitations along with round trip tickets, itinerary, and hotel accommodations. Amazing what money can accomplish.

  She also said yes to hiring Audrey as their full time cook, and Vicki as HER personal assistant, but only after he promised never to call the young woman ‘darlin’’ again. The arrangements thrilled both women.

  Only six of the ladies, including Virginia, managed the trip to Reno and served as bridesmaids. It seemed Natalie ran off w
ith the saxophone player, and no further effort was made to contact her. The fairytale excited Stephanie so that she could hardly contain herself, but managed to serve as a top-notch matron-of-honor. Jorje, James T., and Wayne stood with Preston.

  Dub consented to the publication of Nancy’s article, and it appeared the same day as their wedding announcement. While talking to Susie, he invited her to tag along to Reno for the exclusive. Both stories not only graced the front page of the Dallas Sunday Morning News, but were picked up and featured across the country.

  Now Keep Reading for the Brand New Chapter.


  Journal entry – August 20th

  Been telling her about my plan, but so far she hasn’t committed. Best get back in bed, might catch a few winks before she wakes up.

  Marge snuggled in tighter; she loved the man so much. “You ready for coffee?”

  He kissed her lightly on her lips, then rolled out of bed and grabbed his robe. “Yes, ma’am. That sounds great. You thought it over enough?”

  She slipped out on her side. “Well, I have a question?”

  “Sure, shoot.”

  “Is this it? Or did you promise Nancy something else?” She smiled a bit then gave him a little shrug. “If there’s more, I’d like to know now, not keep getting your promises dropped on me, you know? Especially life changing ones.” Was she being jealous?


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