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Harley's Choice

Page 12

by Shaelin Ferra

  ‘take care m has been spotted’

  ‘not leaving htl’

  ‘k txt if prob XO’

  I went back to station and started straightening up and took out the filling. When they dinged I took them out of the oven and let them cool. I was glad for the coolness in the air in the kitchen. I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to be able to keep myself from inhaling them all, they smelt so good. I went about getting the filling ready to fill, my mouth watering the entire time.

  Finally they were cool enough. I stuck my pinkie into the end and stuck the filling tube and started filling the éclairs with the yummy tasting filling and then when I was finished with that I heated the chocolate glaze and dunked the tasty little treats and then with a little dab of the filling I glued to the box we were given and closed it up. I had filled a couple of them with the chocolate glaze I really wanted to eat those. I finished cleaning up and took my box and the instructions back to Martin and turned to leave. “No so fast girl some of those belong to Mr. Carson.”

  “Mr. Carson said since he disrupted the class and that I did most of the work that I could keep them all.” No point in telling the man that I planned to smear one all over my body and have ‘Mr. Carson’ lick it off of me.

  “Well you must give me one to try to see if you pass or fail.”

  I looked at him…yep there it was the second head. “You want me to give you one of my desserts to see if I pass or fail?”

  “Is there a problem miss?”

  “I’m a bit of a dessert hog.”


  “Fine, fine. I set the box down and handed him one of the éclairs. I was not happy!

  He looked at it with a turned up nose but bit into it. He stopped chewing I was afraid he was going to spit it out, but instead his eyes got round and he smiled. “This is exceptional dear girl.”

  “Look Martin, I appreciate the appraisal, but one, I do want to go, and two, you are not much older than I so quit talking down to me.”

  His eyes narrowed at me and he swallowed the rest of the éclair. “You are correct Miss I am sorry. You bake divinely. Thank you for taking my class.”

  “Thanks for teaching me how to make éclairs.” And I ran out of the kitchen and to the elevators and then down the hall and into my room. I took a deep breath when he was there. I sat the box down on the desk and ran and jumped on the bed. “If you ever do that to me again in public I will castrate you in private.”

  He rolled me over and he made quick work of the need we had. He fumbled with my skirt and finally between the two of us got it up around my hips and his pants down enough to free him and he seated himself to the hilt. I threw my head and screamed as he hit home. “Watching. You. Baking. With. Your. Hips. Swaying. In. time. To. My. Song.” His words were in time with each thrust. I scratched for leverage along his back as I felt his rhythm falter slightly then his tempo increased. I was too close to care about anything at this moment.

  He picked me up by wrapping his arms lengthwise along my back and the change in position lasted all of two seconds when the heat blasted from my toes, striking the matching in my midsection and finally blowing my head off. Ok so it wasn’t exactly that. It was more like the orgasm was so intense that I think I may have gouged out my name in his back. Either way having sex, making love or fucking like bunnies with these two was going to be the death of me.

  What a way to go!

  His arms were still pressed deeply into my back and I was straddling his lap with absolutely no control of my body. “Great more bruises I’m going to have to hide tonight.” His laughter shook his chest and he fell back “Oof” I felt him kick his legs out and then he rolled me to his side. “So, I didn’t know you could sing?”

  “Yeah it was one of those talents that I don’t tell many people, my agent didn’t even know.”

  “It was beautiful.”

  “I was inspired.” I looked up and he was looking at me. “My muse is a beautiful brunette with fire in her eyes and fluid in her movements. She doesn’t even know she does the motions that turn me on the most.”

  “Well then I shall need to find this muse of yours so I can kill her and take her spot.”

  He chuckled. “You are so sweet.”

  “Yeah, well don’t tell anyone, I have a reputation you know.”

  Which brought me to another subject and I rubbed his now stubble hair-do. “Why?” I allowed the sadness I felt for the loss of not only his hair but the privacy we were not going to have again this trip.

  “Oh Harley please don’t be sad. I wouldn’t have changed a thing about this weekend.”

  “You realize had you stayed in North Carolina none of this would have happened.”

  “That’s right, love, none of this.” He stripped my sweater off slowly and then pulled off my tank top. He climbed off the bed and pulled me off with him. He untied my straps and started spinning me. “None of this would have happened, and that is just unacceptable.” He kept pulling the straps. “How long are these straps Harley?”

  “Um, nine feet.”

  “Well that’s going to be good to know if I have the need to tie you up.” He finished untying me and the skirt fell to the floor. “Such a shame that clothing is a requirement.”

  “You’re kidding I look like a spotted leopard.”

  He laughed. “Yes by your admission they don’t bother you, in fact if I do this.” He pressed into the finger prints on my hips causing me to moan.

  “No it’s almost five,” I spoke on the wave of the moan, “Kyle should be here” I paused as we heard the lock disengage “No time now and we need to get dressed. The dance starts at seven.” Conversing with this man, while his tongue danced wickedly across my body was very difficult.

  I eyed the box of éclairs thinking we could maybe have a few minutes for dessert just as Kyle came in and put his arms around me. “So I heard there was quite the disturbance at the hotel today.” He smelled of sunshine and surf and of horse.

  I turned my head and stuck my nose into his neck. It was such a wondrous smell. The combination bringing me back to childhood weekends spent on the beach with these two. “Oh tomorrow lets go spend the day at the beach. Please.”

  “Oh course kitten. So tell me how was cooking class?” He questioned sexually as his hands were slowly making a path down my body.

  “Oh you have to try these. Martin went silent.” I spun out from in between the two distractions.

  “He didn’t!” Carson asked shocked “That man annoys me.” He then grumbled.

  “That’s ‘cause you have to go and allow him to fawn all over you while he feeds you.”

  “Shush!” I giggled but took two éclairs and handed them each one. I watched as they bit into them. “Harley! These are amazing!”

  “I second that!” Kyle said around a mouth full.

  “Good I’m glad you like them…cause that’s all you get!” I grabbed the boxes and ran to the bathroom with four hundred plus pounds of male chasing me.

  “Harley open this door right now.”


  “Come on kitten, you want to share those with us right?”

  “No!” I opened the box and stuffed one into my mouth and moaned.

  “Oh god she ate one.” I heard Kyle say.

  “Open the door kitten and I will personally lick one of those off you.” Carson’s voice held a promise that warmed me to my bones. I swallowed the éclair that went dry in my throat and slowly opened the door.

  It was pushed in and Kyle stepped forward and threw me over his shoulder and Carson took the boxes from my hands as I was carried to the bed and dropped unceremoniously.

  “Boys, I hate to state the obvious but it is five and I have two hours to look my best and…no…oh…yes.”

  “Really guys OHMIRICIN! You two are horrible!” I cursed as I ran through a shower quicker than a car wash with only a half an hour to spare before the dance started. I was in and out of the shower in ten minutes and st
anding out in the room with my hair wrapped up and attempting to dry off. They had gone into Carson’s room to get dressed. I did find out that Kyle had check out of his room and just moved in with Carson since this morning. It was a good move since I don’t think I have slept alone since that first night. “’Oh kitten its ok we’ll have plenty of time and I really want to taste this éclair.’ Bah I’ll never buy that one again.”

  I took out the light greyish-blue colored satin gown and the silver pumps that will make me about four inches taller and set everything out. I turned back to get panties. “What you’re not ready yet?”

  I spun ready to lay into Kyle but stopped he was too yummy for words. His dirty blond hair was brushed back to one side and he was clean shaven. His silver slacks contrasted against the black buttoned shirt. He held his jacket in front of him folded nicely over his arm. “Ok Mr. GQ, you may pick me up at my door five till seven.” I walked toward him and his smile grew as his hand grabbed the back of my neck thumbing right over the scar.

  “Another story?”

  “Horror. Now out.” I kissed his cheek and pushed him out of my room. I shut and locked the connecting door.

  I rushed through the rest of my routine, I brushed teeth and then attacked my hair with a blow drier and ten minutes later my thick hair was going to the party slightly wet. I piled some of it on top my head and stuck it to death with pins. Then I stepped into my dress danced the wrapping jig and when I was done I was pretty sure I covered most of the bruises, I was almost positive I’ve covered the fresh ones. I had just adjusted the strap on my thigh and placed my pistol in it then tied it off when the knock sounded at my door. I grabbed my shoes and hopped my way to the door stopping briefly to check my make-up and then checked the peep hole and opened the door, “and done” I smiled at him and he whistled at me.

  “Damn girl you look amazing.”

  “In this ole’ thing, why thank you sir.” I spun and stopped and I wasn’t up to his eyes but I was closer.

  “My lady?” He extended his arm.

  “Thank you sir.” I handed him my key card and ID “Would you be as so kind I simply have no place to put it.” He eyed my dress again and smiled.

  “You could put it on the inside of your thigh holster.”

  “Is it obvious?” I was worried someone would see it.

  “No, but you told me your Glock goes everywhere with you and since there is no purse or visible holster, including the ankle, I saw those when you spun, it only leaves the thing?” we stopped to wait for the elevator. “Shall I harbor a guess as to which thigh it’s on?”

  “Why Mr. Johnston are you flirting with me?” I fanned my hand

  “Do you want me to?”

  I looked at him through my eyelashes. “Later” then our conversation was cut short by the arrival of more people.

  “My that’s a gorgeous dress.” I sucked in a breath and turned to face her.

  “Thank you Rebecca, yours is equally as lovely.” I looked at her black strapless number and realized she still looked good. “You really haven’t changed in ten years. You still look as beautiful as you did at graduation.”

  “Well thank you.” She didn’t return any sort of sentiment to me; she was still snotty after all this time.

  “So where is your husband, could he not come with you?”

  “No my husband is away at a convention. He’s a doctor.” I bit my lip as the clichés ran through my head.

  “Too bad.”

  “Ah, yes.” She didn’t seem too bummed about it really. “Now if I remember correctly there were three of you?”

  “Yes you are correct there was myself, Kyle and Carson. Unfortunately Carson had to leave this afternoon on a family emergency.” Kyle took my hand in support as the lie flowed effortlessly. “I’m sure you recognize Kyle Mallory.”

  Her eyes narrowed slightly as true recognition hit home. She sniffed in the snobbish way then commented on our locked hands “Have you two been together long?”

  “Actually no, we have just reconciled this weekend.” The elevator ding and I turned to go but stopped.

  The elevator was full.

  Carson stood there in a blue pin-stripe suit and a light blue shirt. He was sin personified and drool inducing gorgeous. He was clean shaven and wearing a smile. “Hello again.” He nodded at me. I smiled.

  Kyle played his part “Kit Carson! As I live and breathe.”

  “Kyle Mallory? Man how have you been. It’s been what four years?” They did that man hug thing and the door started closing. I pushed the button again and it opened.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt this touching moment but, um, I have a dance to get to and this is my ride.” I stepped in and turned to look at Rebecca. “You remember Kit Carson from this afternoon don’t you?”

  She squeaked and the doors shut her out and the elevator began its descent. “Harley my beauty.” I giggled as he pulled me back to him and kissed my neck.

  “Hey sexy. I about stumbled into the elevator looking at you.”

  “’Looking at me!’ Woman I about pulled you in the car and took you against the wall.” His hands rubbed down my back and along my ass and down my thigh. “Oh kitten, not dressed fully without the Glock, Oh to be that holster.” I shivered then stepped away as the doors open. I stepped out into the bustle of lobby and Kyle took my side and Carson the other.

  “Are you going to accompany us to the dance Mr. Carson?”

  “Please call me Kit.”

  “Kit, will you be accompanying us then?” Just then a tirade of media and paparazzi descended upon us. “Perhaps later then,” and I clicked off with Kyle leading the way with a few media members following us.

  I heard a couple of the men behind the cameras shout something about Kyle Mallory and then we were swallowed by the media mass as well – I was never going to get out of here at this rate.

  Kyle pushed us through and the security guys held back the media as we stepped into the ballroom. The doors were closed once we were inside, completely blocking the entire dance from the prying eyes of camera lenses and annoying flash.

  It was done up nicely in the school colors and a DJ spinning mixes from the graduation year. It was well done and I wanted to dance. “Oh come dance with me.” I pulled him onto the floor. We danced through three fast paced songs and sat out the first slow dance. We sat laughing at the table talking to no one but ourselves. It has been a long time since I’ve had the freeness in a conversation, without having to lie or skate the truth.

  He spoke of a new book he was planning and I found a subject in which I could lose him in. We spoke of the new book in detail ignoring the music and everyone who happened by until. “OH MY GOD IT’S KIT CARSON!” a blonde on the other side of the table screamed. I looked up and found him immediately and him me. Kyle also looked and frowned and I looked again and there not a foot behind him stood Cassidy the blonde who made her point so very clear this morning.

  I went to stand and rip every hair out of her pathetic weave when Kyle pulled my hand and forced me to sit. “Let it be, you know she means nothing to him. He’s here for you and no one else you know this.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about I wasn’t going to do…much.” Kyle pulled my chin down to look at him, his green eyes entrancing me, “Ok, I was going to break every finger she touched him with in three places.”

  “That’s my girl.” Kyle laughed and stood “I shall go rescue your man from the demoness bitch.” He walked through the crowd and stood next to Carson. I watched Kyle say something to Carson respond and then Kyle walk out the door with Cassidy I stood and walked toward them with murderous intent.

  I was half way to the door when I was spun and dipped and then waltz to the dance floor. “Where were you going?”

  “Nowhere” I smiled up at Carson as he danced me across the floor.

  “Good then dance with me angel.”

  “Why Mr. Carson I didn’t know you could dance.”

  “Only wi
th an angelic partner such as you.”

  “So you dance, sing and act, is there anything you can’t do?” He seemed to be thinking about something then he looked into my eyes. I wasn’t one hundred percent sure I wanted to hear what he was going to say so I threw in a monkey wrench. “So I see your wife found you.”

  “M-my what?!” his steps falter briefly

  “The woman you walked in with. She ran into me before the cooking class and told me she was here to give you some good news.” I smiled coyly “Congratulations by the way.”

  “Christ what has that bitch been saying now?” his eyes flashed with deep rooted anger.

  “Now, now, I’m the only one who’s allowed murderous thought.”

  “What’s your going rate?” He smiled at me it was nice to be able to joke about it, and have him joking too. I smiled back.

  “For what, for problem solving, you’d have to contact the office. For sex, keep smiling like that and promise me sin by sun up. For life…you can’t afford me, I eat too much.” His laughter turned heads in our direction. “Sir you are causing a scene.”

  “Ma’am may I remind you who I am?”

  “No I know who you are.”

  “And I you.” His blue eyes flashed “Let’s blow the popsicle stand!”

  “Oh, but the award ceremony hasn’t happened yet.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, please I do so want to stay and watch it.” I honestly pouted.

  “Alright I shall stay with you until Kyle returns.”

  “Where did he go anyways?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “Just tell me.”

  He took a deep breath and shook his head. “You’re going to get angry.”

  “No I won’t I promise.”

  He rolled his eyes and cocked a brow. “He’s helping Cassidy with her luggage to the penthouse with the promise that I shall join her in a bit. Now, don’t get that look. You know I’m not going to her.”

  He was right I was getting angry for nothing. I shook off the mood and smiled. I knew that he’d be in my bed by the night end…him and Kyle if I had anything to say about it. “May I cut in?”

  “I’m flattered Rebecca but I don’t swing that way.” I was really starting to get annoyed with this woman.


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