Every Man a Tiger (1999)

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Every Man a Tiger (1999) Page 69

by Tom - Nf - Commanders Clancy


  A-6 aircraft, loss of

  A-10 aircraft (“Warthogs”)

  Battle of Khafji

  mission creep

  rescue mission

  AAA (anti-aircraft fire)

  ABCCC (Airborne Command, Control, and Communications)

  Abdullah (UAE colonel)

  Abrams tanks

  Abu Dhabi Emirate

  Abu Ghraib

  AC-130 aircraft, Battle of Khafji

  ACC (Air Combat Command)

  Accidents to aircraft

  ACE Team

  Action Officer (AO), Horner as

  Aerial victories

  Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom)


  Aggressor training

  AH-1 aircraft, Battle of Khafji

  AH-64A Apache attack helicopters

  Air bases, Saudi Arabia

  Airborne Corps

  Air campaign

  doubts of briefing

  planning of

  The Air Campaign: Planning for Combat, Warden

  Air Combat Command (ACC)

  Aircraft, technological revolution

  Aircraft accidents

  Aircraft carriers, deployment of

  Air defense, against Iraqi threat

  Air Defense Command

  Air defense system, Iraqi, destruction of

  Air Defense Weapons Center

  Air Force, Iraqi

  Air Force, U.S.

  Horner and

  inefficient policies

  military doctrine

  problems of

  revolutionary changes

  in Saudi Arabia

  and space

  temper tents

  and Vietnam War

  Air Force academy, Saudi

  Air Force officers, Schwarzkopf and

  Air Force Specialty Code

  Air interdiction

  Air Liaison Officers (ALOs)

  Airlift aircraft

  Airline, military, Desert Shield

  Air National Guard

  Air Operations Support Center


  future of

  potential of

  Powell and

  Air Rescue Coordination Center

  Air Rescue Service

  Air sovereignty, CINC NORAD and

  Air strikes, beginning of war

  Air strike targets


  Iraqi units

  NBC weapon sites

  Scud missile sites

  Air superiority

  Air support for land forces

  Air Tasking Orders. See ATOs

  Air-to-air training

  Red Flag program

  Air-to-ground attack aircraft

  Air Traffic Control System

  Air Training Command

  Al Dhafra, munitions storage area

  Al-Firdus command-and-control bunker

  Al-Khafji, Saudi Arabia See also Battle of Khafji

  Al Kharj Air Base

  Allied aircraft, battle plan

  ALOs (air liaison officers). See FACs (forward air controllers)

  Alpino, Mario


  America, trust in

  American culture, Saudis and

  American qualities

  Amphibious operations into Kuwait

  Anderson, Jack

  ANG RF-4C aircraft, accident

  Anti-radiation missiles

  Apache aircraft

  Appearance standards

  Applied Technology Incorporated (ATI)

  Arab air forces, and Coalition

  Arab fighter pilots

  Arab leaders, Horner’s view of

  Arab men, and women

  Arab world:

  business conduct

  Horner and


  and Patriot missiles

  ARG (Amphibious Ready Group)

  Armed Forces Staff College

  Army, U.S.:

  and air campaigns

  battle lab training

  and global positioning satellites

  Tiger Brigade

  Arnold, Steve

  Arthur, Stan

  Artillery, destruction of

  Assura (Saudi colonel)

  Asymmetric warfare

  AT-37 Dragonfly aircraft

  ATI (Applied Technology Incorporated)

  ATOs (Air Tasking Orders)

  changes in

  D Day

  distribution of

  preparation of

  problems of

  training in use of

  See also Frag (Fragmentary Order)

  Authority, respect for, Vietnam War and

  AV-8 aircraft

  AWACS aircraft

  Iran-Iraq War

  and rescue missions


  Ayeesh, Mohammed Al-

  Aziz, Abab Al-, al-Shaikh

  Aziz, Tarik

  B-2 aircraft

  B-47 aircraft

  B-52 aircraft

  Battle of Khafji

  leaflets dropped by

  Baghdad, Iraq

  attacks on

  “Baghdad Billy,”

  “Baghdad Bob,”

  Bahrain, and Gulf War

  Baker, Jim

  Ballad of the F-111 Jock, Krapf

  Ballistic missiles

  Bandar bin Sultan, Prince of Saudi Arabia

  Baptiste, Sam

  daily routine

  Barrineau, Jean

  Barth, Tom

  Barthelmous, Bill

  Battlefield interdiction

  Battlefield preparation

  by air campaign

  Battle of Khafji

  Battle theater, in comparison to eastern U.S.

  BE (bomb encyclopedia) number

  Becko, Jack


  Behery, Ahmed Al

  Bell, BeBe

  Bennet, Rich

  Ben-Nun (Israeli Air Force General)

  BGM-109 Tomahawk missiles

  Bien, Lyle

  Biological warfare. See Germ warfare

  “Black boxes,”

  “Black Hole” planning group

  Blue Ball Express (Gulf War transport)

  Blue Flag exercises

  Blue-on-blue. See Friendly fire

  Boeing 707 aircraft, specialized

  Bomb damage assessment (BDA), and start of ground war

  Bomber generals

  Bomber school

  Bomber stream tactics

  Bond, Dick

  Boomer, Walter

  Battle of Khafji

  Brickert, Mike

  Bridges, destruction of


  air campaign plan

  battle plan


  on Iraq situation

  Brilliance, technology and

  British aircraft

  British ground forces

  Broadcast, global

  Brokaw, Tom


  Fighter Mafia and

  Horner and

  and military policies

  Red Flag program and

  Bush, George

  and air campaign


  Business, Arab world

  C-130 aircraft


  leaflets dropped by


  Camp David briefing on Middle East situation

  CAP aircraft

  Career officers

  Caruana, Pat

  CAS. See Close air support

  CBU-2s (munitions)


  Horner as commander

  CENTCOM (Central Command)

  headquarters in Riyadh

  and psychological warfare

  CENTCOM Forward

  Centralized decision-making

  Creech and

  Chairasell, Bill

  Chan (sister of Le Ba Hung)

  Change, military’s resistance to

  Chaos, of war

  Chaotic leadership style

  Chase, Art


  Chemical weapons

  Cheney, Richard

  and biological warfare

  and Coalition

  December briefing for

  meeting with King Fahd

  Christon, Chris

  CIA, and Cold War


  and military planning

  and rescue operations

  See also Schwarzkopf, H. Norman




  Civilian casualties

  Civilian populations:

  germ warfare and

  Scud missiles and

  Clapper, Jim

  Close air support (CAS)

  Battle of Khafji

  CNN (television)

  and Battle of Khafji

  and Iraqi air defenses

  and Scud attacks

  CNN effect

  Coalition forces

  aerial victories by unit

  air bases

  Battle of Khafji

  Horner and

  national leaders

  and psychological warfare

  Scud attacks on Israel and

  training of

  and will of enemy

  Cole, USS

  Collateral damage


  assignment of pilots to

  space operations

  stories from ground war

  Wild Weasel missions

  Combat Crew Training wing

  Combat readiness, measure of

  Combat search and rescue (CSAR)

  See also SAR (search-and-rescue)

  Combat units, tests of

  Command and Control, Iraqi Freedom

  Command-and-control system


  Command center, combined

  Commanders, and military plans

  Commanders in Chief

  Commando Solo

  Command relationships

  Common purpose, need for


  buildup for war

  in coalitions

  disruption of

  Iraqi, destruction of

  Communication satellites

  Compass Call (EC-130 aircraft)

  Component commanders, December briefing

  Computer-Aided Force Management System (CAFMS)

  Computer technology

  Control, as goal of warfare

  Control and Reporting Center (CRC)

  Control and Reporting Posts (CRP)

  Control of air

  Conventional Forces

  Cooperation, among military services

  U.S. and Arab forces

  Copper Flag

  Corder, John

  Cornum, Rhonda

  Corps commanders, ground forces

  and target selection

  Costs of air defense

  Creech, W.L. “Bill,”

  Air Force changed by

  Crew chiefs

  Crigger, Jim

  Battle of Khafji

  daily routine

  Crist, George

  Cruise missiles


  Cullivan, Sean

  Current Operations

  Current plans

  Davies, Ray

  DCINC (Deputy CINC)

  D Day Plan


  Decentralization, Creech and

  Deception operation


  Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites

  Defensive air operations

  de Gaulle, Charles

  de la Billiere, Peter

  Department of Defense (DOD) policies

  Deployment of forces

  Deptula, Dave

  daily routine

  Deputy Commanders

  Desert Shield

  Desert Storm

  battlefield interdiction

  Creech’s changes and

  ground war

  planning stages


  space forces and

  See also Iraqi Freedom

  Desertion, by Iraqi troops

  Deterrence, military

  Dhahran Air Base

  Scud attacks

  Dietz (Air Force captain)

  Dinners, official

  Dip bombers

  Direct Air Support Center

  Discipline, military


  Dissimilar training

  Dive Toss System

  Divine purpose, Horner and

  Dixon, Bob “Tidewater Alligator,”

  Doman, Al

  Donaldson, Sam

  Dong Ha, North Vietnam

  Donovan, Jack

  “Doofer book,”

  Downing, Wayne

  Drug problems

  Drummond, Gentner

  Dugan, Mike

  Duration of war, estimations

  Duty officers

  Dwight D. Eisenhower, USS

  E-3 AWACS aircraft

  EAC (Eastern Area Command, Saudi)

  EARNEST WILL (Arabian Gulf operation)

  Eberly, Dave

  EC-130 aircraft (Commando Solo)

  EC-130H aircraft (Compass Call)

  ECM. See Electronic countermeasures

  Economies of scale, centralization and

  Edminsten, Bob

  EF-111 aircraft

  and “Baghdad Billy,”

  Eglin AFB, Air Warfare Center


  Coalition and

  of fighter pilots

  Eighth Air ForceBombardment Wing

  82d Airborne Division

  823 Red Horse Squadron

  Electronic countermeasures (ECM)

  ELF-1 AWACS aircraft

  Elitism of rated personnel

  Embargo of Iraqi shipping, Navy and

  Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan)

  Enemy headquarters, attacks on

  Enemy, knowledge of

  Enlisted Air Force members, rated

  Environment, control of

  Environmental destruction by Iraqis

  ER-142 (ATI black box)

  Eskan Village

  EWOs (electronic weapons officers)

  Exchange ratios, Vietnam War

  Exploration of space

  F-4 aircraft, combat air patrol

  F-4D aircraft, Dive Toss System

  F-4E aircraft, Red Flag program

  F-5 aircraft (Tiger Jet)

  F-15 aircraft

  and “Baghdad Billy,”

  F-15C aircraft


  F-15E aircraft

  and low-level tactics

  tank plinking


  F-16 aircraft


  Horner’s routine flights

  Killer Scouts

  leaflets dropped by

  new technology

  F-16C aircraft

  F-18 aircraft

  F-22 aircraft

  F-80 aircraft

  F-86 aircraft

  F-100 aircraft

  F-100D aircraft

  F-105 aircraft (“Thuds”)

  combat missions

  shot down by MiG-17s

  F-111 aircraft

  and low-level tactics

  oil valve bombing

  F-111D aircraft

  F-111F aircraft

  F-117 aircraft

  beginning of war

  F-117A aircraft, “Puba’s Party,”

  F/A-18 aircraft

  FACs (forward air controllers)

  Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia


  fear of

  in Gulf War

  in Vietnam War

  Falcon AFB, Colorado

  Families of military personnel

  Fantle, Sam

  Faris (U
AE Colonel)

  Farr, Jack


  Iraqi people controlled by

  Feeley, John F.

  58th Fighter Wing

  Fighter flights

  Fighter generals

  Fighter Mafia

  Fighter pilots

  Bush as

  Horner as

  training of

  views of Vietnam War

  widows of

  Fighter Weapons Center

  Fighter Weapons School (FWS)

  Fighting Falcons. See F-16C aircraft

  Fire trenches

  1st MEF (Marine Expeditionary Force)

  1st Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW)

  Flight commanders

  Flight leaders

  Horner as

  Flight training

  FLOT (Front Line of Own Troops)

  Flying, Horner and

  Flying Squadron Operations

  Fogerty, Bill

  Fong (Major, aide to Yeosock)

  48th Tactical Fighter Wing

  mission of

  and oil valve bombing

  tank plinking

  Forward air controllers. See FACs

  4th Tactical Fighter Wing

  Fourteenth Air Force

  405th Fighter Wing

  474th TWF, Horner as commander

  492d Tactical Fighter Squadron

  Fox, Jeff “Sly,”

  Frag (Fragmentary Order)

  See also Air Tasking Orders (ATOs)

  Franks, Fred

  and target selection

  Franks, Tommy

  Freeman, Chas

  Free press

  French forces in Gulf War

  French training of Iraqi pilots

  Friendly fire

  Friendship, Arabs and

  FROG (Free Over Ground Rocket) units in Kuwait

  FSCL (Fire Support Coordination Line)

  Fuel storage

  Fuel supplies, Iraqi, destruction of

  Functional Commanders in Chief

  Functional commands

  Marines and

  Funding for space operations


  FWS (Fighter Weapons School)

  Gaua service

  GBU-15 bombs

  GCC (Graduated Combat Capability) system

  Generals, U.S.:

  Horner’s view of


  Geosynchronous (GEO) orbits

  Germ warfare

  inoculations against

  Gibson, Mark “Hoot,”

  Giddens, George

  Gitchell, George

  Gitchell, Mary Jo

  See also Horner, Mary Jo Gitchell

  Global Positioning System (GPS)

  Glosson, Buster

  battle plan

  daily routine

  Goff, Randy

  Goldwater-Nichols Defense Reorganization Act

  Schwarzkopf and

  and Special Operations

  Gordon, Michael

  GPS. See Global Positioning System

  GPS bombs

  GR-1 Tornadoes (aircraft), losses

  Graduated Combat Capability (GCC) system

  Graduated Pressure strategy

  Grater (Air Force Captain)

  Griffith, Tom

  Ground campaign, plan for

  Ground forces, air support for

  Ground Forward Air Controllers (FACs)

  Ground war, Desert Storm

  Gulf Cooperation Council

  Gulf War

  air campaign plan

  buildup for


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