Every Man a Tiger (1999)

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Every Man a Tiger (1999) Page 70

by Tom - Nf - Commanders Clancy

  countdown to opening

  Creech’s changes and

  end of

  technological revolution and

  television and

  See also Desert Shield; Desert Storm

  Gulf War II, See Iraqi Freedom

  Gunnery school

  “GUTS Airline,”

  “G” warmup exercise

  Haiphong, North Vietnam

  Hall, Mike

  Hallion, Dick

  Hamad (Bharani Major)

  Hamad, Muhammad al-

  negotiations with Horner

  Hanoi, North Vietnam

  Hanson (Chaplain)

  Harawi (Saudi Major General)

  HARM (high-speed anti-radiation missile)

  Harr, Charlie

  Harriers (aircraft)

  Harris, Hunter

  Hartinger, Jim, Jr. “Little Grr,”

  daily routine

  Hartinger, Jim, Sr. “The Grr,”

  Hartney, Jim (White Fang)

  Harvey, Bernard

  Hawker Hunter (British aircraft)

  HC-130 aircraft

  Henadi (Saudi General)

  Henry, Gus

  Henry, Larry “Puba,”

  Henry, Lenny


  “Highway of Death,”

  Hill (Air Force General)

  Hine, Patty

  Hinton, Bruce “Balls,”

  Hohemann (Air Force Lieutenant)

  Holland, Donnie

  Honor, of fighter pilots

  Hooches, Thailand

  Hornberg, Hal

  Horner, Chuck

  and A-10s

  and command relationships

  and Creech

  changes by

  and Gulf War

  air campaign

  aircraft accidents

  Battle Damage Assessment

  battlefield interdiction

  Battle of Khafji


  civilian casualties

  close air support


  daily routine

  deployment of forces

  Desert Storm

  environmental destruction


  integration of forces

  Iraqi Republican Guard

  lessons from

  rescue efforts

  rotation policies

  Scud missiles

  special forces

  strategic air campaign

  target selection

  television coverage


  leadership training

  and Schwarzkopf

  Horner, Chuck (continued)

  and space

  Vietnam War

  war viewed by

  as young man

  Horner, Ellen (sister)

  Horner, John Patrick (son)

  Horner, Margaret “Pud” (sister)

  Horner, Mary Jo Gitchell

  as Air Force wife

  and Chuck’s trips

  letters to

  Horner, Mary Lou (sister)

  Horner, Nancy Jo (daughter)

  Horner, Susan (daughter)

  Housing of troops in Saudi Arabia

  Human shields, Saddam and

  “The Hundred-Hour War,”

  Hung, Le Ba, (Vietnamese officer)

  Hurlburt AFB, Special Operations Center

  Hussein, Saddam

  atrocities committed by

  strategies of

  I-2000 bomb


  Ideas, implementation in Pentagon


  Incirlik Air Base, Turkey

  Independence, USS

  Independent action, in Iraq

  Individuals and teams

  Individual soldier, technological revolution and

  Inexperienced pilots in combat


  in Saudi Arabia

  space operations

  Information warfare

  Infrared satellites


  Innis, Skinny


  Instructor pilots

  Horner as

  Integration of air operations

  Integration of forces


  Intelligence, military

  and bombing missions

  in coalitions

  current Operations

  daily briefings

  Horner and

  Iraqi Army

  Intelligence officers

  Interceptor aircraft, Iraqi

  Interdiction warfare

  Internal Look (war exercise)

  International relations, Gulf War

  Bush and

  Interpersonal relationships

  Intratheater airlift

  Iran, Iraqi aircraft in

  Iranian pilots

  Iran-Iraq War


  air defense radar activity

  air strike targets

  threat to Saudi Arabia

  Iraqi Air Force

  Iraqi Army

  interdiction of supplies

  in Kuwait, destruction of

  surrender of soldiers

  Iraqi Freedom (Gulf War II)

  Command and Control

  media (American) embedded with troops

  postconflict strategy

  prisoners of war

  “Rapid Dominance,”

  reasons for

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks


  unmanned systems in future

  Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs)

  Iraqi leadership, attacks on

  Iraqi pilots

  Islamic Corps

  Islamic Peninsula Shield forces


  Air Force personnel policies

  Italian aircraft, losses

  Jaguar aircraft

  Javelin (British aircraft)

  Jeaid, Ayed Al-

  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

  B-52 bombers based at

  Jeddah New

  Jedi Knights (Army planners)

  Jet fuel

  Johnson, Jessie

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Johnson, Paul

  Johnston, Bob

  Joint Chiefs of Staff

  and Vietnam strategies

  Joint Staff, Horner’s views

  Joint STARS aircraft

  and Battle of Khafji

  and Scud missiles

  and target selection

  Jones, Devon

  Jones, John Paul

  JP-233 munitions

  Kadena AFB, Okinawa, squadron from

  KARI (Iraqi air defense system)

  Kaufman, Don

  daily routine

  Keenan, Bill

  Kelk (Air Force captain)

  Kelly, Bob

  Kelly, Tom

  Kemp, Pete

  Kendall, Mary Lou

  Khafji. See Al-Khafji, Saudi Arabia; Battle of Khafji

  Khaled bin Sultan

  Battle of Khafji

  Horner and

  problems handled by

  and psychological warfare

  and target selection

  Khalid (UAE colonel)

  Khamis Mushyat Air Base

  Kill boxes

  Killer Scouts

  Killing of enemy, Horner and

  Kimsey, Harvey

  King Fahd Air Base, SOF aircraft at

  King Khalid International Airport

  King Khalid Military City (KKMC)

  Kirk, Bill

  Klong Courier (military air transport)

  Korat, Thailand

  Korea, participation in Coalition

  Korean War


  Krapf, Roger, Ballad of the F-111 Jock

  KTO (Kuwait Theater of Operations) Room, RSAF headquarters

  Kunichica, Paul


ng of oil fields

  destruction of Iraqi forces in


  interdiction of supplies to

  invasion by Coalition forces

  liberation of

  Kuwaiti Air Force

  Ky, Nguyen Cao

  Lady Ashley (F-16C aircraft)

  Lakenheath, England

  Horner’s assignment to

  Lamb, Al

  Land forces

  air support

  Land officers, view of war



  Lautenbager, Connie


  by inexperienced personnel

  political, of Bush

  training in

  Leaflets, psychological warfare

  Lee (Korean Air Force general)

  “Left-behinds” (military families)

  “Left Hook,”

  Leide, Jack

  Lennon, Tom

  Lessons from Gulf War

  Libya, near-death experience


  bureaucracy and

  and loss of pride

  rating system and

  about Vietnam War

  Lightning (British aircraft)

  Linebacker II campaign

  Line pilots

  Locket, David


  Logistic problems, Iraqi

  Loh, Mike

  Loss-of-life issue, Bush and


  Gulf War


  Battle of Khafji

  from friendly fire

  Iraqi Army

  to Scud missiles

  Vietnam War

  Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

  Low level flying

  Luck, Gary

  and target selection

  Luke AFB, Arizona

  Lunch at Saudi cafeteria

  McBroom, John “Boomer,”

  McCaffery (Army major general)

  McConnell AFB, Kansas, squadron from

  McNamara, Robert

  McNeil, John

  McPeak, Tony

  Madinee, Yousef

  Mahmud, Salah Abud

  Mahrt, Marty

  Mail from home

  Mandani, Jousif

  Mansour (Saudi General)

  MARCENT (Marine component, Desert Shield)

  Marine Harriers (aircraft)

  Marine Corps, U.S.

  aircraft in Gulf War

  Battle of Khafji

  and global positioning satellites

  Iraqi Freedom

  members killed by friendly fire

  Marshall, George

  Mauz, Hank

  “Mayor of Rihadh,”

  MCS (Management Computation System)

  Medals awarded

  to Bahraini fighter pilots

  to Drummond

  to Horner

  for rescue mission

  to Wild Weasels

  Media, and psychological warfare

  Media (American) embedded with troops, Iraqi Freedom

  Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)

  Mentoring, Horner and

  MFP-1 (Major Force Program 1)

  MH-53 PAVE LOW helicopters

  MH-53J helicopter, rescue mission

  MH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter

  MiG-17 aircraft

  MiG-21 aircraft

  MiG-23 aircraft, Iraqi

  MiG-29 aircraft, Iraqi

  MiG aircraft, North Vietnam

  MiG CAP (Combat Air Patrol)

  Miles, Bill

  Milhim, Sultan Farhan Al-

  Military aircraft, numbers in Gulf War

  Military coalitions, key ingredients

  Military commands, interaction of

  Military doctrine

  Military force, capabilities of

  Military headquarters, Riyadh

  Military planning, mistakes of

  Military services, U.S., conflicts

  Military targets, Gulf War

  See also Air strike targets

  Military units, Desert Shield

  Minhad Air Base

  Mirage aircraft


  United Arab Emirates

  Mirehouse, Jim

  Missing-man flybys

  Mission-capable rates

  “Mission creep,”


  Gulf War

  Mitterand, François

  Mobile Scud launchers

  MODA (Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation)

  Horner’s offices

  Schwarzkopf’s headquarters

  Mofadhi, Talil Salem Al-

  Mohammed, Sheikh (UAE)

  Molniya orbits

  Momyer, Spike

  Money, Horner and

  Moore, Burt

  Moore, Royal


  Iraqi, destruction of

  problems of

  Morocco, infantry

  Mosley, Michael (Buzz)

  Movement of armies

  Moving Target Information (MTI)

  MSQ missions

  Multinational tactics team


  storage areas

  Murphy, John

  Myhrum, Roger


  SAM mission

  Myths of war

  National leaders, daily briefing

  National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)


  and Coalition

  deployability of units

  NAVISTAR global positioning satellite system

  Navy, U.S.

  and airpower

  satellite communications

  and Vietnam War

  NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) weapons

  NCOs, Horner and

  Nellis AFB

  Horner as wing commander

  Night Camel exercises

  Night MSQ missions

  Ninth Air Force

  command center

  Horner as commander

  Nixon, Richard, war policies

  Nogrowski (operations officer, Lakenheath)

  North Vietnam

  See also Vietnam War

  Northrop BQM-74 (drone aircraft)

  Nuclear Forces, USAF

  Nuclear weapons

  Nurses, USAF reserve

  Offensive air campaign

  Offensive airpower

  Officer Efficiency Reports (OERs)


  Horner as commander of

  NCOs and

  Oil, dumped by Iraqis

  Oil fields, burning of

  Oil refinery, Dhahran, Iraqi attack

  Old fighter pilots

  Olsen, Tom

  daily routine

  and Scud attacks on Israel

  O’Malley, Jerry

  Oman, infantry

  101st Air Assault Division

  Operational Readiness Inspections (ORIs)

  Operation Bolo

  Operation EARNEST WILL

  Operation Enduring Freedom

  Operations officers

  Optically aimed surface-to-air missiles

  Owens, Bill

  PACAF (Pacific Air Force)

  Pagonis, Gus

  Pakistani Air Force

  Pararescue Jumpers (PJs)


  Partnership, Coalition as

  Patch wearers

  Patrick AFB, Florida

  Patriot missiles

  PAVE LOW helicopters

  PAVE TAC pods

  Pearson, Dick

  Peay (Army major general)


  and Gulf War

  Personnel system, and combat duty

  Pfeiffer, Hans

  PGMs (precision-guided missiles)

  Phillips, Joe Bob

  and friendly fire problem

  Phuc Yen, North Vietnam

  Pilots, outstanding

  Pipelines, opened by Iraqis

  Pitchout landings

  PJs (parachute jumpers)

  Placement of forces, problems of

  Planning, military

  Pod formations

  Poison gas

  Policies, inefficient, Vietnam War

  Political objectives of war

  Pontoon bridges

  Pope AFB, Airlift Center

  Powell, Colin

  and air campaign plan

  and biological warfare


  PPBS (Planning, Programming, Budgeting System)

  Precision bombs

  Preparation of battlefield

  Press interviews


  Prisoners of war, Desert Storm:

  American pilots as


  Prisoners of war, Iraqi Freedom


  Profitt, Glenn

  Psychological warfare

  “Puba’s Party,”

  Purvis, Joe

  Push CAS

  Qatar, mechanized forces

  Quayle, Dan

  Quick Reaction Process (QRP)

  Quick-turn base

  Race problems

  Radar-equipped aircraft

  Radar-guided surface-to-air missiles

  Radio transmissions, Iraqi

  Rahamani, Ahmed Al-

  Rahsid, Yousef

  Railroad lines, Iraqi

  Raja, Mohammed

  Randolph, Randy

  Rank, military

  Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF)

  “Rapid Dominance,”

  Rashid, Josuf

  Ratchet-75 (EF-111A aircraft)

  Rated personnel, Air Force

  Rathburn-Healy, Melissa

  Ready, Fire, Aim concept

  Reavy, Mike

  Reconnaissance, space operations

  Reconnaissance, aircraft

  Red Ball Express (Gulf War transport)

  Red Flag (combat exercise)

  Red Horse Squadron

  Regalli, Dino

  Regional Commanders in Chief

  Religious faith

  Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF)

  Republican Guard (Iraqi)

  Rescue operations

  Responsibility, acceptance of

  Richie, Bill

  Rider, Bill

  Riley, Jerry

  Rivet Joint aircraft

  battle plan

  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

  RMA (revolution in military affairs)

  Road system, Iraq, destruction of

  Robbin, Joe

  Robinson, Country

  Rocket-fuel plants, bombing of

  ROE (rules of engagement) orders

  Rogers, Craven C. “Buck,”


  Roquejeoffre, Michael

  Roschelle, Carl

  Rotation policies

  ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps)

  Route Packages

  Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF)




  Royal Saudi Land Force, mechanized infantry

  Rumsfeld, Donald

  Russ, Bob

  Ryan, Jack

  SAC (Strategic Air Command)

  Safety of troops, Schwarzkopf and

  “Saint” (American pilot in Bahrain)


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