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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

Page 11

by Gayle Donnelly

  Chloe reacted on pure instinct, the years of her brother’s training flooding her mind. She turned into her attacker’s hold so his arm was across her chest and her back was to his front. With his right side now exposed, Chloe drove her elbow back into his ribs, hearing a crack and feeling his sharp exhale of breath on her neck. Grabbing his wrist where it still gripped her left arm, she spun under his hold. She now faced her attacker as she held his wrist immobile until she heard another resounding crack of bone as she twisted her grip. The blond growled in pain but recovered quickly, sending Chloe flying backward to land on the hard concrete with a punishing backhand to her jaw.

  In her dazed state, she looked at Sean, who actually seemed to be holding his own, believe it or not. Just as she witnessed him administer a spinning back kick to his attacker’s left temple, Chloe was unceremoniously yanked up by her hair and pulled back hard against Blondie’s chest. Damn, that hurt!

  “You’re gonna pay for that, bitch. My goal was to bring you in but nothing was ever said about what condition you had to be in.”

  He leaned in close, pressed his face to the side of her neck and inhaled deeply. The stench of his breath set off her gag reflex. Then he pressed his lips to her ear. “By the way, Red, nice house you have. Did you like the little present I left in your kitchen?” He inhaled again, then she felt the slide of his tongue at the back of her ear. Vomit alert!

  The hold on her hair tightened as he leaned in close again. “You taste good, Red. Maybe before taking you in I’ll have a little fun. Would you like that, sweets? Are you scared yet, little girl? Maybe after you, I’ll find your friend Mina. From the note she left you, she sounds like a lotta fun too. I’m thinking threesome. How ‘bout it, Red?”

  Her spine went rigid. Her canines exploded through her gums as she let loose a feral growl. The condescending little-girl nickname combined with the threat to Mina completely obliterated her common sense. Not caring anymore who was around to stand witness, Chloe deftly spun in her attacker’s hold, twisting her hair even tighter in his grip but now facing the miserable excuse of a man. She brought her knee up hard and knew she’d hit her mark when the hold on her hair was instantly released. She slashed her claws down the side of his face then administered a solid front kick to the center of the bastard’s sternum, sending him backward several feet to land flat on his back. She only wished she hadn’t lost her heels in her earlier tumble to the pavement. Then the pointy heel of her Jimmy Choo would be encased in the bastard’s chest right now.

  “Who’s the little girl now, asshole?” she chided.

  She didn’t even have time to catch her breath before she heard the heavy booted steps of Blondie’s partner coming up behind her. She looked at Sean, who now lay motionless on the pavement. That delay cost her as asshole number two wrapped his huge arm around her neck from behind, effectively putting her in a choke hold. She was struggling for air and preparing to bring her heel back on his kneecap when the man’s scream nearly burst her eardrum. She found herself suddenly dropped to her knees, free and gasping for breath.

  Moments later, strong hands helped her to sit up. Still somewhat dazed, she looked over to where she had last seen Sean. Michael was leaning over him, checking his injuries. She turned to see both Daniel and David at her side. Panicked, she looked around for their attackers.

  “Easy, Chlo,” Daniel soothed, stroking her back. “MaKane went after them.”

  “Yeah, the blond you downed beat feet as soon as he saw us coming. His buddy was right behind him after Daniel sliced and diced his back to get him off you.” David almost seemed put out that he hadn’t got a chance to take part in the action. “Hard to watch a Coteri female fight but I gotta say, Chloe, you pretty much kicked ass tonight, girl.”

  Chloe nodded numbly, then started to stand, grateful for the assistance. “How’s Sean?” she asked, looking over at Michael.

  “He’s coming around. Want to tell me how this guy isn’t a corpse instead of just beat to hell?” Michael spoke as he helped Sean into a sitting position. “Valta bastards must be losing their touch if they can’t even take down a human.”

  Sean’s eyes flew open and he looked around anxiously. “Chloe!” he shouted and tried to stand, only to fall back to the ground.

  Chloe quickly moved to his side and bent down, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Easy, Sean. You’ve had quite a night.” Sean’s pupils were still dilated—he was obviously not quite back from the haze yet. “Gut you and strangle you with your own intestines, Sean?” She chuckled. “Wow, remind me never to get on your bad side, Doctor.” She cupped the side of his bruised face as her smile faded. “Thank you, Sean, for trying to protect me.” She leaned in and softly kissed his cheek, not wanting to hurt him more. His eyes began to close again as she helped him to lay back down.

  “No worries, Chlo,” Michael offered. “He’ll pull out of this in no time with nothing more than a killer headache, most likely. Damn strange, though, if you ask me. No way in hell he should have been able to hold his own.”

  Daniel and David stood in stunned silence, watching the scene. Daniel finally spoke. “Okay, kids. Let’s take this party back to Chloe’s place. We have some things to discuss and I want a better look at both of your injuries.” He moved to assist Chloe while Michael did the same with Sean. “Michael, take the doc and follow us in his vehicle back to Chloe’s house. We’ll meet you there,” Daniel instructed.

  Chapter Eleven

  The drive back to her house was made in silence. She had a headache, her jaw hurt, her throat hurt and she had ruined one of her favorite pair of heels. Damn it. Although she was anxious to check on Sean, all she really wanted was to draw a hot bath, relax in the soothing jets with a glass of wine and forget about this awful night. No, that wasn’t quite true. What she really wanted after her hot bath and wine was to have strong arms surround her, take her to bed and hold her throughout the night, making her feel safe and wanted. A very specific set of strong arms. And just how pathetic was that? She let out a sigh of exasperation.

  Daniel’s hand on her shoulder brought her out of her musings. “You hangin’ in there for me, my little warrior?”

  The look of sincere concern on his face touched her. “I’m fine, Daniel. Just frustrated that we weren’t able to question those two bastards for information. Especially Blondie.” She blew out a breath. “He was the creep that broke into my house and left the shredded Versace and the note on my table.” She shook her head. “He also wanted to take me to his ‘friend’, whoever the hell that is. We must be getting close. At least close enough to make somebody nervous, don’t you think?” She stared at Daniel and watched his jaw clench repeatedly, but he didn’t answer.

  She continued, although confused by his reaction. “By the way, I know I’ve been relentless in telling you I didn’t need an escort home every night but this was the first night you didn’t show up at my office at six on the dot. I figured you were finally listening to me on that point. But now I’m curious—where were you and what made you show up when you did?”

  Chloe saw Daniel’s jaw clench again as he stared out the front windshield. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, causing his knuckles to turn white, but he remained silent.

  “Daniel?” Chloe prompted.

  “You got another note, Chloe-girl,” David stated somberly from the back seat.

  “What did this one say?” she interrupted, but David continued as if she hadn’t spoken.

  “It was taped to your front door when Daniel went to your place earlier. He told us this afternoon he was just going to meet you at your place tonight instead of following you home. As soon as he got to your place, saw the note and found you weren’t home yet, he called us in and we bolted to the clinic.” She heard David shift on the leather seat. “Not fucking soon enough though, Chloe. Damn, I’m sorry about that.”

  Chloe turned sideways so she could look back at David and immediately saw the guilt in his eyes. “Hey, I’m fine. I was holding my o
wn but I have to admit I’m glad you guys showed up when you did. I keep trying to tell you I know how to handle myself. Did you happen to get a look at Blondie’s face? I kicked some serious butt tonight.” She chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. She knew these men were furious at themselves for not being there to protect her. And she didn’t want that. They’d been there when she’d needed them most. That was all that mattered.

  David gave her a small grin, showing his dimple, and raised his fist toward her. She extended her own fist and they bumped knuckles. “That you did, Chloe-girl. That you did.”

  The ring of Daniel’s cell phone brought her attention back to him. “Yeah.” His tone was low, clipped. “Shit. Meet us back at Chloe’s. I’ll report to Killian after you get here and we have a chance to debrief.” He ended the call and returned the phone to his pocket, his gaze still focused out the front windshield. “That was MaKane. The bastards got away.”

  Chloe rested her hand on Daniel’s shoulder and squeezed. “Daniel, it’s okay.” When he didn’t respond, she squeezed again until he turned his gaze toward her. “Danny, I’m okay.”

  He stared at her for a moment, then let out a breath and gave her a quick nod. About a minute later, both vehicles were turning into her driveway. Darrius met them at the door.

  “Place is secure.” He stepped back to allow them inside.

  Once they all were inside, the others moved into the kitchen area while she reactivated the security system. Chloe turned to join the others and ran right into the solid wall of Daniel’s chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and buried his face in her neck as he lifted her off the floor.

  She hugged him back as all the air left her lungs in a rush. “Danny, honey, I’m having a little trouble breathing here.” Again she was attempting to lighten his mood, but she knew he needed this. He loosened his hold slightly but didn’t release her. There was nothing sexual in the embrace, nothing that felt uncomfortable—just a friend expressing his gratitude that she was indeed okay.

  He set her down and put her at arm’s length, holding her by the shoulders. His hazel eyes bored into hers. “Glue, damn it. Whether you like it or not, whether you think you need it or not, fucking glue, Chloe. My ass is stuck to yours like glue from here on out. Got it?”

  She couldn’t help but smile and tried really hard to suppress her chuckle, with little success. She patted his chest affectionately and moved toward the kitchen. “Might be kind of hard for us to walk around with our butts stuck together, Danny. But we’ll see how it goes.” Behind her she heard Daniel’s low growl as he followed her.

  Chloe joined the others in the kitchen. They were seated at the table and breakfast bar. She was making her way to the fridge when David stepped into her path, holding a chilled glass of chardonnay in one hand and an ice pack in the other. He was smiling at her but it didn’t reach his eyes. Chloe took the offerings and shoved his shoulder, none too gently. Silence filled the room.

  “Enough already, you guys. I’m fine.” She moved closer to David and gave him another, much gentler shove, then smiled. “Thanks for the wine and the ice.”

  Chloe took a seat at the table next to Sean. “How are you feeling?” she asked as she looked at his already swelling eye and his bruised knuckles.

  He met her gaze. “I’m fine. A little confused, but fine.” He shifted in his chair, looked around the kitchen at the men who overtook the space, then faced her again. “Care to tell me what the hell is going on…Doctor?” His tone made it clear he no longer bought her cover.

  The loud knock on the door saved her from answering his question. Michael got up and within moments returned to the kitchen with MaKane.

  “What’s he doing here?” MaKane growled, motioning toward Sean. Sean immediately stiffened in his seat, aggression pouring off him in waves despite his injuries.

  “Easy, MaKane. We need to go over a few things before we escort the good doctor home,” Daniel explained.

  There was a tense silence before Sean slowly stood, bracing both bloody palms on the table. His gaze tracked around the room, meeting each man’s eyes before settling back on Chloe. “I think I’ve more than earned the right to know what the hell is going on, Chloe.”

  Daniel stepped forward, his brow drawn. “We’re here to help you, Doctor. We’re part of a private agency whose assignment is to find the scum that is torturing and killing the women in the area, many of whom had previous ties to your clinic. Of course, I trust you will keep this information in confidence, especially after what you witnessed tonight.”

  More silence as Sean looked from one man to the other. His expression was hard, his light-blue eyes intense as he assessed each man. “Government?” he asked, but again was met with only silence. His gaze found Chloe’s. “You too?” She simply met his stare, then Sean locked those steel-blue eyes on Daniel once again. “Count me in. What can I do to help?”

  Chloe stared at Daniel in shock, not sure where he was going with this. He gave an almost imperceptible nod in her direction, then returned his focus to Sean as he moved from the table.

  “Join me on the back deck, Doctor. I have a few of my own questions for you first.” He led the way while Sean followed and quietly shut the sliding door to the deck behind them.

  Tense silence filled the room. It was Michael who finally breached the quiet. “Something’s off here, guys.” He rose from his seat at the table and went to the fridge, pulled out a beer and popped the top before taking a long drink. “That doc took on one of our kind head-on, held his own and came away with only a few bumps and bruises.” He stopped and faced the others at the table. “Want to tell me how in the hell that’s even possible?”

  “That’s what Daniel is going to try and find out.” David shrugged as he moved to the freezer, removed a fresh ice pack and handed it to Chloe. She smiled her thanks and handed him the old one as he pulled one of the chairs around and straddled it, facing her. “What I really want to know though, Chloe-girl, is can we trust the good doctor?”

  Chloe took a sip of her wine, then set the glass on the table. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before meeting David’s stare. Her response was simple, direct, and emphatic. “Yes.”

  The reaction to her answer wasn’t what she’d expected. She had expected questions or at the very least to be asked to explain her reasoning. What she got was simply nods of acceptance. And that, above all else, did more for her pride and self-esteem than anything else they could have done or said. They trusted her, believed in her, and she couldn’t have asked for a greater gift.

  “Now for my next question,” David continued. “Just where in the hell did you learn to fight like that, girl?”

  “No shit,” Michael chimed in. “Wicked skills there, Chlo. Never seen anything like it. Well, from a female that is…no offense.”

  Chloe couldn’t help but laugh as she took another sip. She shrugged. “I may be a civilian but I’m a beast, what can I say? Pun intended. And my brother is a kick-ass teacher.” She smiled at the men seated around her and finally felt as if she were a true member of the team. Even though inside she prayed she never had to go through something like that again.

  Thirty minutes later, Daniel and Sean returned from their talk. One look from Daniel, and Michael immediately hopped up from his seat at the bar and moved to Sean’s side. “Come on, Doc. Let’s get you home.”

  Sean moved silently across the tiled kitchen floor to where Chloe was seated. He took her hands in his and pulled her to her feet. Leaning in close, he gave her a gentle squeeze. “We need to talk.” He pulled back and the intensity of his gaze held her transfixed. “Come to my office first thing on Monday.” He bent and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then released her and headed toward the door, Michael following closely behind.

  The rest of the men simply stared until David broke the awkward silence. “Man, Chloe-girl, how in the hell did you manage to tie that boy up so fast? Damn, he’s got it bad.” His dimple was in full bloom as he smiled in amuse

  Chloe rolled her eyes at the teasing. Daniel merely growled as David, Darrius, and MaKane, all laughing, rose from their seats and left the house. The silence after their retreat was deafening. Daniel was unmoving.

  “Okay, spill it, Danny. What was that all about with the private convo with Sean on the deck?” she asked, genuinely curious about what he was up to.

  Daniel moved to her side then, clasped her hand, and led her over to the sofa. He turned to face her before he began. “Chloe, you can’t tell me you didn’t notice any oddities about the good doctor.” Chloe shifted uncomfortably, not sure how much to say.

  Daniel sighed and shook his head. “Look, there’s no way he should even be alive after fighting one of our kind head-on, let alone be able to hold his own in such a fight. His size alone and obvious aggression are one thing, and could easily be explained given his military background but I’ve also been witness to your reaction when touching him.” He paused, sensing her unease. “You’ve felt it, haven’t you?”

  Chloe tucked her legs up under her and lifted her chin. “Yes, I’ve felt something, Daniel. I can’t explain it or what it might mean so why don’t you enlighten me since you seem to have all the answers.”

  Daniel grabbed her hand again. When she tried to pull back, he didn’t let go. “Chlo, don’t get defensive. I’m not questioning your intelligence here and I certainly don’t have all the answers when it comes to Doctor Sean O’Connor.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “What I’m saying is that something doesn’t feel right here and with everything we’re dealing with, an unknown having the kind of access to you the good doctor has doesn’t sit well with me and merits investigating further, okay?”

  Finally realizing he wasn’t questioning her intelligence or her judgment, Chloe relaxed. “So what are you thinking, Daniel?”

  Daniel released her hand and leaned back on the couch, exhaustion evident on his face. “I asked him a lot of questions about his past. Parents are dead. He was raised by his mother in Ireland. Father apparently died before he was born. He spent time in the military before finishing medical school.” Daniel scrubbed his hands down his face before continuing. “Pretty much everything we knew from the background check we did on him. But something’s missing. Something doesn’t add up.”


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