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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

Page 16

by Gayle Donnelly

  “To be completely honest with you, I didn’t want them to have easy access to fill your head with such bullshit when I knew better. I needed you confident and at the top of your game here, not doubting your abilities because of what your family and friends from back home would have you believe. What we’re doing here is too important for you to doubt yourself.”

  He turned from the window then to face her. She knew she had a stunned expression on her face. “So you’re saying you did all this to protect me?” she questioned incredulously. “Not because you doubted my abilities?”

  Killian took a step closer, lifting his gaze momentarily past her shoulder to the open conference room door before returning his gaze to hers once again. “You’re special, Chloe,” he almost whispered. “You have a choice. You have a gift and I value you on my team. I give you my word, from here on out, no secrets.”

  Chloe tilted her head slightly to the side and furrowed her brow as she looked up at him. He was standing close again, invading her space as his fingers lightly stroked her forearms, which were crossed over her chest. She knew what was going to happen next before it happened. He lowered his head and she turned just in time so his lips missed their intended mark and ended up brushing her cheek lightly. He pulled back slowly. His brow furrowed.

  “You have a choice. I stand by my decisions, Chloe. I was looking out for your best interests as well as what was best for the team and this investigation.” He took a step back before continuing. “How you decide to deal with that is up to you.”

  She stood there in stunned silence. This was her boss, her superior, a general in the Coteri army. He was basically apologizing to her and pledging his sincerity to her…and kissing her. Whoa! She stepped back quickly, trying to regain some measure of reality with this whole situation.

  She let out the breath she didn’t even realize she was holding. “While I don’t agree with your motives, I understand your reasoning, Killian. I was an unproven civilian member of the team. I get that. I know the importance of what our job is here but you need to know that from here on, if I find out you or any of the men are holding out on me in any way, I’m out.” She was proud her tone sounded definitive, final, and decisive.

  Talon took that moment to stride forcefully into the room and moved to Chloe’s side. “Time to go, Chloe. Now,” he stated bluntly. She noted his fiery gaze never left Killian’s. Did he hear or see their exchange? She wondered.

  Killian stepped forward and crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell me, Talon. Did Roderick send you or are you here on your own? Last I heard your orders were to stay at the castle and find the traitor.”

  Chloe turned to Talon in surprise. Surely he wouldn’t have come here against the express wishes of the king. What traitor? She filed that in her list of things to ask him about later.

  She watched as Talon’s jaw tightened before he spoke. “I’m here to ensure Chloe’s safety, General. And I’m here until this is over. That’s all you need to know.”

  With that, he turned and ushered her out of the room toward the elevator doors. As they stepped in, she pushed the button to the parking garage, her emotions still raw from Killian’s betrayal. But before the doors fully closed, she was unceremoniously thrust against the back wall, a solid weight pressed into her. Talon’s hands came up to cup her face as his turbulent blue eyes focused solely on her. “Mine, damn it,” he growled before his lips took hers in a hungry kiss. It was a kiss meant to devour, to mark. His taste rolled over her tongue, her senses, as she arched closer and dug her fingers through his thick mass of black hair.

  She couldn’t stop the moan that escaped as he drove his tongue deeper into the recesses of her mouth, tasting and taking everything she had to give. Her nipples tightened almost painfully and she felt the now familiar flood of warmth between her legs. She felt the evidence of his arousal pressed against her stomach and she wanted more. Without thought, she lifted one leg around his hip to press his hard length where she needed it most. He rolled his hips on her core, sending fissions of sensations rioting through her center. Too soon, the elevator dinged and the doors slid smoothly open.

  He released her and stepped back, drawing in deep breaths. The turbulent depths of his blue eyes singed her senses. Oh yeah, he was definitely witness to my exchange with Killian, she thought. She tried to straighten her clothes with as much dignity as she was capable of before exiting the elevator and heading toward her car.

  She felt him behind her. She didn’t have to look to know he was close. Her body was on fire, her senses tingling like a thousand volts of electricity had just rushed through her. He reached around her and opened the door, allowing her to slide into the passenger seat and buckle up before he moved to the driver’s seat. As he slid in and turned the engine over, she noted the hard lines of his jaw, his tight grip on the steering wheel. Oh, yeah. He’s just as affected as I am she thought with amusement. Hell, at least she wasn’t alone.

  They made the drive home in utter silence. “Mine”? She refused to make anything of his declaration in the elevator as she stared out the passenger window. It was obvious he only wanted to touch her when his ego was threatened by another man. Maybe it was time she just grew up and quit fantasizing about a happily-ever-after, at least where Talon was concerned. Talon didn’t do permanent.

  She turned her head and looked once again at the strong line of his jaw, his forearm muscles as they flexed with his grip on the wheel. Her gaze travelled down his torso, lower, until she stopped at the obvious bulge in his jeans. He was still aroused. She lifted her eyes slowly up to his face and found him intently staring down at her. She felt her face flush at the raw heat she saw in his gaze. As she turned her head to once again look out the side window, she knew she had made her choice. Now she just had to figure out a way to keep her heart out of the equation and her soul intact in the process.

  An hour later, the silence was deafening. She forced herself to say, “Tell me about the traitor.”

  Talon detailed everything in a monotone cadence, from Mina’s pregnancy, to the discovery of Simon’s betrayal, and finally of Luca’s threat against her. She shivered involuntarily at the information, yet forced herself to steady her emotions. At least Luca was no longer focused on her friend, her sister. She would die to protect Mina, especially now knowing she was carrying her little niece or nephew.

  “And you’re saying Killian knew all of this while we were still on the jet to Washington?” Chloe asked incredulously, Killian’s betrayal slicing her newfound confidence anew.

  Talon simply nodded. “Thank you for telling me, Talon,” she replied simply, staring out the side window, unable to say more. They continued their return home in silence.

  * * * * *

  Chloe unlocked the front door, let them both in and reset the front alarm. She was immediately greeted with tantalizing aromas and laughter. Moving through the house to the back door, she saw her boys were all in attendance. It had become their staple, their Sunday afternoon barbeques. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched Michael taking David in a headlock, as usual fighting over some insignificant infraction. Darrius was reclining on one of the lounge chairs, a longneck beer held between two fingers. MaKane and Daniel were at the grill, flipping steaks and turning vegetables while nudging each other’s shoulders and laughing. Tre was sitting on the top ledge of the deck, obviously amused at the antics.

  She stiffened as Talon’s hands came down gently on her shoulders as she looked out the back sliders at the scene before her. His fingers kneaded her tense muscles and he brought his mouth to her ear. “This was Killian’s call, Chloe. Your team had no choice but to follow their general’s orders.” He gave her another gentle squeeze before he reached in front of her and opened the door. She was immediately greeted with awkward silence.

  Of course, it was David who spoke up first. “Okay, Chloe-girl. Tell me you told Killian off. And don’t leave out any of the deets, sweet cheeks.” He grinned, his left dimple prominent. “You’r
e not pissed at us, right?” he added tentatively.

  Chloe instantly relaxed. “Deets? Sweet cheeks? Give me a break, David,” Chloe replied as she walked slowly to stand before him. “I talked to Killian and we’ve come to an understanding. Enough said. But I’ll tell you this much, if I ever find out one of you is holding out on me again, you’ll be singing soprano for a week.” She reached up and patted David’s cheek before turning to look at the rest of her team.

  She moved to the cooler chest at the side of the deck and pulled out two bottles, handing one to Talon. Daniel turned and met her gaze, handing his spatula over to MaKane as he moved toward her.

  “Hey, seriously. Are you okay?” His voice was full of such tenderness it almost made her eyes well up.

  Chloe gave him a quick hug before answering. “Yeah, Danny, I’m good. No more secrets though. Got it?”

  Daniel chuckled and held up three fingers. “You got it, Chlo. Scout’s honor.” He smiled at her, placed a quick kiss on top of her head then moved back to the grill, undoubtedly aware of Talon’s staunch stance and the low growl that rumbled from the other man’s chest.

  * * * * *

  Talon stood back and watched the interactions and exchanges with curiosity. He still wasn’t convinced these men were qualified to keep Chloe safe but it was more than obvious she trusted them and they all cared about her. But he would reserve judgment. His gut clenched at the thought that she might actually feel more comfortable with virtual strangers than with her own family. And that was his fault. He watched as she mingled and talked amongst the warriors before him. Comfortable, confident, and completely at ease in her role here. But damn, did every male who came in contact with her have to lay his hands on her?

  He had never felt possessive over a female. But he was man enough to admit he felt a possessive streak where Chloe was concerned. Possessive, hell. The burning rage of jealousy he felt at the sight of any man touching her was eating away at his control.

  These men on her team were too close to her. They hugged her, kissed her temple, picked her up, and ruffled her hair. It was enough to make him burn with a rage he couldn’t even recognize. And that kiss Killian so deliberately tried to place on her lips back in Seattle still had him seething. He had responded without thinking, attacking her in the damn elevator like a fucking animal staking his claim. An intolerable need filled his mind with the singular goal to wipe every man’s kiss before his out of her memory. As before, she had melted to him immediately and responded with a heated passion that matched his own. And he knew damn well where that kiss would have led had they not been in a public place.

  Tre’s words flooded his mind. “Maybe it’s time you stopped fucking around and do something about it before it’s too late.” But Talon knew, he couldn’t claim her as he wanted. She deserved better, especially given what was awaiting him back home now that he’d gone against his king’s orders. Yet on the drive home from Killian’s office, he also resigned himself in the knowledge that there was no way in hell he would be able to keep his hands off her while he was here, sleeping under the same roof. Hell, he’d proven that fact to himself just in the short time he’d been here with her. She was like liquid lightning to his blood. He walked around with a perpetual hard-on whenever she was around. But since she refused to return home, he would not leave her unprotected.

  His gaze turned at the sound of her laughter. He watched as she plopped down beside Darrius, laughing as she rubbed his head with her knuckles. Talon started to move from his seemingly relaxed position at the back of the deck to intercept. After all, there was only so much a man could endure. He forced down his instinct to pull her from the other man’s chair and tuck her close to his side. These were her friends and she’d made headway today with her place on this team by standing up to Killian. He wouldn’t embarrass them both by turning caveman on her. But he felt his muscles strain against the effort to stay in place.

  Talon caught Tre’s amused gaze from across the deck and mouthed, “Fuck you.” To which Tre mouthed in return, “Pussy.” Yeah, his friend knew exactly how hard he was struggling at the moment.

  * * * * *

  An hour later they were just finishing dinner when Chloe’s cell rang. She answered and went still. Closing the phone, she tracked her gaze between Talon and Daniel. “That was Sean. He’s at the clinic. Sam’s been attacked and she refuses to talk to anyone but me. I’ve got to go.”

  The men rose from their seats but it was Talon’s hand on her lower back that steadied her. “I’m going with you,” he stated with authority, looking toward Daniel.

  “I’ll follow in my truck,” Daniel added, already moving into the house.

  David stepped forward and offered, “We’ve got this here. Call if you need us, Chloe-girl.”

  She nodded and quickly moved inside to grab her keys as she hurriedly moved through the house and out to her car. Daniel followed in his truck and Talon stayed with her.

  They made it to the clinic in less than ten minutes, Chloe rushing to Sean’s office as she burst open the door to find Sam cowered in the corner of the couch.

  Chloe took a breath, shock filling her senses as she looked upon the already black and blue swelling around Sam’s right eye. She took tentative steps toward the young woman, careful not to make any sudden movements as she spoke softly. “Sam. What happened, honey?”

  Sam took a hesitant look at the three men standing behind Chloe before dropping her head, silent tears spilling from her eyes. Chloe reached out and grabbed the young woman’s hands. “Sam. Trust me. We’re here to help. All of us. Tell me what happened.”

  Sam took a fortifying breath before meeting Chloe’s gaze. “He grabbed me outside the gym.” Her voice trembled but she continued. “He came at me from behind as I was getting into my car. I was so scared, Chloe and he was so big.” Her eyes lifted to the three large men standing across the room and Chloe saw her friend’s face pale even further before she quickly lowered her gaze again.

  “I just froze for a moment, especially when he told me I wouldn’t be able to escape him a second time.” She shuddered and Chloe turned her head to meet Daniel and Talon’s knowing gazes as realization set in.

  Chloe turned back to Sam and gave her hand another squeeze before the young woman continued. “But then, I remembered all you had taught me.” She lifted her head and sat up a little straighter on the couch. “I threw my head back and connected with his nose. I drove my elbow back hard enough so he released his grip. I turned and brought my knee up as hard as I could, and when he dropped I dove into my car and drove away.” She took a deep breath. “God, when he grabbed me, it brought back all sorts of memories I thought were lost. I was scared but I was also mad. I wasn’t going to be a victim again, Chloe. I wasn’t going back to that place!” Her voice rose hysterically.

  Chloe grabbed her and held her close. “I’m so proud of you, Sam. I hate that you were hurt but I’m so damn proud of you.” Chloe rubbed the woman’s back as they rocked back and forth in each other’s arms.

  “He looked like them, Chloe,” Sam whispered as she motioned with her head to the three men standing back watching the exchange.

  “What do you mean, hon?” Chloe asked, although already certain of the answer.

  “He was big, like them. He had blond spiky hair. He was so tall and strong and broad, and he had a scar running down his cheek. I think he was the one who hurt me before, although the memory of his face from that first time is still hazy.” Her voice quavered at the end.

  Chloe stole a glance at Daniel, knowing all too well the description her friend had given. She saw Daniel’s jaw clench in understanding as he gave her a quick nod.

  “Sweetie,” Chloe began gently. “I think you’re right and this could very well have been the same man who attacked you in Seattle. The one your memories have suppressed.”

  Sam took a shuttering breath before she buried her head in Chloe’s shoulder, “Oh god, Chloe. It was him. How did he find me here?” she almo
st shouted. “What does he want from me?” she sobbed as she collapsed into Chloe’s embrace.

  Chloe gazed at the three men, concern on all of their faces but their bodies were rigid, ready for vengeance. Chloe no longer had any doubt that Samantha Peterson was somehow a key to their investigation but the reason why still eluded her. Who would want to hurt this gentle girl? Why were they fixated on her? Did they simply want the one who got away? She was missing something—she knew it in her gut.

  Two hours later, Sam was calm enough to head home. “I’ll take you,” Daniel offered and stepped forward.

  Chloe looked at him in surprise but Sam stood and shook her head. “I’ve got my car, but thank you. I can make it home by myself.”

  “It’s dark now, Sam. At least let me walk you out,” Daniel insisted before turning back to Talon for a quick exchange that was too low for anyone else to hear.

  As Chloe gave a final hug to Sam and promised to meet with her soon, Sam pulled her close and whispered in her ear, “I’m having that feeling again, Chloe. You’re in danger. I’m not crazy, I swear. Please be careful.”

  Chloe hugged her tight then released her as Daniel came forward and led Sam out of the office, his hand placed protectively at her lower back. Interesting, Chloe thought to herself as she turned to face both Talon and Sean.

  “He’ll be following her home, ensuring she arrives safely and that her home is secure.” Talon’s deep voice was calm but the rage he was holding back was clear.

  Chloe nodded in understanding. “Probably a good idea.” She found herself staring at the two men in front of her. Standing side by side, she could easily identify the differences as well as the similarities. They were similar in build and strangely enough, their mannerisms were almost identical, yet their hair color was different as was their skin tone. It was their eyes, she noted, almost absently. The intensity of the blue was almost staggering although different shades, both swirling with a deliberation that almost left her unbalanced. She shook her head and began to pace. She needed to focus on the issue at hand.


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