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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

Page 25

by Gayle Donnelly

  Things may not be one hundred percent resolved with their relationship but they would be with time, of that Chloe was certain.

  “I can’t wait to see you, Mina. Take care and thanks again. Love you.”

  Mina replied softly. “Love you too, sis.”

  Talon slipped silently back into Chloe’s bedroom from the third story deck, feeling somewhat guilty for eavesdropping on her conversation and cursing his own stupidity. He sat on the bed and dropped his head in his hands, knowing he couldn’t have fucked things up with Chloe more than if he’d actually planned it all out.

  He had known the instant she removed herself from his embrace and left the bed. Feigning sleep, he had watched through slitted eyes as she put on her robe then simply stood next to the bed to look at him. Seconds away from reaching out to her, Talon froze when he saw one lone tear streak silently down her cheek. The need to comfort her had been immediate but when she quickly swiped the tear away and silently left the room, he had let her go. Hearing her soft voice minutes later had been too much of a temptation. He silently opened the French doors leading to the bedroom deck and listened to Chloe’s one-sided conversation. And his gut clenched at what he heard.

  Not bothering with a shirt or shoes, Talon pulled on his jeans and started for the stairs, hoping by the time he reached Chloe he would figure out what he wanted to say. He had to make her understand. His stomach clenched at the thought of hurting her again but it was beyond his control at this point. Once this was all over and he was assured of her safety, he would leave. He would have no choice. And knowing Chloe fully believed he would do just that, regardless of the actual reasons, brought home just how much of a bastard he really was and how much he truly didn’t deserve her.

  Talon came to an abrupt stop when he found Chloe curled into the corner of the couch, fast asleep, her white robe surrounding her. She lay on her side with her small hands pressed together under her cheek and he thought she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen.

  Now it was his turn to simply stare. Her cheeks were flushed and her nose red, either from the cold or from crying or probably both. But she was breathing deeply and looked peaceful in sleep. She’d been through hell yesterday and Talon was glad she was finally getting some much needed rest. He sighed and sat by her feet before pulling the soft blanket off the back of the couch. He gently covered her and placed a protective hand on her hip. He lifted his legs and crossed his feet on the coffee table, almost thankful for the reprieve of what he knew was going to be one of the hardest conversations of his life.

  He let his head fall back to rest on the back of the couch and closed his eyes. Tomorrow he was going to sit her down and have a serious conversation with her. Somehow he had to make her understand what he had to do and pray he didn’t lose her in the process. Because at this point, he couldn’t allow losing her to be an option.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The shrill ring of her cell phone jolted Chloe out of a deep sleep and onto her feet. Disoriented for a moment, she quickly realized she had fallen asleep on the sofa. What she didn’t remember was Talon coming down to join her. She paused in her search for the phone to simply take in the sight before her in the gray morning light. His long legs were stretched out on the sofa table, the worn denim of his dark jeans molded to his muscular thighs and the top button was undone. Mercy. His broad chest was bare but for the spackling of black hair, and one large hand was draped over his tight abdomen. When her gaze moved to his face, she was immediately caught in the depths of intense blue eyes staring back at her.

  “Morning.” His deep voice slid seductively up her spine as he grinned then reached in between the sofa cushions to retrieve her still ringing phone.

  Chloe flushed at being caught ogling but managed a quick, “Morning,” before grabbing the phone and answering the call.

  “Chloe, I really need to see you. I’m scared and I don’t know what to do. You have to help me!”

  Chloe instantly focused on the familiar voice. “Wait, slow down, Sam. I’ve been trying to reach you since yesterday. What’s going on?”

  Chloe heard Sam’s desperation in her uneven breathing and the hitch in her voice. “Chloe, why does this keep happening to me? I thought I’d been so careful. First New Orleans, then Seattle, and now here.”

  Sam was rambling so fast Chloe was having a difficult time keeping up. “I even changed my name but they keep finding me. What do they want with me, Chloe? Why won’t they just leave me alone?” She asked hysterically.

  “Shhhh.” Chloe soothed, trying to keep the alarm out of her voice. “It’s going to be okay, Sam, I promise. But you have to calm down and tell me what you’re talking about. What’s this about New Orleans and changing your name?” Chloe felt Talon move to stand behind her, his strong hands caressing her shoulders in welcome support.

  Sam’s erratic breaths came through the phone line but she didn’t answer. “Sam,” Chloe urged. “Talk to me, honey. You can trust me.”

  After another long pause, Sam finally answered. “I didn’t mean to lie to you, Chloe but I didn’t know who I could trust. I’m so tired of running but I’m so scared that the next time they find me, they won’t let me go.”

  Chloe heard the pain and fear in Sam’s voice. “I understand, Sam. But you can trust me. Please tell me what’s going on so I can help you.” Chloe pleaded but kept her tone calm.

  Sam continued on a sigh. “I was first attacked in New Orleans two years ago, just outside where I worked. Weeks before that, I kept feeling like I was being watched and followed. Remember the feelings I told you I get sometimes? After the attack, I was so scared that once I got away, I just ran and somehow ended up in Seattle.” She paused for a breath. “I started using a new name and kept my address a secret. I thought everything was fine for a while until I started to get the same feeling of being watched. I was attacked again, only it was much worse that time. They actually caught me and held me for weeks.” She inhaled deeply then whispered. “They did terrible things to me, Chloe. Things I didn’t even want to remember…but I remember now.”

  Chloe knew full well the results of Sam’s Seattle attack after reading her medical file. Her heart was breaking at the sound of her friend’s torment but she remained silent.

  Sam continued. “I honestly don’t remember how, but I managed to get away and make it to a hospital. That’s where I first met Doctor O’Connor. He helped me then. He was so nice to me. He told me about his practice here and how nice the area was. As soon as I was released I knew I couldn’t stay in Seattle so I ran again and came here. I didn’t know where else to go. I thought I was safe here but now they’ve found me again, Chloe.”

  Chloe’s emotions were chaotic with every new piece of information she had to process. Sam had just explained every anomaly the team had questioned last night after reviewing Daniel’s findings. She felt utter relief at the news and true fear for her friend at the same time. She forced her voice to remain steady. “Okay, okay, hon. That’s good. Thank you for telling me the truth. Now tell me what has you so afraid now. Has something else happened since your attack at the gym?”

  Sam’s voice turned quiet, as if afraid to be overheard. “I went to the grocery store yesterday morning. When I came back to my apartment, I found a note on my kitchen table. It said, Soon my pet. That’s what they always called me, Chloe, their pet. It all came back to me with the note. It’s them, I know it’s them. I’m not crazy. I just grabbed what I could and got in my car and took off. I’m afraid to go back there. I don’t know what to do and I didn’t know who else to call.”

  Chloe’s blood turned to ice at the mention of the note. Talon had pulled away and was on his phone, no doubt calling for reinforcements. She was scared for Sam and needed to get her to safety and she knew there was a much better chance of doing that with the full support of her team.

  “I don’t think you’re crazy and you did the right thing in calling me, Sam. I’ve been so worried about you. We’ll figu
re this out and make sure you’re safe. Now just take a deep breath and tell me where you are.” Chloe hoped her voice sounded reassuring. She couldn’t afford to lose Sam’s hesitant trust and have her run again.

  Sam answered in a much calmer voice, which relieved Chloe to no end. “I’ve just been driving all night, trying to stay on the move. Right now I’m about an hour outside of Port Angeles on highway 101, headed toward Olympic National Park. They always find me in the cities so I thought it might be safer to get to someplace less populated.”

  Chloe cursed silently, knowing she couldn’t get to Sam immediately. She cupped the phone as she whispered to Talon, “She’s about ninety minutes away on highway 101.”

  Talon spoke softly but his voice held the calm authority and assurance she needed to hear. “Tell her to turn around and head back here. She needs to call you every twenty minutes to check in or the second she thinks she’s being followed. Have her go straight to the clinic and we’ll meet her there.”

  Chloe returned to Sam and relayed her instructions before adding, “Don’t worry, Sam. You’re going to be fine. I promise. Just remember what I told you and we’ll talk soon.”

  Sam sighed heavily. “Thank you, Chloe. I feel better already. I’ll call you in twenty minutes.”

  Chloe disconnected the call and slipped the phone into the pocket of her robe. She padded silently to the back wall of windows and turned her gaze toward the Olympics, which were completely hidden behind the heavy morning fog and gray low-lying clouds. The ominous gloom of the weather mirrored her emotions.

  She couldn’t suppress the shudder at all she had learned. Sam was in danger and she was out there, alone and scared. Sean could very well be involved in all this somehow. And for the first time since she agreed to accept this assignment, she was seriously beginning to doubt her capabilities given the magnitude of what it would mean should she fail. Maybe Talon was right all along and she wasn’t ready for real field work. She absently rubbed the mark on her right hip bone, suddenly feeling very unworthy of its significance.

  Strong arms slid around her waist from behind and she allowed herself to be pulled back into Talon’s solid chest. He gently kissed her temple before lowering his head to nuzzle her neck. For the first time since his arrival, his touch didn’t feel sexual. It was simply meant for comfort and Chloe admitted she needed that more than her next breath right about now. She sighed and let herself relax into his hold.

  “Hey, it’s gonna be fine. You did great with Sam.” He soothed and she appreciated his encouragement even though it didn’t totally alleviate her doubts.

  “I called the men.” He continued. His cheek pressed softly to hers. “They’ll be here in a few minutes to debrief and plan our next moves. Why don’t you go and get dressed so we’re ready for them.”

  Chloe shook her head, not willing to turn and face him just yet. Not willing to let him see how weak she truly was as she tried in vain to fight back the tears that refused to be denied.

  Talon took the choice out of her hands as he turned her in his arms. His large hands cupped her face and forced her to meet his gaze. His thumbs softly brushed back her tears as he lowered his mouth to hers with a tenderness that touched her soul.

  He pulled back and slowly lowered his hands to the belt of her robe, pulling the loose knot free with ease. When the heat of his hands met the bare skin of her hips, Chloe tried to step back. “I can’t, Talon. Not now.” She whispered.

  He simply pulled her gently into his bare chest and wrapped her in his arms. “Easy, sweetheart. I just need you to feel me with nothing between us and know that I’m here. I’m not asking for anything else.”

  Chloe burrowed closer and breathed in his scent as she wrapped her arms around him in return. She cursed her own weakness but admitted she needed his comfort and strength before facing her team and dealing with what lay ahead. As they swayed gently back and forth and he continued to stroke her back, she knew these were some of the moments she’d remember the most once Talon was gone.

  They stood there for several silent moments simply holding each other until Chloe finally shored up the courage to pull back. She belted her robe and looked into the eyes of the only man she knew would ever hold her heart. “Thank you, Talon.” She said softly. “I’m sorry I lost it there for a bit. I just, well…thank you.”

  Talon cupped her shoulders and set her at arm’s length, his gaze sharp and full of intent. “Don’t apologize to me, Chloe, and don’t ever feel you have to hide your emotions from me.” He sighed and shook his head. His brow furrowed. “We have a lot to talk about when this is all over. There are a lot of things that need to be said and a lot you don’t and probably won’t understand. But they need to be said anyway and now isn’t the time.” He placed a soft kiss on her forehead before taking a step back. “Now go get dressed so you’re ready when the team gets here. I’ll put on some coffee and contact Mathias to bring him up to speed.”

  Chloe headed mutely toward the stairs. She didn’t need to wait until this was all over to know what he was going to tell her. She’d understood full well what would happen with Talon once this assignment was over. She’d been prepared for it from the first moment she found him sitting in her living room. Still didn’t make it hurt any less.

  But he was right about one thing. Now was definitely not the time to dwell on her one-sided feelings for Talon. She had far greater things that needed her complete focus right now, first of which would be seeing to Sam’s safety.

  Fifteen minutes later, dressed in jeans and a faded, snug Wash-U T-shirt, Chloe entered her kitchen to find a room full of men. They dwarfed the space. The short time alone in her room was enough to allow her to erect enough of her shields to at least function again without breaking down into tears and to focus on the task at hand. She moved to the counter to grab a cup of coffee but Talon beat her to it as he held out a steaming cup. She took it, smiled her thanks then quickly moved to an open seat at the table.

  “Where’s MaKane?” Chloe looked to Daniel.

  “Talon filled us in while you were getting ready. We sent MaKane to the air to follow Sam in case she ran into any trouble before making it back here.” Daniel explained.

  Chloe nodded. “Thanks. That makes me feel better to know she’s not alone out there. What about Darrius?”

  David moved to refill his coffee before he answered. “He just left to head over to O’Connor’s place. No one’s seen the doc going on two days now and he doesn’t answer his cell. After all we’ve uncovered, it’s definitely time to get some straight answers from that prick.”

  Chloe’s immediate response shocked even her. She rose from the table and moved to David. “I don’t want him hurt, David. I agree we need to question him and get some answers but I don’t want him hurt when we don’t know for certain he’s involved in this.”

  Talon moved to her side to slide an arm around her waist but she deftly moved away from his hold. For her own self-preservation, she needed to begin distancing herself from him. She’d made that decision in the short time she was upstairs.

  “Chlo,” Daniel’s tone was calm. “Darrius is just going to bring O’Connor here so we can ask him some questions and get to the bottom of how he’s involved in all this. That’s all, I promise.”

  Chloe felt the tension ease out of her shoulders at that statement. Regardless of all she had learned, she still couldn’t convince herself to believe Sean was involved with the Valta’s sick experiments on young women. She retrieved her coffee from the table and glanced around the room, her gaze landing on a familiar stranger.

  “Gabriel.” She walked toward him and extended her hand. “I’d heard you were here, although I’m sorry for the reasons behind it. I know you and Simon are very close. Thank you for working with us on this.”

  “Chloe,” Gabriel addressed her as he took her hand in his. “It’s good to see you again. I have great respect for your brother and I thank you for your kind words.” He released her hand but continued
. “I fully intend to prove Simon’s innocence but while I’m here, I’m more than honored to assist you and your team in any way I can.”

  A loud clap turned everyone’s attention to Tre. “Okay kids, time to get down to business.”

  Before he could continue, the front door flew open then slammed shut as Darrius stormed in. “O’Connor’s gone. His house has been tossed as well as his office. The GPS on his phone is dead so there’s no way to track him. There’s no sign of him anywhere.”

  His declaration was met with stunned silence until Talon stepped to Chloe’s side. “Chloe, what time was Sam supposed to check in?”

  Chloe glanced at the clock, a cold prickle of unease bled down her spine. “Oh god. Ten minutes ago.” She scrambled for her phone and punched in Sam’s number. “It’s going straight to voicemail.”

  Daniel’s phone rang and Chloe nearly jumped out of her skin. Talon settled a steadying hand on her shoulder and this time she didn’t refuse his comfort.

  Daniel looked at the display before he answered. “Tell me you’ve got something, MaKane.” He ordered then listened intently to the reply, the flush to his face revealing his fury.

  “Fuck! Get back here now.” Daniel roared and disconnected the call before meeting Chloe’s gaze. “There’s no sign of Sam. MaKane looked everywhere up and down the 101 and even on the outlying roads in case she deviated from the highway.”

  Chloe immediately dialed Sam’s number again as she moved into the living room, needing room to pace. The others followed. “Nothing. It must be powered off because it’s not even going to voicemail now.”

  Tre headed to the back door, his phone in hand. “I need to make a call.” He said in a resolved tone before he slipped outside to the deck.


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