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Infinite Surrender: 2 (Blood Feud)

Page 30

by Gayle Donnelly

  “Fuck, Chloe. No. You’re hurt. Ah god. Your mouth, baby. It’s so good.”

  She ignored his half-hearted protest and smiled around his rigid length, loving the pleasure she could give him. She ran her tongue down the length of his shaft then focused on the heavy sac below. Licking, suckling, until Talon suddenly grasped her under the arms and pulled her up to land on top of him as he laid back.

  “I need to be inside you. Now.” He growled. “Ride me, baby.”

  Chloe sat astride him and smiled as she reached between them to guide his cock to her already slick entrance. She placed her hands on his chest for balance and slowly lowered herself, relishing the burning stretch of every inch as he impaled her. Talon cupped her face and brought her forward for a passionate kiss as he began lifting his hips in driving strokes that reached her womb.

  Chloe’s kisses moved to his roughened jaw and then to the taut skin of his neck. She continued to kiss, nip, and lick down the corded tendon leading from his neck to his shoulder, getting drunk on the smell and taste of him. Talon continued his powerful, churning strokes, making her crazy with need. She was close, so close and she knew she had to hurry before words would be impossible.

  She breathed against his neck, answering his earlier question. “I’ll always wait for you, Talon. But I make my own decisions. And I’m telling you right now, our future will most certainly NOT be put on hold.”

  Chloe felt her canines extend right before she bit down on the juncture of his shoulder, marking him infinitely as hers. She heard his roar as he drove into her one last time and they both exploded in orgasm. Talon didn’t give her time to recover before he lifted her off him and flipped her over to her stomach. Strong hands pulled her hips upward and he slammed into her from behind. As if her body hadn’t just experienced a mind-blowing orgasm, she felt her senses swimming on the verge of another impending release. Chloe felt her inner walls clamp around his steel length and she felt him grow impossibly larger. The pleasure-pain was heady and she pushed back with each hard thrust, needing more.

  Talon brought his chest down over her back and she turned her head to see his turbulent blue eyes. He pulled her hair away from her shoulder and kept hold. He dropped his mouth to her neck, the pistoning force of his thrusts and the added weight of his body over hers caused Chloe to bend her arms and drop her head to the mattress. She was now totally at his mercy and loving every minute of it.

  Talon picked up the speed of his strokes, Chloe greeting each one with a driving force of her own. “Mine.” He growled low against her neck then Chloe felt the electrifying sting of his teeth as they punctured her skin. She screamed as she flew into an orgasm unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Her entire body was on fire. The blood in her veins, now mixed with Talon’s was rocketing through her system, making her dizzy with its effect.

  Talon brought her down slowly, his hips rhythmically sliding his still rigid length in and out of her swollen, sensitive folds. He laid his full weight over her back and did a swirling motion with his hips, releasing a low groan as he pulled them both to their sides.

  Several minutes later, Chloe was spooned against Talon’s chest. He was still inside her from behind and still hard, his hand stroking gently down her side. She turned her head to meet his gaze, suddenly worried about her aggressive actions, marking him without talking to him about it first. The look in his eyes assured her she had nothing to worry about as he cupped her cheek and kissed her softly before pulling back and giving her a sexy grin that got her wet all over again. “Mine,” he whispered and her inner walls contracted around him in response.

  Chloe closed her eyes and nuzzled closer, still having trouble believing that Talon was finally hers. After all the years of dreaming, hoping, fantasizing, he was finally hers. And no matter what he had to face back in Germany, she wasn’t about to let him face it alone.

  Talon carried her into the shower and they lingered under the water, touching and tasting as they washed each other with silent reverence. They made love slowly, Chloe relishing the feel of Talon’s hands moving over her body, the feel of his hard length stretching her once again to fullness. When they both erupted in climax, she clung to him, feeling more connected than she ever thought possible.

  Chloe slid her tongue languidly over the mark she’d made on his neck and Talon’s response was immediate. His erection, once again at full strength, pulsed inside her. He fisted a hand in her hair and brought his lips down to the matching mark on her neck, licking and kissing and tasting. Her inner muscles clenched greedily in response then felt bereft as he slowly slid from her.

  “Minx.” Talon teased as he kissed the tip of her nose. He shut off the water and dried her body before they stepped out. They both dressed quickly. Chloe brushed her teeth and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. As she stared into the bathroom mirror, Talon came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “We’ll figure all this out, Chloe. I promise.” He said softly and placed a quick kiss to her temple.

  “I know,” she acknowledged and turned in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and brushed her lips against his. “Let’s go.” She pulled away and reached for his hand before they headed downstairs.

  Chloe nearly stumbled on the steps as they reached the lower level. Her team was all in attendance but her shocked gaze zeroed in on one familiar but unexpected face. Across the room, Roderick stood with Tre at his side. She knew a look of stunned amazement probably marked her expression and without thought, she stepped closer to Talon’s side. She wondered at the smug grin on Tre’s face as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest as he gave her a wink. What the hell is he up to?

  “Roderick, what are you doing here?” She asked, cursing the hint of trepidation in her voice.

  Talon took a step forward but Roderick held up a hand to halt his progress. “I needed to check on my other daughter and make sure she was indeed all right.” He stated calmly without a hint of a smile. Then his features changed and the corners of his mouth curved up. “Now come over here and greet me properly young lady.” He ordered with a warm smile.

  Chloe looked at Talon before she began to take hesitant steps. When she was within arm’s length, Roderick reached out and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. “You had us worried there for a while, Chloe.” He set her back and looked at the bruises on her face and neck with furrowed brows. He gently turned her chin farther to the left as his eyes focused on a very different mark on her neck. His gaze immediately went to Talon.

  Chloe’s hand went instinctively to her face. Trying to regain his attention, she said, “It looks worse than it really is. The bruises are already fading. I’m fine, honestly.”

  Roderick met her gaze and studied her for a moment before he asked, “So, when are you coming home, Chloe?”

  Chloe stood mute for several heartbeats as she looked around the room at the men, her team, surrounding her. She moved back to stand by Talon’s side before she finally brought her gaze back to Roderick’s. “I am home, Roderick. This is my team, my extended family, and it’s where I belong.” She paused at the look of concern she saw on his face. “I promise I’ll come back for a visit to see all of you. Mina and I have a lot of catching up to do. I miss my brother and I’d like to check on Sean as well but my decision to remain here hasn’t changed.”

  David stepped forward and extended his fist. She obliged with a smile and they bumped knuckles. “Damn glad to hear it, Chloe-girl.” He held his arms out to the side and smiled widely. “Now give us a kiss to seal the deal.”

  Talon moved so quick, she would have missed it if she blinked. His arm shot out and before she knew it, David was sliding across the floor on his ass before he plowed into the base of the breakfast bar, smile still in place. “I don’t think so, cub,” Talon growled without humor. Chloe met Daniel’s gaze and he just smiled as he shook his head and gave her a wink.

  Roderick ignored the antics as he took steady strides to reach her. He lifted her ch
in with his fingers and smiled. “I suspected as much.” He admitted softly before he turned his gaze on Talon. “Talon, it’s time we talked. Come with me.”

  The two men walked down the hall and into the back study. Chloe moved to follow but Tre placed a hand on her shoulder and simply shook his head. Frustrated and worried, Chloe turned to pace in front of the fireplace. In the background, she barely registered the familiar banter between Michael and David, arguing as usual over something insignificant.

  Daniel came to her side, causing her to abruptly stop her pacing. “So you’re really staying, Chlo?” he asked hopefully.

  She let out a sigh, still unable to shake her worry for Talon, but finally answered. “Yeah, Danny. You’re stuck with me.” He smiled in return and picked her up off her feet in a hug.

  After more than thirty minutes, Roderick and Talon finally emerged. Everyone stopped what they were doing as they watched the two men approach. Chloe noted both had serious expressions, which jacked up her nerves another notch.

  Roderick opened his mouth to speak but before he could begin, Daniel stepped forward. “My King, I want you to know we couldn’t have shut down the Valta’s operation in this territory without Talon’s help. Talon’s experience and leadership in the investigation were invaluable.” He hesitated a moment. “I just thought you should be aware of that fact, sir.”

  David then stepped forward. “I agree with Daniel, sir. Having Talon with us on this investigation made all the difference. Talon led where Killian failed.”

  Chloe’s heart felt ready to burst at her team coming to Talon’s defense. Roderick looked to the rest of the group. “I take it this is how all of you feel?”

  “Hell, yeah,” Michael said, then remembered whom he was addressing after David smacked the back of his head. “Uh, I mean, yes, my King.” Roderick merely smiled at the display.

  “Absolutely,” was MaKane’s reply.

  Roderick shifted his focus to Tre. “You already know my opinion. There’s no one I trust more to follow into battle, even if he can be a royal pain in the ass offense, sire.” Tre teased, obviously a bit more comfortable than the others in the king’s presence.

  Roderick stepped to the center of the room, shoulders back, chin held high, looking every bit as regal as his title demanded. He stopped in front of Tre and extended his hand. “Thank you for the call, warrior. Your assistance to me in this matter was invaluable.”

  Chloe’s eyes narrowed in suspicion as she watched the two men shake hands before Tre gave her a knowing wink. What the…

  Roderick then turned and addressed the men. “Thank you all for sharing your opinions and I’m pleased you feel the way you do.” He hesitated before moving to stand in front of Talon. He extended his hand and Talon took it automatically. “Welcome to your new territory…General. You’ve earned it.”

  Chloe couldn’t breathe and she fully expected her knees to give out any second but Roderick continued as he turned to stand by Talon’s side. His tone turned authoritative. “I expect to see you and Chloe back at the castle next week. My daughter wants her sister home and I intend to make that happen, even if only for a short visit. Plus, it’s time you got to know your brother. I’ve had a chance to talk to him. He’s quite an extraordinary young man and will learn quickly. Actually, he reminds me a lot of you, Talon.”

  Talon simply nodded, still in obvious shock. Chloe couldn’t stand it any longer. She walked straight into Roderick’s arms and hugged him tight. “Thank you, Roderick.” She whispered in his ear.

  “My pleasure, Chloe. You deserve this gift as much as he does.” He responded and kissed the top of her head.

  The men surrounded Talon, slapping him on the back and shaking his hands. Tre stepped in front of him, his eyes focused on the side of Talon’s neck as a wide smile spread across his face. “You do realize Mathias is gonna kick your ass, right?”

  Talon shrugged but smiled as he looked to Chloe across the room. “It will be worth it.” He shrugged. “Besides, it won’t change a damn thing.” He returned his gaze to Tre and shoved his shoulder. “Your turn’s coming, pup.”

  Tre took a quick step back and brought up both hands. “Not just no but hell no. I’ll leave all that bonding fun to you and Mathias. Definitely not for me.”

  Talon shook his head and chuckled before Tre pulled him into a side man-hug then stepped back. “Congrats, T, on all fronts.” He nodded over to Chloe. “But just know, general or not, I’m still gonna flip you shit as much as possible.”

  Talon laughed. “Like I’d expect anything less from you. Tell you what, you just keep baking those red velvet cupcakes for me Betty, and you can flip my shit all you want.”

  Dev ended a call he’d been on and approached to shake Talon’s hand. “Congrats, General. Welcome to the club.” He smirked before his gaze turned serious as he addressed Tre. “Time to go, warrior. We’ve got serious problems in the Quarter and need to bail.” He nodded once more to Talon as he preceded Tre out the door.

  Tre turned to follow but paused at the door and turned once more to Talon. “Pussy,” he mouthed.

  Talon grinned. “Fucktard,” he mouthed back as he pulled Chloe close to his side and watched his friend leave.

  Hours later and after everyone had gone, Chloe lay draped over Talon’s chest in their room on the third floor. Their naked bodies were damp with perspiration from their recent love-making. Chloe luxuriated in the warm sensations flooding her system as Talon absently glided his fingers over the bonding mark on her neck. She brought her fingers up to trace over his matching mark and smiled at his low, approving growl. She continued her ministrations until he surprised her by suddenly pushing her back and rolling his body on top of hers, his hard length pressing between her legs.

  “You’re playing with fire with all that stroking, baby.” He ground against her center and she sucked in a sharpened breath at the sensation. “Are you ready to surrender to me now, my mate?” He said with a sexy grin that promised the delivery of unqualified pleasure.

  Chloe smiled and looked into the eyes of the only man she’d ever loved. But she wanted to play a bit. “Me surrender to you? I think you’ve got that backwards big man.” She said teasingly then burst into giggles when he nipped at her neck.

  When the nips to her neck turned into destructive licks and kisses, the laughter disappeared. She placed her hands on either side of his head and pulled him back up until she could look into his eyes. She framed his beautiful face then in all seriousness she vowed. “I surrendered my heart, my soul, and everything I am to you, Talon, a long time ago. I love you.”

  Talon leaned down and kissed her gently before staring at her once again in the darkness. He entered her slowly, reverently, and halted at the hilt. Chloe’s breath hitched at the sensation and he cupped her face, his sea-blue eyes mesmerizing in their intensity.

  “You’re mine, Chloe. My soul. For now and always. And we’ll surrender to each other…infinitely.” He vowed and lowered his lips to hers.

  About Gayle Donnelly

  I am a momma, a wife, a manager and a writer. I live in Oklahoma with my husband, two great kids and three crazy dogs. I will do just about anything for a Starbucks Mocha and shoe shopping is my drug of choice! I graduated with a degree in English but I never thought I would ever become a writer. Until one fateful day when Robyn MacKenzie and I were sitting in my backyard talking about all of the books we had fallen in love with over the past year and she said to me, “We can do this!” After thinking about stories we would love to read, we decided to just write one ourselves.

  One of the hardest things I deal with is balancing life with writing…and if anyone has the answer, please don’t hesitate to share it with me! Soccer games, track meets, business meetings and laundry tend to get in the way of my creative muse but I have a wonderful husband and two great kids who know how important writing is to me. And of course the late night calls from Robyn, my friend of twenty years and writing partner, wanting to talk
about an idea or story line she thought of will usually get me back on track.

  I hope you enjoy my stories and would love to hear from you.

  About Robyn MacKenzie

  I originally hail from the Midwest and currently reside in Oklahoma with my wonderfully supportive husband and two beautiful kids. Although I’d be remiss if I didn’t admit that the years we spent living in the ethereal beauty of the Pacific Northwest didn’t still pull at my heartstrings.

  While writing is a lifelong dream and one in which I’m doubly blessed to be able to share with my best friend and writing partner, Gayle Donnelly, I’m also an avid reader—devouring two to three books a week sometimes. Between working, writing, reading and attending my kids’ sporting events, I enjoy kickboxing, watching UFC events and spending quality time with my family.

  Gayle and Robyn welcome comments from readers. You can find their websites and email addresses on their author bio pages at

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  Also by Gayle Donnelly & Robyn MacKenzie

  Infinite Betrayal

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Infinite Surrender

  ISBN 9781419943669


  Infinite Surrender Copyright © 2012 Gayle Donnelly & Robyn MacKenzie


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