Forbidden To Love (The Erosians)

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Forbidden To Love (The Erosians) Page 10

by D Wills

  Josh leans away from me and takes his hand from mine. The cool breeze instantly replaces Josh’s warmth. I thought he might have laughed at me and the childishness of my family, but I didn’t think he’d physically remove himself from me! “So your sister is Amora?” “Yes, Amora,” I answer him, unsure where he’s going with this but praying he’s not about to ask for her number now I’ve told him what she looks like. “She gets guys to do anything she wants because she’s hot.” He doesn’t sound shocked at that. I guess he knows a few girls himself that use the same trick. “Yeh, pretty much,” I continue and look back up at him, hoping we can just forget about my original stupid accusations. “Right, and you thought I was shallow enough to do anything a pretty girl asked - that’s how much you think of me?” Well done Acacia, what a well thought out excuse that was! Josh jumps up from the bench, no longer relaxed. His face flashes red as he gets more worked up. I try to think of a way to make the situation better, but my mind goes blank. I hadn’t expected this but; then again, I never thought how my theory sounded from the other side. “I jumped to conclusions,” I stammer, my mind races for something better to say. I reach out for him, but he takes a step back. “I didn’t know you then, and I don’t really know you now, but I want to. I'm sorry!” I plead, and he stares at me and out at the school buildings behind us. I'm sure he’s starting to soften and forgive me.

  “I thought you were the same as all the others, but don’t you want to show me that you’re not?” I add the playful question at the end in the hope humour will end this sudden tension. “Now you’re saying I have something to prove to you.” The playfulness didn’t work. The sun has moved slightly across the sky moving behind were Josh stands in front of me, casting me in his shadow where I deserve to be. “No, listen please, I'm sorry, I didn’t mean any of this in the way it’s sounding.” I stand up against him and reach for him to try and pull him back to me. He holds himself in place for a few seconds, looking anywhere but at me. I bite my lip and stay silent. Everything I say seems to make things worse. He allows me to pull him back to the bench, and I sigh in relief, but as he leans back towards me with a meaningful look on his face, I brace myself for the rejection that is surely coming. “No more assumptions,” he quietly whispers. There’s no need for him to speak louder than that. His face is only inches from mine. His words spin around my head, and I take a deep breath, inhaling all of his intoxicating scent that swarms my body now he has moved himself so close. His arms thread themselves around my waist and rest softly on my lower back. I bring my own arms up and rest my hands on his shoulders; he shudders and parts his lips as my touch settles upon him. I gaze dreamily into his eyes, giving in to my imagination. I can feel his breath on my lips, just like when he rescued me, but now he’s edging closer as I wish he had then. I close my eyes in anticipation as my heart begins to send flames throughout my body, but this time they are burning for more of his touch, not for me to escape. “JOSH!” a booming voice hollers. “Josh, my man, this is where you’ve been hiding.” I open my eyes to see the same football jock who called me the stalker now slapping hands with Josh, who shoots me an apologetic look. “Ooh, stalker finally got her man,” the jock boy teases. I start to defend myself, but there’s no need. “This is Acacia, and she is not a stalker, Blane.” “Whoa, everything’s cool, man. Listen, school's letting out early today, something to do with the air con breaking and we can’t work in the heat.” Josh and I exchange glances suspiciously, and both look at Blane. “Well it’s something like that … anyways; we’re all heading to the beach - you in?” He looks at Josh eagerly, but Josh looks at me. “Hey, you're welcome too, Allia” he says. “It’s Acacia,” I reply tightly, “and I think I’ll pass.” “Cool, come on, Josh. Cars are waiting.” Blane takes off in the direction of the car park, and I turn to head back to school to get my things out of my locker. “You sure you don’t want to come?” Josh asks, looking between me and where Blane has just off ran to. “I'm sure. I’ve got some stuff to catch up on at home anyway.” I force a smile hoping that will stop him feeling regretful about leaving after we’ve only just made our declarations!

  “Ok, well can I get your number?” he asks shyly, which seems stupid considering he just had the guts to tell me that he liked me. “Yeh course” After I’ve quickly tapped my number into his phone, he gives me one last smile and stops awkwardly like he’s not sure how to say good bye. I could make things clear and throw my arms around his neck and give him the kiss I’ve been dying to feel between us. “See you later, then,” he simply says and jogs towards the car park, to catch up with the rest of them . “Bye” I quietly mutter. Forcing myself to go inside so I'm not stood here like a total moron as he leaves with his friend I start to wish he hadn’t gone with them. I'm about to cross the car park when a large white Jeep comes zooming in front of me with music pumping out and squeals of excitement over that. I follow the Jeep as it heads for the exit. My irritation at nearly getting flattened turns into a sickening feeling; Blane’s driving with Melissa (one of the cheerleaders) in the front seat and in the back are Josh and Stacey. That couldn’t have been Josh. I must just be seeing him everywhere I look. I mean why would he leave his car here? He wouldn’t. I shake my head as I walk to my car, and that’s when I pass his. I stop dead in the car park. He has left it here, and he’s gone to the beach with Stacey. Perfect. I race to my car. Should I follow them? Should I go home? It could all be innocent. Who am I kidding; this is Stacey we are talking about. Nothing about her has ever been innocent. My keys are in the ignition, and I'm heading to the beach before I can stop myself. I can do this. I’ll go to a beach front cafe order myself some lunch; maybe make my being there look as if I'm meeting a friend. Wish I did have a friend someone I could call up and tell them all about Josh; tell them that I'm a tiny bit scared his feelings for me are a joke, tell them how I crumble every time I think of how his body was glistening that day in the water. But I don’t. My only options are Amora who I would never speak to and Allana who is too much like a mum to go spilling my innermost thoughts to.



  I can’t get Stacey’s satisfied grin out of my head as she was sitting in the back with Josh. I can see her now laid on the beach in the tiniest bikini possible, asking him to rub lotion into places he hasn’t even touched me yet. My fingers grip harder onto the steering wheel and my teeth start to grind from thinking about them. I don’t know why; he isn’t my boyfriend, yet, so he’s free to do as he pleases. Not like I want him to though! I pull into The Shellrock a small café that has a terrace at the back which spreads onto the beach giving a clear view of the sand. I’ve used it before for work, so if I set myself up in here I’ll be able to see what they’re all up to. I set myself up on one of the rattan armchairs. The cream cushions look soft and inviting, making me feel a little better about what I'm doing. I grab a menu but am not interested in choosing a meal. Instead, I peer over the top of it and try and find them. “What can I get ya?” A perky blonde waitress is standing to my left, pen and pad poised to take my order, which I haven’t even thought of, I glance down at the menu reluctantly. I take in her manicured toenails peeking out of her beige leather sandals, then look up to her perfectly groomed hair and immaculate make-up. She has to be the boss' daughter dragged in to do a shift as punishment. She looks too good to be waitressing here. She starts to tap her pen in annoyance, and I focus back on the menu. “Erm … I’ll take… the chicken club sandwich and a” I'm scanning the drinks section, not sure if I want a shake or soda her huffing makes my decision. “Erm, a coke would be great.” I smile at her, and she stomps off. I put the menu down on the table and look up. There they are. There’s a group of about twelve. Stacey and a couple of other girls are laid on the sand comparing tans whilst the guys are starting a game of football. I watch them intently, relieved that Josh isn’t draped around Stacey as I feared he would be. I shouldn’t be worried. What did he say about no more assumptions? Yet here I am assuming he’s going
to be drooling over Stacey just because she’s what most guys fantasize about. I rest my head on the back of my chair. I need to get a grip. This love thing is crazy. The time flew by. It felt like a second since I’d ordered my food, but the waitress is now placing it down in front me. “Thanks,” I greet her. “Yeh, do you want like any sauces or somethin’?” She asks impatiently.

  “No, this is great, thanks,” I tell her, as desperate for her to go as she is to leave. The lifeguard starts to blow his whistle urgently. I automatically look out to the sea, is it a shark. I wonder how often the merfolk come inland and get mistaken for sharks. Not that much of a mistake really. From what I’ve experienced, both are large dangerous predators. The lifeguard is waving at Josh and the other guys. “No ball games,” I hear him shout. I wish I could run down to the beach and grab that megaphone out of his hands. Now the boys are going to go back to Stacey and her mini clones. I watch helplessly as they pick the ball up and head to where the girls are. No, I almost shout, but I just manage to get hold of myself. I focus my attention in on her so I can hear what she’s whispering “Watch me get Josh all flustered,” she coyly tells one of her girl friends. My blood starts to boil. Who does she think she is? “Josh,” her poisonously sweet voice calls. Josh ignores her. Yes! I jump up out of my seat, which gets me a few stares, she’s persistent though and calls him over to her again. This time he’s too close to her to pretend he didn’t hear. “What’s up, Stace?” he asks, Stace! He calls her Stace. They’re friendlier than I’d thought, than I’d hoped. The other diners around me are beginning to whisper as well as stare. I haven’t even touched my food, which only adds to how out of place I look. I pick my sandwich up quickly and take a bite with a little too much force as mayo squirts out onto the table. Calm down, Acacia, it’s not the sandwich's fault! I focus back on to Stacey. Josh is standing in front of her, and she has her knees bent and her hands pressed behind her arching her back, so her chest is pushed out towards him. “Would you mind rubbing this lotion on my back? I really don’t want to get burnt,” she asks him. Her voice is that laced in syrup I swear it’s actually given me toothache. Grabbing the lotion from her bag she wiggles it in front of him. “Actually I'm gonna go swim. Why don’t you ask Blane or Lissa to?” He doesn’t give her time to respond. Instead, he pulls his shirt off and runs towards the water. I almost jump up again and shriek in delight, but as I'm in a public place where I’ve already drawn enough attention to myself, I settle for a sigh of relief. If he were into Stacey, he would have never passed up the opportunity to touch her so intimately. I sit back in my chair and do my best to enjoy the rest of my sandwich and Coke. The waitress brings over the bill, I leave ten dollars on the tray, and I head back out to the car park. I pull open the door to the café and walk straight into Stacey. “Oh, look who it is,” she spits with venom the likes of which I’ve only ever heard from Amora. I go to walk past her, not interested in causing any sort of altercation. “Josh isn’t into you, you know?” she laughs. “He’s probably just taking pity on you or having a bet with the guys.” I shake my head and continue on. “We’ll tell him that we ran into you, though,” she calls, and all of her minions huddled protectively around her collapse into hysterics. My cheeks are burning, and I honestly just want to run into my car and go home – actually I’d like to make her love the geekiest dweeb I could find so she’d be humiliated drooling all over him. That wouldn’t be fair to the geek though. If they’re going to go and tell Josh I'm here he’s either going to think I spied on him, I was lying to him about having stuff to do or worse, I wanted to come down to the beach but not with him. The only thing I can do is go down and say hi to him by myself. I walk down the side of the café to the beach path and make my way towards the middle of the sand directly in front of where Josh is now swimming back to shore so he’ll see me when he gets out. The sea sparkles invitingly under the high sun. I gulp as I know what lies in the depths aren’t worth accepting it's invitation. The sand agrees with me. With each step I take towards the water, the grains begin to pour over my feet keeping me back at a safe distance. I stride forward and sit down, realizing I’m totally sans beach stuff, and I’m not even wearing a bikini; so how am I going to explain how I’ve ended up here. My mind spins into overdrive, throwing up plausible reasons to tell Josh for when he inevitably asks. Maybe I should get on and kiss him. That way I could occupy his mouth and prevent him from asking so many questions which would force me to feed him lies. My brain empties of all questions, my heart starts to falter; Josh is emerging from the water. His usually messy hair is now slicked back from the sea, making his eyes even more beautiful than I have ever seen them. There’s water dripping from his bottom lip. I dig my hands into the sand, searching for something to hold onto, so I don’t run into him right now and lick those droplets from his lips. He runs his hands over his face, brushing the water off and through his hair, returning it to a messy but wet style, which he pulls off amazingly, his shorts are stuck to his legs as he walks and the waist band is slung low revealing more of him than I saw when he was in his life guard trunks. There are still beads of water trailing from the strands of hair that rest on his forehead down the strong lines of his jaw, caressing his face in a way I'm desperate to do myself. I continue to ogle him as he heads back to his friends, but then he takes a look round and sees me. He stops and looks unsure what to do. I give him a small wave. His face breaks into a smile, and he jogs over to me. I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them, kicking my sandals off and burying my toes deeper in the sand. “Hey, I thought you were heading home,” he says as he gets nearer and flops down at my side. I watch him as he lays flat next to me, looking exhausted from his swim. I try hard not to stare at his sculpted body sprawled out beside me, but it’s pretty difficult when the last few traces of water are dancing in the sunlight, performing a private seduction only for me.

  “I erm … my sister rang me and asked me to pick something up for her, I was going past here on my way back so thought I’d call over and say hi,” I hope he leaves it at that and doesn’t ask me which shop; I have no idea what any of the shops round here are. “Your sister Amora?” he simply asks whilst following my gaze out to sea. “No, Allana” I automatically respond. There would be no way in my mind I’d be doing favours for Amora! “You’ve got two sisters then?” His question is perfectly innocent, but already I'm in double figures with the lies I’ve been forced to tell him - not exactly how I wanted to begin our relationship. “Yeh, they’re both older than me. What about you? Do you have any brothers or sisters?” “I don’t know” he replies, his voice disappearing at the end. How could he not know? “What do you mean?” I probably should have taken the hint from how he drifted off at the end and not continued with the questions. “I don’t know my real family.” He turns to me with sadness filling his eyes. I don’t speak as I can feel he’s got more to say. “I was left outside my now parents’ house when I was a baby.” “How awful,” I automatically reach my hand for his; he offers it to me willingly and pulls me closer to him, so my head rests on his shoulder. His free arm curves around my hips, his fingers curl around my hip resting delicately on my waist. From this angle, I can see the curve of his neck leading me to his jaw and from there his lips. “It’s not so bad, my gram and gramps are pretty cool, they’re a bit old, you see, for me to be calling them mum and dad, so gram and gramps works well.” He smiles clearly fond of his involuntarily adopted parents. “Have you ever tried to find your real family?” I'm sure this conversation isn’t one he wants to be having but I the desire inside of me to know every part of him is ruling my mouth. “Nah, they left me no note, nothing, and never came back to check on me, so why bother looking for them?” I'm not sure what to say to that. “What about your folks, are they cool?” He turns his attention back to me. What am I supposed to say to that? I could tell him that I was moulded and created by Prometheus under Zeus’s instructions, and what I was intended for, but I think we should at least have a first date bef
ore I go dropping bombshells like that. “They’re both dead.” That’s as good as any response I could give! I force myself to gulp, in an attempt to feign upset as best I can. Instantly a wave of guilt crashes over me; how could I use an excuse which could very well be real for Josh. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, pulling me closer into him. Josh’s touch is one which fills me with such excitement and possibilities! “It’s fine. It was a long time ago, I … ”

  “Well look what we have here.” I was about to say how happy I was living with Allana when Stacey struts over with her entourage interrupting us. “Stacey, what can we do for you?” Josh asks without turning to her or moving his arm from around me. Instead, he tightens his grip, so I don’t move from him, not that I was planning to. Stacey’s eyes are burning, and she looks like a bull ready to charge when she sees Josh’s hand in mine. “Nothing,” she snarls. “We were just going to see if you were ready to go.” Josh looks at me, his eyes sparkling. “Nah, I think I’ll hang here for a bit longer.” He flashes me that heart-melting smile, and I openly send him one back. “Fine,” she all but screams and storms back to the rest of the group. Josh squeezes my hand. “You don’t mind me hanging here with you a while longer?” His usually almost black eyes become a warmer brown shade. “What would you do if I said yes,” I ask, flirting just a bit. He takes his hand from around my waist and clutches it to his chest where his heart would be and fakes a gasp. “I’d do what I could to change your mind.” He lies down on his back and puts his free behind his head. “You sound pretty sure you could talk me round?” “It wasn’t talking I had in mind” My cheeks burn red, I look out to sea hoping to mask my blush. Our fingers are still intertwined, and he gives my hand a gentle tug, so I lay down next him, careful to keep a distance between us. I don’t want to force myself on him. Well, that’s a lie. I’d love to lay down right next to him so his arms can curl around my shoulders and pull me in closer, but I won’t - we’re in public and hardly know each other. It’s quiet as we both just lay, enjoying the feel of the warm sand underneath our bodies. Our breathing becomes perfectly in rhythm. “Have you lived here long?” Josh breaks the silence. I feel weird trying to answer him when I can’t actually see him. I roll onto my stomach and prop myself up on my arms. He turns his head towards mine so we can see each other. I almost lose myself in his eyes, but I quickly regain my control. Remember, Acacia, you’re trying to lose the labels ‘stalker’ and ‘weirdo’. “About eight months, I think.” I look out into the distance, counting back mentally exactly how many months have passed since that dark day when I was created and dismissed without consideration. “I didn’t think I’d seen you around the halls until recently,” there’s wistfulness to his voice; is he sad that he hasn’t met me until now? “You probably never would if I hadn’t been caught staring at you,” I mutter. Why bring that episode up Acacia? “I noticed you before then anyway,” he whispers. His voice ties my stomach into knots and makes my heart hammer against my rib cage. Josh rolls onto his side so now we’re facing each other. Our hips are only inches apart. Josh begins to stroke my hair as he reaches the tips, his fingers continue onto my shoulders and down my arm.


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