Forbidden To Love (The Erosians)

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Forbidden To Love (The Erosians) Page 12

by D Wills

  “No, I haven’t, I promise. I’d never avoid you,” I add, as much conviction to my voice as I can, willing him to understand. Searching his eyes for some sort of acknowledgement that he believes me, I’m met with a devilish twinkle and a smile of seduction.

  “Prove it.”

  Willingly! “How?”

  He takes hold of my hand and pulls me back towards the car park. “Where are we going?” “Don’t you trust me?” He waits by his car for my answer. “Of course,” I confess, knowing if he told me that he was taking me to be judged before Hades, I’d still willingly go with him. “Take a seat,” he instructs me and opens the door as he gestures for me to climb in. I jump into his car, and the interior is just impressive as the outside. The charcoal leather seats and tinted windows turn the inside of a car into a portal of darkness. I glance over at Josh. He looks incredibly hot in here I could jump on him right now and prove in my own way that I haven’t been avoiding him. “Buckle up,” he tells me as he forces the car into reverse and speeds out of the car park. Josh drives fast but perfectly in control. I stare in awe at him. How I wish I could call him mine. Josh glances at me, smiling at my staring. Heat stains my cheeks as I look away. I feel his hand on top of mine. He wraps our fingers together and keeps hold for the rest of the journey, sneaking further glances at me whenever he can. I guess neither of us can tear our eyes from each other. We pull into a car park around the back of some shops. I’ve not been here before. I look around. This place is utterly deserted. Josh jumps out of the car and walks around to my door, extending his hand to me to help me out. “Let’s go.” His voice is full of excitement. We practically run around the front of the shops and down a small path which leads to the most secluded little patch of beach I’ve ever seen. “Wow!” I gasp. Josh squeezes my hand and pulls me in closer to him, resting my back against his chest. He places his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around my waist. My body moulds against his and I finally feel whole. “It’s perfect now you’re here?” he says, looking out to sea. His breath dances on my neck, causing shivers to run down my back. The sand is golden and soft, the sea is clear at the edge of the beach, and we’re alone. Surrounding the beach are cliffs keeping our paradise private and keeping the wind out. Here, we aren’t over-looked by anyone.

  “How did you find this place?” My voice waivers uncontrollably but Josh doesn’t pick up on it, or he doesn’t react if he does. As beautiful as it is here, it is totally isolated. Nobody would see anything or hear me scream. I wish I could reach into my head and remove the part of my brain that keeps ruining these perfect moments. Josh walks down towards the sand and pulls me after him. “I found it while I was out surfing. I usually come down here alone. I’ve never brought anyone else here, but I knew you’d appreciate how beautiful it is as much as I do.” He smiles at me, and I nod back at him. I desperately want to shut the voice up in my head, which is telling me that I should run. “Come on, there’s more.” He pulls me towards the cliffs to the left of us. How can there be more? “Watch your step, there,” he warns me as he climbs up onto a ledge and reaches down for me once he’s safely up. I put my arms up to him and try to figure out how I'm going to begin climbing, but Josh pulls me straight up. “Whoa, you’re stronger than I thought,” I say in disbelief. I’ve never known a mortal with strength like that. In fact, I think I only know Hercules who could pull someone up with so much ease. “I'm not sure whether that’s a compliment or not,” Josh teases me. “This way,” he calls and puts his hand out for me so he can guide me along the narrow ledge. Josh disappears round what seems to be a corner, but as he pulls me towards him, I come into a cave in the side of the cliff which overlooks the sea. I let out a long breath as the view out in front of us takes me over. The picture is phenomenal; nothing but glistening waves that sparkle magically in the high sea. Stepping tentatively towards the edge, I look down to the water lapping away at the base of the rocks. “I didn’t realize we’d come around this way” “Turn around.” I follow his instructions automatically. “Wow!” I thought the view from the cave was what he brought me to see but in here is a small pool of water right in the centre. Above it is a small tunnel, which must go up to the top of the cliffs as sunlight is pouring through providing a spotlight for the natural hot tub. The whole place is downright out of this world. Josh comes and stands behind me again, which is now my new favourite thing he does. As his arms wrap around my waist, his head rests again on my left shoulder, and I can feel his breath tickling my ear. I swear I just felt his lips brush my skin. His warmth surrounds me, reaching down into my body, setting every part of me alight. “I found this over a year ago, and now I’m glad I found someone just as breathtaking to bring here.” A wave of electricity rolls along my body as his words caress my heart. The sunlight reflects off the water onto the walls, filling the cave with wonder. It feels as if we’re in another dimension; one that is full of possibilities and no restrictions. I turn myself round in his arms, and he loosens them enough to allow me, but tightens them once I'm facing him. Our whole bodies are now touching. There’s no sound but the waves. “Thank you,” I barely manage to say as I stare into his eyes. He runs his left hand up my back to the base of my neck, up into my hair while his right arm holds me tighter. “You don’t need to thank me. I'm just grateful you’re here.” He leans down towards me. I close my eyes as I lean towards him. Our lips meet lightly at first, and then we both sink deeper into the kiss. Our mouths fit together perfectly. I can feel his longing as his tongue gently presses against my bottom lip, desperate to gain entry to my mouth. I willingly allow him and our kiss kicks up into a new level. A soft moan escapes my throat; Josh pulls me into him harder as his hands press deeper into my back. Our hips crush together as his fingers tangle themselves up in my hair. I bring both my arms around his neck and lace my fingers in his hair. Josh breathes my name, and I almost melt as the kiss becomes more urgent. Our passion spills over sending me dizzy. I need more of his sweet taste than I could ever get. I need to memorize the feel of his body so close to mine but, more than that, I need this feeling of being wanted by him, to never end. Josh’s hands move from my hair to either side of my face, and he pulls me back slightly from his so I can see into his eyes both our chests are rising rapidly as both our hearts race. “I have wanted - no needed - to do that, since the moment, I saw you.” He kisses my lips softly. “I’m glad you finally did” Josh smiles and folds me up in his arms. I bury my face into his chest. I never want to leave this cave. There are no questions, there is no past, and there is no doubt about the future. There is only now, and that is all I need. “Fancy cooling off?” Josh asks. No! I want things to get a lot hotter! He’s nodding towards the pool in the centre of the cave. “Love to.” No reason things can’t heat up in there! His face lights up as he pulls his top off and removes his jeans. I stare at his body my mind freely pictures what it will be like to explore more of him. I strip off to my underwear. I can hardly be shy about him seeing me in so little when he’s seen me in a bikini. I'm just grateful I wore a matching set today and that they’re dark. I wouldn’t dream of stripping off had there been a chance they could become see-through. Josh has already jumped into the pool and is sitting waiting for me. I look down at the magical pool, how is he floating so effortlessly - just like the merman. “How are you doing that?” I examine the water to see what is actually below the surface. I hope I still see his legs and not some merman’s fins! Josh’s legs are still there, thank the gods. “There’s a ledge just under the surface you can sit on. The pool runs straight to the sea. Well, I'm guessing it does. I’ve never gone down it myself”.

  The molten river Josh always ignites through my body freezes over. I knew the cavern had a supernatural quality; it could only have been made by and for the merfolk. If I get in that pool, I guarantee you the sea demons will be straight up to pull me down into the depths. That’s if Josh isn’t one of them. He could be planning to drag me there himself once I step in the pool. Acacia how can you doubt hi
m after that kiss? Urgh, this is so annoying; I want to believe all this is real, and Josh is just who he appears to be, but this is all so quick I can’t help but feel something about the whole situation is a trap! “I don’t feel like, erm, getting in.” Josh’s face falls. “I think I’d like to go and, you know, sunbathe for a bit,” I suggest but he looks completely disappointed and that look of rejection returns - or is it anger? I stand awkwardly as he climbs out of the pool, grabs his clothes and starts to get dressed. I quickly do the same. “I don’t get you” his anger comes clearly through. My fear becomes magnified. “I really don’t. You like me then you don’t, then you happily come running off with me and you kiss me like, well, like nothing I’ve ever felt before, but you don’t want to be alone with me now.” He sounds exasperated “I'm sorry. It’s not you.” “Please don’t give me the 'It’s not, you it’s me' speech. That’s something Stacey would say.” What the hell. Why’s he bringing Stacey into this? “What’s she got to do with anything?” I demand, probably a bit too jealously. “What? Nothing.” He looks taken aback at how I'm angry at him “I'm just saying I thought you were different.” Josh heads towards the ledge we came in on. Wait, I am different, and I don’t need to be jealous. “Wait, please. I’m sorry” Josh looks at me expectantly, and I want to tell him the truth, but it sounds crazy. “I’m scared of the water,” I blurt out dumbly before I can spill my secrets. I can tell he isn’t acting, he is truly annoyed and upset with how I keep running hot and cold, and he deserves some sort of explanation, and I am scared of the water – sort of. “When you saved me that time, I was trying to get over my fear, and it didn’t work, so I can’t get in that pool. I’m sorry.” I’d quite like to jump in that pool now and disappear thanks to how stupid I sound. Josh laughs. Great, he thinks I'm funny. He sees the upset on my face. I guess he presumes it’s from my embarrassing confession, but it’s not. I'm upset I can’t be as open with him as I want to be. He walks over to me and embraces me. Once again all my cares disappear. “I'm sorry. I should have realized you might still be a bit uneasy with what happened. It’s ok, we can go and sunbathe. But just so you know, I saved you then, and I’d save you every time. No, actually that’s a lie … ” I pull away from him “I’ll protect you from everything so you will never need to be rescued.” He kisses my mouth lightly, holding me in his arms. I press myself against him eagerly. If only he knew the depth of that promise.

  Do You Dare?


  Josh and I spent the rest of the day at the beach entirely alone. The whole time was heaven; Josh kept calling me angel which caused my heart to flutter constantly! My body ignited into flames from every one of his touches, and whenever he moved slightly from me, the flames tried to escape from my body after him; burning my flesh in the process. The pain of wanting to be near him though bordered on ecstasy and when I didn't think I could stand it any longer, Josh soothed me with his kisses; turning my body back into smooth running lava that simmered nicely as long as I could feel his body pressing down on me. It’s Sunday afternoon now, and I haven’t seen him for two days because he’s been working the weekend. Everyone flocks to the beach, so they need all the lifeguards on duty. I was going to go down and hang out, but he sent me a message last night telling me that he thought me being laid on the beach in a bikini with others staring at me would be too much for him! And he wouldn’t be able to focus on the lives he’s supposed to be saving. As much as I might be willing to sacrifice the lives of others, I'm glad Josh is caring enough to spare the innocent sunbathers and to save me the inevitable regret if anyone did come to harm that day while I was enjoying the most addictive drug alive. I needed to catch up on some match-making myself anyway, so I’ve been all over this island to the popular places on a holiday weekend: the mall, the other beaches, the cinema and the diners. I’ve made a record of seventy two matches which I'm pretty pleased with. I'm planning on going to a bonfire party on one of the quieter beaches tonight to see if I can’t break the hundred barrier. Students from all the local schools are going, so it’s perfect to make some cross campus hook ups. I don’t know if Josh is going. I could text him and ask, but I don’t want to look too desperate. And if he was going and wanted me to go with him, he’d have asked me, wouldn’t he? There’s a massive bang downstairs and what sounds like Allana screaming. When did she get back? Rushing from my room, I stop dead at the top of the stairs. The front door has been torn from its hinges and lies in splinters scattered across the hall. There’s crashing in the living room and what sounds like snarling, mixed with a girl’s plea. “Allana,” I call hesitantly. “There you are,” a roaring male voice booms up the stairs from the lounge. “Eros?” the question more poised to me than anyone around. Eros appears at the bottom of the stairs, grunting like a bull ready to charge. Had I been less confused about what is going on then terror would have gotten a better a hold on me. Eros’ eyes are bulging like they did that day at Olympus, his face is burning red, and anger is radiating from him. I look around for some answers. Amora is leaning against the wall at the left hand side of the staircase looking at me, then at Eros, and then at the ends of her hair. Her expression is completely blank, in stark contrast to Allana’s who is at the other side of Eros. Allana’s face is stained with tears and she’s wildly grabbing at any part of Eros she can, frantically trying to pull him from the staircase. “Eros please leave her. She hasn’t done anything.” Her cries go unheard. He raises his arm and bats her away from him; she goes flying across the hall, hitting the door frame to the lounge. A crack forms from her impact and snakes its way to the ceiling. All that power and he only touched her lightly! Amora looks up and over at Allana. Is she finally going to show some compassion and help her? She doesn’t move to help, but the expression in her eyes softens to as close to empathy as she can manage. She brings her attention back to me and her eyes stone over. “Run” Her instruction doesn’t register with me in time and Eros is bounding up the stairs three at a time giving me no chance of escape. His thundering steps shake every part of our home, his vicious grin terrifies me. I stagger aimlessly back towards the wall, looking frantically around for anything to grab to protect myself. Eros appears in front of me. His angry stench, a mixture of ash and dirt swarms around me. He pins me to the wall with his swollen arms smashing his hands either side of my head. The wall crumbles with ease under his immense force. I flick between each of his fists, wondering which one will wrap itself around my throat to take away my undeserved breath. I watch the veins pulse underneath his iridescent skin, the skin of a God, the way all our skin looks whenever we are in or just out of Olympus. I look down at the floor. I don’t want to see his hand lunge for me, and I'm too scared to look him in the face. Eros starts to growl as I ignore him, but I won’t look back up. I don’t want the image of his hate burned into my brain. “You think you can disobey me?” he spits. I flinch at every word. “You don’t have the right to love anyone else but me.” I scratch the wall behind me for anything to hold onto just to try and stop myself from falling to pieces before him “You were made for me, don’t you understand that? Whether I want you or not, you are mine. You are not free to become anyone else’s.” The menace in his voice deepens. “But you don’t want me,” I manage to choke out. My mind becomes flooded with Josh, giving me the courage to try and argue my case, “and I don’t love you. I hate you!” Eros throws his head back and screams with laughter. “Like that matters. I own you. You were made for me and me alone.” He levels his face with mine. “You go near him again, and I will make sure you are banished to the Underworld where you will forever be at the mercy of Hades. And as for your mortal, I’ll let him be with you for all eternity.” I don't believe it, Eros is saying I can be with Josh if I agree to be sent to the Underworld? “I don’t understand,” I mumble as his face twists into an arrogant smirk. “I will send him with you and order for him to be tortured endlessly before you.” Tears spill down my cheeks. “Am I clear?” he bellows, his breath stinging my face. I don’t answe
r. I can’t agree to that. Josh is my true love, and I'm his. Eros as the God of love should honour that and allow us to be together. I shake my head defiantly, refusing to give up on my happiness. Eros grabs my throat, and with one hand raises me up what’s left of the wall. His fingers crush into my skin, removing my ability to breathe. Darkness edges closer in my head. I'm sure I'm moments from blacking out. “I said am I clear?” he asks again, enjoying my legs flailing beneath me as I struggle to stay conscious and get out of his grip. “Yes,” I cry, defeated. Eros prises his fingers from my throat. Air greedily rushes in as I fall in a heap on the floor. I hear a crack in my hip as it hits the wooden boards. My neck is sore and swollen. Each time I swallow, the pain becomes magnified tenfold. I keep my head pressed to the ground. I hope that was the end of his attack. I listen to his footsteps marching away from me until they entirely disappear. My body gives in when he’s gone; the sobs erupt powerfully from me. Allana’s body presses over mine. I never even heard her approach my cries are so loud. Her presence offers no comfort though - nothing could soothe my pain. “Well, I didn’t know he was going to kick off like that,” Amora announces having joined us at the top of the stairs. “Why Amora, why tell him?” Allana screams through her tears. “Do you feel better now knowing Acacia will spend the rest of her life in misery?” I look up to Allana hunched over me, her hands protectively on my back, her face twisted in rage as she shouts at Amora. Amora continues to stand nonchalantly. “Look, it’s about time she learned the consequences of breaking the rules. We’re miserable, what makes her so damn special that she gets to be the exception?” She rolls her eyes as she takes off to her room. Allana turns her attention to me. “I'm sorry. I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn’t listen, I shouldn’t have told you to see how things went with Josh. I only made this whole situation worse. I'm sorry, Acacia.” With every word, a fresh tear falls from her eyes and lands in a puddle of both our despair. “Thanks for trying and the truth is if you’d told me to stay away from him, I probably wouldn’t have been able to. The pull between us is so strong not even Eros can break our connection.” Allana nods mindlessly. I'm not sure she’s hearing what I'm saying. “I’m not going to stop loving Josh.” I pull myself up, wincing as I do. Allana looks at me like I'm crazy. She opens and closes her mouth, probably trying to think of something to say in protest.


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