Book Read Free

Dead Time Series

Page 55

by Jason Wilcox

  A thunderous crack quieted everyone. The huge boulder split down the middle and began separating, shaking the ground. Each end moved back about ten feet, creating a twenty-foot gap. A large gate, hidden in the rock, now stood where the boulder had been. Dark swirling liquid filled the center. Everything around Caden felt different, as if the air had changed, pulling him towards the gate.

  Without waiting for permission, Caden started marching towards the gate. He couldn’t believe there was another one. If he had his sword in hand, he would chop the thing in half to dispose of it. The gate could allow dark souls and Triaad to return. He wanted to get in front of everyone and stop them, to get their attention and talk. He was beginning to feel he was being dragged into something he didn’t agree to.

  “STOP!” Clovis yelled from behind him. Caden wasn’t listening; he kept walking towards the gate, until a large hand with claws grabbed him. “If you go any farther, you’ll be killed,” he growled.

  Caden was surprised by the response. “How?”

  “Do you see that dark tree?” Clovis asked as he held out a claw to point.

  The tree was creepy looking, Caden couldn’t deny, but he wasn’t sure how the tree had anything to do with him dying. “What are you getting at?”

  “Turn around.”

  Caden listened to him and looked back. At first he didn’t see anything, but that changed as the dragon pushed a circle on one of the runes and liquid rose from the ground, filling a massive gate that Caden hadn’t realized was there. The arches to the gate blended into the landscape, made out of boulders and a cliff side, which made it difficult to make out. It stood just past the runes and was large enough to fit one of the hovercrafts, easily.

  “It’s a trap for anyone that tries to get through,” Clovis explained. “If they pass our first security measures and get the gates open, they will more than likely go for the one in front of them and be killed while they try. We can’t let this gate fall into the wrong hands.”

  “That’s clever,” Caden said while he looked up at Clovis. “But I want to know why we’re here. I thought it was clear that you were going to take all of us back.”

  Clovis tilted his head. “I said we were going to send your friend and his soldiers back, not you. We have to go back to our planet and make preparations to save Domblin before it’s too late.”

  “You can go and make your preparations, but I’ll be staying here.” Caden tried to sound firm and made eye contact hoping the Guardian would listen.

  “We don’t have time to waste on this planet.” Clovis tapped the tip of his tail on the ground. “There’s no reason for you to stay here. We’re going to train you in everything you need to know. We’ll help you get back your memory to make you powerful again.”

  All of the things Clovis mentioned sounded good, but he promised James he would help, and that’s what he planned to do. He owed James that much. After all, Caden felt responsible for James’s wife’s death. “No. Take me back!”

  “I don’t think you’re getting a clear picture…”

  “No, you have it wrong,” Caden snapped. “You’re not getting the picture. I swore to James that I would fight beside him until the conflict is resolved. So I’m not going anywhere until that happens. You go where you need, but I’m not riding with you unless it’s back to my friend James.”

  “Not an option.” Clovis stood taller and shook his wings. “We have to get back to Earth, and we need to leave now. Our window of time to leave is growing smaller by the minute.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Caden turned around to see everything. “I’m not going with you, that’s final. I’m going back to help James.”

  Clovis let out a growl and his eyes narrowed. “I see why Domblin had been worried about getting you to stay in the cabin.” He turned towards one of the Knuckle Draggers and began barking orders in a language Caden couldn’t understand. The Knuckle Dragger responded and picked up his gun.

  Throwing his hands up, Caden was about to argue, but before he got a chance to say a word, a Knuckle Dragger from behind stepped into the conversation. Again he used the strange language and got in front of Caden with his back towards him, as if trying to protect him.

  Clovis raised an eyebrow and grumbled in the unfamiliar language. Another Knuckle Dragger stepped up and said something to Clovis as well, and one more walked over.

  “Fine!” Clovis barked. “You’re lucky, Mauldrin.” He stepped back, but kept looking at Caden. “My orders were to knock you out and drag you with us, however, not everyone saw it the same way. These three men want to stay here and help you. They have asked to stay until the conflict is over and then bring you back.”

  “Whoa, wait a second.” Caden backed up. He wasn’t going to have three guys who couldn’t speak his language go back with him. “I don’t want anyone staying with me. I have too much to do to be a babysitter.”

  “I’m glad you said that.” Clovis gave a smile and looked at the Knuckle Dragger he had spoken to first. The large man gave a nod and took a step towards Caden.

  “Wait!” Caden threw an arm up with his hand spread out. “You’re not going to drag me to this other world.”

  Clovis turned to look at Caden, his large nostrils flared. “You can’t have it both ways, which way will it be?”

  “I choose neither,” Caden snapped. His eyes shifted back and forth looking at everyone.

  “Then you’ve chosen to go with us peacefully or be dragged along.”

  The Knuckle Dragger began to step towards Caden. He knew he was no match for the man, and there wasn’t any escape.

  “Fine. Fine, they can come with me.”

  Clovis let out a sigh that sounded more like a growl. “So be it,” he growled. Looking away from Caden, he spoke to the three Knuckle Draggers. He looked back to Caden. “I’ve told them to switch their translator program to New Myree, if they hadn’t already done so. It appears these three already had. As long as they have their helmets on, they won’t be speaking what we call English, but your language, New Myree. Their words will sound strange and robotic when they speak.”

  “We will try to speak well,” one of the Knuckle Draggers commented. His voice sounded mechanical, unlike before.

  “The one that is in front of you is Captain Smith,” Clovis began.

  “Smitty.” Captain Smith held out a hand and shook Caden’s, squeezing it tightly with his robotic armor.

  “The one to your left is Private Espinosa, and…”

  “Call me Espo.”

  Clovis blinked his deep blue eyes a couple of times and finally looked at the one he hadn’t introduced. “Would you like to introduce yourself Private Davidson?”

  “Um…you can call me Private Davidson or Private, or Davidson…” he paused for a second. “Or you can call me Curt, which is my first name, or whatever you would like to call me Mauldrin, sir.” With that, he saluted.

  After such an introduction by Curt, Caden couldn’t help but smile. It put him more at ease. “It’s good to meet all of you.”

  “Now then, we have little time.” Clovis stood tall. “Captain, have one of the hovercrafts take Mauldrin and your team back to where ever he wants to go, and send the rest back here. I have to go. I’ve been away too long as it is. I have to get the team ready to get Domblin out before our chance is gone.” He began to step past them, his heavy footsteps shaking the ground, but he stopped as he was passing Caden.

  “Mauldrin.” Clovis turned his head to look at him. “I don’t approve of what you are doing, I find it foolish. But as our king, I will honor your wishes and tell you to be safe.” He looked to one of the Knuckle Draggers just past Caden. “Captain, don’t let anything happen to him.”


  The large ruins glowed in the darkness of the night, and Azgiel loved the sight. The trolls had done swift work, but everything else was moving too slowly. Trees weren’t being cut down fast enough, and the fortifications he wanted built were still only laid out in drawings.<
br />
  Below, Azgiel watched as a bark gnome stood in a clearing swinging a sword and practicing with it. Azgiel enjoyed the nights when things were calmer and his mind could be given time to think. However, watching the bark gnome worried him. Only the demons were ready for war. The rest had potential and some skill, but they were nothing compared to the armies he once had.

  Times had changed. His army was weak and unprepared. Azgiel took in a deep breath of the cool, crisp night air and let it sit in his lungs for a moment. Even he had changed. Everything that had been so important to him in the past seemed to be slowly disappearing over the couple of years that he had been out of the cell of time. Sometimes he even questioned his own anger and motives, wondering if he should just let go. Everything he needed or wanted was right there, in their small village.

  “What are you doing?” his wife’s soft and enchanting voice broke the silence. “Come to bed with me.”

  “Do you see that bark gnome down there?” Azgiel pointed to the clearing as he asked.

  “Yes.” She came along side Azgiel and leaned into him. The boards creaked under her feet and her soft glow illuminated the railing. “What about him?”

  “If Triaad came today, we would be slaughtered.” He leaned back into her, feeling her comfort. “We’re just not ready.”

  “You worry too much.” Maselda wrapped an arm around him. “Even if he tries to come back and fight, he can’t get through the defenses I have for this place. He wasn’t able to get past them before. What makes you think he’ll be able to now?”

  “We don’t know how powerful he is compared to back then, and we need to be ready for anything.” He tried to sound urgent, but in that moment, he didn’t feel the urgency with his wife so close to him.

  “Come inside with me.” Maselda nudged him again. “Let’s go to bed. We can worry about these matters in the morning.”

  “I’ll come in a bit.” He picked her hand up and gave it a kiss. “There are a couple of things I want to mull over.”

  “Please don’t be long.” She turned to go back to their home, her white gown gliding over the wooden walkway. “Oh.” She stopped and looked back. “I haven’t seen Kaz around this evening. Have you seen him?”

  “I sent him off to recruit humans.” Azgiel grew worried that Maselda might become annoyed, since he hadn’t talked to her about him going back out.

  Maselda raised an eyebrow. “I thought he had already done that.”

  “Not the humans.” He swallowed. “He had only found out about Hermue, so I sent him back to see if the humans will join us.”

  Her lips tightened slightly. “Well, don’t stay out here long.” And with that, she walked into their home.

  The night grew darker with clouds covering the moon. Azgiel looked down to where the bark gnome had been practicing. The spot was vacant. At some point during his conversation with Maselda, he had run off. Maybe the bark gnome had the right idea, it was getting late.

  Taking in a deep breath, a smile stretched across his face, and Azgiel decided it was time to join his wife.


  Everyone was quiet and kept to themselves as Caden woke up. Last thing he remembered was sitting at the gate waiting to leave. From what he could tell by looking out a small window, the night was almost over. The place was barren except for the three Knuckle Draggers, Caden, and Tagen. However, Tagen kept himself in the back, huddled on the back of a bench.

  All three of the Knuckle Draggers had their helmets off, and two of them were asleep. The one that was awake stared at Caden. He was a younger man with extremely short blond hair.

  “What’ve you been told about me?” Caden asked.

  The man’s eyes opened wide and he fumbled around to put his helmet on. Once he had it on, the suit made a click noise and he pushed a button on his arm.

  “I’m sorry. What did you say?” his robotic voice was difficult to understand.

  “Oh, I forgot about your helmet. Now which one are you? What’s your name?”

  “Private Davidson, sir.”

  “Curt, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Caden smiled and moved down the bench to get a little closer hoping it would make it easier to understand him.

  “What have you been told about me?” This time Caden felt awkward asking, but his curiosity was getting the best of him.

  “I am not sure what you want?”

  Caden leaned down on his legs and let out a breath. He was beginning to wish he hadn’t asked. “I don’t know. I mean, what were the things you came to know about me?”

  Reaching up to scratch his head, Curt clanked his metal glove to his metal helmet and quickly jerked away appearing to realize his mistake. Caden could imagine Curt was feeling awkward by the question and possibly even red in the face.

  “Well…they said you are powerful; that you are king, the one to overthrow Triaad,” Curt clenched his fists as he said Triaad’s name.

  “How do you know I’m the person you say that I am, this…this Mauldrin?”

  “Clovis and Domblin know you well.” He looked at the two men asleep next to him. “And I trust them, and they believe in you.”

  “Odd. I don’t know Domblin at all.”

  “How can that be?” The hovercraft jolted and bumped them in their seats. Curt adjusted and went on. “He knew you when you lived before. He brought you back from the eternal sleep that you put yourself in and had been in for a very long time.”

  “Eternal sleep?” What was he talking about? “Look, I’ve only met Domblin a couple of times.”

  “That is right, I forgot. He gave you to a family, where you would never be found. Then gave himself up for capture where he was imprisoned on another planet for almost thirty years. You had to stay hidden for fear Triaad would destroy us to get you.” As Curt spoke, Caden listened intently. Emotions flowed through him at the idea that he had been put in his adopted parent’s home on purpose.

  “Is that so?” Tagen crawled over on one of the benches and engaged in the conversation. “I wondered where Mauldrin came from when I found him, but that makes sense now.” Curt grew quiet and stared at Tagen.

  “Who locked him up, and where?” Caden asked.

  “Triaad,” Tagen said. “I helped him. We found Domblin here, roaming the planet. We weren’t sure what he was doing here since everyone knows this planet belongs to Triaad. But now that you mention it, I remember he came very easily, too easily. At the time, I thought he had grown weaker, but now I understand. And where was he locked up, you ask? None other than a barren wasteland of a planet where Triaad locks up those he doesn’t want to see again. We were shocked to see Domblin free. How he got out was a mystery.” Tagen’s words made Curt fidget with his hands.

  “You helped lock him up?” Caden asked before thinking. He had become accustomed to Tagen serving him, and forgot about Tagen’s past. But he quickly followed it up with a more sensible question. “If you were against him back then, he’s definitely not with Triaad.”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you for so long,” Tagen responded harshly, sounding frustrated with Caden.

  Caden didn’t feel like dealing with the dark soul’s attitude, so he turned back to Curt. “I struggle to believe, or even fathom, that I lived before this. Why can’t I remember the past before this life, especially if I was so powerful? How powerful was I?” He knew he was disjointed, but his mind had all kinds of questions.

  “You were very powerful. More powerful than Triaad,” Curt said.

  “Very powerful?” Tagen jumped back into the conversation. “Let’s put it this way. I watched you wipe out demons with a swish of your hand. Very powerful is an understatement. You were the most powerful of all. What you are now…” Tagen looked Caden up and down. “Let’s hope you can bring back who you used to be soon.”

  Everything they were saying energized Caden. The idea that he used to be a powerful king, and there were those awaiting his return, all of it was exci
ting to hear. However, even though thinking of it was exciting, it still seemed unbelievable and hard to take in.

  Something beeped on Curt’s arm. Caden looked over and there were different symbols and lettering. “What does that say?”

  “It is the local time and date back home,” Curt explained. He pointed at some of the symbols. “This one tells me the hour, which is three o’clock am, just a couple hours behind your time right now. These numbers tell me the day, month and year. It is the fourth day of June in the year 2503 A.D.”

  “I don’t know what that means, but cool.” Caden shrugged. “I bet those armor suits can do a lot of amazing things.” He looked over the interesting workings of the armor.

  “They can, and I have learned only half of what they can do.” Curt sat up a little straighter.

  “But they are still no match against a dark soul.” Tagen leaned back on the bench with a smug smile.

  Curt laughed, which came out distorted sounding. “You would be surprised. We have kept them a secret from Triaad. They can…” he was cut off before he could finish. One of the other men snapped at Curt in whatever language they spoke. Lowering his head, Curt folded his hands together and kept to himself.

  The man that had yelled was a middle-aged man with a stubbly gray beard and short black hair. He put his helmet on and looked at Caden. “I apologize, sir. He is not allowed to talk about the suits. I noticed him pointing at it and talking. Unless I was wrong about what you were talking about, you need to stay quiet about them.”

  “He just told us about the symbols on his arm.” Caden hoped to keep Curt out of trouble. “By the way, which one are you? What is your name?”


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