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Page 6

by D. G. Whiskey

  Once I let it take my attention, I was shocked at how ravenous I was. My mind had been so preoccupied with the data in front of me and the man beside me that the emptiness of my stomach had been the least of my priorities.

  “Why don’t we go to mine and Nick’s? I have a secure connection to the server from there, and we can finish things up after grabbing dinner. We can even call Nick and get him to order something for the three of us so it’ll be ready when we get there.”

  I didn’t want Nick there as a buffer between me and Landon, but I understood why Landon had suggested it. It was better than not spending more time with him.

  “Let’s do it.”


  Tin foil wrappers and plastic takeout containers littered the table, the remnants of a decimated Indian feast. Addy and I were on the couch, laptop in my lap, waiting for the latest simulation to run.

  Soft snores from the La-Z-Boy across the room had begun a few minutes ago and only grew louder.

  Addy sighed. “I should get Nick to bed.”

  The three of us had puzzled over the model’s inaccuracies while eating dinner. Nick’s expertise as a software engineer was invaluable, and it was only through his suggestion that I had begun this avenue of research for my postgrad. As the hours stretched on, he faded rapidly. Working a start-up schedule meant that he woke early, worked late, and never got enough sleep.

  With light steps, Addy crossed the room and shook her brother lightly on the arm. Her tight yoga pants stretched across her firm, round cheeks, and I got an eyeful—I couldn’t resist.


  He groaned and shifted, and she pushed him harder until the snoring stopped.


  “Go to sleep, Nick. We’ve got it from here.”

  My best friend blinked wearily, looking around the room as if surprised not to be in his own bed already.

  “Thanks, Addy. ‘Night, you two.”

  He rolled off the chair and stumbled through the hall to the stairs like a zombie.

  “You know, I don’t think he even fully woke up,” I said, watching him go. It wasn’t the first time I had to deal with Nick’s ability to pass out anywhere. He was the best sleeper I knew.

  Addy grinned as she walked back across the room. “There’s no chance he’ll remember that in the morning. It’ll be like an alien just transported him to bed.”

  Goddamn, she looks sexy.

  The late hour had taken Nick out, but she was still going strong. There was an inner strength to Addy that drew me, like she could take on the world. It had been hard enough to control myself over the past couple of months, but the way she’d pressed against my side all night had tested my self-control like nothing else. Only Nick’s presence had prevented me from snapping.

  Her smile faded as she curled up and looked at the screen. “Again?”

  I looked at the results of the simulation and sighed. “It’s looking like we won’t have enough quality data to include with the proposal. The project will get canceled.”

  “Bullshit,” Addy said, shaking her head. “We have plenty.”

  I didn’t bother responding. Addy’s optimism was a refreshing change from the bleakness of my own thoughts. I’d staked my entire academic career and reputation on this research, promising to break the mold of conventional economics and usher in a new era of data-driven corporate policy. Now, it looked like I would be proven a fool in front of the entire department.

  There was nothing preventing me from starting over and researching something else, but I didn’t know where to start.

  “We’ll just have to give up on the grant and try fixing the model later,” I said. “It’s late, and there’s no way we’re getting there tonight. If we’re lucky, then maybe we can figure out what’s wrong before the entire program gets the axe from lack of funding.”

  Addy put her hand on my forearm. It was soft and hot, oddly distracting. “I won't let you give up on this, Landon. It’s only eleven o’clock. We still have nine hours before the application is due. I know we’re on the right track. I can feel it. There’s just something we’re missing.”

  “We can’t do any more tonight. Even if we find a flaw, there may be others, and we won’t have the time to run all the simulations. Tomorrow, we’ll go through everything with a magnifying glass and see what we can turn up.”

  Even that was more of a hope than I truly felt. The simulations had been going off the rails for weeks, and we’d spent countless hours trying to find the reason. It was time to chuck it out the window and start fresh.

  Addy pursed her lips, looking into my eyes, but she said nothing.

  I shut the laptop and put it on the table. Angry over my failure, I let it clatter to the hard surface instead of setting it down gently. “Let me walk you home. It’s late.”

  Without the laptop serving as a barrier, Addy seemed so much closer. Her thighs pressed into mine as she curled up on the couch, and her breast pressed against my arm. That put her face and those full lips only inches away.

  God, why can’t I have her?

  She had never lost her appeal, even after months of telling myself that she was nothing more than a little sister to me. Deep down, I knew I fed myself bullshit, that she was a mature young woman who had already felt my cock plunge deep inside her. No matter how hard I struggled to pull my thoughts back to an appropriate place, the memory of her pouty lips stretched over my rigid flesh hovered behind it all.

  I might even lose my job over this project failure. What does it matter if I sleep with one student? Odds are no one would find out, anyway.

  The longer we sat together, silent, staring into each other’s eyes, the longer the inner voice in my mind had to convince me that I should let myself experience bliss with her one more time.

  She must still want it. I can feel it underneath every word we speak to each other and every look we share.

  Addy still hadn’t responded to my offer to walk her home, but her lower lip quivered for a moment and she bit it for a second before she whispered, “Landon?”

  That uncertain voice was filled with both trepidation and lust, and it awoke the animal inside me.

  “You have one chance to take me up on my offer, Princess. Otherwise, you’re mine.”

  That made Addy bite her lip even harder, and her hips shifted as she squirmed in the seat. The movement rubbed her breast on my arm and her eyes fluttered.

  “How do you want me, sir?”

  Those were the magic words.

  I didn’t bother issuing her any commands or prolonging the inevitable. I needed her.

  With urgent hands, I wrapped my arm around Addy and hauled her into my lap, our mouths crashing together in an electric play of sheer attraction. Two months of pent-up need lashed out as the incredible heat between us dialed up immediately.

  Addy swung her leg over my body so she could settle fully into my lap, pressing her lithe body into mine. As my tongue teased her lips, she moaned into my mouth in such a desperate, needy way that my cock hardened in mere moments. She rode on top of me, pressing herself down onto my thickened shaft and panting as she broke off the kiss.

  I leaned forward to fasten my mouth onto her neck, licking and nibbling and teasing her as her hands came to the back of my head and she writhed in my lap.

  “Oh, yes, sir. I needed this so badly.”

  My cock was harder than it had ever been. It had been two and a half months since Addy and I had fucked for the first time, and I’d rejected all other advances since then. It was the longest I’d gone without sex since I was a teenager coming to Harvard for the first time. I couldn’t get the girl out of my mind, and somehow, I knew it would all come back to this.

  Our need was so great that extended foreplay was nowhere on the radar. Addy’s tight yoga pants were in the way, and I gathered the fabric at her inner thighs and pulled as hard as I could until the crotch ripped out of the pants.

  “Oh, my God!” Addy stared into my face, shocked
, then looked down. “Did you just rip my pants?”

  “I’ll buy you new ones,” I said. My hands never stopped working, pulling her panties aside and running a fingertip up her soaked lips to circle her clit.

  Her eyes rolled back into her head and she gasped. “You can do whatever you want, just don’t stop touching me.”

  The sound of her pleasure threatened to pop a vessel in my cock from how hard it had grown. With my free hand, I fumbled with my belt and fly, pulling my member out as quickly as I could. Only then did I remove my fingers from her pussy to replace them with my head at her lips.

  I held it outside her entrance, rubbing her clit and enjoying the smoothness of her lips on the sensitive head of my cock.

  Addy groaned and shifted her hips, trying to capture me inside her. “Please.”

  One of my hands slid up her side to wrap around her neck, not enough to cut off her oxygen or blood, but so she could feel it there. “Please, what?”

  “Please, sir. Please fill me. Fuck me, take me, use me. I need it, sir. I’ve waited so long for this.”

  “Good girl,” I said and pressed forward, letting my cock penetrate her.

  “Uunf. Fuck!” She gasped so loudly that I worried about Nick hearing her, but I lost focus as her tight pussy slid all the way down on my cock until she was firmly and fully seated in my lap, her ass on my thighs.

  “You feel incredible, Princess,” I said.

  Addy’s head had fallen back, and a shudder ran through her body as she convulsed.

  “I thought I remembered how big you were,” she said, rising up on her knees a few inches before settling back down. “But I can’t believe how good you feel.”

  Words failed us then, communication exchanged with breathy gasps, fingertips digging into shoulders, and soulful looks into each other’s eyes. Addy ground down on my cock nice and slowly, taking control as we built each other up.

  It was everything I knew it would be, and internally, I struggled both with why I’d waited so long to do this and why I’d let it happen at all. Eventually, I stopped thinking entirely and just let the sensations roll through my body as Addy rode me.

  “I need to come, sir,” Addy whispered, breaking the verbal stalemate.

  She’d been writhing on top of me for an uncountable length of time, the slow build unlike anything I’d felt before. Just knowing she was mine again, that she was asking permission to climax on top of me, was enough to bring me near the edge.

  “Do it, Princess,” I ordered. “Come for me, and you’ll push me over the edge. I want to feel your pussy gripping me.”

  She shuddered at my words as though I’d broken a dam, and all restraint left her. With a final few hard thrusts on top of my cock, she collapsed forward into my arms, biting my neck as spasms wracked her body.

  Her pussy clamped on my shaft like a vise, becoming impossibly tighter and hotter. It was too much to bear, and my own orgasm followed. With tremendous jerks, I shot deep inside her, making her moan and bite me harder.

  Labored breathing was the only sound in the house as Addy lay on top of me, spent. Her shirt was still on—we’d never taken it off. In fact, we were both almost fully dressed but covered in sweat from the exertion of mating so intensely.

  “Holy fuck,” Addy said, finally lifting her head from my shoulder. The skin of my neck throbbed where she’d bitten it—there’s no way that wouldn’t leave a mark.

  “You could say that,” I said.

  Now that the tension was released, I could think more clearly. My mind was not completely back to normal—my cock was still buried in her pussy, after all—but enough to know that no matter how poor of a decision this may turn out to be, I couldn’t regret it.

  I’d grown attached to Addy, and this felt right.

  “It’s late, Addy. Do you want to stay here?”

  Eyes wide, Addy nodded.


  So cozy.

  Pleasant dreams faded quickly beyond conscious recall as I cracked an eye open. There was a heaviness and a stillness that suggested an early hour.

  A glaring red digital clock face backed up that feeling.

  Three in the morning? Gross.

  Then a heavy frame shifting behind me jostled the bed slightly and a warm arm curled around my waist.

  I smiled. Landon was a better bedmate than any other guy I’d spent a night with. My eyes drooped closed, but something prevented me from falling back asleep. There was still unfinished business to take care of.

  The grant application is due in five hours.

  Landon had been so defeated, so despondent about it. He tried to hide it, but after two months in each other’s company, I could see past his facade.

  There has to be something I can do.

  Careful not to wake the slumbering stud, I eased my way out from underneath his arm and fought to find my clothes in the dark. It was a struggle, especially since I’d been so tired while taking them off that I hadn’t paid attention to where I’d tossed them.

  Only when I put my foot through the crotch of my yoga pants and a faint rip signaled more damage did I remember Landon’s barbaric treatment of the expensive clothing.

  Shit. I'll totally make him buy me a new pair.

  Blinking the sleep out of my eyes, I felt my way through the door and down the stairs. There was enough light coming from the streetlamp through the window that I could make my way to the laptop and the couch. I opened the laptop and the screen’s brightness flooded the room and my eyes with the brightness of the sun.

  “Oh, fuck,” I muttered. “That’ll wake you up.”

  For the next couple of hours, I tinkered with the deep learning model, racing to uncover the problems in time to salvage the grant application. With a spark of inspiration, I combed through the sets of learning data, hunting for something out of place.

  There’s something wrong here, but I can’t figure out what.


  I jumped.

  Nick stood at the hallway door, blinking so heavily that his eyes were closed more often than open.

  “Jesus, Nick, you scared me!”

  With a jolt, I closed my legs and pulled the laptop more firmly into my lap to hide the tear in my pants and the exposed panties underneath. It was bad enough I was still in his house, but that would open a line of questions I didn’t want to deal with.

  “What are you still doing here? Where’s Landon?”

  My mind jumped, fighting for an explanation that used enough of the truth to be believable.

  “Um, well, we worked late on the data but still couldn’t figure it out. Landon gave up on it, and I passed out on the couch because I was too tired to walk back to my dorm. Then I woke up two hours ago and decided to give it another shot.”

  Nick accepted the explanation without question. He padded to the couch and sat down. “What have you figured out?”

  I turned the screen toward him, careful not to move it far enough away to expose my indecency. “There’s something wrong with the data we’re using to train the model, but I can’t find what it is. It’s the only explanation, though. You’re the software engineer. Do you see anything off?”

  Nick’s eyes picked through the columns of data, flicking through in half the time it had taken me. Machine learning was his specialty, and he’d helped Landon build the model for his thesis.

  “What is this?” He pointed to a row of data.

  I stared at it. “I’m not sure. Landon said that was a key component of the inputs, but he didn’t get into it.”

  Nick shook his head and chuckled. “Fuck. All this trouble over this. Trust me, sis, it’s a good thing you didn’t go into software engineering. Eighty percent of your time is spent chasing down bugs, and it always turns out to be the stupidest shit possible. This is a row of junk data I put in as an example when I first helped Landon with the model. It’s meaningless, but it introduces a random variable that screws with the trends.”

  I stared at him for a seco
nd. “Wait, you mean I can just delete the whole row?”

  Still wearing a grin, he nodded. “Back it up first, but yeah, try it.”

  Frowning, I highlighted the row in the database and deleted it, then set the simulation to run again.

  The servers the simulation ran on were powerful, but they were also used by many other projects on campus, so they could take forever to run. This early in the morning, they must have been underutilized, because the simulation finished in only a few seconds.

  Scanning the readout, my heart fluttered. Everything checked out. Holding my breath, I set the simulation to run again with the next set of conditions.


  “Well?” Nick asked.

  “I can’t fucking believe it,” I said. “Weeks of bug hunting, and we just had to delete a single row of data?”

  He shrugged. “That’s programming for you.”

  The sheer numbers of hours wasted…

  “Thank you so much, Nick. I need to get a move on. If I work nonstop, I might salvage this.”

  He yawned and stretched. “No problem, Addy. I just wish I’d thought to look at this last night. Would have saved you a bunch of frustration.”

  If you had, then Landon and I might not have gotten together again.

  “That’s okay, Nick. We can’t expect you to solve all of our problems for us.”

  He stood and strolled to the kitchen. “I’m going to make coffee. I’ve got to get to the office for a meeting with the team in India. I swear, the next start-up I work for is going to only be based in one time zone.”

  I barely heard him, setting up the queue of simulations to run on the server. There were only two hours left before the application had to be in. It was already written and just needed the data.

  There was still time.

  Nick went about his day, getting ready for work and leaving while I feverishly compiled data and adjusted the report to accurately report it. By the time he left the house, I hit send a full fifteen minutes before the deadline.

  “I can’t believe I got it in.” The sense of achievement was uplifting. The project may be Landon’s, but I’d spent enough of my time on it to feel like a part of a team. As much as I did it for Landon, I also did it for myself.


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