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Page 21

by D. G. Whiskey

  No such luck today.

  “Hey, you. Science chick,” he said.

  Maybe I can just pretend I didn’t hear him.

  There’s no way that would work. The lab was silent, and he had spoken loudly from only a few feet away.

  I stopped, turning to him with a sigh.


  The look he gave me was the type of expression I expected to see on a boy who’d cornered an interesting looking insect. “You’re that girl from spring break in Florida, aren’t you?”

  It had taken a few months, but he’d made the connection.

  I hesitated before answering. Could I avoid a confrontation? “Yes, that’s right.”

  Ricky leaned back on the exercise bike. “You turned Travis into a little bitch, you know that? He was cool before he met you, and then he got really lame. You basically destroyed our friendship.”

  I gave him a critical gaze. Ricky had always been a tool. “I think you did that well enough on your own.”

  The football player stood. He was one of the smaller men on the team, but he was still a wall of muscle next to me. “The whole team hates you for running this study, you know. If you know what’s good for you, you would just pack up and leave and never come back.”

  I backed away until I hit the lab door. “All I’m doing is helping you out. If you can’t see that, then maybe you’ve already taken too many hits to the head.”

  He took a step toward me and opened his mouth again, but I was done. I pushed back against the door and took off down the hall at a fast walk, pretending not to hear the derogatory jeer that followed.

  Chapter 12



  I shifted, settling Sexy more fully onto my chest and wrapping my arms around her as we watched the sun graze the horizon and turn blood red.

  “You’ve mentioned brothers a few times. How many do you have?” Sexy asked.

  Her hand rested on my chest, but it wasn’t idle. She traced small circles, the touch light and comforting and the perfect complement to the way my hand stroked her back. We were both active cuddlers.

  “Three younger brothers. My poor mother. We were a handful for her growing up. I’d like to say that as the oldest, I helped to keep the others in check, but I was the ringleader, the general who led my troops into more dangerous situations than I care to admit.”

  I could feel her smile against my chest.

  “Four of you. Wow.”

  “I thank my parents for it every day. If it weren’t for having a small ready-made football team, I wouldn’t have gotten so much practice growing up, and I wouldn’t be in the position I am today. As the oldest, I was always the quarterback, and I can guarantee you that I’ve thrown more balls than any other college quarterback in the country.”

  “Sounds like you played a lot. Are they as good at football as you are?”

  I shrugged. “I might be biased, but I think they’re all insanely talented. We might all play in the league at the same time once they get old enough. That would be fun.”

  “Are they all as cocky as you are?”

  I kissed her head. “I’m not cocky. I’m confident. It’s a fine line, but there’s a difference.”

  “Oh? And what’s the difference?”

  “It’s simple. Confidence comes from knowing your skill and your worth while cocky attempts to cover the lack of both.”

  She laughed. “And that’s why you’re cocky.”

  “Agree to disagree.”


  The sun was half gone now, the clouds painted a glorious array of colors, like a stained glass window.

  “What about you? Any siblings?”

  She shook her head. “None. Only child of an engineer and a chemist. I didn’t have the same stuff growing up as other girls. I was more likely to play with a chemistry set than a Barbie.”

  “And that’s why you’re studying kinesiology?”

  “I find the human body fascinating. It’s such a complex system, and there’s still so much we don’t know about how it works on a cellular level. That’s why I’m going into geriatrics. The study of aging will be one of the most important fields of research within our lives. And if it goes well, then our lives may extend much further than any generation before us.”

  She couldn’t see my face, but I gave the top of her head a long look.

  She’s different from any other girl I’ve ever slept with.

  There were layers, a depth to her that slowly revealed itself a piece at a time, and I’d become addicted to uncovering more of her.

  Sexy looked up as though she could sense the serious turn of my thoughts.

  “I feel like I’ve known you forever. I rarely share so much with people.”

  “I know what you mean. I’ve been thinking about it more and more, and I need to know—what’s your name?”

  Her lips pursed, and she looked away again, toward the horizon. The sun had completed its slow death, and the lingering trails of crimson in the clouds faded away.

  “Can we not exchange names?” she asked. “It’s been fine so far, and we shouldn't put ourselves in a situation we’ll regret.”

  I frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “What’s next, once we know each other’s names? Then, we’ll want to exchange numbers and emails. Are we dating? Are we not? Do you need to feel guilty every time you sleep with a girl? Will I feel guilty if I don’t message you back within a few hours?”

  I hadn’t considered any of what she said, and it caught me off guard. “It doesn’t have to be like that. It’s just a name.”

  She turned back to face me. “Do you really believe that? I’m not stupid. I know how well we’ve hit it off. I’ve never felt like this with anyone before. Even if you can shut it down, I don’t know if I could.”

  I didn’t want to admit that she might have a point. “I don’t see why we have to complicate everything so much. Can’t we just see where this goes?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve done the long distance relationship thing already, Cocky. And let me tell you—it sucks. It sucks really badly. I don’t want to resent you because you’re across the country and I want you with me. Let’s just have a week here, together, and then wish each other a happy life and keep it as a treasured memory that we can look back on in the years to come.”

  I never thought I’d meet a California girl on spring break who had to convince me to keep things casual, but when I opened my mouth to argue with her, she shut me up by pressing her lips against mine.


  The final buzzer sounded.

  The stadium was quiet except for a belligerent section of fans in the corner.

  Those fans had bought tickets and driven up the coast to see Los Angeles go for eight wins in a row to start the season. A half-season of unlikely victories with not a single loss.

  “Fuck yeah!” Tony clapped me on the shoulder. “Halfway there, King. You’ve done it again, you miraculous son of a bitch!”

  I smiled and let the celebrations wash over me. It was a shame we hadn’t hit this milestone at home, in front of the fans who’d started to believe again, but we wouldn’t let that slow us. It just gave even more of an incentive to win the next one at home.

  As usual, only half my heart was in the celebrations. The rest was occupied with watching the woman in the black and white dress standing with the training staff. I’d been unable to talk with her during the game like I usually did—she’d made it clear I couldn’t be around her in public any longer. A few smaller newspapers had drawn a line between my statements on TV about my motivation and the cute postgrad researcher I frequently stood next to on the sidelines, and she didn’t want to feed any speculation.

  Her paranoia drove me crazy. Hundreds of times during the game, I’d thought of things I wanted to say to her, but I had to choke it back.

  The post-game rituals and interviews passed by in a blur. There were always another reporter’s questions to answer, an
other camera to stare into as I explained that this was just another game, and nothing mattered until the playoffs. Until I finally held that championship trophy. It was the same thing every game, but they ate it up and asked for more every time.

  We’d hit our bye week. With no game next weekend, it would be two weeks before we played again. That meant an opportunity to fully celebrate the season’s achievements so far with the team and staff.

  The hotel contained a fancy restaurant. The team organization had booked the entire thing out and decorated it to fete the players and coaches and staff and congratulate us on remaining undefeated for half the season.

  It was an intimate setting, and everyone had changed into suits and dresses. One tight, black dress captured my attention, captivating me because of the woman it showcased.

  “You’re looking incredible,” I whispered into Juliette’s ear as I stole up behind her so she couldn’t avoid me. “How that dress hugs your ass isn’t fair.”

  “Travis!” She looked around, but I’d spoken low enough that no one else heard. “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

  “Then you shouldn’t wear things like that. Do you really expect not to be looked at when you’re the most gorgeous woman in the room?”

  The worried look on her face faded into a smile. “You’re just saying that because you want to charm me.”

  I shook my head. “I’m saying that because when you’re in a room, I can’t even notice other women.”

  A faint rose colored her cheeks, and she looked to the side as she curled a strand of hair around her finger. “I don’t believe that.”

  “You should. I rudely ignored the owner’s wife because you stood a few feet away. I think he hates me now.”

  That startled a laugh out of her. “As if! That man worships the ground you walk on. He’s sold more tickets so far this season than the last three years combined, thanks to you.”

  I ceded the point. “You may be right. Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s time I try the team speech thing again. Wish me luck. Hopefully, half the team won’t walk out this time.”

  She grinned. “I think you’re safe. Good luck!”

  There was no podium this time, and players, coaches and staff were interspersed throughout the large dining room, carrying drinks and chatting. Undeterred, I snagged a spoon off a table and hopped up onto a chair.

  I clinked the spoon on the glass as hard as I dared, and slowly, the field of people below me quieted and turned in my direction.

  “Good evening, everyone. I’d like to say a few words, if you’ll indulge me.”

  No one objected, and the few remaining whispers died away.

  “First things first, and most importantly, is how proud I am of you guys. You know of my ambitions and the vision I had when I came to Los Angeles. They were crazy, I know. A lot of you thought I had a few too many yards between the goalposts, and you were entirely justified.”

  A few soft laughs greeted my self-deprecation.

  “Anything is possible with a little bit of belief and a lot of heart. Of determination. Of a willingness to do anything and sacrifice everything to get what you want.”

  I looked at Juliette as I said the last line, but she wouldn’t meet my eyes, so I continued to rake the crowd. I locked eyes with each man on the team as I continued, making that connection, sharing in the moment.

  “We’ve come together as a team and as a family. I know I would do anything for each one of you, and I hope you’d do the same for me. You’ve shown you’ve got what it takes to make this league your bitch. But we aren’t done yet.”

  I let the pause drag on for long moments.

  “No, we aren’t done yet. A few regular season wins? That’s not enough. It’s not enough for me, and it had better not be enough for you. You know what we want, and we won't stop until it’s ours.”

  I found Juliette’s face, and this time, she looked into my eyes.

  “We’ll do everything it takes to make our dreams come true.”

  The men erupted into cheers and applause around us, but I didn’t look away.

  The spell broke as I was pulled down from the chair and back-slapped and high-fived, passing through the room to mingle with my team. That led to a few rounds of drinks with the men and more proclamations and promises about the season and the fire I’d stirred in the hearts of the men, the thirst for a championship that many of them thought they’d never catch a hint of.

  By the time the festivities had slowed and I could gain distance and time to myself, the one person I wanted and needed was nowhere in sight.

  She could have stayed for the celebrations, at least.

  I’d wanted to enjoy the night with her, my Juliette. Everyone was having a good time, and the coaches and senior members of the organization had retired, leaving the restaurant to the players and younger members of the staff. There was no one who would care if we spent time together.

  I stuck around for another twenty minutes, but Juliette’s absence sucked my enthusiasm away. At the first opportunity, I slipped back to the hotel.

  With no clear plan except for retreating to the silence and darkness of my room, my feet followed a different path as though they had a mind of their own. Five minutes later, I stood in front of Juliette’s door.

  Every time the team traveled, I found out which room she’d been assigned. I hadn’t taken advantage of the information since the first road game of the season, but it was a small obsession I couldn’t break. It comforted me to know where she was and that I could go to her if I had to.

  Now, too many drinks in and lonely, I couldn’t resist the pull any longer.

  I rapped on the door.

  And waited.

  After a minute, I knocked louder. This time, I waited only a few seconds before striking it with my fist a few times.

  “Juliette, let me in. I just want to talk.”

  I was drunk, and I knew I shouldn’t force the issue like this, but couldn’t help myself.

  The door remained shut.

  I sighed and turned away.

  Maybe she’s deep asleep by now, and that’s why she didn’t answer.

  The walk to my room was just down the hall, but it felt like an interminable journey.

  Soft light welcomed me into the room, and light R&B drifted from the bedroom.

  I stopped at the edge of the room, struck by the sight that awaited me.

  Juliette lay on top of the bed, lacy black wisps of fabric adorning her body. Black stockings accentuated the long legs, clipped into a matching garter belt and finished with a pair of black heels.

  My brain couldn’t process the scene in front of me—it felt like a fantasy.

  Juliette smiled. “There you are. I can’t take it any longer. I need to have you. Just once, and that’s it. A reward for taking your team so far this season.”

  Chapter 13



  Cocky broke off the kiss. “Wait, Sexy. We aren’t done talking yet.”

  I didn’t reply. I was done. He would catch up eventually.

  I turned in his arms and straddled him, letting my hair surround our faces as I ran my hands over the hardened muscles I’d grown to love in such a short period.

  When he stopped resisting and responded, I knew I’d won.

  His hands—the big, powerful palms used to gripping a football and hurling it dozens of yards—cupped my ass and pulled me hard against him. The stiffening shaft in his shorts was perfectly positioned to grind against my clit as I rocked my hips on top of him.

  “Fuck, yes,” I breathed, barely remembering to keep quiet. We were on the public beach, and there were other people scattered around the sandy expanse. Most were in the process of gathering their things and walking back into town, the sunset over for the night.

  We kissed for long minutes as the light grew dimmer and dimmer. Slowly, the other people remaining on the beach became darkened shapes in the twilight.

  Being so close to Cocky f
or so long as we watched the sunset had gotten me aroused enough, but the kissing and grasping and caressing stoked the desire into a fiery need.

  Despite having sex so many times over just a few days, I was always ready for more of his cock. It should have destroyed me and left me unable to walk for days afterward, but I was always so wet and ready for him that I took his huge tool easier than I ever thought possible.

  It took only a few seconds to untie his shorts and push them down far enough to release his cock. I’d worn a skirt for exactly this purpose, and the flimsy panties underneath pulled to the side without a problem.

  Sinking onto his hot shaft scratched an itch deep inside me that only he could reach.

  I couldn’t hide the gasp that escaped my lips as I took all of him inside me.

  “Shh,” he whispered in my ear. “There are people all around us.”

  It felt so wrong, so naughty, to be fucking Cocky out in the open like this. I had always been the good girl, but he was turning me into a kinky slut for the week, and I loved it.

  Just one week. One week to let loose and enjoy this. Then it’s back to being straight-laced Juliette.

  He made me feel wild, sensual, and sexy in a way that made me want to do everything for him.

  I rode slowly, careful not to make too much noise. The easy pace let me feel every inch as I lifted and sank back down, the sweet ecstasy almost painfully intense.

  “You’re moaning, Sexy,” he breathed. “And it’s getting louder.”

  It was hard to care, but as much as the thought of other people on the beach listening was hot, I didn’t want to get in trouble.

  “Let’s go back to your room,” I said. “I need you to fuck me silly.”


  The look on Travis’s face when he saw me lying on his bed held everything I’d dreamed it would as I lay in wait for him.

  Candlelight cast soft shadows across his chiseled face and lit his well-fitted suit with a hazy glow. The navy blue fabric clung to his shoulders almost as tightly as I wanted to.


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