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Client No. 6: A Dial-A-Date Romance

Page 4

by Cassandra Dee

Pursing her lips, she writes my name down. JASON MORGAN in all caps.

  “Birthday?” she asks.

  “January 6,” I say. “And when’s yours?”

  She nods before writing her own name down, JENNIE LAKE and adding “March 18.”

  “Okay, what else?” she muses, tapping the pen against her lips. It’s adorable, and that plush pout makes me want to press a kiss to her mouth, savoring the sweetness. But we’re still jotting down details and getting to know one another.

  “What’s your favorite color?” she asks, still studious and serious. “And your favorite food?”

  “Blue,” I say. “And I like sautéed eggplant.”

  “Really?” she asks, her forehead creased with surprise. “Eggplant?”

  “Yeah, why not?” I say carelessly. “It’s good for you, and people in LA love eggplant. I live in Los Angeles half-time you know. I’m only in Charleston when the mood strikes or if I don’t have projects going on.”

  Her head raises sharply then.

  “Really? I thought this was your job,” she stammers. “I mean, being an escort.”

  I laugh, totally prepared for the question.

  “Naw, sweetheart, my real business is movies. I run a production company out in LA, and most of my life is out there. I just come back occasionally to see friends and family, or like I said, if the mood strikes.”

  She puts down her notebook.

  “So you’re actually a movie producer,” is her slow reply.

  “Yep,” I say cheerily. “Shouldn’t you write that down? It’s a key piece of information about me, and we want to be prepared for Saturday.”

  Jennie rolls her eyes.

  “Jason,” she says slowly. “What else haven’t you told me?”

  “Nothing,” I protest, holding my hands out palms up. “We just started, so I haven’t held back. Keep going.”

  She picks up her notebook and sighs, tucking another curl behind her ear. But suddenly she sits up and looks me in the eye.

  “Maybe we should stop with the stupid stuff about favorite colors and favorite foods. Nobody’s going to test us on factoids about each other. So what do you think I should know about you? What should I know about you so that we can make a convincing couple at reunion?”

  Ah, smart girl. She knows that there’s no time to waste with twenty questions, and it’s better to get straight to the good stuff. So I begin.

  “Well, we went to Westlake High together, surely you know that. And after that, I was at the College of Charleston, where I got a degree in business.”

  “Not film?” she asks curiously, tilting her head to look at me.

  “Not film,” I say with a smile. “I’m on the producing side, so it means I’m bankrolling movies, not directing or acting. So business was the right degree for me.”

  She nods, biting her lip.

  “And after graduation, I headed out to LA without a dime in my pocket,” I say lightly. “It wasn’t easy. There are a billion people in LA trying to get movies made, so I had to start small. I was a logistics guy at first. Movies are like little cities, and I was in charge of organizing the craft table and porta-potties for the set.”

  She giggles a little, pink staining her cheeks.

  “Are you serious?” she asks. “I can’t see it all. You, Jason Morgan, in charge of porta-potties.”

  “Oh believe it,” I growl. “I know so much about those things that it’s disgusting. If you ever need one, just let me know,” I wink.

  Jennie giggles again, the tension in the room dissipating. But then she sits up, eyes bright and curious.

  “So how did you go from lowly deckhand to the guy on top?” she asks. “And I might add, in ten years? I’m only an editorial assistant at my magazine. I haven’t been promoted in ages,” she says ruefully.

  “Well that’s the good thing about movies,” I say. “It’s kind of a sink or swim business, and there are sharks circling all the time. So I had a friend who knew a guy who knew a guy who was making an indie. He invited me to invest, and I put twenty thousand in, which was my whole life savings, I might add. That movie hit it big, and after that, doors seemed to open a lot easier, until I am where I am now.”

  “What have you produced?” she asks curiously, tilting her head in the cutest way. “And what was the name of that first movie that hit it big?”

  “I’ve produced Wonder Boy, Curtain Curtain, and Ladies of the East,” is my glib answer. “Plus that first movie was named Shazzoo. Not exactly the most catchy title, but it did way beyond expectations.”

  “Oh my god!” she squeals. “I’ve seen all those movies. Ladies of the East was my favorite.”

  “Most women like that one,” I say, nodding, alluding to the tale of a prostitute from the 1920’s. “But that leads me to you. You said you were an editorial assistant. Do you like it?”

  Her lips purse in a funny frown.

  “Yes, and no,” Jennie answers slowly. “I’ve wanted to work in magazines since I was a little girl, but I didn’t realize that all the articles I’d edit would be about the best shampoo for shiny hair or how to get your guy back after ten days. It’s a little much,” she says wryly. “I thought for sure there would be some serious articles about women’s salaries or current events, but no. Not at Sophisticate. All we do is fluff articles.”

  I laugh.

  “So I take it you’re not happy?”

  “It’s not that I’m not happy,” she says, shooting me a glance with those caramel eyes. Shit, she’s beautiful, and I want so much to reach over a brush a curl off her cheek. “It’s just that I thought it would be more, you know? I thought I’d be living a slick lifestyle while also doing meaningful work, but instead, I live in a shoebox and edit stories about eyeshadow. A little is okay, but it’s been years of the same now.”

  Hmm. Very interesting. So Jennie wasn’t totally enamored with her job, just like most Americans. I get it. I had to do a ton of bullshit crap before landing where I am today, and a lot of it is pure drudgery.

  But there’s a difference between putting in your dues and doing the same thing for years while being taken advantage of. So I ventured an offer.

  “Maybe I can put in a good word for you,” I say casually. “There’s a lot of crossover in the media world, and I know some publishers. Do you want me to ask about a job in LA, maybe at something more serious?”

  Her cheeks flame pink.

  “Oh would you?” she cries eagerly. “I’d be so grateful. I just don’t think I can do another article about barrel curls or the newest designer make-up brand. It’s too overwhelming.”

  I nod, but already, I’ve sensed an opportunity. Because I didn’t get to where I am without pressing every advantage, and suddenly, the skies have parted and shown me a path forwards. So I lean back in my chair.

  “Sweetheart, I’d be happy to help, but I need something in return.”

  Her chin snaps shut, the girl sitting up straight.

  “Yes of course,” she says seriously. “I’d do anything to get out of this rut. And Los Angeles has always captured my imagination because it’s like NYC but not like NYC right? There’s good weather year round,” she says impishly, “But there’s also serious business out there along with an amazing creative industry.”

  I nod. She’s hit it right on the nose. LA is an astonishing place because artists and businesspeople collaborate to get outstanding product together. There’s no place like it on Earth, if I’m honest.

  So I nod again.

  “Sure, I can think of some people right now that I can speak with.” But then I turn penetrating blue eyes her way. “But I need something in return.”

  Jennie blushes.

  “I don’t have much,” she warns slowly. “I don’t have much money or many contacts either,” she flushes hot, now embarrassed. “I know I’ve been in NYC but it’s such a huge place that I don’t feel like I’ve gotten very far.”

  But the little girl is reading it all wrong because I don’t
need money or contacts. I have both of those in spades. Instead, what I want is a taste between her legs, right where her thighs crease so sweetly. And I tell her in plain English.

  “Jennie,” I say slowly. “I’m looking for something physical. Something memorable with a beautiful woman.”

  She still doesn’t get it.

  “Physical like working out together?” she asks doubtfully, eyeing my ripped physique. “I work out a lot now, sure,” she concedes, “otherwise I’d still be the mushroom I was in high school. But you couldn’t possibly be looking for that,” she says, puzzled. “You’re way more toned and in-shape than I am.”

  I almost laugh out loud.

  “No, sweetheart, not physical in that sense. Physical as in something that requires a condom. Sex, sweetheart. This is an escort service, so don’t you want to use it?”

  The girl turns scarlet then, her mouth opening and then closing with no sound.

  “I-I’m sorry?” she stammers. “C-condoms?”

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” I growl low in my chest. “I want you to get your money’s worth, and I’m ready to provide the services. In fact, I insist on providing the services. It’s only fair.”

  She’s still flushing, but I can see that her nips have gone hard, those big boobies trembling from shock and excitement mixed together. She’s so still, and yet she can’t stop staring at me.

  And then it happens. I move slightly in my chair, and it slips into view then. My cock. It’s so huge that the tent at my crotch is unmistakable, the massive snake winding around my waist visibly even through the thick denim.

  “Ohhh,” Jennie mewls, eyes staring at my jeans. “Oh god.”

  And I go with it. Slowly, I unzip my jeans to get some air, and true to form, the monster pops out, deep pink and already seeping from the head.

  “See sweetheart?” I ask, lightly swiping a finger over the slit and lifting it to show her how it glistens. “This is how much I want you. There’s so much pre-cum that I’m ready to play right now. But do you want it? Is this something that interests you, Jennie Lake?”

  And I can see the emotions flashing through her eyes. Because on the one hand, what the hell is going on? Sure, Southern Charm is an escort service, but at the same time, Jennie never expected to have sex, that much is clear. She thought we’d show up at the reunion, sparking jealousy in the hearts of our old classmates, and then it’d be all over.

  Plus, the female’s torn. This is a good girl who’s probably never been bad in her life. As a result, I’m inducting her into the dark side, and shit, but it feels good. There’s nothing like teaching a sweet, innocent thing how to get in touch with her inner slut.

  “Try it,” I say persuasively, holding my finger out. “I think you’ll like the way it tastes.”

  And Jennie doesn’t move for a moment, merely frozen there, staring at my offering. But something changes in those caramel eyes, the color shifting ever so slightly, and as if in a daze, she leans forward and lightly laps at my finger. Her tongue darts out, pink and soft, and brushes against my digit, lightly tasting the semen.

  “Mmm,” she moans, eyes fluttering to mine.

  “Did you like it sweetheart?”

  Wordlessly, she nods, that caramel gaze so innocent and pure.

  “Well then, maybe you’d like it even better straight from the source,” I rumble, slowly sliding my hand down so that it grips the base of my shaft. The pink rod pulses then, twitching a bit as I speak, and Jennie’s eyes widen. “Do you want to try it, little girl? I think you’d like it,” I say persuasively.

  My cock is leaking hard now, and I can hardly believe this is happening. Scratch that. This is absolutely happening because scenarios like this are a dime a dozen in my playbook. But there’s something a thousand times better about being with Jennie. Maybe it’s her innocence, maybe it’s her sass, or maybe it’s both of them combined.

  And like before, the girl doesn’t move for a moment. She sits there, eyes wide merely staring at my cock, the proud pole jutting from my waist at a ninety degree angle. But I see how her tongue darts out involuntarily, licking against her lips as if she’s hungry. And as if in a slow-motion movie, the girl begins getting on her knees, her lips moving towards my shaft.

  But I don’t want her to have rug burns on her knees, not with what I have planned. So before her lips touch my shaft, I put a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes dart upwards, questioning.

  “Jason?” she says breathlessly. “Is this wrong?”

  I chuckle harshly, the sound coming out strangled.

  “Naw sweetheart. Everything about this is right, but I think you’ll like it more if we’re on the bed.” And before she can move, I’ve pulled us both over to the fullsize so that we land in a tangle of limbs, those huge breasts pressing against my chest, her legs locked with mine. Oh shit, I can feel the heat of her core and my cock jerks then, even spurting a little.

  The girl squeals looking down at the hot semen on her thigh and I grip her chin, lifting that beautiful face to stare into her eyes.

  “Don’t be scared,” I rasp hoarsely. “Just taste it a little, I think you’ll like it.”

  And slowly, the girl nods before dipping her head down. Finally, those sweet lips circle the head of my penis and shit! But the electricity that courses through my veins is fucking amazing. She’s a natural, and slowly, Jennie moves more of my cock into her mouth, tracing the pulsing vein along my left side before moving back to the head and pushing her tongue into the tip.

  “Where’d you learn that?” I gasp. “Oh fuck.”

  My last word is cut off because it feels so fucking good. The girl slowly licks me from base to tip before running her tongue in circles around my glans. My hips buck a bit, cock on fire from her ministrations.

  Jennie giggles a little.

  “I see you like it,” she purrs low in her throat. “In fact, I see you love it.”

  Love is an understatement. This girl is fucking on fire, and as she slips more of my cock down her throat, I feel like I’m walking the road to Heaven. But I’m not going to let her have all the fun. Once she’s got about five inches in, I swivel her body around, her mouth never leaving my dick so that the girl’s above me, her thighs on either side of my head. Slowly, I maneuver those shorts off until her pussy’s mere inches from my mouth clad in nothing but the tiniest panties.

  “Fuck,” I grunt. “you’re so wet.”

  Because it’s true. Jennie’s panties are soaked through now, the light pink dark and sodden with her juices. The aroma of aroused pussy wafts around my head and I feel almost dizzy with arousal, she’s so wet and scented.

  But I want this to be good for her. I don’t want to be a monster, ripping her panties to shreds during our first time together. So slowly, I inch a hand up her inner thigh, caressing that soft whiteness.

  “Mmmm?” she mumbles, lifting her head slightly. But I press her back down, forcing her to stay on my cock.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll make this feel good for you. You’ll love it, I promise.”

  And with a gentle finger, I trace down those lips, stopping to nudge at the wet spot. She mewls then, writhing a bit on top of me.

  “Mmm!” she gasps on my cock, unable to speak. “Mmm, mmm!”

  “Oh, I know what you want, sweetheart. Trust me, Daddy knows what you want.”

  And with slow fingers, I pluck the crotch of her panties away from her cunt and strap them over one big butt cheek. Shit, even that sight is unbelievably arousing because her ass is huge and creamy, and it’s so fucking dirty to have her panties pulled to the side showing me her everything.

  But god, her cunt is hot. Those lips are puffy and fleshy, her clit so big and aroused that it pokes out from between her folds. And with no hesitation whatsoever, I lean forwards and run my tongue along the base of her clit, tasting her there.

  “Mmmmm!” she squeals from down below. “Oh mm!”

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” I rasp. “We’re d
oing some dirty sixty-nine, and I’m gonna make you feel good.”

  With that, I dive into it. I lap up her left pussy lip, pausing before licking down the right side. I pull her vag open to look at the steamy pink and then flick my tongue against her hole, enjoying the creamy taste of pussy cum in my mouth. The girl squirms on my face, her cunt already contracting a little.

  “Mmm, mmm!” she squeals again.

  And without replying, I’m back at it. I sample her folds, tonguing her hole as juices gush down my throat. I alternate between sucking and licking at her clit, her hips writhing on my face in pure ecstasy.

  But what I didn’t count on was Jennie’s skills because this entire time, she never stops sucking me. Her little mouth is determined and even as her pussy’s being loved, the girl sucks harder and faster, her mouth moving up and down my fuckrod as we drink each other’s juices.

  And incredibly, I’m the one who loses control first. This hasn’t happened to me in ages because usually I’m the one who controls exactly when and where I come. I can wait hours, or mere minutes, if that’s what I want. I can make a woman beg, and keep her on her knees for half a day, if that’s what suits my fancy.

  But there’s something about Jennie that’s different. She’s irresistible, what with the questions, her innocence, her desire, and now this. That sweet slit drips into my mouth as I tongue the interior of her channel, dying to get inside.

  And that’s it. I’ve overestimated myself. Because with a roar, my cock jerks once before spewing full force, jets of hot, virile sperm gushing into Jennie’s mouth as she gulps furiously.

  “Unnnh!” she cries out, keeping her lips in a fast suction around my rod. “Unnnh!”

  “Oh shit shit shit,” is my growl. “FUCK!”

  Because it’s never felt this good before. Her steaming cunt is inches from my face and I dive in for another taste even as my balls unload themselves in the sweet girl’s mouth. And like a pro, she doesn’t let anything go to waste. The girl swallows and swallows, treasuring every drop of seed.

  But I don’t want to come alone. That’s unheard of. So quickly, I niggle her clit with my tongue before biting hard on the small nub. And that does it. Jennie goes plummeting over the edge, her pussy spasming and clamping on my mouth.


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