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Kennedy In Denver (In Denver Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Unknown

  I followed Stacy and was surrounded by a room full of warm smiles. I handed the container off to Stacy. Rose gave me a hug and introduced me to her husband Liam. I noticed he was an older carbon copy of Michael, but has the look of a lumberjack. He was around six foot six and looked strange standing next to Rose, who looked like a real life pixie. I don’t even think Rose was five foot tall. She has long blonde hair and soft round features and big brown eyes the color of whiskey.

  Next, she introduced me to her children. Isabel was their youngest and was turning twelve next month. She looked exactly like her mother. “These are our sons, Jackson and Maxwell. They are both Fourteen. We call them Jax and Max.”

  “Oh, you have twins. That’s awesome!” The boys burst out into hysterical laughter because Jax was a clone of his father and Max was African American. He has caramel colored skin and hazel eyes. I turned to Rose with a cheeky smile, “I will have trouble telling them apart!" Both boys looked at each other and burst into another fit of hysterical laughter.

  Sitting on the sofa is Rhydian who has raven hair and blue eyes like Stacy, and Killian who had the same rust colored hair and green eyes as his brothers. Rose breaks into my thoughts. “Easton will be here soon. We are waiting on him and his girlfriend, Stella." Rose's face frowned.

  “So, I take it you are not a fan?”

  Rose pursed her lips and said, “Max was Liam's best friend’s son. He and Max's dad, Gregory were college roommates and remained very close. One night on the way home from dinner a drunk driver t-boned their car killing Greg instantly. His wife Mikayla died a few hours later. Max was also in the car, and they don't know how he survived. By all accounts he should have been killed. Liam and I were named Max's guardians, and we have had him since he was five, so he is our son.”

  I pulled her to the side and said, “Rose, I didn't need an explanation. I think you and Liam are even more awesome for doing what you did.”

  Rose hugged me and said "I don't like Stella because she is always giving Max these strange looks when she thinks no one is paying attention. They aren't mean looks, but it makes Max uncomfortable. Liam said as long as she doesn't say a thing to just ignore her.”

  “Oh my sweet Rose, you and me are gonna have some fun. I might never be invited back, but I hope you let everyone know I don't hold my tongue or back down from anyone.”

  Just then, Easton and Stella walked in. Rose stood next to me and I said, “So, we meet again, Mr. Kerrigan.”

  The look of confusion on Easton’s face is priceless. “Ms. Gallagher,” he said dryly.

  Stella stood sour faced by his side. “And you must be Stella. I've heard such nice things about you from everyone.” I didn't extend a handshake because let's face it, I hate bitches and this girl was a level twenty bitch on a scale one to ten. As we sat down to brunch, I sat in between Stacy and Michael. Conversation was casual and everyone was having a pleasant brunch when Isabel asked the questions that would have the shit hit the fan.

  "Ms. Gallagher, my mother says you're opening a Music Conservatory. When will you be opening it? I saw my mom’s sketches of what it's going look like, and I've been telling all the kids at school, even Jackson and Max want to come."

  I was happy the kids were excited. "Well, do you take lessons now?" I asked.

  "Yes, I take piano. Jax and Max both take guitar. The music program in our school is second to sports."

  "Ms. Gallagher, congratulations on finding a location for your music conservatory. I didn't think you would find another building so quickly. Where will your conservatory be located?" he asked with a grin, the cocky bastard.

  Deep, steady breaths, Kennedy. Show no emotion. “Yes, Mr. Kerrigan, I was very lucky,and I think I will be very happy in The Hope Theatre.” That’s when I let my grin spread across my face.

  I could see his knuckles going white as he gripped the fork.

  “It all happened very quickly! I signed the papers Wednesday morning and met with the contractor and his restoration team Wednesday afternoon. Stacy handled all the details for me.” I watched his head whip in Stacy’s direction.

  "I'm sorry you were so rudely interrupted Isabel, but to answer your question, I won't be opening till next September. It's going to take a full sixteen months to get the building finished. If it's ok with your parents, you and your brothers can come over a few days after school each week, and I will work on your instruments with you. I haven't had a chance to buy a piano yet,but I'm going to look this afternoon.”

  "Woot! Woot! Count me in!" Jax yelled. “You're hot I'm totally switching teachers!”

  And here comes strike one for Stella. “Well, there is a difference between someone who is a pianist and someone who plays the piano. I'm sure Sally plays the piano very well, but why lower your standards?”

  I somehow managed to keep a straight face. “She is correct Isabel; there is a difference between someone who plays the piano for recreation, and someone who has dedicated their life to their craft. See, if I was you, and I was looking for a new teacher here are some things I would ask. One, how long has your instructor played the piano? Two, what qualifies them to teach you how to be a better pianist? Three, can they give you any references and accreditations? Four, can you hear them play the Chopin Etude Op.10 No.3 in E Major? If they can do all four of those things, you're lucky.” I wink. The table was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

  “Isabel do you have anything to ask me?”

  "Yes", Isabel asked with hesitation. "Miss Gallagher how long have you been playing piano?”

  “So nice of you to ask, Isabel. I started playing when I was almost three. I'm twenty-four now, so that is twenty-one years. Anything else?”

  "Yes", Isabel smiled.

  "What qualifications do you have to teach me how to be a classical pianist?"

  "What an excellent question! Well, as I said, I have been playing the piano for twenty-one years. I was admitted to one of the world's top music conservatories at seventeen and completed my dual enrollment with two degrees. I have a Bachelor of Music Education (BME), which would allow me to teach music to grades Kindergarten through Twelfth grade, and a Bachelor of Music (BM), an intensive program that prepared me to be professional musicians.

  I graduated in the top one percent of my class with honors. I'm sure your next question is do I have any achievements. Well let's see, at seventeen, I played for the president of the United States at the White House. That was pretty awesome. At eighteen, I sold out five nights at Carnegie Hall for the New York City Schools Music fund. I've played with the New York symphony, the Boston Pops and on my nineteenth birthday, I played for the Prime Minister of England while he attended the White House correspondent’s dinner. I was going to play for the Queen but got a little busy and yes, before you ask I can play Chopin. If you had a piano I would gladly play after brunch.” I wink.

  “See, Stella gave you great advice.” I turned to finish my fritter. No one spoke, but I could hear the steam coming out of Stella's ears. Trying to defuse the situation, Mrs. Kerrigan asked who was ready for a treat as everyone started clearing the dishes.

  Michael leaned over and said, “You laid the smack down on her”. I just giggled. Everyone had a scone except for Stella. “Oh Easton, you shouldn't eat that. It's so fattening!” Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard and here comes strike two.

  “Oh Sadie, I love your dress. Who's it by?”

  “Lilly Pulitzer,” I answer.

  "Oh", she said. "Is that a plus size designer? They are so fashion forward these days. You can hardly tell anymore."

  I smiled, I was more shocked that no one was checking this bitch, but she had one more strike and then she was going to get hers. Michael and I sat whispering to each other when the third strike came.

  "Sarah", Stella said. I turn to face her. This bitch knows my name, but I see she thinks she is clever. "Who are your parents?"

  "My mother is a pre-k teacher, and my father works in a juice factory. They live on a fa
rm in rural southwest Florida.”

  Stella made that annoying sound in the back of her throat. I felt the sudden need to punch her in it and cut off her breathing, but I just turned back to Michael and continued my conversation.

  “Well, I can see why you have attached yourself to Michael. Gold diggers always go for the weakest link in a family.”

  I finally heard Easton speak, “Stella! Grab your stuff, I'm taking you home!” Stella was smiling from ear to ear.

  “No, please," I said. "Easton, please stay seated. Liam, Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Kerrigan, I just want to apologize ahead of time."

  I turned my focus on Stella and I smiled.

  "Stella, I know it's quite tacky to talk about money, but since you opened the door, let's chat openly. Stacy can tell you I purchased The Hope Building for three million dollars in cash. Rose has seen the contracts for the remodel and restoration of my building, which has a price tag of five million dollars for the first phase. I paid for that in cash. Also, an additional nine million dollars due in ninety days, but I will probably pay that tomorrow 'cause I don't like owing money. So, in the last week I have spent seventeen million dollars and didn’t even bat an eyelash. I didn't get any discounts or government grants. That seventeen million dollars came out of my very own pocket. So now, let’s discuss your finances since you seem to be all up in mine. How much are you worth?”

  Stella got that gleam in her eyes and started to say, “My family is worth…”

  “No, Stella, not your family. You! What is your personal net worth?”

  “Twenty million dollars!” She flipped her hair over her shoulders. “And your family's net worth, Stella?”

  “Seventy-five million dollars?”

  “Now that's really impressive! Ninety-five million dollars! So that makes you really, really rich! Wow!” Stella was preening like a peacock.

  "You know something interesting, Stella, with all that money, your twenty million and your dad's seventy-five million, I’m still fifty-five million dollars richer than you and your daddy combined. See my net worth is up in the one hundred-fifty million dollar range and that just what I have sitting about in my bank. That doesn't count some additional investments I have made that proved extremely profitable or the fact all it takes is one phone call, and I could be two hundred million dollars richer!”

  “Now, here is the part I apologized for earlier. You're an extremely beautiful young woman, even though everything about your looks is fake. You're not a real blonde, you have veneers and hair extensions. Your spray tan is a touch on the orange side, and your boobs are not even close to being proportionate to your body; and I'm assuming you're already on at least nose number two. You're wealthy, you have a handsome boyfriend, but yet you feel the need to make others feel small so you can feel better about yourself. It’s a mystery to me, but I suggest you seek some psychological help for your obvious personality disorder.”

  I pause before continuing “You know what happens to bored women with endless amount of money and low self-esteem they become obsessed with plastic surgery. In five years, I wouldn't be surprised if you look like the New York Cat Woman, but to top it off your personality sucks. You're mean to kids and you're disrespectful to the Kerrigan’s. You sit at this table as an invited guest and try to hold court in someone else's house, and the jackass next to you doesn't have backbone enough to say a word. I'm assuming that either you have a golden pussy or you suck dick so good it deserves a gold medal. So let me clarify this mix up; I could buy you and your daddy and still have millions left so if anyone is a gold digger here—it's you. I don't need Kerrigan money, but you keep giving blowjobs for Botox, it's worked for you so far.”

  She reached for her glass in an attempt to throw her drink in my face so I started laughing. Easton is holding her arm, as she turned red with fury.

  “Stella, before you even think of throwing that drink at me, rest assured by the time the liquid hits me, I am gonna be over that table bashing your face in. It's gonna take more than everyone in here to pull me off of you. So, if I were you I would stand up, thank the Kerrigan’s for a lovely meal and go about your business. I would hate to have to send you to the hospital on this fine Sunday.”

  Easton wrapped his hand around her arm and pulled her out of the chair and toward the door. Still no one said a word.

  "Well it's been a lovely brunch, thank you so much. I will just see myself out."

  ”Sit down, dear”, Shamus’s voice was loud and booming. Isabel, Jackson and Max started humming 'ding dong, the witch is dead' and the entire room erupted in a fit of laughter.

  "Holy shit! I have never in my life seen someone shred another person into ribbons without so much as raising their voice," Liam said.

  "I just want to apologize to everyone. I know there were kids here, but I just couldn't hold my tongue anymore. I don't like bullies."

  Easton's POV

  Holy shit! I was not expecting Siobhan Gallagher to be at my parent’s house. Her lavender and mint scent is making my dick hard. “Easton, Easton!” Oh god, please stop talking! Stella's annoying voice is grating on my nerves.

  “Who is that person?” she asked. I turned to Stella. “She wanted the Hope Theatre for some kind of music conservatory."

  Stella pouts;she thinks it’s cute,but it makes her look like a pug.“I told you I wanted that building as a wedding gift.”

  Wedding! This broad is as psychotic as they come. We have been each other’s plus one for few functions together, and she keeps hinting at marriage. I haven't even kissed her, and I'm not planning to.

  She doesn't know, but the whole game has changed since I set eyes on Siobhan. Poor Stella, little does she know her entire word is going to implode. Her father's empire is about to crumble. I've been working with the FBI & Homeland Security for the last eight months apparently. Edwin Mayò has been laundering money for all kinds of nasty organizations. I'm sure his little princess will be thrown to the wolves once all his assets are seized, and he is thrown in prison.

  I can't take my eyes off her. I wonder if she can feel me burning holes through the side of her head. Why won't she talk to me? She is all wrapped up in Michael. She touches his arm lightly. She doesn't like to touched, but she has touched Michael's arm twice. I don't like how comfortable they appear together. Did this motherfucker just pick an eyelash off her cheek? Why the fuck is he not on the floor in pain?

  I clear my throat ready to speak, but Isabel asks Siobhan a question about her music conservatory. I'm about to offer her The Hope Theatre when I hear she has found a location. How the fuck did I not know this? No property moves in Denver without a Kerrigan. I suddenly feel anxious thinking back to Friday when I looked at the property roster. I look down at her delicate hand. I bet her hand will feel like silk against my cock.

  Play it smooth Kerrigan, she probably hasn't signed anything, so with a grin on my face I congratulate her and ask about the location. Once I know which property, I will kill the deal. She appears stoic and then I see the mirror of the very grin I just had on my face and then the words came out her beautiful full lips.

  "Yes, I will be very happy at The Hope Theatre." I have underestimated my girl. It looks like she has out maneuvered me. Siobhan three—Easton zero.

  What the fuck did she just say? When she mentions Stacy I turn my focus to her, and I see that smug I got one over on you look. Oh, so my girl has two allies in Stacy and Michael. I plaster my fake smile on my face. Oh, my love, you might have won the battle, but not the war!

  What the fuck! Why is Stella still talking? Can't she just shut up? Then my girl lets her have it with a smile on her face. I can see Stella plotting her next move. I have a feeling Stella is well out of her depth. She has never battled against someone like Siobhan. Hmm...Siobhan Kerrigan, I like the sound of that. My mom asks if I want a scone with my coffee, she is excited because Siobhan made them.

  Damn there she goes again. I'm just trying to enjoy this and Stella is once again running her mouth,
trying to imply my girl is fat. Siobhan’s body a thing of beauty; she is tall, with soft round curves. She covers her body, but I have felt what she is hiding underneath. Soft breasts I could use as pillows and an ass I can grab on to. The thought of sliding into her from behind has my brain short-circuiting. My girl just ignores the dig. I have to find the perfect ring for Siobhan. It should be gigantic so everyone sees and knows she's mine. She doesn't know it yet but we will be getting married as soon as possible. Wait, what the hell did she just say? I'm in a ginger induced coma so whatever Stella just said I only heard gold digger. Well time to go. I'm ready to drop her off and come back; I need to talk to my girl alone.

  "No, please stay seated." Holy shit, she is smiling at me and then she turns her attention to Stella.

  Did she just say she is worth a hundred and fifty million dollars? How does a teacher and a factory worker’s kid have a hundred and fifty million dollars? I’m gonna have to get the guys to run a background check on her. Hold on,did she just call me a jackass? I see Stella’s hand move to throw her drink, and I grab her arm. Not for Siobhan's safety but for Stella's. I have seen firsthand what my woman is capable of. I know by the look in her eyes that Siobhan will have no issue beating the hell out of Stella, and my girl will not be going to jail today.

  I hurry Stella out of the house and into my car. She starts screaming how I didn't defend her from my family and that they hate her. I stay silent because my family does hate her. Stella is the opposite of what my family would welcome as an addition to the family. I drop Stella off as she stomps and slams the door. I peel out trying to make it back to the estate before she leaves.

  When I arrive, I realize her truck is gone. I need to explain to my parents why the hell I keep bringing Stella around. When I make it into the den, my parents are waiting for me. I know by the look on my mom’s face she is done with excuses. Therefore, I tell them everything; how I'm helping bring down Edwin Mayò, how Stella ties into the whole situation, but most importantly how I plan to make Siobhan mine.


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